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Unraveling the Challenges: Factors Affecting Junior High

School Students' Struggles in Studying Science Subjects


game-based learning and

play-based teaching strategies for enhancing academic performance in studying chemistry
average (pretest) (post-test)
pre-test average of 85 and below

traditional and play-based

play-based strategies in teaching physics in enhancing the academic performance of grade 10

Students in physics
The result of the study
Method experimental
Quantitative method quasi-experimental design
Two sections of grade 10 students
Choose of respondents
School setting (public school in Bulakan)
Data gathering pre-test and post-test (questionnaire)
Independent variable play-based strategist
Dependent academic performance
Conceptual framework (IVDV)

RRL play-based
Social learning theory (play-based)
is there a significant effect between the scores of the respondents
Gen prob how may the effect of play-based teaching strategies in enhancing the academic
performance of grade 10 students, specifically this study seeks answers to the ff questions
1. What is the pre-test scores of the control and experimental group
2. What are the post-test scores of a control group using traditional teaching strategies

3. What is the post-test score of the experimental group using play-based strategies

4. Is there a significant difference in the scores of control and experimental group

among grade 10 students in enhancing the ac
pre-test and post-test (same)


Science education is the bedrock of critical thinking, problem-solving, and a profound world

understanding. For junior high school students, it represents a pivotal stage in their educational

journey where they are introduced to a diverse spectrum of science subjects ranging from

biology and chemistry to physics and earth sciences. Acquiring scientific knowledge during this

phase is not merely academic; it lays the foundation for informed citizenship, fosters an

appreciation for empirical reasoning, and nurtures the intellectual skills required for success in

the modern world.

Despite the noble objectives of science education, an undeniable challenge prevails in the

struggles encountered by junior high school students while studying science subjects. This

predicament transcends mere academic concerns, as it holds profound implications for a student's

confidence, engagement with learning, and potential contributions to society. As educators and

stakeholders grapple with this issue, unraveling the intricate web of challenges that impede

students' progress in science becomes increasingly crucial.

The title of this research, "Unraveling the Challenges: Factors Affecting Junior High School

Students' Struggles in Studying Science Subjects," encapsulates the central mission of our study.

We embark on an ambitious quest to dissect and comprehend the multifaceted factors that

contribute to the difficulties faced by junior high school students when studying science subjects.

This research is not a mere exploration of surface-level issues; instead, it is an endeavor to dig

deep, peeling back the layers that obscure the root causes of these struggles. We seek to unearth
the hidden barriers, question conventional wisdom, and scrutinize the educational ecosystem

surrounding these students. By doing so, we hope to provide an illuminating perspective beyond

symptoms to reveal the fundamental forces at play.

Our inquiry will traverse various influences, encompassing pedagogical methods, curriculum

design, resource availability, student motivation, socio-economic disparities, and the roles played

by parents and peers. These elements collectively constitute the educational landscape in which

junior high school students grapple with science subjects, and each factor contributes to the

complex tapestry of challenges they face.

Moreover, our research aspires to be more than a diagnostic exercise; it is a call to action. By

identifying these challenges and their interconnections, we aim to offer evidence-based

recommendations and insights that can inform educators, school administrators, policymakers,

and all stakeholders involved in science education. Our ultimate goal is to pave the way for

transformative improvements in the learning experience of junior high school students, enabling

them to navigate the realm of science with confidence and competence.

In the following sections, we will explore the factors contributing to junior high school students'

struggles in studying science subjects. We will explore their individual and collective impacts,

striving to provide a comprehensive understanding of this critical issue. Through this endeavor,

we hope to contribute to the academic discourse and the broader mission of fostering a

generation of scientifically literate individuals who can confront the intricacies of our evolving

world with knowledge and resilience.


In this statement of the problem, we will outline the key issues and questions that this study aims
to address. By comprehensively examining these challenges, we can pave the way for targeted
interventions and improvements in junior high schools' teaching and learning of science subjects.

And we have a different type of struggles that the students experience: time management, and
vocabulary and terminologies, experimental and technical skills, complex concept, and abstract

This research aims to dive into the many elements contributing to junior high school students'
difficulties when learning scientific courses. We identify and understanding these factors is
essential to devising effective strategies to enhance science education at this critical stage of a
student's academic journey.

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