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Cloning Oracle Applications 11510

Cloning Oracle Applications 11510..........................................................1

Why and What?....................................................................................................................2
OUI version..............................................................................................................2
SINGLE-TO-SINGLE NODE CLONING..........................................................................3
System Information..........................................................................................................3
Using RapidClone............................................................................................................4
Prepare the source system................................................................................................4
MULTI-TO-SINGLE NODE CLONING............................................................................5
System Information..........................................................................................................5
On Database Tier (ocvmrh2144) run the following sctipt...............................................7
Useradd –g dba –d /u01/app/oraclone –p oraclone oraclone...........................................8
On Applications Tier........................................................................................................9
SINGLE-TO-MULTI NODE CLONING..........................................................................11
System Information........................................................................................................11
MULTI-TO-MULTI NODE CLONING............................................................................17
System Information........................................................................................................17
Prepare the source system.............................................................................................18
Prepared by: Nikhil Ranagraju

Why and What?

Cloning creates an identical copy of an existing Oracle Applications system. There are
various reasons for cloning an Oracle Applications system such as:

• Creating a copy of the production system for testing updates.

• Migrating an existing system to new hardware.
• Creating a stage area to reduce patching downtime.

 Verify Source and target nodes versions
OUI version
OUI version should be
To check OUI version of 9i ORACLE_HOME edit

To check OUI version of IAS_ORACLE_HOME edit


If OUI version is not accurate then apply the following patch 5035661

PERL version
Perl version should be 5.005. To check the version, give perl –v at command
Jre should be 1.1.8.
JDK verison should be 1.3.
Zip version should be 2.3.

 Apply the latest AD Minipack

Apply patch 4712852 (AD.I.4) or higher.
It includes new features like
a) The AD Check Digest utility checks the integrity of files downloaded from
b) AD Admin and AD controller support for Non-Interactive mode.
c) AD Merge Patch Utility
d) Distributed AD.

 Apply the latest AutoConfig Template patch

Update the Oracle Applications file system with the latest AutoConfig template
files by applying the TXK AutoConfig Template rollup patch to all application tier
server nodes.

AutoConfig is a tool that supports automated configuration of an Applications
instance. When AutoConfig runs on the Application tier, it uses information from
the Applications Context file to generate all configuration files and update
database profiles. When AutoConfig runs on the Database tier, it uses information
from the Database Context file to generate all configuration files used on the
Database tier.

 Apply the latest Rapid Clone patches

Update the Oracle Applications file system with the latest Rapid Clone files by
applying the following patches to all application tier server nodes:
It includes TXK AutoConfig template files to configure the Technology Stack
for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i instances using AutoConfig. These template
files have no effect on the E-Business Suite configuration until the
AutoConfig utility is run.

 Setup Rapid Clone on the Applications Tier

Already 11.5.10 is AutoConfig enabled. Run Autoconfig on Application tier.

 Setup Rapid Clone on the Database Tier

Already 11.5.10 is AutoConfig enabled. Run Autoconfig on Database tier.

 Maintain Snapshot information

This task stores information about files, file versions, and bug
fixes present in an APPL_TOP. Chose this option to record the
current set of files and file versions in your APPL_TOP.


System Information

Source Machine info:

SID: db01
App User: appldb01
DB user: oradb01

Target machine info:

SID: clone
App User: applclone
DB user: oraclone

Using RapidClone
Use Rapid Clone to create template files for cloning on the source system. After
the source system is copied to the target, Rapid Clone updates these templates to
contain the new target system configuration settings. Rapid Clone will not change
the source system configuration.

Three phases to clone:

Prepare the source system
a) Prepare the Source System DB tier for cloning
Log on to the source system as the oradb01 user and run the following
cd <RDBMSORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/scripts/db01_ovcmrh2144/
perl dbTier
b) Prepare the Source system App tier for cloning.
Log on to the source system as the appldb01 user and run the following
cd <COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts/ db01_ovcmrh2144/
perl appsTier

Copy the Source System to the Target System

Copy the application tier file system from the source Applications system to the
target node. Ensure that the target APPLCLONE user owns application tier files
copied to the target system, and the ORACLONE user owns database tier files.

a) Log on to the source system application tier nodes as the APPLDB01 user.
• Shut down the application tier server processes
• Copy the following application tier directories from the source node to
the target application tier node:
b) Copy the database tier file system
Log on to the source system database node as the ORDB01 user.
• Perform a normal shutdown of the source system database
• Copy the database (DBF) files from the source to the target system
• Copy the source database ORACLE_HOME to the target system
• Start up the source Applications system database and application tier
Configure the Target System
You will be prompted for the target system specific values (SID, Paths, Ports, etc)
a) Configure the target system database server
Log on to the target system as the ORACLONE user and type the following
commands to configure and start the database:
cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin
perl dbTier
b) Configure the target system application tier server nodes
Log on to the target system as the APPLCLONE user and type the following
cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
perl appsTier

Post Steps:
o Change APPS and SYSADMin Password using FNDCPASS utility.
o Relink Oracle Applications.
o Update Snapshot.


System Information

Source Machine info:

Node1: (Primary Node)
Servers: Database server, Concurrent server, admin server, Discoverer and
Reports server
SID: db01
App User: appldb01
DB user: oradb01

Node2: (Secondary Node)

Servers: Forms server, Web server.
SID: db01
App User: appldb01
DB user: oradb01

Target machine info:

SID: clone
App User: applclone
DB user: oraclone

Prepare the Source System (Nodes: ovmrh2144 & ocvmrh2149, Sid=db01)

The Applications, Database and DBListener should be up and running
While running on the primary node it asks to run the secondary nodes script.
On the Application Tier run the following scripts

On Primary Node (ocvmrh2144)

perl appsTier merge

Output when above Script is run:

Running with command...
perl /u01/app/appldb01/db01appl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ isPrimary=y
applsysusr=APPLSYS tempdir=/u01/app/appldb01/db01comn/temp
Please enter the APPS User [APPS]: apps
Please enter the APPS password: apps
This is the merge Primary node:
Current APPL_TOP: ocvmrh2144APPL_TOPs belonging to db01 that can be merged
with ocvmrh2144:
Do you want to include ocvmrh2149 in the merge ? [y]:
Generating the high version files manifest. This will take some time, please wait...
sqlplus -s apps/apps @/u01/app/appldb01/db01appl/ad/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/admsnlst.sql
db01 ocvmrh2144 ocvmrh2149,ocvmrh2144 APPLSYS
/u01/app/appldb01/db01appl/admin/db01/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt Y
Manifest located in: /u01/app/appldb01/db01appl/admin/db01/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt
You can now go ahead and run the preparation on the subsequent node(s) while this
process completes.
Running Rapid Clone with command...
perl /u01/app/apdb01/db01appl/ad/11.5.0/bin/
java=/u01/app/appldb01/db01ora/iAS/appsoui/jre/1.3.1 mode=stage
stage=/u01/app/appldb01/db01comn/clone component=appsTier method=CUSTOM
appctx=/u01/app/appldb01/db01appl/admin/db01_ocvmrh2144.xml merge showProgress

Beginning application tier Stage - Tue Apr 24 08:09:22 2007

Log file located at

Completed Merge APPL_TOP preparation for current Node...

Tue Apr 24 08:43:20 2007
[appldb01@ocvmrh2144 db01_ocvmrh2144]$

On Secondary Node (ocvmrh2149)

perl appltop merge
Observations when run:
Running with command...
perl /u01/apps/appldb01/db01appl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ isPrimary=n
applsysusr=APPLSYS tempdir=/u01/apps/appldb01/db01comn/temp
Please enter the APPS User [APPS]: apps
Please enter the APPS password: apps
Current APPL_TOP: ocvmrh2149
This is a subsequent node to be merged into the primary node.
Downloading the high version files manifest from the database...
Found the manifest for merging ocvmrh2149, ocvmrh2144-using ocvmrh2144 as the
Primary node.
sqlplus -s apps/apps @/u01/apps/appldb01/db01appl/ad/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/admsnlst.sql
db01 ocvmrh2149 ocvmrh2149,ocvmrh2144 APPLSYS
/u01/apps/appldb01/db01appl/admin/db01/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt N
Manifest located in: /u01/apps/appldb01/db01appl/admin/db01/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt
Running Rapid Clone with command...
perl /u01/apps/appldb01/db01appl/ad/11.5.0/bin/
java=/u01/apps/appldb01/db01ora/iAS/appsoui/jre/1.3.1 mode=stage
stage=/u01/apps/appldb01/db01comn/clone component=appltop method=CUSTOM
appctx=/u01/apps/appldb01/db01appl/admin/db01_ocvmrh2149.xml merge
Beginning appltop Merge - Tue Apr 24 08:11:40 2007
Log file located at
Completed Merge APPL_TOP preparation for current Node...
Tue Apr 24 08:34:56 2007

On Database Tier (ocvmrh2144) run the following sctipt

perl dbTier pwd=apps
Running Rapid Clone with command...
perl /u01/app/oradb01/db01db/9.2.0/appsutil/bin/
java=/u01/app/oradb01/db01db/9.2.0/jre/1.4.2 mode=stage
stage=/u01/app/oradb01/db01db/9.2.0/appsutil/clone component=dbTier
dbctx=/u01/app/oradb01/db01db/9.2.0/appsutil/db01_ocvmrh2144.xml showProgress
Beginning database tier Stage - Tue Apr 24 08:45:50 2007
APPS Password : apps
Log file located at
| 75% completed

Prepare the Target System (Node: ocvmrh2149):

Create two users.
Useradd –g oaa –d /u01/app/applclone –p applclone applclone
Useradd –g dba –d /u01/app/oraclone –p oraclone oraclone

Copy Source to Target:

Copy dbTier to the ocvmrh2149 node.
Scp –r * oraclone@ocvmrh2149:/u01/app/oraclone/
Copy Primary node appsTier to the (ocvmrh2149)
Scp –r * applclone@ocvmrh2149:/u01/app/applclone
Copy clone directory from secondary nodes to the target node
Cp –Rf /u01/app/apdb01/db01comn/clone/appl

Run the on the Target System:

On Database Tier:
[oraclone@ocvmrh2149 bin]$ perl dbTier
Enter the APPS password [APPS]:
First Creating a new context file for the cloned system.
The program is going to ask you for information about the new system:
Provide the values required for creation of the new Database Context file.
Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:
Target instance is a Real Application Cluster (RAC) instance (y/n) [n]:
Target System database name [db01]: clone
Target system RDBMS ORACLE_HOME directory
Target system utl_file accessible directories list [/usr/tmp]:
Number of DATA_TOP's on the target system [1]:
Target system DATA_TOP 1 [/u01/app/ordb01/db01data]:/u01/apps/oraclone/clonedata
Do you want to preserve the Display set to ocvmrh2144:0.0 (y/n) [y] ?:n
Target system Display [ocvmrh2149:0.0]:
Do you want to preserve the port values from the source system on the target system (y/n)
[y] ?:n
Clone Context uses the same port pool mechanism as the Rapid Install
Once you choose a port pool, Clone Context will validate the port availability.
Enter the port pool number [0-99]:
Checking the port pool 8
done: Port Pool 8 is free
Database port is 1529
Backing up /u01/apps/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone_ocvmrh2149.xml to
Creating the new Database Context file from :
The new database context file has been created :
Log file located at
Running Rapid Clone with command:
perl /u01/apps/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/
java=/u01/apps/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/../jre mode=apply
stage=/u01/apps/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/.. component=dbTier
showProgress contextValidated=true

Beginning database tier Apply - Wed Apr 25 00:05:51 2007

Log file located at
Completed Apply...
Wed Apr 25 00:11:35 2007
Beginning APPSDB_clone registration to central inventory...
ORACLE_HOME PATH : /u01/apps/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0
Using Inventory location in /etc/oraInst.loc
Log file located at /etc/oraInventory/logs/OracleHomeCloner_04251211.log
ORACLE_HOME /u01/apps/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0 was registered successfully.
Starting database listener for clone:
/u01/apps/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/scripts/clone_ocvmrh2149/ start
You are running version 115.6
Logfile: /u01/apps/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/log/clone_ocvmrh2149/addlnctl.txt
Starting listener process clone ...
Listener clone has already been started. exiting with status 0
[oraclone@ocvmrh2149 bin]$

On Applications Tier
[applclone@ocvmrh2149 bin]$ perl appsTier
Enter the APPS password [APPS]:
First Creating a new context file for the cloned system.
The program is going to ask you for information about the new system:
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:
Target system database SID [db01]:clone
Target system database server node [ocvmrh2144]:ocvmrh2149
Target system database domain name []:
Does the target system have more than one application tier server node (y/n) [y] ?:n
Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n) [n] ?:
Target system APPL_TOP mount point
Target system COMMON_TOP directory
Target system 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory
Target system iAS ORACLE_HOME directory

Do you want to preserve the Display set to ocvmrh2144:0.0 (y/n) [y] ?:nTarget system
Display [ocvmrh2149:0.0]:
Enter the Database listener port [1527]:1529
Database port is 1529
Do you want the middle-tier services on the target system to have the same port values as
the source system (y/n) [y] ?:n
Clone Context uses the same port pool mechanism as the Rapid Install.
Once you choose a port pool, Clone Context will validate the port availability.
Enter the port pool to be used for the target system middle-tier services [0-99]:
Checking the port pool 8
done: Port Pool 8 is free
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /usr/tmp
2. /usr/tmp
3. /u01/apps/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/clone_ocvmrh2149
4. /usr/tmp
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1]:
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at
Running Rapid Clone with command:
perl /u01/apps/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/
java=/u01/apps/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/../jre mode=apply
stage=/u01/apps/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/.. component=appsTier
appctxtg=/u01/apps/applclone/cloneappl/admin/clone_ocvmrh2149.xml merge
showProgress contextValidated=true
Beginning application tier Apply - Wed Apr 25 00:17:55 2007
Log file located at
Completed Apply...
Wed Apr 25 00:53:08 2007
Beginning APPSIAS_clone registration to central inventory...
ORACLE_HOME PATH : /u01/apps/applclone/cloneora/iAS
Using Inventory location in /etc/oraInst.loc
Log file located at /etc/oraInventory/logs/OracleHomeCloner_04251253.log
ORACLE_HOME /u01/apps/applclone/cloneora/iAS was registered successfully.
Executing merge appl top for JRI merge

merge jri files with command :

JRI log file located at, /u01/apps/applclone/cloneappl/admin/clone/out/jri_logfile.txt

JRI report file located at, /u01/apps/applclone/cloneappl/admin/clone/out/jri_report.txt
Copying master archive from
/u01/apps/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/../appl/ocvmrh2149/java/* to
Completed copying master archive to /u01/apps/applclone/clonecomn/java
Starting application Services for clone:

Post Steps:
o Change APPS and SYSADMin Password using FNDCPASS utility.
o Relink Oracle Applications.
o Update Snapshot.


System Information

Source Machine info:

SID: db01
App User: appldb01
DB user: oradb01

Target machine info:

Node1: ocvmrh2149
Node2: ocvmrh2144
Sid: clone
APP user: applclone
DB user: oraclone
Servers: Web & forms on ocvmrh2144
Concurrent, Admin and Database on ocvmrh2149
Prepare the Source System (Node: ocvmrh2144, Sid=db01):

On the Database Tier run the following script.

perl dbTier pwd=apps
When we run this script it creates a Clone directory in

On the Application Tier run the following script.

Perl appsTier pwd=apps

When we run this script it creates a Clone directory in

Prepare the Target System (Node: ocvmrh2149, ocvmrh2144):

Create two users in both nodes.

Useradd –g oaa –d /u01/app/applclone –p applclone applclone
Useradd –g dba –d /u01/app/oraclone –p oraclone oraclone

Copy Source to Target:

Copy dbTier to the ocvmrh2149 node.
Scp –r * oraclone@ocvmrh2149:/u01/app/oraclone/
Copy appsTier to the (ocvmrh2149, ocvmrh2144) both nodes
Scp –r * applclone@ocvmrh2149:/u01/app/applclone
Cp –Rf /u01/app/appldb01/ /u01/app/applclone/

Run the on the Target System:

On Database Tier:
[oraclone@ocvmrh2149 bin]$ perl dbTier
Enter the APPS password [APPS]:apps
First Creating a new context file for the cloned system.
The program is going to ask you for information about the new system:

Provide the values required for creation of the new Database Context file.
Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:
Target instance is a Real Application Cluster (RAC) instance (y/n) [n]:
Target System database name [db01]: clone
Target system RDBMS ORACLE_HOME directory
Target system utl_file accessible directories list [/usr/tmp]:
Number of DATA_TOP's on the target system [1]:
Target system DATA_TOP 1 [/u01/apps/oradb01/db01data]:/u01/app/oraclone/clonedata
Do you want to preserve the Display set to ocvmrh2144:0.0 (y/n) [y] ?:n
Target system Display [ocvmrh2149:0.0]:
Do you want to preserve the port values from the source system on the target system (y/n)
[y] ?:n
Clone Context uses the same port pool mechanism as the Rapid Install
Once you choose a port pool, Clone Context will validate the port availability.
Enter the port pool number [0-99]:
Checking the port pool 6
done: Port Pool 6 is free
Database port is 1527
Creating the new Database Context file from :
The new database context file has been created :
Log file located at
Running Rapid Clone with command:
perl /u01/app/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/
java=/u01/app/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/../jre mode=apply
stage=/u01/app/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/.. component=dbTier
dbctxtg=/u01/app/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/clone_ocvmrh2149.xml showProgress
Beginning database tier Apply - Mon Apr 23 09:32:25 2007
Log file located at
Completed Apply...
Mon Apr 23 09:38:28 2007

Beginning APPSDB_clone registration to central inventory...

ORACLE_HOME PATH : /u01/app/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0
Using Inventory location in /etc/oraInst.loc
Log file located at /etc/oraInventory/logs/OracleHomeCloner_04230938.log
ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0 was registered successfully.
Starting database listener for clone:
/u01/app/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/scripts/clone_ocvmrh2149/ start
You are running version 115.6
Logfile: /u01/app/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/log/clone_ocvmrh2149/addlnctl.txt
Starting listener process clone ...
Listener clone has already been started. exiting with status 0

On Application Tier (2149):

[applclone@ocvmrh2149 bin]$ perl appsTier

Enter the APPS password [APPS]: apps
First Creating a new context file for the cloned system.
The program is going to ask you for information about the new system:
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:
Target system database SID [db01]:clone
Target system database server node [ocvmrh2144]:ocvmrh2149
Target system database domain name []:
Does the target system have more than one application tier server node (y/n) [n] ?:y
Does the target system application tier utilize multiple domain names (y/n) [n] ?:
Target system concurrent processing node [ocvmrh2144]:ocvmrh2149
Target system administration node [ocvmrh2144]:ocvmrh2149
Target system forms server node [ocvmrh2144]:
Target system web server node [ocvmrh2144]:
Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n) [n] ?:
Target system APPL_TOP mount point
Target system COMMON_TOP directory
Target system 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory
Target system iAS ORACLE_HOME directory
Do you want to preserve the Display set to ocvmrh2144:0.0 (y/n) [y] ?:n
Target system Display [ocvmrh2149:0.0]:
Do you want to preserve the port values from the source system on the target system (y/n)
[y] ?:n
Clone Context uses the same port pool mechanism as the Rapid Install
Once you choose a port pool, Clone Context will validate the port availability.
Enter the port pool number [0-99]:
Checking the port pool 6
done: Port Pool 6 is free
Web Listener port is 8006
Complete port information available at
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /usr/tmp
2. /usr/tmp
3. /u01/app/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/clone_ocvmrh2149
4. /usr/tmp
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1]:
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at /u01/app/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/CloneContext_04231150.log
Running Rapid Clone with command:
perl /u01/app/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/
java=/u01/app/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/../jre mode=apply
stage=/u01/app/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/.. component=appsTier
appctxtg=/u01/app/applclone/cloneappl/admin/clone_ocvmrh2149.xml showProgress
Beginning application tier Apply - Mon Apr 23 23:53:29 2007
Log file located at
Completed Apply...
Tue Apr 24 00:04:42 2007
Beginning APPSIAS_clone registration to central inventory...


ORACLE_HOME PATH : /u01/app/applclone/cloneora/iAS
Using Inventory location in /etc/oraInst.loc
Log file located at /etc/oraInventory/logs/OracleHomeCloner_04241204.log
ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/applclone/cloneora/iAS was registered successfully.

Starting application Services for clone:


On Application Tier (2144):

[applclone@ocvmrh2144 bin]$ perl appsTier
Enter the APPS password [APPS]: apps
First Creating a new context file for the cloned system.
The program is going to ask you for information about the new system:

Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:
Target system database SID [db01]:clone
Target system database server node [ocvmrh2144]:ocvmrh2149
Target system database domain name []:
Does the target system have more than one application tier server node (y/n) [n] ?:y
Does the target system application tier utilize multiple domain names (y/n) [n] ?:
Target system concurrent processing node [ocvmrh2144]:ocvmrh2149
Target system administration node [ocvmrh2144]:ocvmrh2149
Target system forms server node [ocvmrh2144]:
Target system web server node [ocvmrh2144]:
Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n) [n] ?:
Target system APPL_TOP mount point
Target system COMMON_TOP directory
Target system 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory
Target system iAS ORACLE_HOME directory
Do you want to preserve the Display set to ocvmrh2144:0.0 (y/n) [y] ?:n
Target system Display [ocvmrh2144:0.0]:
Clone Context uses the same port pool mechanism as the Rapid Install
Once you choose a port pool, Clone Context will validate the port availability.
Enter the port pool number [0-99]:
Checking the port pool 6
done: Port Pool 6 is free
Web Listener port is 8006
Complete port information available at
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /usr/tmp
2. /usr/tmp
3. /u01/app/oraclone/clonedb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/clone_ocvmrh2149
4. /usr/tmp
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1]:
Backing up /u01/apps/applclone/cloneappl/admin/clone_ocvmrh2144.xml to
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at
Running Rapid Clone with command:
perl /u01/apps/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/
java=/u01/apps/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/../jre mode=apply
stage=/u01/apps/applclone/clonecomn/clone/bin/.. component=appsTier
appctxtg=/u01/apps/applclone/cloneappl/admin/clone_ocvmrh2144.xml showProgress
Beginning application tier Apply - Tue Apr 24 00:20:09 2007
Log file located at
- 38% completed
Completed Apply...
Tue Apr 24 00:31:26 2007
Beginning APPSIAS_clone registration to central inventory...
ORACLE_HOME PATH : /u01/apps/applclone/cloneora/iAS
Using Inventory location in /etc/oraInst.loc
Log file located at /u01/oracle9i/oraInventory/logs/OracleHomeCloner_04241231.log
RC-00123: Warning: ORACLE_HOME APPSIAS_clone already exists inside the
Starting application Services for clone:

Problems & Solutions:

After cloning when we look at the OAM screen, we realized that concurrent processing
server and admin server was running on both the nodes (ocvmrh2144, ocvmrh2149),
According to the configuration db, cps, admin are supposed to be only in ocvmrh2149
While web, forms are supposed to be in ocvmrh2144

To solve this
We checked the fnd_nodes table and it shows cps and admin on both the nodes.
We took a backup of fnd_nodes table and executed this command


This script clears the fnd_nodes table.after this we ran the autoconfig on both the nodes
and bounced the db.
Autoconfig would insert all the data into the fnd_nodes table.
The rectified information can be seen in the OAM screen.


System Information

Source Machine info:

Node1: (admin, db, concurrent server)
Node2: (Form and web servers)
SID: db01
App User: appldb01
DB user: oradb01

Target machine info:

Node1: (admin, db and concurrent server)
Node2: (Form and web servers)
SID: clone
App User: applclone
DB user: oraclone

Prepare the source system

c) Prepare the Source System DB tier for cloning
Log on to the source system as the oradb01 user and run the following
cd <RDBMSORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/scripts/db01_ovcmrh2144/
perl dbTier
d) Prepare the Source system App tier for cloning.
Log on to the source system as the appldb01 user and run the following
commands on both the nodes (ocvmrh2144 and ocvmrh2149)
cd <COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts/ db01_ovcmrh2144/
perl appsTier

Copy the Source System to the Target System

Copy the application tier file system from the source Applications system to the
target nodes. Ensure that the target APPLCLONE user owns application tier files
copied to the target system, and the ORACLONE user owns database tier files.

b) Log on to the source system application tier nodes as the APPLDB01 user.
• Shut down the application tier server processes
• Copy the following application tier directories from the source node to
the target application tier nodes:
b) Copy the database tier file system
Log on to the source system database node as the ORDB01 user.
• Perform a normal shutdown of the source system database
• Copy the database (DBF) files from the source to the target system
• Copy the source database ORACLE_HOME to the target system
• Start up the source Applications system database and application tier

Configure the Target System

You will be prompted for the target system specific values (SID, Paths, Ports, etc)
a) Configure the target system database server
Log on to the target system as the ORACLONE user and type the following
commands to configure and start the database:
cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin
perl dbTier
b) Configure the target system application tier server nodes (ocvmrh2144
and ocvmrh2149)
Log on to the target system as the APPLCLONE user and type the following
cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
perl appsTier

Post Steps:
o Change APPS and SYSADMin Password using FNDCPASS utility.
o Relink Oracle Applications.
o Update Snapshot.

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