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Grade: 5th Section: L19

Student Target: Identify possible
meanings of words by the

1. The story of the Titanic is one of the biggest maritime disasters in history. How much do you
know about that ship?

 Who made that ship?

 Where was it traveling to?
 How many people were there? Did anyone survive this disaster?

2. Read the following text and put it in chronological order. Use a number for each paragraph.
Then, confirm your answer to the previous questions.

Two days later, just before Even today grandparents remember

midnight, the ship was traveling too sad stories about that tragic
fast at a speed of 22 knots. accident. For example: they tell how
Suddenly, it “struck” an iceberg and Captain Smith stayed on the ship and the
“punctured” five of the compartments. The band kept on playing while it was sinking.
ship sank in less than three hours. Unluckly,
1,513 people died because there weren´t
enough lifeboats for everybody.

In September 1985 an American-

French scientific expedition located
the Titanic, it was approximately
370 miles from the coast of Newfoundland.
It was 75% intact.

There were more than 2,220

passengers. Many rich people
including the American millionaire
Benjamin Guggenheim were on board. Some
poor inmigrants from Ireland were also
traveling to America in search of a better life.

It was the first “journey” and

Captain Smith was sailing the ship.
It was very big and luxurious,
everybody knew the liner was unsinkable
because of its 16 compartments.

It was April 10, 1912. The British

luxury “Liner” Titanic was sailing
from Southampton to New York.
The ship weighed 46,000 tons.
Reading Strategies

Deducing words from the context

When you read, you generally find words you don´t know. You can read Word Bank
carefully and deduce the meaning of those words from the context. perfore trip
d ship

3. Take into account the reading context and choose a synonym for each of the following words.
Then, compare your answers with a classmate.

a. “liner” b. “struck”
c. “journey” d. “punctured”

4. Are the following sentences about the Titanic right or wrong? Correct the worng ones.

Exampl The Titanic was an American ship. X It was British

a. The ship sank six days after the departure.

b. It was traveling from Europe to America,
c. Half of the people died on the tragic night.
d. The ship sank because the iceberg
puctured five of the compartments.


Writing strategies.

When you write a paragraph you should check the relationships between nouns and verbs
check to see if the noun is singular or plural to conjugate the verb.

A survivor is telling a news reporter about this tragedy. Complete the text by writing the verbs
in the correct form.

It was a terrible was around 2:00 in the morning. All the women an children
________________ (cry) because there weren´t enough lifeboats for everyone.
It was really hard for me. There _________________(be) only one empty place in the last boat.
My husband _________________ (have) to make a decisión; and he ______________ (want)
me to go. When the last boat _________________ (move) I saw his face and his hand saying
goodbye. There were other people _____________ (look) at me. It was the last time I
__________ (see) him. The night was very cold and sad for eveyone.”

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