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Grade: 5th Section: L24

Student Target: Write sentences
about things you have
planned to do in the future.


Look at the picture, what do you think this girl is

going to do?
Mira la imagen, ¿Qué piensas tú que esta niña va a

Read and practise the following short dialog:

 Look, Karen is going to sing!

 No, she isn´t. She is going to play the piano.
 Is she going to play classical music?
 Yes, she is. She will be a good musician.


Look at the following situations. (mira las siguientes situaciones).

We use GOING TO when we know what is going to happen, or we think the other person
knows what is going to happen. (usamos GOING TO cuando sabemos lo que va a ocurrir, o
pensamos que la otra persona sabe que va a ocurrir).
Write the following answers to the questions What is going to happen? (¿qué va a ocurrir?)

a. She / play / the guitar b. He / not play / the drums

He is not going to play the
She is going to play the guitar. drums.
Ella va a tocar la guitarra. Él no va a tocar la batería.

c. He / read / a book d. He / watch / TV

e. She / not do / her f. I / do / my homework


sing (cantar)
I am going to sing Am I going to sing? I am not going to sing
You are going to sing Are you going to sing? You are not going to sing
He is going to sing Is he going to sing? He is not going to sing
She is going to sing Is she going to sing? She is not going to sing
It is going to sing Is it going to sing? It is not going to sing
We are going to sing Are we going to sing? We are not going to sing
You are going to sing Are you going to sing? You are not going to sing
They are going to sing Are they going to sing? They are not going to sing
It is common to use contractions with pronouns and be.

Example: She is going to have a baby = She´s going to have a baby

They are going to play voleyball = They’re going to play voleyball


We use going to when we have intentions, have made plans to do something or we know
something is going to happen (usamos going to cuando tenemos intenciones, hecho planes
para hacer algo o sabemos que algo va a ocurrir).

PRACTISE What´s going to happen? Write sentences according to the pictures. Escribe
oraciones de acuerdo a las imágenes.


He’s going to score a goal (él va a anotar un gol)

a. ____________________________________________


Answer the following questions:

a. What are you going to do tomorrow?

b. What film are you going to watch next Saturday?

c What course are you going to study next Monday?

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