1MIS - Computer System

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Management Information Systems

Unit 1: Computer System

Management Information System

Computer System

Venue: Liberty College, Anamnagar, KTM

Date: 18th July 2016

By: Laxman Pokhrel, BBA-MIS

Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
• Introduction to computer technology,
• Types of Computer Systems,
• Computer System Concepts,
• Memory (Primary Storage, Secondary Storage,
• CPU- Central Processing Unit,
• Hardware (Input Devices, Output Devices),
• Software and its Classification
Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
Introduction to computer technology
• Computer is a human made technological
• Advanced electronic device
• Takes raw data as input from the user and processes
these data under the control of set of instructions
(called program) and gives the result (output) and
saves output for the future use.
• It can process both numerical and non-numerical
(arithmetic and logical) calculations.
• Accepts data- processes data- produces output-
stores results
Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
Computer history

Premechanical:- 3000 B.C. - 1450 A.D.

• First humans communicated only through speaking and simple drawings
known as petroglyths (signs or simple figures carved in rock).
Mechanical:- 1450 – 1840A.D.
• The development of book indexes and the widespread use of page numbers.
The first general purpose "computers".
Electromechanical:- 1840 – 1940A.D.
• The discovery of ways to harness electricity was the key advance made during
this period. Knowledge and information could now be converted into electrical
Electronic:- 1940 A.D.- Present
• Modern development in technology.
Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
Computer System Concepts
• Computer System Concepts,
• Hardware = Internal Devices + Peripheral Devices
All physical parts of the computer (or everything that we
can touch) are known as Hardware.
• Software = Programs
Software gives "intelligence" to the computer.
• USER = Person, who operates computer.
Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
Computer System Concepts

Unit ALU
Input Output
Devices Registers Devices

Storage Communication

Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
Types of Computer Systems
• On the basis of work
• On the basis of size
• On the basis of brand
• On the basis of model
Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
Types of Computer Systems
Types of Computers

On the basis of

Analog Digital Hybrid

On the basis of On the basis of On the basis of

Size Model Brand

Super XT IBM PC/ Branded

Mainframe AT IBM Compatible
Mini PS/2 Apple/Macintosh
Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
Computer Memory
• Primary Memory
• Random Access Memory (RAM)
• Read Only Memory (ROM )
• Cache Memory
• Secondary Memory
• Magnetic tape
• Magnetic Storage Device
• Optical Storage Device
• Flash Disk
• Memory Cards and Cartridges
Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
Central Processing Unit
• A microprocessor that executes instructions to
perform processing tasks. CPU consists of:
• Control Unit
• Arithmetic-Logic Unit
• Registers Control
Unit ALU
• Primary Storage

Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
Computer Hardware
• Hardware
• Input Devices
• Human-oriented
• Automated
• Output Devices
• Monitors
• Printers
• Voice
• Multimedia
Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System
Computer Software
• System software
• Operating System Software
• Device Driver
• Utility Software
• Language Translator
• Application software
• Packaged Software
• Customized or Tailored Software
• Open Source Software
• Freeware, Shareware
Management Information Systems
Unit 1: Computer System

Next Class suggested reading for Quiz: Introduction and

Computer System
Knowledge base questions
• What is the strategic use of Software in Business?
• What is the strategic use of Hardware in Business?
Submit answers both electronic and the printed format
by next class (24th July 2016). Typed, Times New Roman
font, 12” font size, 1” margin each side. Avoid plagiarism

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