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Character Design | Marine Teens

Jonny Sharples
My first insight into design work and the potential characters for my 80s styled TV show.

Centrifugal Studio UCA Rochester Campus 07549634737 10/2/2011

Marine Teens
A group of teenagers try to get through their everyday life in high school. Whilst battling to try and stop the evil Tigan from overthrowing the world with his evil, sadistic generals and their platoon of anthropomorphic animals during their free time. Will they ever have time for their homework?

Character Design Hero

Name Height Age Back story
Stevie Wilks 6ft 5 17 Stevie Wilks has always been the stereotypical image of a jock. Although his personality has always shied away from being the stereotype. From a young age he was able to blend into any social crowd and gain a good rapport with all. Hes first big break came in his third year at high school when he became the captain of the basketball team. Hes influence from such an early start showed promise as the team broke into the top ten high school basketball teams in the country. As he continued through the years in high school he became the captain of football team and immediately became a high school celebrity. Although a jock he remained a floater between groups and slowly created a universal group of friend from different social background. His break with the army came only weeks after his national final as his leadership skills and athletic power help turn over the nations favourite team to win. His skills where seen by government officials and they immediately assigned him to a top secret mission known as Marine Teens. Stevie was asked to come on board and train. After two years of training he fell back into high school and remains an icon. Waiting to be called upon by the government when the country is threatened. American Football Cpt. Basketball Cpt. Head Boy Sergeant Wilks

Affiliations Military Rank

Figure 1 | Possible Body Types

Figure 2 | Continued Body Perspective and Armour

Figure 3 | Influence For Costume

Name Height Age Back story Sammy Simmonds 5ft 8 14 Sammy has always been a bright lad and has always been brighter than most. By the age of 10 was in Yale working on a robotics and mechanics degree which he completed that same year. The government signed Sammy up immediately as a field technician and trained him for the majority of his teen years. However, his intelligence wasnt enough to sustain him as a leader and his gun skills where consider clumsy which kept him away a high role. By the introduction of Stevie; Sammy had used his skills to improve millions pounds worth of tech for the army. His main achievement was the invention of Omega Delta suits which would be used by the team. Each individual member would have specific suit which would have element that would benefit them in combat. Furthermore his additions to new equipment gave him the ability to use a universal vehicle that transform dependent on it need to the driver or drivers. As the team joined together Sammy was sent back high school with the group. He remained there and was easily mouldy in to Stevies group. Tech Nerd Clumsy Fortunate (Lucky) Inventor Lance Corporal Simmonds


Military Rank

Figure 4 | Geek Influence

Figure 5 | Stereotype Geeks Influence

Figure 6 | Armour for Sidekick

Figure 7 | Character Body Shape

Name Height Age Back story Tigan 8ft Unknown Tigan has been the leader of the planet Animorphia for centuries but by his sixth session in power he notice the world was disintegrating as the planet began to die. His solution however was to reoccupy a world or planet that has been abandoned or had signs of no intelligent life. But as the centuries went by he became more insane as every planet they approached was unsupportive of their species. With every planet however he became more power hungry as his civilisation was better than any other. Using a good tactician he convinced his race to capture the locals and enslave them into repairs and slavery on the ship. Tigan success however came from reaching the Milkway quadrant as the ship homed in on a planet that could sustain their life. Moreover they had a strong physic than any human and would easily overthrow them. With a slave army behind him and his generals who where aggressive and like him suffering from insanity thanks to the long time spent in space. They planned to destroy the human race as we know it. Evil Overlord Dark Emperor General Enslaver Of the Universe Emperor Tigan


Military Rank

Figure 8 | Anthropomorphic Tigers

Figure 9 | Body Shape influence

Figure 10 | Clothing Style

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