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Confucianism Day 1 General Goal: Students should understand the basic teachings of Confucius and be able to interpret some

of Confucius' Analects. Relevant Curriculum Frameworks: WHI.23 Summarize the major reasons for the continuity of Chinese civilization through the 19th century. (H) A. the role of kinship and Confucianism in maintaining order and hierarchy C. the role of civil servants/scholars in maintaining a stable political and economic order Behavioral Objectives: Students will be able to identify major Confucius teachings, including Confucius' ideas about social order and government Students will be able to interpret Confucius Analects Basic Teaching Steps: Introductory Activity: Students will be asked to reflect on the following question in their notebook (it will be written on the board when the students come in): What is a philosophy? How is philosophy different than religion? (3 min) After students have had a chance to reflect, I'll explain to the class that during the next week we will be going over the major philosophies in China. Today we will start with Confucianism. For homework the previous night the students will have filled in a chart using the text book. The chart asks the students to identify ideas about society/order and government for Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. Students should get this chart out and they can reference it as I give them notes on the board about Confucianism. The notes will include what they read in the book but also add to and clarify ideas they read about. As I write notes, I will also ask questions to the class. (20 min) After students have taken notes on the basics of Confucianism I will quickly get them in groups with the students near them. I'll hand each group a piece of Big paper and markers (1 for each person). Each piece of paper will have a different Confucius Analect. The students are to have a silent discussion in their groups, by writing their thoughts, impressions, interpretations and reactions on the paper. After students have had a few minutes with their analect, the groups will rotate paper. This will repeat until the students have had time to see most of the Analects. (20 min) As the students write, I will wander the room, reading the groups impressions. After the activity is completed I will take the opportunity to point out some ideas that I think are through provoking or insightful. I will also give the students a chance to react to both the activity and the analects. The students will share their impressions of the analects as a whole with the class. They can also chose to speak to a particular analect they were struck by. (Wrap-UP) (7 min) Materials: Notebooks Philosophy Chart Analects Big Paper Markers

Evaluation Procedure: Students will be assessed on their participation in their small groups. All students will have a marker and be expected to participate in the silent discussion for each analect.

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