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MALAYSIAN MS EN 1997-1:2012 STANDARD Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules ICS: 91.120.20 Desuiplr:so nectar, suc ylems tires, codustonenenigg wert, uc ‘esi, constrsion operstene, foundations, ple foundstiane, retaining structure Shoprksnets, aubsely anchorages, matnematical caleulavons, design eeleuision, ste Investigations, stebity FOR SALE WITHIN MALAYSIA ONLY © Copyright 2012 DEPARTMENT OF STANDARDS MALAYSIA DEVELOPMENT OF MALAYSIAN STANDARDS ‘The Department of Standards Malaysia (STANDARDS MALAYSIA) is the netional standards and accreditation body of Malaysia. The main function of STANDARDS MALAYSIA is to foster and promote standards, standardisation and accreditation as a means of advancing the national economy, promoting industrial efficiency and development, benefiting the health and safety of the public, protecting the consumers, facilitating domestic and intemational trade and furthering international ‘cooperation in relation to standards and standardisation, Malaysian Standards (MS) are developed through consensus by committees which comprise balanced representation of producers, users, consumers and others with relevant interests, a8 may be appropriate to the subject at hand. To the greatest extent possible, Malaysian ‘Standards are aligned to or are adoption of international standards. Approval of a standard as ‘a Malaysian Standard is governed by the Standards of Malaysia Act 1996 [Act 549). Malaysian Standards are reviewed periodically. The use of Malaysian Standards is voluntary except in 80, far as they are made mandatory by regulatory authorities by means of regulations, lacal by- laws or any other similar ways For the purposes of Malaysian Standards, the folowing definitions apply: Revision: A process where existing Malaysian Standard is reviewed and updated which resulted in the publication of a new edition of the Malaysian Standard. Confirmed MS: A Malaysian Standard that has been reviewed by the responsible committee and contirmed that fts contents are current. Amendment: A process where a provision(s) of existing Malaysian Standard is altered. The changes are indicated in an amendment page which is incorporated into the existing Malaysian Standard. Amendments can be of technical andlor editorial nature. Technical corrigendum: A corrected reprint of the current edition which is issued to correct either a technical error or ambiguity in a Malaysian Standard inadvertently introduced either in drafting or in printing and which could feed to incorrect or unsafe application of the publication. NOTE: Technical cvtgenda are not fo correct erro which can be assumed to have no consequences inthe application ‘ofthe MS, for example minor printing errors STANDARDS MALAYSIA has appointed SIRIM Berhad as the agent to develop, distribute and sell Malaysian Standards. For further information on Malaysian Standards, please contact Department of Standards Malaysia OR — SIRIM Berhad Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Company No. 367474 - V) Level # & 2, Block 2300, Century Square 4, Persiaran Dato’ Menteri Jalan Usahawan Section 2, P. 0. Box 7035 63000 Cyberjaya 40700 Shah Alam ‘Selangor Darul Ehsan Selangor Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA, MALAYSIA Tel: 60 3.8318 0002 Tel: 60 3 5544 6000 Fax: 60 3 8319 3131 Fax: 60 3 5510 8095, http:/ http:/ E-mail: E-mail: MS EN 1997-1:2012 Committee representation ‘The Industy Standards Commitee on Bulg, Construcion and Civil Engineering (ISCO) under whese auhorty this Malaysian Sanders was adopted, comprises represantalves fem the fling organisation! ‘Assodatin of Consuting Engineers Malaysia (Construction industry Development Bara Malaysia Department of irigation and Drainege Malaysia Department of Standards Malaysia Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers for persistent and transient situations defined in Annex A shall be Used in equation (2.1). NOTE 4 The values ofthe partial factors may be sei by the National annex. NOTE The recommended values in Annex & indicate the appropriate level of safety for conventional designs. (6) If design values of geotechnical actions are assessed directly, the values of the partial factors recommended in Annex A should be used 2s 2 guide to the required level of safely, (6)P When dealing with ground-water pressures ior limit states with severe consequences {generally ultimate timit states), design values shall represent the most unfavourable values tat could occur during the design lifetime ofthe structure. For iit states with less severe consequences (generally serviceability init states), design values shall be the most unfavourable values which could accurin normal croumstances, (7) In some cases extreme water pressures complying with of EN 1990:2002, may be treated as accidental actions. i | | | EN 1997-1:2004 (6) Design values of ground-water pressures may be dotived ether by applying paral factor to characteristic water pressures or by apalying a safety margin to tho characteristic water level in accordance with 2.4.4(1)P and (2) The folowing features, which may affect the water pressures should be considered: — the level of the free water surface or the ground-water table — the favourable or unfavourable effects of drainage, both natural and artificial, taking account of its future maintenanos, — the supply of weter by rain, flood, burst water mains or other means; — changes of water pressures due to the growth or removal of vegetation, (10) Consideration should be given to unfavourable water levels that may be caused by changes in the water catchment and reduced drainage due to blockage, freezing ar other causes, (11) Unless the adequacy of the dreinage system can be demonstrated and its maintenance ensured, the design ground-water tabla should be taken as the maximurn possible level, whieh may be the ground surface Design values of geotechnical parameters (1}P Design values of geotechnical parameters (%2) shall either be derived irom characteris: values using the following equation: X= Kel th ey or shall be assessed directly. (2)P The partial factor for persistant and transient situations defined in Annex A shall be Used in equation (2.2). NOTE 1 The values ofthe paral factors may be set by the Nationel annex NOTE 2 The recommended values in Annex A insicate the minimum level of safety fo conventional sesigns. (9) It design values of geotechnical parameters are assessed directly, the values of the parte factors recommended in Annex & should be used as a guide tothe required level of safety Design values of geometrical data (1) The partial action and material factors (j¢ and 24) includ an allowance for minor vatiations in geometrical data ang, in such cases, no further safety margin on the geometrical data should be required, (@P In cases where deviations in the geometrical data have @ significant effect on the relabity of a structure, design values of geometrical data (ay) shall elther be assessed direclly or be derivad from nominal values using the folowing equation (see 6.3.4 of EN 1990:2002) ae neha 23) for which values of da are given in 6.5.4(2) and 10 values of structural properties FF a ave rovers of crural tole th eal rexianes ct stiuicutal elements shall be calculated in accordance with EN 1382 fo EN 1996 and EN 1699. 24,7 Ultimate Limit States 2474 General (1)P Where relevent it shall be verted tha the following limit states ere not exceeded: — loss of equilibrium of the structure or the ground, considered as a rigid bady, in which the ‘strengths of structural materials and the ground are insignificent in provicing resistance (€QU); — intemal falure or excessive deformation of the structure or slructural elements, Including 2,9, footings, piles or basement walls, in which the strength of structural materials io significant in providing resistance (STR); F | | | i i i i i (2) The partial factors in persistent and transient situations defined in Annex A shell bo used. — failure or excessive deformation of the ground, in which the strength of soil or rockis significant in providing resistance (GEO), — 108s of equilibrium of the structure or the ground due to uplift by water pressure (buoyancy) oF other vertical actions (UPL); —— hydraulic heave, internal erosion and plping in the ground caused by hyciraulic gradionis (ey), NOTE Limi stale GEO is often citca to the sizing of siructural elements involved in foundations or ‘elaining structures and sometimes to the strength af etrctural ements. NOTE The values ofthe perta factors mey be set by the National annex, The tables In Annes A giva the recommended values, (8) All values of pata factors for actions or the effects of actions in accidantalstuations should normally be taken equal to 1,0. All values of paral Factors for resistances should then be selected accorcing othe partoular crcumetances of the accidental sluation i NOTE The values othe paral factors may beset bythe Naina annex. i {4) More severe vatues then those recommended in Annex A should be used in ceses of abnormal isk or unusual or exceptional dificult ground or loacing conditions. TEDNOTE The values of pata factors maybe set by the National Annax. Hl (6) Less severe values than those recommended in Annex A may be used for temporary stfuctures or transient design situations. where the ikely consequences justify it. GEDNOTE The values of partial factors may be set by the National Annex. Gi] (6) When catculating the design value of the resistance, (Ry), or the design value ofthe effect, of actions, (E,), model factors, (jhe ) OF (75a ) fespectivaly, may be introduced to ensure that the results of the design calculation modal are either accurate or env on the safe side. FEDNOTE The values of model factors may be eet by the National Annex. GE Verification of static equilibrium (1)? When considering a limit state of static equilibrium or of overall clsplecements of the structure or ground (EQU), it shall be verified that: Eawce S Eanes Te (24) BIN 1997-1:2004 with Essce = Ele Fini Xe! i Beds (242) and Ene Elie Fin X14 es (2) (2)P The partial factors for persistent and transient situations defined in A.2{1)P and A.2(2)P ‘shail be used in equation (2.4). NOTE 1 Static eqtium EQU is mainly relevant in structural design. In geotechnical design, EQU \eriication wil bs linited io rare cases, euch 29 a rigid foundation beating on rock, anda, in grnciple, iatinet from overall stably o buoyancy problems. I any shearing resistance Teis include, 8 should bat ‘minor importance, NOTE2 The values ofthe partial factors may be setby the National annex, Tables At and A2 give tha recommended values Verification of resistance for structural and ground limit states in persistent and transient situations General (YP When considering a fimit state of rupture or excessive deformation of a structural element oF section of the ground (STR and GEO}, i shall be verified that Ess Re 29) 2.4:7.3.2 Design effects of actions (1) Partial factors on actions may be applied either to the actions themselves (Fag) oF to thelr effects (E): Ea Elie Fai Mii a) (28) or a= it East Mi is aah 2m) {2) In some design situations the application of carta factors to actions coming from or ‘through the soil (such as earth or water pressures) could lead to design values, which are Unreasonable or even physically impossible. In these situations, the factors may be applisd directly tothe effects of actions derived trom representative values of the actions, (3)P The partial factors defined in A.8.1(1)P andA.3.2(1)P shall bo used in equations (2.68) and (2.60). NOTE The values ofthe paral factors may be set by the National annex. Tables AS end A,é ive the ‘recommended values, 3 (1) Perial factors may be appliod sither to ground properties (9 or resistances (F) orto both, “as fallovis: Paps Foe Fst Xi era) or Pex Ale Fg Xi aaa 7) or Pam Fe Fos Xd aan ee) NOTE In design procedures where he elfects of actions are factored, the parti! factor for actions = 1,0. (see also 8.3(6)) (2)P The partial factors, defined In A.3.3.1(1)P, A3.3.2(1)P, A3.3.4(1)P, A8.8.5(1}P and A3.3.6(1)P shall be used in equations (2,7, 6, and c) NOTE Tho values ofthe partis factors may be éot by the National annex, Tables AS, AG, A7.A8, A412, A1 and A.14 give the recommended values. Design Approaches Goneral (1)P The manner in which equations (2.6) and (2.7) ara applied shall be determined using one of three Design Approaches, NOTE 4 The way to use equations (2.6) and (2:7) andthe particuar Design Approach fo be used may be ‘ivan in the National annex. NOTE 2 Further carication of the Design Approaches is provided in Annex ®. NOTES The partial factrs in Annex A 10 be used in equations (2.6) and (2.7) are grouped in sate denoted by A (lor actions or effects of actions), (or sol parameters) and A (for resistances) They are selected according othe Design Approach used, 28.73.42 Design Approach 1 (1)P Except for the design of axfally loaded ples and anchor, it shail be verified that a limit state of rupture or excassive deformation will not occur with either of the following combinations of sets of paitial factors: Combination 1: Ary" MT" AL Combination 2: 42s" M2“e" AI here "+" implies: “to be combined with’ NOTE In Combinations $ and 2, patil factors are applied to actions andto ground strength pararneters.| @)P For the design of axially loaded piles and anchors, it shell be vertied that a limit state of rupture of excessive dotormation will not occur with either of the following combinations of sets of partial factors: ‘BN 1997-1:2004 Combination 1: 41% Mis Rt Combination 2: A2 "+" (M7 oF M2) "x" A NOTE In Combination 1, peril factors are applied to actions and to ground slrength parameter. In Combination 2, patil factors are applied 1 actions, to grourd resistances and sometimes to ground strength parameters, NOTE 2 tn Combination 2, set #1 is used ‘or calculating resistances of piles or anchors and set M2 fe calculating unfavourablo actions en ples aving e.g, to negative skin fion or tinsverea loading. {@) itis obvious that one of the two combinations governs the design, calculations for the ‘other combination need nat be carried out. However, iiterent combinations may be critical to cifferent aspects of the same design. 24.73.43 Design Approach 2 (1)P tt shall be verified that a tit state of rupture or excessive deformation will not occur with the following combination of seis of partial factors: Combination: A: "MI A NOTE 1 Inttis approach, pata factors are applied to actions orto the effects of actions and! to ground resistances. NOTE 2 I this approach is used for slops and overall stabil anlyees the resuting etfect ofthe actions fn the failure surface is mubiglied by ze and the shear resistance along the failure suriacsis divided by me 247.3.44 Design Approach 3 (1)? It shail be verified that a limit state of rupture or excessive deformation wil nat occur with the following combination of seis of partial factors: Combination: (A¥ or AZ!) “#" M2“ RS “on structural actions ‘on geotechnica! actions NOTE In this approach, pata factors are applied to actions orto the effects of actions form the structure and to ground stiength parameters NOTE2 Forslope and overal stably endlyses,etlons onthe 201 (2. structural ection, ac leat) ate treated 2s geotectirical actions by using the set of load fetors Az, Verification procedure and partial factors for uplift {1)P Verification for uplift (UPL) shal be carved out by checking that the design value ofthe combination of destabiising permanent and vaiiabe vertical actions (Vang) is less than or ‘equal to the sum of the design value of the stabilising permanent vertical actions (Gy) and o the design value of any additional resistance to upiit (R.): Vane S Gama + Pe ea) where Vee = Cece + Qasr NOTE The ves of patel facta may be sty ne Nato nnot Tees A1S and. At6 go Wheeatvaee Verification of resistance to failure by heave due to seepage of water in the ground (1)P When considering a limit state of taliure cus to heave by sospage cf water in the ground (HYD, see 10.3), itshall be verified, for every relevant soit column, that the design value of tho destabilising otal pore water pressure (Usa ) atthe bottom of the column, or the design value of the seepage force (Sagq) in the column is ess than or equal to the stablising total vertical stress {@axsd) at the bottom of the column, oF the submerged weight (G'sa,<) of the same column: Use & Ove (2.99) Sts S Fans (2.80) (2)P The partial factors tor tunes, Oia. Stet aNd Gay. fOr persistent and transient situations defined in A.5(1)P shail be used in equations 2.0a and 2,¢b. NOTE The values ofthe partial factors may be sat by the National annex, Table A.17 gives the rscommerdied valves. 2.4.8 Serviceability limit states (OP Veriication for serviceabilty imit states in the ground or in a structural section, element or connection, shall either require that: Bes On @:10) or be done through the method given in 2.4.62. (2) Values of parial factors for serviceabiiy lit states should normally be taken equal to 10. NOTE Tho values othe patil factors may be set by the Neionel annex. (2) Characteristic values should be changed appropriately if changes of ground properties e.g by ground-water lowering or desiccation, may occur during the life of the structure. (4) Ikmay be vertied that a sufficiently low fraction of the ground strength is mobilised to keep deformations within the required serviceability mils, provided this simplified approach is restricted to design situations where: — 8 Veluo of the deformation is not required to check the serviceability limit state; — established comparable experience exists with similar ground, structures and appifcation method. ()P A limiting value for a particular deformation is the value at which a serviceability fit slate, ‘such as unacceptable cracking or jamming of doors, is deemed to occur in the supported structure. This limiting value shail be agreed during the design of the supported structure, | | EN 1997-1:2004 2.49 Limiting values for movements of foundations ()P In foundation desfgn limiting values shall be established forthe foundation movernents. NOTE Pormitedfoundion movements may be set bythe National annex. 2)P Any éiferental movements of foundations leading to deformation in the supported EXructre sal be ited to ensure thet they do nt ead oat state n the supported (B)P The selection of design values fo limiting movernents and defarmations shall take account of the following: — the confidence with which the acceptable value of the movement can be specified: — the occurrence and rate of ground movernents; — the type of structure; — the type of construction materia; — the type of foundatior — the type of ground; — the mode of deformation; — the proposed use of the structure; — the need to ensure that there are no problems with the services entering the structure, (4)? Calculations of ditferentiat settlement shail tke account of: — the occurrence and rate cf settlements and ground movements; ~ random and systematic variations in ground properties; — the loading distdbution: — the construction methed (Including the sequence of loading); — the stiffness of the structure during and after construction. NOTE In the absence of specified fing values of structural deformations of the supported structs, the values of structural deformation and foundation movernent given in Annex H may Be used, 25 Design by prescriptive measures (1) in design situations where calculation models are not available or not necassary, exceeding limit states may be avoided by the use of prescriptive measures. Thase involve conventional and generally conservative rules in the design, and attention to specification and control of materials, workmanship, protection and maintenance procedures. NOTE Reference fo such conventional and generally conservative ules may be given in the National annex, (2) Design by prescriptive measures may be used where comparable experience, as detinedin, makas design calculations unnecessary. it may alco be used to ensure durability

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