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today, many people prefer and show great interest in science, technology

and business than in art. why is this so?

firstly, many artists and their works of art devalued all art, because many
contemporaries began to create and invent all sorts of nonsense. and
because of this it loses value
secondly, many people do not understand the subtlety of art. so they are
not interested in it.
well, this problem can be solved, that is, attracting people to art in
various ways:
firstly, you can organize various exhibitions and events. this can provide
the public with the opportunity to enjoy art live.
secondly, you can arrange interactive installations. this means collecting
and creating interactive installations that invite viewers to interact with
the work. this will clearly pique their interest
thirdly, organize thematic events. that is, to host events that focus on
specific themes or styles of art. people will try and most likely the
process will be exciting for them.
It is also important to maintain an open and attentive dialogue with
people to understand their interests and preferences.
In conclusion, I want to say that any type of art is alive as long as it has
viewers and people who are interested in it. so I think there is no
particular need to promote art

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