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Name: Kyla Mae M.

Jumarito Level 3 Block CCC Group L Date: October 22, 2023

The Impact Of Distractions And Interruptions In The Operating Room On Patient

Safety And The Operating Room Team: An Integrative Review

The operating room (OR) is a unique and complex environment where precision and focused
attention are crucial for successful surgical outcomes. However, amidst this demanding setting,
distractions and interruptions can exert a profound impact on patient safety and the overall
effectiveness of the operating room team. This integrative review aims to provide a comprehensive
analysis of the multifaceted nature of distractions and interruptions in the OR, shedding light on their
implications for patient safety and teamwork.

Distractions in the OR refer to stimuli that divert attention from planned activities, while
interruptions involve the cessation of ongoing tasks in response to an external demand. These
unwanted occurrences can arise from various sources such as pagers, phone calls, equipment
malfunctions, noise, conversations among team members, or even personal stressors. During
surgical procedures, effective teamwork is crucial, as it fosters clear communication, coordination,
and mutual support. However, when distractions and interruptions infiltrate this cooperative
environment, they can erode team cohesion and undermine the collective efficacy of the OR team.
Consequently, these disruptions inhibit the seamless exchange of critical information and hinder the
establishment of shared mental models. Addressing the issue of distractions and interruptions
requires a multifaceted approach that combines individual and systemic interventions. At the
individual level, cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness among healthcare professionals may
facilitate their ability to resist distractions and maintain focus. Furthermore, ensuring an environment
conducive to concentration, such as implementing noise reduction measures and minimizing
unnecessary interruptions, can help mitigate the impact of external disturbances. Additionally,
establishing strict protocols for the use of personal electronic devices and effective communication
strategies can enhance teamwork and reduce the occurrence of disruptions in the OR.

Distractions and interruptions in the operating room pose significant risks to patient safety
and the functioning of the OR team. Acknowledging the multifaceted nature of these disruptions is
crucial for devising comprehensive strategies that address both the individual and systemic
components. By fostering a culture of attentiveness, implementing effective communication
channels, and optimizing the operating room environment, healthcare institutions can protect
patients, support their surgical teams, and ensure the delivery of exceptional surgical care.

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