ITS662 Chapter 5a - Fuzzy Logic

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What is fuzzy thinking?
❑ Expert rely on common sense to solve problem.
❑ This type of knowledge exposed when expert
describe problem with vague terms.
❑ Example of vague terms:
✓ When it is really/quite hot ...
✓ If a person is very tall he is suitable for ...
✓ Only very small person can enter into that hole
✓ I am quite young
✓ Mr. Azizi drives his car moderately fast
❑ How can we represent and reason with vague
terms in a computer?
What is fuzzy thinking?

❑ What is FUZZINESS?
❑ According to OXFORD DICTIONARY, FUZZY means
 “Blurred, Fluffy, Frayed or Indistinct”
❑ Fuzziness is deterministic uncertainty
❑ Fuzziness is concerned with the degree to which events
occur rather than the likelihood of their occurrence
What is fuzzy thinking?

Not Highly
Sure Confirm
0 3 5 7 10
 1965 Seminar paper by Prof Lotfi Zadeh on fuzzy sets
 1966 Fuzzy Logic (P Marinos Bell Labs)
 1972 Fuzzy measures (M.Sugeno,TIT)
 1974 Fuzzy logic control(E H Mamdani,London, Q.Mary)
 1980 Control of Cement Kiln (F.L.Smidth, Denmark)
 1987 Automatic Train Operation for Sendai Subway,
 1988 Stock Trading Expert System (Yamaichi Security)
 1989 LIFE (Lab for Intl. Fuzzy Eng.) Japanese US70m on Fuzzy
 1989 First Fuzzy Logic air-conditioner
 1990 First Fuzzy Logic washing machine
 2000 ??
Current Applications of
Fuzzy Logic
 Camera aiming for telecast of sporting events
 Expert system for assessment of stock exchange
 Efficient and stable control of car engines
 Medicine technology: cancer diagnosis
 Backlight control for camcorder
 Flight aids for helicopter
 Single button control for washing machine
 Automatic motor control for vacuum cleaner.
Current Applications of
Fuzzy Logic
 Expert system also utilized fuzzy logic since the
domain is often inherently fuzzy . Example:-
 Decision support system
 Financial planner
 Diagnosing systems for determining soybean
 A meteorological ES in China for determining areas
in which to establish rubber tree orchards
Definition of Fuzzy Logic

 Zadeh (1965) extended the work and brought a

collections of valuables concepts for working with
fuzzy terms called Fuzzy Logic.

 Definition of Fuzzy Logic

A branch of logic that uses degrees of membership in
sets rather that a strict true/false membership
Overview of Fuzzy Logic
Linguistic Variables
• Fuzzy terms are called linguistic variables. (or
fuzzy variables)
Definition of Linguistic Variable
• Term used in our natural language to describe
some concept that usually has vague or fuzzy
• Possible numerical values of linguistic variables
• Eg: The universe of discourse for the linguistic
variable speed in R1 is in the range [0,100mph]
Overview of Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy Sets
 Traditional set theory views world as black and white
 Example like set of young people i.e children
 A person is either a member or non-member. Member
is given value 1 and non-member 0; called crisp value
 Whereas, fuzzy logic interpret young people
reasonable using fuzzy set.
Overview of Fuzzy Logic
 By assigning membership values between 0 and 1.
 Example:
Consider young people
If person age is 5 assign membership value 0.9
if 13, assign membership value of 0.1

 linguistic variable = Age

 fuzzy sets = {young, middle age, old}
Overview of Fuzzy Logic

Definition of fuzzy set

 A fuzzy set is a set with fuzzy boundaries, such as
short, average, tall for height. To represent a fuzzy
set in a computer, we express it as a function and
then map the elements of the set to their degree
of membership
Overview of Fuzzy Logic
 Example of Linguistic Variables With
Typical Values

Linguistic Variable Typical Values

 Temperature hot, cold
 Height short, medium, tall
 Weight light, heavy
 Speed slow, creeping, fast
How it works?
 IF-THEN using binary logic:

R1: IF speed is > 100

THEN stopping distance is long
R2: IF speed is < 40
THEN stopping distance is short

 IF-THEN using fuzzy logic:

R1: IF speed is fast

THEN stopping distance is long
R2: IF speed is slow
THEN stopping distance is short
The difference between classical and
fuzzy rules
 Linguistic variables →
Height = {“short”, “medium”, “tall”}

short medium tall


1.6 1.7 1.8 Height (m)
How it works?
Height (m) Short Medium Tall

1.45 1 0 0

1.57 1 0 0

1.63 0.7 0.3 0

1.68 0.3 0.8 0.25

1.70 0.1 1 0.4

1.76 0 0.7 0.6

1.80 0 0 1
How it works?
• Example:
Consider Fuzzy set of tall, medium and short

TALL = {0/5, 0.25/5.5, 0.7/6, 1/6.5, 1/7}

MEDIUM = {0/4.5, 0.5/5, 1/5.5, 0.5/6, 0/6.5}

SHORT = {1/4, 1/4.5, 0.5/5, 0.25/5.5, 0/6 }

• We have learn how to capture and representing
vague linguistic term using fuzzy set.
• In normal conversation, we add additional
vagueness by using adverbs such as:
very, slightly, or somewhat..
• What is adverb??
A word that modifies a verb, an adjective,
another adverb, or whole sentence.
• Example: Adverb modifying an adjective.
The person is very tall
• How do we represent this new fuzzy
• Use a technique called HEDGES.
• A hedge modifies mathematically an
existing fuzzy set to account for some
added adverb.
Dilation (somewhat)

• Dilates the fuzzy elements by increasing the membership

values with small membership values more than elements
with high membership values.
DIL(A) (x) = (A(x))0.5

• Example:
Tall = {0/5, 0.25/5.5, 0.76/6, 1/6.5, 1/7}
somewhat tall= {?/5, ? /5.5, ? /6, ? /6.5, ? /7}
Intensification (Indeed)

• Intensifying the meaning of phrase by increasing the

membership values above 0.5 and decreasing those
below 0.5.

INT(A) (x) = 2(A(x))2 , for 0  A(x)  0.5

= 1 - 2(1 - A(x))2 , for 0.5 < A(x)  1

• Example:
short = {1/5, 0.8/5.5, 0.5/6, 0.2/6.5, 0/7}
indeed short = {? /5, ? /5.5, ? /6, ? /6.5, ? /7}
Power (Very Very)

• Extension of the concentration operation.

POW(A) (x) = (A(x))n

• Example:
Create fuzzy set of very very tall person with n=3
Tall = {0/5, 0.25/5.5, 0.76/6, 1/6.5, 1/7}
Very very tall = {? /5, ? /5.5, ? /6, ? /6.5, ? /7}
Complement (not)

How much do elements not belong to the set?

A(x) = 1 − A(x)

Example :
Short = {1/5,0.8/5.5,0.5/6,0.2/6.5,0/7}
Not short = {?/5, ?/5.5, ?/6, ?/6.5, ?/7}

How much of the element is in both sets?

AB(x) = min [A(x), B(x)] = A(x)  B(x),

where xX


Tall = {0/5,0.2/5.5,0.5/6,0.8/6.5,1/7}
Short = {1/5,0.8/5.5,0.5/6,0.2/6.5,0/7}

tallshort =

Tall and short can mean

Highest at the middle and lowest at both end
How much of the element is in either set?

AB(x) = max [A(x), B(x)] = A(x)  B(x),

where xX

Tall = {0/5,0.2/5.5,0.5/6,0.8/6.5,1/7}
Short = {1/5,0.8/5.5,0.5/6,0.2/6.5,0/7}

tall  short =

Tall and short can mean

Attains its highest values at the limits and lowest at the
Fuzzy sets of tall and heavy men
Degree of Degree of
Membership Membership
1.0 1.0
Tall men Heavy men
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
160 180 190 200 70 80 100 120
Height, cm Weight, kg

These fuzzy sets provide the basis for a weight

estimation model. The model is based on a
relationship between a man’s height and his weight:

IF height is tall
THEN weight is heavy
The value of the output or a truth membership
grade of the rule consequent can be estimated
directly from a corresponding truth membership
grade in the antecedent. This form of fuzzy
inference uses a method called monotonic
Degree of Degree of
Membership Membership
1.0 1.0
Tall men
0.8 0.8 Heavy men
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
160 180 190 200 70 80 100 120
Height, cm Weight, kg
A fuzzy rule can have multiple antecedents, for

IF project_duration is long
AND project_staffing is large
AND project_funding is inadequate
THEN risk is high

IF service is excellent
OR food is delicious
THEN tip is generous
 Gives the value of degree for the fuzzy set
based on category of washer loading.
Large = { ?/0.5,?/1,?/2.5,?/4,?/5}
Medium = { ?/0.5,?/1,?/2.5,?/4,?/5}
Small = { ?/0.5,?/1,?/2.5,?/4,?/5}
 Draw the graphTall
show the fuzzy
short can mean
 Produce the fuzzy set to show the loading:
a) very very large b) somewhat large
c) very large indeed.
 Produce the fuzzy set using operator as below:-
a) large  small b) large  small c) not large
 There is one factory produce a washing
machine using the fuzzy system. Rules that
been used to determine the volume of
water and the load are as below:
IF load is large
THEN use large volume of water

IF load is small
THEN use small volume of water

The maximum load for this machine is 5 kg

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