SWP CHECKLISTS - Non Critical Critical Lift

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Safe Work Practices Checklist format for Lifting ( Non critical & critical lifts):

Description of activity: Date of activity:

Executing division: Executor name:

Location (Site / Dept./ Div./Unit): Work Permit Number:

Implementation status (Yes / NA)
SWP Control measures
Sr.# Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date:

1. Inspection, routine checks, and periodic certification shall be carried

out for all lifting appliances and tackles, as per KNPC IC-16
Procedure (Inspection and Testing of Lifting Appliances)
2 Lifting appliances and lifting tackles shall have KNPC approved Third
Party Certificate
3 Functional Inspection & Test’ for KNPC-owned and contractor-
supplied lifting appliances (i.e. mobile cranes, aerial working
platform, forklift, re-lamping truck, scissors lift) shall be in accordance
with KNPC Procedure IC-16
4 All lifting appliances and tackles shall have a permanent and legible
distinguishing mark or symbols for the proper identification with the
‘Certificate of Test’
5 Lifting appliances and lifting tackles shall have the periodic colour
code as given in the figure below
6 Rigging Engineer, PD Construction Engineers for rigging activities,
rigging supervisor, riggers, crane operators, and all operators of
mobile lifting equipment shall be trained and certified by KNPC
approved Third Party Agency (TPA)
7 A rigging plan, which is a minimum requirement, shall be prepared
for all lifting activities (critical and non-critical lifts) by the Rigging
8 The rigging plan for all critical lifts (simple, complicated and
complex / heavy lifts) shall be approved by the Rigging Engineer for
refineries or Construction Engineer for Projects Department.
9 Rigging plan for non-critical prepared and signed by the Rigging
10 Method statement prepared for all Critical lifts (Simple, Complicated,
Complex / Heavy lifts)
11 The Risk Assessment and Mitigating measures available on Method
Statement and considered in place of Work Permit Risk Assessment
requirement for all Critical lifts (Simple, complicated, complex/heavy
12 Adequate spreader mat will be minimum 3 inch thick hardwood,
tightly spaced (no gaps)
13 Trained and approved Riggers shall be assigned on the job and
wears a florescent jacket for easy visibility
14 Communication equipment (radios) shall be used when the rigger
cannot give clear signals to the operator due to obstructions, height,
or distance and when the crane operator can't see the load

Above-mentioned hazard control measures reviewed, resources required for implementing control measures (including PPE) available. By the implementation of above-mentioned
control measures the risk is reduced to acceptable level.

Initial control measures (control measures which are required to be implemented before starting the work) are implemented and subsequent control measures (control measures which
can be implemented at the time of work execution) will be implemented.
Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date:

Name of Executor:
Signature of Executor:

Source document for this Checklist (Name of SWP / Safety Guideline): Safe Work Practices on Lifting Appliances and Tackles; Ref. # HSE-TSSA-06-2012

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