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University of Technology, Jamaica

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
The Language, Technology and Research Centre
Academic Writing II, Semester I 2016 -2017

The Case Study, Assignment 1C - 30% Time: 1hr. 30 mins.

Name: _____________________________ Lecturer: ____________________________
ID#: ___________________________ Class day/time: _______________________
SECTION A – 22 marks

Instructions: Read the following scenario and answer ALL the questions which follow.

1. She sat quietly in the front pew among the other sisters, resplendent in white, waiting for the
service to begin. Sister Sharpe on the old pedal organ labored to squeeze out the strains of
“There was One who was willing.” It increased her unease at being there this Sunday and taking
part in the service. She knew she did not belong there. She was barely willing to go against the
flood of guilt and numbness after that talk with Archdeacon Kelly and his words about being
“faithful and just”. He had assured her that, “Those who love God and love others, as the word
teaches, deserve to be happy and blessed. I know from what you told me that you love the Lord
and you love this young man despite the problems it has caused. He continued, perhaps to have
her acknowledge his statement but she could not bring herself to utter the words. Her tears said
all. “I know you are”. His tone was sympathetic. “And that is why you deserve to be happy. You
are blessed of God my child.”

2. Archdeacon Kelly had made the situation seem so manageable when he assured her that no
problem has simple true or false answers but despite its complexities there is always a viable
solution if one takes the time to think it through carefully. “Have you shared this ‘problem’ with
you mother and asked her for help?” he quietly probed, careful not to repeat the ‘problem’ she
had just confided in him.
“No she whispered”, avoiding his eyes, “Mama always side with Papa”.
“It seems to me that if you are not ready to share it with your family you could appeal to the
young man to delay his action. If one ways is not feasible then you should seek another viable

3. “That is just it”. Her voice quivered and her tears began to flow. “Him determined to confront
Papa, and you know what kind of man my father is.” Now her muffled cry spiked into a wail. The
archdeacon shuffled forward in his chair and held her hand. “It will be all right, my dear. To be
fair, you must consider your father’s concerns. He has invested time and money in training you
to be a junior nurse. Can you see how he could be upset?” Cassie did not answer but only shook

her head. “By God’s grace where there is a will, there is a way. I will go see the young
man. What is his name?”
“Hitch….I mean they call him Hitch but his real name is Stone.”

4. So here she was in church early, but the fear and numbness would not leave her. She
felt that impending disaster was closing in on her and she felt powerless to avoid it. If
only what was done could remain done but Stone was determined and strong-headed.
She had been to see him, telling her mother she was going to collect her new uniforms.
She did not intend to enter his single room where everything was so scrupulously neat
and in place. “Cassie, yu… yu… you know how me feel about you. Sometimes me feel
like me breath goin stop and my heart a go just bur…ber…bur… burst.” He
had spoken like this before. He had been trying for years to get approval from her father
but Maas Banny would not entertain him. In fact, Stone had just escaped with his life
when Maas Banny drew his cutlass and chased him out of his yard. His bank book,
evidence that he was ready to take care of Cassie, flying out of his breast pocket as the
younger man retreated for his life, the older man shouting after him, “You tink any Tom,
Dick or Harry can just force himself into dis family!!”

5. So as the twilight faded Cassie was standing outside Stone’s house, her uniforms folded
in a neat package under her arm. Stone’s demeanor was frenetic and Cassie could not
help but pity him. “Him have t…t…t.. know how you feel about me and that me love
you,” Stone continued like a defeated man. “I love you Cassie” he kept repeating as he
moved forward and embraced her. She heard herself saying, “It is not so
simple…everybody could get hurt…We have…to be careful.” But the embrace was
blissful and when he swept her up and took her inside, her package fell to the ground
and Stone stepped on it but that did not matter. Nothing else would matter after that.

6. Now, as she sat in white among the sisters, she hoped that the Arch Deacon had been
able to prevail on one of the two strong men in her life. “Worthy! Worthy is the Lamb
that was slain …” As the song droned on, she looked out the window and for the first
time noticed her father’s Morris Marina motor car parked under the Number eleven
mango tree where he always parked. The next thing she noticed was when Maas Banny
came into the church and headed towards the front where she sat. She was puzzled.
The expression on his face was inscrutable until she saw her beloved Stone, bold as
brass, standing at the back door of the church, resolute and defiant. She wanted to bolt
out the side door but her feet were not willing and she felt rooted. He was up on her
now. That face – strict to rule and severe to punish - bent low over her. “Get up”, he
sneered. “You not worthy”. There would be one empty place at the communion today.

1. Identify the characteristic of the critical thinker is displayed by Cassie in the passage? [2

2. What is the issue that Cassie contemplates in Sections 2 and 3 of the passage? [1 Mark]

3. Identify ONE clear assumption which may be inferred from Cassie’s father’s statement
at the end of Section 4. [2 Marks]

4. List TWO facts which are evident in the passage. [1 Mark]


5. List TWO opinions which are evident in the passage. [1 Mark]


6. Identify by name and construct the type of argument used by Archdeacon Kelly to Cassie
in Section 1 of the passage. [3 Marks]

7. Identify by name and construct the type of argument used by Stone to Cassie in Section
4 of the passage. [3 Marks]

8. Explain with evidence which character displays good ethos appeal in the passage. [3

9. Explain with TWO pieces of evidence one speaker who has strong pathos appeal. [3

10. Construct a deductive argument from Mass Banny’s perspective which concludes that
Cassie is not worthy to take the communion. [3 Marks]

SECTION B – 8 marks

Examine the image below and answer the following questions

(a) Clearly state the claim being presented in the image [2 Marks]
(b) Comment on the effectiveness of the image in making the argument you constructed in (a) [2 Marks]
(c) Identify the target audience [1 Mark]
(d) State what assumptions are being made about the target audience? [3 Marks]



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