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Section 1:

Quoted Section: "Forcing a woman to continue an unwanted pregnancy is akin to

forcing someone to be a Good Samaritan against their will."
Explanation: In this sentence, Thompson is comparing making a woman continue a
pregnancy she doesn't want to make someone give their kidney to save a life when they
don't want to.
Analysis: Thompson's argument here tries to make us see that making a woman keep a
pregnancy she doesn't want is similar to forcing someone to do a very kind act, like
giving their kidney to save a life, even when they don't want to do it.
My opinion: However, there's a different way to look at it. Some people may think that
these situations are not the same. Pregnancy is a natural part of life while giving a
kidney is a very special and unique act. Not everyone agrees that the two are truly alike.
While Thompson's idea focuses on the importance of letting people make their own
choices and have control over their bodies, some might say that pregnancy involves
more complex factors, like the potential for a new life to begin. They may believe that it's
not just about imposing sacrifices but also about the potential for new beginnings. In this
view, the example of the Good Samaritan and donating a kidney doesn't perfectly fit the
situation of pregnancy. It's about more than personal choice; it's about balancing the
rights and interests of both the pregnant woman and the potential new life. So, even
though Thompson's argument is persuasive for some, not everyone might agree with
this example specifically.
Section 2:
Quoted Section: “A right to life does not entail a right to the use of someone else’s
Explanation: Thompson is saying that even if we say the baby has a right to live, it
doesn’t mean the baby can use the woman’s body without her agreeing to it.
Analysis (in simpler words):
This part is important because it helps us see the difference between having a chance
to live and being allowed to use someone else’s body. Sometimes people think that if
you should have a chance to live, you can automatically use another person’s body to
stay alive. But this idea reminds us that having the right to live doesn’t mean you can do
that without someone’s agreement. It’s like saying, “You have the right to live, but you
can’t just use someone’s body without their say-so.” It’s all about making sure that each
person can decide what happens to their own body, and this point helps make that
clear. While we’re not considering Thompson’s argument, this thought can also support
a woman’s right to make choices about her own body, because it highlights the idea that
everyone should have control over their bodies.
My opinion: in this case, I don’t agree with Thompson, I mean, when you have sex you
are considering that you may have a baby if you are fertile. Of course, it is important to
have power over your own body, but the baby didn’t even decide to be there, it was a
consequence of your acts and how can you blame an innocent potential human for your
acts? It is not rational for me to say that a baby cannot be in a woman's body if she
does not agree, because she was aware of the possibility of being pregnant when
having sex.
Section 3:
Quoted Section: "We cannot conclude that, in such cases, the woman’s life must be
held hostage to the needs of an unborn person."
Explanation: Thompson is saying that we shouldn't make a woman do something
dangerous for her life just because of what a baby needs when her life is in danger.
Analysis: This part talks about how it's not right to force a woman to take risks with her
life for the baby inside her, especially when her life is in danger. The phrase "held
hostage" is used to show that we shouldn't make her do something that might harm her
like she's not in control of her own life. This argument is important because it reminds us
to think about the woman's safety and her choices, especially when her life is in danger.
It's a strong point to support a woman's right to choose abortion when her health is at
My opinion: This argument is very strong in the way it describes the situation. It tells us
that when a woman's life is in danger because of the pregnancy, we shouldn't make her
do something that could put her in danger just because of what the baby needs. The
phrase "held hostage" is used to make it clear that we should not force the woman to do
something that might harm her as if her life is not under her control. This argument is
really important because it reminds us that we have to think about the woman's safety
and her own choices, especially when her life is in danger. It's a powerful point to
support a woman's right to decide to have an abortion when her health is at risk. It
emphasizes how crucial it is to prioritize her well-being, especially in difficult situations,
instead of making her do something that could harm her just because of the pregnancy.
Section 4:
Quoted Section: "A woman’s right to control her own body includes the right to decide
whether or not to allow another person to use her body, even if that person will die
without her assistance."
Explanation: Thompson is saying that a woman has the power to choose whether she
lets the growing baby inside her use her body. She can decide this even if it means the
baby won't live without her help.
Analysis: This part is really about the idea that a person, in this case, a pregnant
woman, should have the freedom to decide what happens to their own body. Even
when this choice could mean life or death for someone else (in this case, the fetus). It's
an important argument for supporting a woman's right to decide about having an
abortion based on the idea that she has control over her body and her decision-making.
My opinion: Well, now in class, I begging to switch my position on abortion, but I guess
this argument has been important when addressing my opinion. Even though I believe
that abortion is not the right thing to do, I think that a woman should decide if she wants
to save her life or the baby’s. Also, I think it would be harder for a couple to lose the
woman in the relationship and keep the baby rather than try again. I would use this
argument to defend my viewpoint on “abortion isn’t the right thing to do, but there are
some cases in which exceptions should be made according to some considerations”
and this is one argument that I would use to establish the idea of having personal
freedom and having autonomy about our body.

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