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Subject: Consumer Behavior

Semester: FALL 2023

Lecturers: LE THI THE BUU

Full Name: Thai Le Tuong Vy

Student code: QS170172

Class: MK17D
Question 2. (5 points) Several products made in China (including
toothpaste and toys) have been recalled because they are dangerous or
even fatal to use. Some American consumers have stopped buying them
as a result. Essentially these consumers use the country of origin as a
heuristic to avoid Chinese products. If the Chinese government hired you
as a consultant to help it repair some of the damage to the reputation of
products made there, what actions would you recommend?

The recall of many Chinese products because they are dangerous or even deadly has
damaged the reputation of products made there, and has caused some American
consumers to stop using them. Buy products from China. This represents the
application of a "country-of-origin" as a heuristic to avoid Chinese products. If the
Chinese government hired me as a consultant to help them repair some of the damage
to the reputation of products made there, I would suggest actions:

- The need to restore reputation

To understand why American consumers have stopped buying Chinese products, we
must discuss the basis of their behavior. Consumer behavior is sometimes driven by
past consequences, and this is why reputation restoration is necessary. The
implications of dangerous products have created fear and fear in the minds of
consumers, and they rely on country-based heuristics to avoid Chinese products.

-Strategies to restore reputation

Strengthen Quality Control: To restore trust, the Chinese Government needs to
implement strict quality control and rigorous product testing, ensuring that products
meet or exceed quality standards internationally. The government needs to publicize
and advertise these improvements.

Transparency and Information: Consumers often rely on information and

transparency. The Chinese government could establish a transparent supply chain and
labeling system that provides clear information about product origin and safety. This
helps consumers make informed decisions.

Consumer education: Run consumer education campaigns to inform them about

steps being taken to improve product safety. Provide materials and guidance that help
consumers distinguish between safe and unsafe products, encouraging them to make
responsible decisions.
Create positive emotions: Use emotion-based marketing strategies to create positive
associations with Chinese products. Use storytelling and advertising to showcase the
care, culture, and heritage behind the products, emphasizing their unique value.

Use reviews from celebrities and influencers: Create connections with reputable
celebrities and influencers to promote Chinese products. Consumers often trust the
opinions of people they respect.

Successful Downhill: Presents examples of Chinese companies that have succeeded

in ensuring product safety and quality, emphasizing commitment to consumer safety.
This could change consumer attitudes.

Use consumer verification: Encourage positive reviews and compliments from

satisfied consumers. Positive social verification can be a powerful tool for changing
consumer attitudes.

-To restore the reputation of Chinese products in consumer behavior, it is necessary

to take a series of consolidated measures based on knowledge of their behavior. This
process requires continuous commitment and significant efforts on the part of the
Chinese Government, industry, and relevant organizations. However, with
determination and a deep understanding of consumer behavior, restoring your
reputation is possible.
Dedicate much of this strategy to creating trust, transparency, and safety in Chinese
products, and demonstrate a commitment to consumer safety. By implementing these
measures fully and continuously, China can begin to rebuild the reputation of its
products among international consumers and become a trusted source of products.
trusted in the global market.

Question 2. (5 points) If you were a brand trying to convince consumers

to buy your product, what techniques would you use to influence
consumer’s decision–making process?

In today's highly competitive global market, businesses, corporations, and brands

must prioritize delivering products and services that meet the highest standards of
quality and consumer satisfaction. Marketing plays a pivotal role in determining the
success of a product. It is the marketers who take on the responsibility of shaping the
product's image, from identifying and understanding customer desires to crafting
offerings that resonate with these preferences.

One widely adopted technique in the realm of marketing is persuasive advertising.

The primary goal of advertisements is to evoke emotions and a sense of urgency in
consumers. For instance, an advertisement for a weight loss supplement may feature
compelling before-and-after images of individuals who have achieved remarkable
weight loss results. This presentation is strategically designed to convince consumers
that by purchasing the product, they too can achieve similar transformations. To
further incentivize swift action, these ads often incorporate limited-time offers or
exclusive discounts.

Social proof is another powerful marketing technique. This concept is rooted in the
idea that people tend to emulate the behaviors of others. Individuals tend to place a
high degree of trust in the opinions and experiences of their peers. Companies
leverage this psychological phenomenon by employing social proof to demonstrate
that their products or services are not only well-liked but also widely accepted. To
achieve this, they prominently feature customer reviews and ratings on their websites,
social media platforms, and third-party review websites, showcasing positive
feedback from satisfied customers.

Creating a sense of scarcity is yet another strategy that businesses use to influence
consumer behavior. Scarcity is a potent tool that triggers the fear of missing out
(FOMO) in consumers, compelling them to make rapid purchase decisions.
Companies often employ tactics such as offering limited-edition products, time-
sensitive deals, or exclusive offers to create a sense of urgency in consumers. When
consumers perceive that a particular product or service is in limited supply, they are
more inclined to take immediate action. An excellent example of this strategy can be
observed in the fashion industry, particularly with luxury and fast fashion brands like
Zara, H&M, Forever 21, Dior, Hermes, Gucci, and others, which frequently release
limited seasonal collections or unique, limited-edition items.

Additionally, businesses frequently employ discounts and special deals to influence

consumer behavior. Recognizing that consumers actively seek ways to save money,
companies leverage this inclination by offering various forms of discounts and
promotions. These promotions may include percentage discounts, buy-one-get-one-
free deals, or free shipping, all of which provide consumers with a tangible benefit
and nudge them toward making a purchase decision.

In recent years, influencer marketing has gained prominence as a highly effective

technique. It is a burgeoning trend in digital marketing where companies collaborate
with social media influencers who boast substantial followings to promote their
products or services. Influencers have the ability to sway consumer behavior through
their recommendations and endorsements. Companies partner with influencers to
create sponsored content that highlights their offerings, capitalizing on the credibility
and popularity of these influencers to influence consumers' purchasing decisions.

In conclusion, businesses employ a wide array of techniques to shape consumer

behavior and guide their purchasing decisions. These strategies encompass persuasive
advertising, social proof, scarcity, discounts and promotions, and influencer
marketing. A deep understanding of these tactics empowers companies to create
compelling marketing strategies that resonate with their target audience and boost
sales. At the same time, consumers can navigate the market with greater awareness,
making informed purchasing decisions based on their understanding of these
marketing approaches.

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