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45. The pair of word that is generally considered as homophonous (huruf sebunyi) is …
a. Rope/rape
b. Browse/brewers
c. Decease/disease
d. Tons/tone
e. Now/know
42. To measure the students’ learning achievement, the teacher can assess the students using
test that are developed based on some principles. The degree to which the test actually
measures what it is intended to measure belongs to the principals of …
a. Authenticity
b. Validity
c. Practically
d. Washback
e. Reliability
41. In a writing class, the teacher assesses the students’ competence in accomplishing the
communicative functions of written texts according to form and purpose. The teacher
wants the give feedback to the students. One of the possible language feedback
statements is …
a. “I don’t understand what you mean.”
b. “You look upset today.”
c. “You progress a lot this month.”
d. “You used some lovely word choice in your closing statement.”
e. “What’s wrong with you? I can’t read your hand writing.”
72. Practice makes perfect. When students are learning specific expressions, they should
practice using the expressions as many possible so that they can be fluent in using the
expressions. Mrs. Kansa elicits the students’ spoken response by posting voice notes on
whatsapp group and ask her students to respond with correct expressions.

The best technology that can be used in this activity is …..

a. YouTube
b. Audio recorder
c. Email
d. Google form
e. Blog
75. Corona virus Identification and Prevention.
To create a sterile and safe condition an AMAROSS Hotel which is free from the threat
of Corona Virus (Covid-19) or other epidemics that could give impacts to AMAROSS
Hotel. AMAROSS is taking precautions by increasing awareness of the Coronavirus
outbreak in AMAROSS, and asking assistance and cooperation to all customers and
visitors who enter the property.
Thank you for your attention and support.

We are informed from the text that ….

a. The visitors do not need to measure their body temperature
b. The security should not to examine the visitors before enter the hotel
c. The security may deny the visitors if they have the Covid-19 symptons
d. The security ignores the visitors before enter the hotel
e. The security should examine the visitors before enter the hotel

70. Dr. Billy intends to use an accessable instructional tool to encourage engagement,
participation, and a sense of fun into the classroom. He aims to create an interactive and
dynamic classroom environment using online quizzes to test students’ knowledge. He
hopes to share the learning resources directly with each student online.

The teaching tool that is suitable for the purpose is ….

a. Innovative learning strategy
b. Plan, say, assess
c. Free online learning tool
d. Creative learning tool
e. Focus group discussion
64. My friend asked me to return her book, but I forgot where I put it, so I need more time
to return it.
Based on the condition, the most appropriate conditional sentence is ….
a. Have I had found her book, I would have returned it
b. If I find her book, I will give it to her soon
c. I would have returned the book if I have had found it
d. If I had found her book, I would have returned it soon
e. If I found her book, I would return it soon
60. Announcement
This is a new school year and there are many new students around. Please be friendly
and help them understand the rule of our school.

From : School Principal

The reason of the principal in making the announcement is …..

a. To inform about the new school year
b. To let the students know that they have their junior
c. To ask the students to nice and helpful to the new comers
d. To ask the students to contact their parents
e. To inform about the school’s schedule of the year
76. A high school teacher intends to know the students’ perception of their attitude toward
speaking skill. He distributes a questionnaire. Of the questionnaire item, that is in the
form of the respondents’ perceptions, says:
(1) English speaking is one of my favourite classroom activities

This item aims to find out the students’ perception of their…

a. Fondness
b. Meaningfulness
c. Evaluation
d. Commitment
e. Confidence
65. While observing the students’ activities in the classroom. Dr. Bernet found most of the
students do not have enough practices in English and they are not proficient enough to
communicate in the foreign language.
This challenge can be overcome in a short time by ….
a. A providing communicative drills and exercises
b. Offering extra-time for memorizing words and grammatical patterns
c. Forming a group discussion to work beyond classes
d. Giving more assignment to be done outside classes
e. Finding out the problem causing them to be like that
78. We note that students from education traditional may not reading efficiently even in
their mother tongue.

The sentence can be revised to become …..

a. We noted students from some education traditional may not reading efficiently even
in their mother tongue
b. We note that students from some education traditional may not reading efficiently
even in their mother tongues
c. We noted that students from some education tradition may not reading efficiently
even in their mother tongue
d. We noted that students from some traditional education may not reading efficiently
even in their mother tongue
e. We note that students from some educational tradition cannot read efficiently even
in their mother tongue
104. Gina is going to apply for a job which requires at least 1 year working experience.
Therefore, she is writing an application letter. In the body of the letter, she writes the
intention of her writing. She also informs where she got the information of the job
vacancy from and what position she is applying.

To convince the reader of her application letter, one of important information that
should be included is ….
a. The certificates she has
b. Her educational background
c. Her expectation to be hired
d. Her name and signature
e. Her previous job experiences
107.Casually observing the students’ learning activities beyond the listening classes, Dr.
Billy intends to assess the learners’ attitudes towards audio-visual materials that are
exposed to them. He expects that they used to listen to conversations, songs, and movies
in English to improve their mastery of the foreign language.
Here, Dr. Billy aims to assess the students’ …….
a. The material accessibility
b. Readiness to study
c. Listening comprehension
d. Listening mastery
e. Learning habit in the past
106.The rival team ….. easily, but we were just unlucky. We played a lot better that them.

The phrases that best completes the gap is ….

a. Has beaten
b. Could have been beaten
c. Are beaten
d. Are being beaten
e. Were beaten
101.West Africa has struggled to find stability since 2012 when jihadist fighter hijacked an
insurrection by Tuareg separatist.

The antonym of the underlined word is …..

a. Obedience
b. Mutiny
c. Revolt
d. Agitation
e. Uprising
115.John ……. money from his friends, including Joseph, …… to buy the Sydney Herald
right now.
The words/phrases that the best complete the blank spaces are …..
a. Won’t borrow – if he aims
b. Would not borrow – if he aimed
c. Will borrow – unless he aims
d. Won’t borrow – unless he aims
e. Would borrow – unless me aimed
108.In a lesson, teacher finds some problems of the students in the classroom relating to
motivation in learning English. One of the appropriate ways so that students have the
courage to speak monologue in English is ….
a. Ask students to record speeches and inspire them on YouTube
b. Ask students to discuss with peers in English
c. Ask students to create a dialogue
d. Ask students to listen to a speech in pairs
e. Ask students to fill in the gaps in groups
113.In a class, the number of the moduls are not sufficient for the students, the students want
to get their modul individually. Then the class become noisy and unconditioned.

Learning activity that can be a solution to this situation is applying …..

a. Numbered head technique
b. Talking stick technique
c. SQ3R
d. Jigsaw technique
e. Snowball technique
110.Indicator: Students are able to use the correct form of verb tenses to complete the
narrative text.
The question that can measure the indicator is ….
a. What is the purpose of the text?
b. Where did they find the golden trunks?
c. Why did the boy cry?
d. Which word best fits the sentence?
e. How could they escape from the hunter?
111.If we want to conduct a listening test, we should provide a room that is very comfortable
for the listening environment. The noise coming from outside of the room cannot be
heard in the room, the audio system should be clear to all testees, the lighting and the
condition of the desks and chairs should also be good.
These all are prepared to fulfill the criteria of …
a. Rater administration validity
b. Student-related reliability
c. Test concurrent validity
d. Test rater reliability
e. Test administration reliability
116.Linda planned to improve her speaking skill. One day, she went to an English course.
The management of the English course asked her to do a test to assess her present
speaking ability skill. They want to make sure that Linda will get the most appropriate
treatment when she is learning English in the course.

The test that Linda faced was …..

a. Diagnostic assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Non-referenced assessment
d. Ipsative assessment
e. Summative assessment
119.Jane : “Could you to tell me the time, please?” (1)
Steve : “Certainly. It’s 3 P.M.”
Jane : “That’s late? I thought it was early afternoon still.” (2)
Steve : “Time goes by when you are busy.” (3) Did you enjoy your day?”
Jane : “I did, but now I have to rush in order to get home before dusk.” (4)
Steve : “Have a good evening. See you back here tomorrow bright and early!”
Jane : “Yes, I’ll arrive by dawn or shortly thereafter.” (5)

The non-formulaic expression used in the text above is shown on number ….

a. 3
b. 5
c. 2
d. 4
e. 1
118.Today, Pak Budi’s class focuses on specific grammar teaching. He gives positive
feedback for those who perform well in the use of English, but the contrary happens
when students perform badly.
Based on the situation, Pak Budi applies …..
a. Audio-lingual method
b. Total physical response
c. Direct method
d. Grammar-translation method
e. Structural approach
86. A basic competency states that students can complete procedural texts, oral and written,
in the form of analytical exposition related to the use of technology, by taking into
account social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements, correctly and in context.

According to the Basic Competency, the activity which boosts IT as the foundation of
learning is ….
a. Students can answer several questions about analytical exposition
b. Students read the theory of analytical exposition from online website
c. Students are able to present their opinion in online platform
d. Students may have countless spotlight for the assorted analytical exposition text
e. Students will save their work on their computer
97. In a reading class, Mr. Sullivan asks the students a question about the purpose of the
passage, they are dealing with. Mary, one of the students, can tell the class the main
purpose of the reading passage.
The appropriate empathetic communication strategy Mr. Sullivan should hold is …..
a. Did you tell the truth about your answer?
b. That’s correct. Try to make it complete.
c. OK. Can anyone else add something to her answer?
d. Repeat your answer, dear.
e. That’s excellent, Mary.
95. Although many teachers attempt to implement a mastery learning strategy in their
individual classroom, the approach seems to weak best when implemented in a school
or district wide basis.

The underlined word is synonymous with ….

a. Give up
b. Forsake
c. Endeavor
d. Ease
e. Leave
100.Dani adalah siswa kelas VIII yang pendiam dan agak lambat dalam menangkap
pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, sehingga nilainya selalu rendah. Sebagai guru, yang anda
lakukan adalah …..
a. Memberi Dani membaca berbagai buku bacaan dan Latihan soal-soal Bahasa
b. Memberi tambahan pelajaran sepulang sekolah dengan metode yang variatif
c. Mendorong semangat dan bimbingan Dani agar tetap rajin belajar dan tekun
d. Memberi saran kepada Dani untuk mengikuti les Bahasa Inggris di luar sekolah
e. Meminta siswa lain untuk mengajak Dani belajar kelompok pelajaran Bahasa
90. Birthday Boy
By : Vachel Lindsay

When I was one

It was so much fun.
When I was two
The world nice.
Then I turned quickly
Into a boy of three
One year more
And I was four
Now, I’m happy to say
I’m a year older today
And soon you’ll see
Another birthday party for me
Do you know
How old I’ll be?

The age of the boy is …..

a. Seven years old
b. Eight years old
c. Four years old
d. Six years old
e. Five years old
87. Guru sebagai satu-kesatuan dalam sistem sekolah, maka ketika diundang rapat kenaikan
kelas hendaknya dapat …..
a. Mengikuti keputusan Kepala Sekolah untuk naik tidaknya siswa dalam suatu
jenjang kelas
b. Ikut memberikan pertimbangan dalam memutuskan naik atau tidaknya siswa
c. Bertanggungjawab atas siswa yang berada di bawah perwaliannya
d. Menjaga netralitas dengan menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada keputusan Bersama
e. Memperjuangkan semua siswa dapat naik kelas, karena perkembangan siswa tidak
73. 1. A train is made up railroad hooked together and pulled by a locomotive, that is why
locomotives are sometimes called engines. All trains run on tracks. Freight trains haul
goods. Passenger trains carry people
2. some locomotives get their power from electricity. The electricity comes from wires
above the track or from a special third rail next to the track
3. trains are very important to transportation. Trains carry freight and people in place
all over the world
4. locomotive push or pull a railroad card. They have powerful motors. The motors turn
locomotives wheels that run on railroad tracks.
5. sometimes you will see three or four locomotives hooked together to pull a long
freight train up a sleep mountain
The best arrangement of the sentences to be a good report text is …..
a. 2-4-3-5-1
b. 5-2-3-1-4
c. 1-3-5-2-4
d. 3-1-4-5-2
e. 3-1-4-2-5
91. Students learn to formulate a thesis statement, provide reasons and evidences, and give

The learning objective this task is to know …..

a. The generic structure of narrative text
b. The language features of descriptive text
c. The language features of recount text
d. The structure of argumentative text
e. The generic structure of an advertisement
85. Hari ini guru Matematika yang bertugas memberi pelajaran tambahan sepulang sekolah
tidak bisa hadir karena sakit. Siswa sangat membutuhkan pelajaran tambahan untuk
persiapan ujian. Anda ditugasi untuk meggantikannya, maka yang anda lakukan adalah
a. Memberi saran siswa belajar matematika secara mandiri
b. Membelajarkan jam pelajaran tambahan sesuai jadwal
c. Cukup memberi soal latihan tanpa membahas materi
d. Melakukan diskusi kelompok pelajaran Matematika
e. Memulangkan siswa karena guru tidak hadir karena sakit
93. To : Nov 20 at 8:25 PM
Dear Emils,

The Ied Mubarak is coming. Finally, my parents are taking us to Kuala Lumpur. We’ll
fly there a day before Takbiran Night. I hope I will get there to meet you and your
family. It’s going to be wonderful. We should arrange the time and place to meet. Maybe
the third or fourth of Ied Mubarak. We can visit our junior high school and see Kuala
Lumpur view. Can’t wait to see you


The letter mainly tells us about ….

a. Kuala Lumpur view
b. Picnic time
c. The Ied Mubarak
d. Holiday time
e. Meeting plan
88. Sesuai tata tertib yang berlaku, seorang guru menolak siswa masuk kelas karena
terlambat. Siswa yang bersangkutan tidak beranjak dari depan pintu kelas dengan alasan
ingin tetap mendengarkan penjelasan guru walaupun hanya dari depan pintu. Tindakan
yang sebaiknya dilakukan oleh guru adalah …..
a. Membiarkan siswa yang bersangkutan berdiri di depan pintu kelas untuk
mendengarkan pelajaran
b. Meminta siswa yang bersangkutan untuk berdiri dekat papan tulis untuk
mendengarkan pelajaran
c. Meminta siswa yang bersangkutan untuk masuk kelas setelah satu jam pelajaran
d. Meminta siswa yang bersangkutan untuk masuk kelas sebagai apresiasi atas niatnya
untuk belajar
e. Memaksa siswa beranjak pergi dari depan pintu kelas karena dapat mengganggu
siswa lain
89. Students are able to respond (criticize) news report orally. To evaluate it, teachers can
use …..
a. Speech
b. Multiple choice
c. Responsive answer
d. Cloze test matching
e. Portfolio
96. The hall’s dramatic collection of cartography is dominated by …… of a massive globe
that stands in the centre of the room.

The word that best complete the blank space is …..

a. Presence
b. Presentation
c. Presenting
d. Present
e. Presenters
94. A : “She is a hard working man.”
B : “Yes, she is. Yesterday, she did the assignment while she was participating in online
A : “I think, she can …….”

The best idiomatic expression to complete the blank is …..

a. Take two to tango
b. Break a leg
c. Cost an arm and a leg
d. Hit the hay
e. Kill two birds with one stone
92. Do you know that ……., until the age of eight, you will witness the population triple in
your lifetime.
The best option to complete the sentence is …….
a. Although you would not live nineteen years more
b. Despite you live other nineteen years
c. Because you live in nineteen years’ time
d. Your nineteen years of being alive
e. If you live another nineteen years
98. In the morning.
Steve : Hi Robert, what’s up?
Robert : Hi, well there is something I am thinking of.
Steve : What is that?
Robert : Nothing, I just wonder why you don’t know what day it is today because it’s a
special day for me.

Robert is down in the dumps because he’s all alone on his birthday.

Based on the underlined words, Robert feels……

a. Excited
b. Happy
c. Disappointed
d. Sad
e. Angry
99. During a teaching and learning process, Miss Vina did the following activities. She
listed to the following activities. 1. She asked the students to read an announcement, 2.
She asked the students to discuss it in a small group, 3. She asked the students to write
the result of the discussion, 4. She asked the students to present their discussion result
in front of class.

Activities that assist students to scrutinize their character in verbal are number ……
a. 1 and 3
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 and 3
d. 2 and 4
e. 1 and 4
INCLUDING ‘Lance amstrong performance program and lance amstrong world’s

Thank you.

The heading purpose of the announcement is ……

a. To inform the visitors of the library to move all nonfiction lance Amstrong Books
into another room
b. To inform the visitors of the library to bring their ID card when they want to borrow
of Amstrong books
c. To inform the visitors of the library that the library will be closed for a while
d. To inform the visitors of the library that some of non-fiction lance Amstrong Books
will be moved to another bookshelf
e. To inform the visitors of the library that certain books will be moved to another
46. Anda sudah berkarya di salah satu SD Swasta selama enam bulan, karena sesuatu hal
rute perjalanan dari rumah anda ke sekolah mengalami perubahan, sehingga menjadi
semakin jauh. Sebagai guru, yang anda lakukan adalah …..
a. Berangkat lebih awal, sesuai dengan perkiraan waktu tempuh
b. Meminta jadwal khusus untuk mengajar agar tidak terburu-buru
c. Memilih mencari pekerjaan lain yang dekat tempat tinggal
d. Tidak mengubah kebiasaan waktu untuk berangkat ke sekolah
e. Pada jam awal pelajaran siswa diminta untuk belajar mandiri
37. Since 2011, Chicago’s Airport has been home to an aeroponic garden, where people can
see how vegetables can be grown in an environment that is not only without soil, but
even without any permanent medium in which to grow. In this experimental garden,
plants are grown, as the name suggests, in the air, their roots hanging down is nothing.
Not just air, obviously …….. these roots are regularly sprayed with a museum rich
solution that gives them just what they need for optimum growth.

The best choice to fill the gap is ……

a. Because the reduced of use of natural resources will be vital
b. If all the lettuces could be grown locally
c. While plants are grown with roots hanging in the air
d. That this would lead to a huge reduction in the use of water
e. Since aeroponics is actually more environment friendly
29. The teacher gives various kinds of activities to teach one topic. The activities involve
physical, social, and cognitive aspects.

This activity represents the learning principle of ……

a. Feedback
b. Transference
c. Repetition
d. Relevance
e. Participation
33. “My name is Edward, I didn’t have a chance to introduce myself last week. You must
be Bella Swan.” Edward said.
“How do you know my name?” Bella said.
“Oh, I think everyone knows your name.”
“No. I meant, why did you call me Bella?”
“Do you prefer Isabella?”
“No, I like Bella, but my dad call me Isabella behind my back. That’s what anyone here
seems to know me.” I explained.

The best statement according to the dialogue is ……

a. Edward likes to call Ms. Swan Isabella
b. Bella’s father always calls her Isabella
c. Edward wonders why her father calls her Isabella
d. Bella doesn’t like to be called Isabella
e. Bella wants to know why people call her Isabella
34. Mr. Peters : I’m calling concerning my electricity bill.
Customer Service Representative : May I have your account number?
Mr. Peters : Certainly, it’s 4392107
Customer Service Representative : Thank you, what can I help you with?
Mr. Peters : I think I’ve overcharged for the purse month. The bill is 300% higher
than last month
Customer Service Representative : I’m sorry to hear that. Was your usage different in
any way?
Mr. Peters : No, it was as average as usual.
Customer Service Representative : I’m sorry. There are certainly seems to be a
mistake. I’ll contact a service representative to come out and check
your meter.

The writer arranged the dialogue based on the text pattern of …..
a. Classification-division
b. Cause and effect
c. Compare and contrast
d. Chronological
e. Problem and solution
38. Kemajemukan masyarakat Indonesia antara lain tercantum dalam pilihan agaman dan
atau kepercayaannya terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Sikap dan perilaku toleransi
yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru dalam hal ini adalah …….
a. Memberikan pemahaman bahwa agama atau kepercayaan penting untuk
kehidupan akhirat
b. Membiasakan sikap saling menghormati antar siswa meski berbeda agama dan
c. Menjelaskan pilihan agama atau kepercayaan yang berbeda dari masyarakat
d. Meminta siswa untuk beribadah di tempat yang telah disediakan sekolah secara
e. Memberikan teladan kepada siswa dalam menjalankan agama atau
30. …….. relatives regularly can maintain good relation.

The word that best fills the blank is …..

a. We visit
b. Visiting
c. Visited
d. Do visit
e. Visit
24. Sarah : “What a delicious fried rice!”
Mrs. Devy : “Thanks, dear.”
Sarah : “What are the ingredients, Mom? Is it hard to make?”
Mrs. Devy : “it’s so easy, honey. You just need some rice, salt, chilly, and two eggs.
Chop the garlic and chilly. Then, get the frying pan and fry the garlic, the chilly,
and the eggs. And add some salt and the rice, of course. Mix it well and you can
add some sauce if you want.”
Sarah : “What if we make one together tomorrow, Mom? You are a great chef.”
Mrs. Devy : “Sure. Thank you, honey.”

We can infer from the text that …….

a. Mrs. Devy needs some sugar to make fried rice
b. Devy will make fried rice by herself
c. Sarah is a good chef
d. Sarah and Mrs. Devy will make fried rice
e. It is difficult to make fried rice to Mrs. Devy
28. Mr. Hadi is a nice teacher. He always treats anyone politely, even his students. He
believes that if a person wants to be respected, he should respect others in spite of their

This shows that Mr. Hadi has a good …..

a. Professional competence
b. Personality competence
c. Social competence
d. Communicative competence
e. Pedagogic competence
31. A : “It’s nice to be a good teacher.”
B : ………..

The appropriate expression to complete the dialogue is ……

a. It was
b. It must be
c. It is, aren’t it?
d. It should be
e. Yes
44. Most of the 10th graders of high school are interested in using communication
technology during English classes. Therefore, their achievement in English is
satisfying. To improve it, the teacher intends to conduct action research that is in line
with the learners’ interest.
The appropriate proposed research is entitled…..
a. Enhancing the students’ reading achievement using jigsaw technique
b. The use of interactive e-learning portal to enrich the 10th graders’ reading mastery
c. Dialogical feedback as a tool for demanishing students’ anxiety to improve their
English mastery
d. Improving the students’ listening skill using task-based approach in EFL
classroom setting
e. Enhancing the students’ communicative competence in English by applying
blended learning
32. The teacher should facilitate the students to learn principles such as adding activities
to make a noun plural forms through a word game, or students may study noun a
mental model of how a word processor works.

The description belongs to….

a. Factual knowledge
b. Procedural knowledge
c. Metacognitive knowledge
d. Declarative knowledge
e. Conceptual knowledge
43. A adalah siswa yang malas mengerjakan tugas-tugas sekolah, sehingga prestasi
belajarnya sangat rendah. Sebagai guru, yang anda lakukan adalah….
a. meminta A mengatur jadwal dalam menyelesaikan tugas sekolah dan kegiatan
lainnya di rumah
b. memanggil orangtua A untuk ikut mendampingi saat belajar dan mengerjakan tugas
c. memperingatkan A agar tidak malas belajar dan tetap menekuni hobi
d. meminta kepada siswa lain untuk mengajak A belajar Bersama secara bergiliran
sepulang sekolah
e. memotivasi A untuk lebih rajin belajar dan mendiskusikan kesulitan belajar yang
23. dew/due, reads/readers, boy/bye, eye/I, fairy/ferry
those pairs of words are generally homophonous, except…..
a. boy, bye
b. reads, readers
c. eye, I
d. dew, due
e. fairy, ferry
39. “I know! Well, (1) they’d better got home soon or (2) it’ll get cold.” Grandma

Based on the underlined words, number 1 and 2 are ……

a. Exophoric, exophoric
b. Exophoric, cataphoric
c. Anaphoric, cataphoric
d. Anaphoric, exophoric
e. Exophoric, anaphoric
22. The teacher asks students to think what they have read, done, learned, relating the
lesson at hand to their own lives and making meaning out of the materials.
The task can be considered as the instructional characteristic of …….
a. Reflective
b. Utilizing IT
c. Feedback
d. Applying TPACK
e. Learning course
27. To evaluate students’ speaking skill, the most effective way can be done by the teacher


Kj :
85. B
93. E
88. D
89. A
96. A
94. E
92. A
98. C
99. E
21. A
45. C
46. A
37. D
29. E
33. D
34. E
38. B
30. B
24. D
28. B
31. B
44. B
32. C
43. E
23. A
39. A
22. D
72. B
64. D


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