CFE 106a Journal 2

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CFE 106a Journal

Name: Brian Nathaniel J. Medina Journal 1, 2nd Term Room: JVD 208

Title : “Who is/are my neighbor/s?”

1. Who among the characters in the Parable of the Good Samaritan do you identify yourself with?

In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, the character I identify myself with is the Samaritan. Like
the Samaritan, I strive to show compassion and love towards others, regardless of their
background or circumstances. I believe in the importance of reaching out to those in need,
offering assistance, and being a good neighbor to all. Just as the Samaritan went above and
beyond to help the wounded man, I aim to extend kindness, mercy, and practical help to those
who are hurting or marginalized in society. This parable reminds me of the call to love my
neighbor as myself and to actively live out the teachings of Jesus in my daily life.

2. In your workplace, who among them can you consider as your neighbor/s? Why?

In my school, I consider all my classmates and teachers as my neighbors. This is because the
concept of "neighbor" extends beyond just the people who live physically close to us. As
Christians, we are called to love and care for others, and that includes those we interact with in
our school community.

Classmates are like neighbors because we spend a significant amount of time together,
studying, learning, and growing. We have the opportunity to support and encourage one another,
just as neighbors do. We can show kindness, respect, and compassion towards each other,
fostering a sense of community and friendship.

Teachers are also our neighbors in school. They provide guidance, knowledge, and support in
our educational journey. They invest their time and efforts into helping us learn and develop as
individuals. We can show gratitude, respect, and cooperation towards our teachers, recognizing
their role as valuable members of our school community.

By considering both classmates and teachers as neighbors, we can cultivate an environment of

care, empathy, and unity within our school, reflecting the teachings of Jesus to love our
neighbors as ourselves.
CFE 106a Journal

Name: Brian Nathaniel J. Medina Journal 2, 2nd Term Room: JVD 208

Title : “Am I my neighbor/s keeper?”

1. How can you awaken your desire to serve your neighbors with honesty and kindness?

To awaken my desire to serve my neighbors with honesty and kindness, there are several steps I
can take:

1. Reflect on the teachings of Jesus: By regularly studying and meditating on the teachings of
Jesus, particularly the commandments to love our neighbors and serve others, I can reinforce
the importance of serving with honesty and kindness in my mind and heart.

2. Cultivate empathy: Developing empathy allows me to better understand the needs and
experiences of others. I can engage in activities that promote empathy, such as listening
actively, putting myself in others' shoes, and seeking to understand their perspectives. This
empathy will fuel my desire to serve others with honesty and kindness, as I genuinely care about
their well-being.

3. Practice selflessness: Serving others requires selflessness and a willingness to prioritize their
needs above our own. I can practice selflessness by intentionally looking for opportunities to
help, support, or encourage others without expecting anything in return. By focusing on the well-
being of my neighbors, I can develop a genuine desire to serve them with honesty and kindness.

4. Start small and be consistent: Serving others doesn't always have to be grand gestures. It can
begin with small acts of kindness in our daily interactions. By consistently showing honesty and
kindness in my words and actions, even in simple ways like offering a listening ear, helping with
a task, or showing appreciation, I can build a habit of service that becomes natural and sincere.

5. Engage in service opportunities: Actively seeking out service opportunities, both within my
school and in the broader community, can further awaken my desire to serve with honesty and
kindness. Joining volunteer organizations, participating in community service projects, or
initiating acts of kindness in my school or neighborhood can provide practical outlets for
serving others and reinforce the value of honesty and kindness in my service.

By combining these steps, I can awaken and nurture a genuine desire to serve my neighbors
with honesty and kindness, making it an integral part of my Christian faith and daily life.

2. In what way can you participate in the Church's mission to the lost, last, and the least of your

To participate in the Church's mission to the lost, last, and the least of my neighbors, there are
several ways I can get involved:

1. Outreach programs: Many churches have outreach programs that specifically aim to serve
marginalized or vulnerable populations in the community. I can participate in these programs by
volunteering my time, skills, or resources. This may involve activities such as providing food and
shelter for the homeless, visiting the sick and elderly, mentoring at-risk youth, or assisting
refugees and immigrants.

2. Community engagement: Actively engaging with the local community allows me to identify
the needs of those who may be considered "lost, last, and least." This could involve
collaborating with local organizations or social service agencies that focus on helping
individuals and families facing challenges such as poverty, addiction, or domestic violence. By
volunteering or supporting these initiatives, I can contribute to the Church's mission of reaching
out to those in need.

3. Advocacy and justice work: The Church has a responsibility to speak up for justice and
advocate for those who are oppressed or marginalized. I can participate in advocacy efforts by
raising awareness about social issues, supporting campaigns for human rights and equality, or
engaging in peaceful protests and demonstrations when appropriate. By being a voice for the
voiceless, I contribute to the mission of the Church to bring justice and compassion to all

4. Prayer and spiritual support: One crucial way to participate in the Church's mission is through
prayer and spiritual support. I can pray for individuals who are suffering, marginalized, or
searching for meaning in their lives. Additionally, I can offer spiritual guidance, encouragement,
and support to those who are seeking solace or guidance. By being present for others and
sharing the love and hope found in Christ, I can actively participate in the Church's mission to
reach the lost and offer spiritual support to the least of my neighbors.

Ultimately, participating in the Church's mission to the lost, last, and the least involves actively
engaging with my community, advocating for justice, providing practical assistance, and
offering spiritual support. Through these actions, I can embody the teachings of Jesus and fulfill
the call to love and serve others as part of my Christian faith.

3. In what way do you recognize the face of God in those who are affected by the pandemic and
other related calamities?

In recognizing the face of God in those affected by the pandemic and other related calamities, I
believe it's important to see God's presence and character reflected in their experiences and
responses. Here are a few ways in which I can recognize the face of God:
1. Compassion and empathy: When I witness individuals or communities impacted by the
pandemic or other calamities, I can recognize the face of God in the compassion and empathy
that arise within people's hearts. God is a God of compassion, and seeing others respond with
love, kindness, and a genuine desire to alleviate suffering reflects God's character.

2. Resilience and strength: Despite the challenges and hardships faced by those affected, I can
recognize the face of God in their resilience and strength. God is a source of strength and
refuge, and when individuals persevere, maintain hope, and support one another amidst difficult
circumstances, they reflect the resilience that God provides.

3. Acts of service and generosity: In times of crisis, many people step forward to help others
selflessly. When I witness acts of service and generosity towards those impacted by the
pandemic or calamities, I can recognize the face of God in those individuals. God's love is often
manifested through the hands and hearts of people who extend themselves to alleviate
suffering and provide support to others.

4. Solidarity and community: The pandemic and calamities have highlighted the importance of
community and the interconnectedness of humanity. When individuals come together, support
one another, and stand in solidarity with those affected, I can recognize the face of God. God is
present in the bonds of unity and the shared responsibility to care for one another.

5. Hope and faith: Even in the face of adversity, people often find solace and hope through their
faith. When individuals affected by the pandemic or calamities demonstrate unwavering faith,
trusting in God's provision and guidance, I can recognize the face of God. Their faith reminds me
that God walks alongside them, providing comfort and hope in difficult times.

By recognizing these qualities and responses in those affected by the pandemic and calamities,
I can see the face of God shining through their experiences. It reminds me of God's presence in
the midst of suffering, and it encourages me to join in God's work of compassion, support, and
restoration in the lives of those affected.
CFE 106a Journal

Name: Brian Nathaniel J. Medina Journal 3, 2nd Term Room: JVD 208

Title: Yes,Lord!

1. Did you become a good neighbor in your workplace? How?

Yes, I became a good neighbor in my school. I believe in the importance of creating a positive
and supportive environment for everyone within the school community.

To become a good neighbor, I made an effort to be friendly and approachable to my fellow

students and staff members. I greeted people with a smile, engaged in conversations, and
showed genuine interest in getting to know them. By being warm and welcoming, I aimed to
create a sense of camaraderie and inclusivity.

I also made an effort to be helpful and supportive whenever I could. If I noticed someone
struggling with their schoolwork or facing challenges, I offered my assistance. Whether it was
explaining a difficult concept, sharing study resources, or simply being a listening ear, I was
there to lend a helping hand. I believe that by supporting and uplifting others, we can all thrive
and succeed together.

Furthermore, I actively participated in school activities and events. Whether it was joining clubs,
sports teams, or volunteering for initiatives, I sought opportunities to contribute to the school
community. By actively engaging in these activities, I fostered a sense of belonging and unity
among my peers.

In addition, I maintained a respectful and considerate attitude towards others. I treated everyone
with kindness, empathy, and respect, regardless of their background or differences. I believe
that fostering a culture of respect and understanding is essential for a harmonious and inclusive
school environment.

Overall, by being friendly, helpful, engaged, and respectful, I strived to be a good neighbor in my
school. I aimed to create a positive and supportive atmosphere where everyone felt valued and
connected, contributing to a thriving and enriching educational experience for all.

2. Did you reach out wholeheartedly without hesitations to the need/s of your neighbor? How?

Yes, I reached out wholeheartedly without hesitation to the needs of my neighbor. I believe in
the importance of being a caring and compassionate member of my community, and helping
others in need is a top priority for me.
To reach out to my neighbor's needs, I first took the time to observe and understand their
situation. I approached them with empathy, genuinely listening to their concerns and trying to
comprehend their specific needs. By actively listening, I was able to identify the areas where I
could offer support or assistance.

Once I understood their needs, I offered my help in a way that was practical and meaningful.
This could have involved anything from providing emotional support and lending a listening ear,
to offering physical help such as running errands, assisting with household chores, or even
providing financial aid if necessary.

Furthermore, I made sure to approach the situation with a non-judgmental mindset, respecting
their privacy and autonomy. I focused on building trust and maintaining open lines of
communication, allowing them to feel comfortable reaching out to me whenever they needed

Overall, my approach was characterized by genuine care, empathy, and a willingness to lend a
helping hand. I believe that by reaching out wholeheartedly, I was able to make a positive impact
in the life of my neighbor and contribute to a stronger and more supportive community.

3. Are you truthful in doing your activities to promote a balanced life?

Yes, I am truthful in doing my activities to promote a balanced life. I believe in the importance of
honesty and integrity when it comes to self-care and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

To ensure I am truthful in my actions, I strive to align my activities with my values and goals. I
take the time to reflect on what truly matters to me and what brings me joy and fulfillment. By
being honest with myself about my needs and desires, I can make informed decisions about
how to prioritize my time and energy.

I also recognize the significance of setting realistic expectations and boundaries. I am honest
with myself about what I can realistically achieve and the limitations I may have. This helps me
avoid overcommitting or spreading myself too thin, which can lead to imbalance and burnout.

Additionally, I am honest with others about my commitments and boundaries. I communicate

openly and respectfully with friends, family, and colleagues, setting clear expectations and being
transparent about my availability. This ensures that I can dedicate time to the activities that
promote balance in my life without neglecting my responsibilities or overextending myself.

Overall, by being truthful and authentic in my actions, I strive to create a lifestyle that promotes
balance, well-being, and fulfillment in all areas of my life.

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