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PHYS 130 Midterm Exam

Section EA02
October 14, 2022
10:00 to 10:50

Question order follows version 22

(Q# on version 88 in blue)

QUESTION 1 (Q3 on v88)

A pendulum undergoes simple harmonic motion with an angular displacement given by:

θ(t) = 4.39 cos(2.77t + 0.28)

All values are in SI units. If the pendulum is on Earth (g=9.81 m s-2), what is the length of the

A) 1.28 m
B) 2.23 m
C) 2.77 m
D) 3.54 m
E) 4.39 m


The general equation of motion is: θ(t) = A cos(wt + f), where A is the amplitude, w is the
angular frequency, and f is the phase angle.

By comparison, we see that the angular frequency for this pendulum is w = 2.77 rad s-1.

The angular frequency of a simple pendulum is: ω =
where g is the gravitational acceleration and L is the length.
Rearranging this and squaring both sides gives: L =

Plugging in the given values (w = 2.77 rad s-1, g=9.81 m s-2) gives a length of L = 1.28 m

QUESTION 2 (Q5 on v88)

A mass of 2 kg is attached to a horizontal spring with a spring constant of 50 N m-1. The mass is
displaced by a distance of 10 cm from its equilibrium position and released at rest, creating
simple harmonic motion. What is the magnitude of the maximum acceleration of the mass during
its oscillation?

A) 0.1 m s-2
B) 0.5 m s-2
C) 2.5 m s-2
D) 5.0 m s-2
E) 10.0 m s-2


The mass will have its maximum acceleration when it is at its largest displacement (i.e., the
amplitude, A). Based on the information given, the amplitude is equal to the initial displacement
of the mass (A = 10 cm = 0.10 m).

From Newton’s second law, the acceleration is the result of the net force: Fnet = ma

In this case, the net force is the spring force: Fspring = -kx, where x is the displacement from

Because Fnet = Fspring, we have: ma = -kx

Therefore the magnitude of the acceleration is: a = −

We are given: k = 50 N m-1 and m = 2 kg. As noted above, the maximum acceleration will occur
at x = A = 0.10 m.

Plugging in these values gives a maximum acceleration of 2.5 m s-2

Alternate approach:
This result can also be obtained from the general equation of motion: x(t)=A cos(wt + f)

/' ,
From this, the acceleration is: a = x = = −A ω2 cos (ωt + ϕ)

This will have its maximum value at cos ωt + ϕ = ±1

Therefore the maximum acceleration is a = A ω2 , where ω = for a mass-spring system

Plugging in A = 0.10 m, k = 50 N m-1 and m = 2 kg gives a maximum acceleration of 2.5 m s-2


QUESTION 3 (Q1 on v88)

A horizontal mass-spring system has a spring constant k1 and mass m1. It is set in motion by
displacing the mass by a distance A1 and releasing it from rest. This creates simple harmonic
motion with a period of T1.

In a second experiment, you replace the mass with one that is 2m1. The spring constant remains
the same. If you release this mass from rest at a displacement of A1, what is the resulting period
of oscillation (T2)?

A) T2 = T> 2
B) T2 = T> 2
C) T2 = T>
D) 𝐓𝟐 = 𝟐 𝐓𝟏
E) T2 = 2 T>

The angular frequency of a mass-spring system is: ω = where k is the spring constant and
m is the mass.

The period of oscillation is therefore:

2π m
T= = 2π
ω k

Note that the amplitude of initial displacement does not affect the angular frequency of period of

For system 1, the period is: T> = 2π

For system 2, the mass is 2m1 and the spring constant is k1. So the period is: T2 = 2π

By comparing the two period equations, we see that: 𝐓𝟐 = 𝟐 𝐓𝟏


QUESTION 4 (Q6 on v88)

A vertical mass-spring system is undergoing simple harmonic motion with an amplitude A. The
displacement is given by:
x(t) = A cos(wt + f)

At what displacement are the kinetic and potential energy of the system equal to each other?

A) x = 0.25A
B) x = 0.375A
C) x = 0.5A
D) x = 0.707A
E) can not determine without knowing k and m


The total energy of a mass-spring system is: E = ½ k A 2

The total energy is the sum of the potential (U) and kinetic (K) energy: E = K + U

We what to find the displacement where U = K. This means that 50% of E is potential energy
(and 50% of E is kinetic energy).

In other words, we want to find where U = 0.5 ´ (½ k A 2)

At a displacement x, the potential energy is: U = ½ k x 2

Combining the equations:

½ k x 2 = 0.5 ´ (½ k A 2)
x 2 = 0.5 A 2

After taking the square root of both sides, x = 0.707A


QUESTION 5 (Q2 on v88)

A horizontal mass-spring system undergoes simple harmonic motion, with the displacement
given by:
x(t) = 1.75 sin(0.37 t – 0.84)

All values are in SI units. The system is initiated at a time of t = 0 s. What is the earliest time
after t = 0 s at which this system will reach its maximum positive displacement?

A) 0.00 s
B) 0.84 s
C) 1.98 s
D) 2.27 s
E) 6.52 s


The maximum positive displacement occurs for x(t) = +3.75 m (i.e., x(t) = +A).

We are given: x(t) = 1.75 sin(0.37 t – 0.84)

• x(t) will be 3.75 m, at the time when the sine function has a value of +1.

cosq = +1 for q = p/2, 5p/2, … and q = -3p/2, -7p/2… (all in radians)

The smallest value of t will occur for: 0.37 t – 0.84 = p/2

From this, we find: t = 6.52 s


QUESTION 6 (Q4 on v88)

The plot below shows the kinetic energy as a function of time for a horizontal mass-spring
system that is undergoing simple harmonic motion. The kinetic energy starts at a maximum
value of Emax and over time, it varies between 0 and Emax. What is the angular frequency for this

A) 0.32 rad/s
B) 1.57 rad/s
C) 2 rad/s
D) 3.14 rad/s
E) 4 rad/s


The mass starts at its maximum kinetic energy (i.e., highest velocity). Because this is the
maximum value, there is no potential energy at this time (i.e., displacement is zero). During one
oscillation, the kinetic energy will be a maximum each time the mass passes through a
displacement of zero (or velocity if maximum).

Therefore, during one complete oscillation, the kinetic energy is at its maximum twice. This
means that the time between points of maximum kinetic energy is the half of the period of
oscillation (0.5T).

From the above plot, the time between peaks is 2 s.

So we have: 0.5T = 2 s à T = 4 s
2G 2G
The angular frequency is ω = = = 𝟏. 𝟓𝟕 𝐬

QUESTION 7 (Q8 on v88)

A vertical mass-spring system has an equation of motion:

x + 3x + 9x = 0

where x(t) is the displacement from equilibrium at time t. Which one of the following statements
is true?

A) The mass is not oscillating.

B) The mass undergoes simple harmonic motion with a natural angular frequency of 3 rad s-1.
C) The mass undergoes damped harmonic motion with a natural angular frequency of 9 rad s-1
and a damping ratio of 0.167.
D) The mass undergoes damped harmonic motion with a natural angular frequency of 3 rad s-1
and a damping ratio of 0.167.
E) The mass undergoes damped harmonic motion with a natural angular frequency of 3
rad s-1 and a damping ratio of 0.500.


The general equation of motion for harmonic motion is: x + 2𝜔R 𝜁 x + ωR 2 x = 0

where w0 is the natural angular frequency and 𝜁 is the damping ratio.

The equation given in the question has the same form, and therefore this equation does represent
harmonic motion (A is not true).

By comparison of the two equations: 9 = ωR 2 à ωR = 3 rad/s

3= 2𝜔R 𝜁à 𝜁 = 0.500

Therefore, this equation shows that: The mass undergoes damped harmonic motion with a
natural angular frequency of 3 rad s-1 and a damping ratio of 0.500. (E is true)

QUESTION 8 (Q7 on v88)

A simple pendulum of length 2.2 m is observed to oscillate at a frequency of 2.00 rad s-1 with a
decreasing amplitude on Earth (g=9.81 m s-2). What is the damping ratio of this pendulum?

A) 0.052
B) 0.102
C) 0.321
D) 0.565
E) 0.707


We are told that the simple pendulum is oscillating with a decreasing amplitude. This indicates
that the pendulum is undergoing damped harmonic motion and this is an under damped system.

The frequency at which an under damped system is observed to oscillate is the damped
frequency (ωX ). This is related to the natural angular frequency (ωR ) and damping ratio (𝜁):
ωX = ωR 1 − ζ2

# Z.[>
The natural angular frequency of this pendulum is: ωR = = = 2.112 rad s \>
$ 2.2

With ωX = 2.00 rad s \> and ωR = 2.112 rad s \> , the damping ratio is 𝜻 = 𝟎. 𝟑𝟐𝟏

QUESTION 9 (Q9 on v88)

The equation of motion for an undriven horizontal mass-spring system is:

x + 4x + 25x = 0

The system is then attached to a motor with a variable frequency. At what frequency should the
motor drive the system in order to create the maximum amplitude response?

A) 3.92 rad s-1

B) 4.12 rad s-1
C) 4.58 rad s-1
D) 5.0 rad s-1
E) 25.0 rad s-1


The general equation for a damped harmonic oscillator is: x + 2𝜔R 𝜁x + ωR 2 x = 0

where w0 is the natural frequency and 𝜁 is the damping ratio

By comparison: 25 = ωR 2 à ωR = 5 rad/s

4 = 2𝜔R 𝜁 à 𝜁 = 0.400

The maximum amplitude response will occur when the system is driven at its resonant

The resonant frequency for an under damped system is:

ωa = ωR 1 − 2ζ2 = 5 1 − 2(0.400)2 = 𝟒. 𝟏𝟐 𝐫𝐚𝐝 𝐬 \𝟏

QUESTION 10 (Q13 on v88)

The plot below shows the displacement of a mechanical wave at a given time. The wave is
moving toward the right (arrow). The wave causes displacement of particle P.

Which of the following statements describes the movement of particle P at the time of this plot?
(note: speed is the magnitude of velocity)

A) Particle P is moving in the negative y direction (down), and its speed is decreasing.
B) Particle P is moving in the negative y direction (down), and its speed is increasing.
C) Particle P is moving in the positive y direction (up), and its speed is decreasing.
D) Particle P is moving in the positive y direction (up), and its speed is increasing.
E) Particle P is moving to the right, and its speed is constant.


The wave is moving toward the right and therefore a short time after this image, the wave will
have translated to the right. The particle P does not translate with the wave (its x-position
remains constant). However, the y-position of P changes to stay on the displacement curve.
à P will move in the positive direction (up) as the wave moves to the right

In addition, P is initially at a negative y position. A short time later, it will be closer to its
equilibrium position (and farther from its maximum displacement in the negative y direction).
The velocity of P is zero at its maximum displacement and when P is at the equilibrium position,
it will have its maximum velocity.
à this means that the speed of P must be increasing

QUESTION 11 (Q10 on v88)

A wave is generated on a string using a motor that shakes the end of the string with an angular
frequency of 2 rad s-1. This creates a wave with the wave function:

y(x,t) = 0.3 cos(2k – 2t)

All values are in SI units. The motor frequency is then increased to 4 rad s-1. What is the new
wave function?

A) y(x,t) = 0.3 cos(2k – 4t)

B) y(x,t) = 0.3 cos(4k – 2t)
C) y(x,t) = 0.6 cos(2k – 4t)
D) y(x,t) = 0.6 cos(4k – 2t)
E) y(x,t) = 0.3 cos(4k – 4t)

NOTE: This question has a typo; all the “k” variables in the equations should be “x”. As written,
the equations imply a constant value of x. For this case, the answer to the question “what is the
new wave function” is (E), as the coefficients of the two terms in the cosine argument must both
be doubled. The reasoning is the same as explained in the (non-typo) solution below. However,
because the form of the equations may have caused confusion, everyone who attempted to
answer this question received a mark.

The general wave function is: y(x,y) = A cos(kx – wt + f)

By comparison, we see: A = 0.3 m (amplitude)

k = 2 rad m-1 (wave number)
w = 2 rad s-1 (angular frequency)
f = 0 rad (initial phase)

From the wave function, the phase velocity is:

ω 2
c = = = 1 m s \>
k 2

If the motor frequency is increased to 4 rad s-1, the new wave will have w = 4 rad s-1.

Neither the amplitude nor initial phase will change. In addition, the string has not changed, and
so the phase velocity will be the same as before (1 m s-1). The phase velocity is:


If the angular frequency is doubled, the wavenumber must also double so that c does not change,
meaning that the new wavenumber will be 4 rad m-1.

The new wave function is therefore: y(x,t) = 0.3 cos(4k – 4t)


QUESTION 12 (Q12 on v88)

The displacement field of a transverse wave is given by the wave function:

y(x,t) = A sin(2x - 5t + p)

All values are in SI units. The wave creates a maximum transverse speed of 4 m s-1. What is the
value of A?

A) 0.8 m
B) 1.2 m
C) 2.0 m
D) 2.5 m
E) 4.0 m


The general wave function is: y(x,y) = A cos(kx – wt + f)

The transverse velocity for the general wave function is:

= Aω sin (kx − ωt + ϕ)
∂t ,

The maximum speed will occur for: sin(kx – wt + f) = 1

As a result, the maximum speed is: vmax = Aw

From the displacement field wave function for this wave, w= 5 rad s-1.

We are told that vmax = 4 m s-1.

jklm I
Therefore: A = = = 𝟎. 𝟖 𝐦
& n

QUESTION 13 (Q11 on v88)

A string is 5 m long and is placed under tension of 20 N. A small amplitude wave is generated.
The wave crest takes 0.8 s to travel down the string. What is the mass of the string?

A) 0.51 kg
B) 1.60 kg
C) 2.56 kg
D) 3.20 kg
E) 6.25 kg


The wave travels a distance (L) of 5 m in a time (t) of 0.8 s. It travels at its phase velocity (c).
Therefore, the phase velocity is:
L 5
c= = = 6.25 m s \>
t 0.8

The phase velocity for a string depends on its tension (T) and its mass per unit length (rL = m/L):
c= = =
ρt m/L m

Squaring both sides and rearranging gives:


Plugging in T = 20 N, L = 5 m, c = 6.25 m s-1 à mass of string is 2.56 kg


QUESTION 14 (Q15 on v88)

A sound wave is travelling through a material that has a bulk modulus of 2.25 GN m-2. The
displacement wave function for the sound wave at position x1 is:

Y(x1,t) = ( 5´10-7 ) cos(2x1 – 3000t)

All values are in SI units. What is the maximum pressure change created by the sound wave at
position x1?

A) 2.25 Pa
B) 5 Pa
C) 1500 Pa
D) 2250 Pa
E) 2.25 GPa


The general wave function is: y(x,y) = A cos(kx – wt + f)

By comparison we see:
A = Ay = 5 ´ 10-7 m (we are told that this is a displacement wave function so A is Ay)
k = 2 rad m-1
w = 3000 rad s-1
f = 0 rad

We are also told that the bulk modulus is 2.25 GN m-2. Therefore, B = 2.25 ´ 109 N m-2

The maximum pressure change is given by the amplitude of the pressure change (Ap).

This is related to the maximum displacement: Ap = BkAy

Plugging in values, we get: Ap = BkAy = (2.25 ´ 109)(2)(5 ´ 10-7) = 2250 N m-2 = 2250 Pa

Alternate calculation:
We could have also used the equation: Ap = crwAy

From the wave function: w = 3000 rad s-1, c = w/k = 1500 m/s.

u u 2.2n×>Ry
In addition, c = àρ= = = 1000 kg m\{
v w' (>nRR)'

Therefore: Ap = crwAy = (1500)(1000)(3000)(5 ´ 10-7) = 2250 Pa


QUESTION 15 (Q16 on v88)

You are listening to two speakers. One speaker creates a sound wave with a wavelength of 1.10
m in air. A second speaker creates a sound wave with a wavelength of 1.20 m in air. Both sound
waves have the same amplitude. The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s. When the two speakers
play together, what is the frequency of the beats?

A) 0.05 Hz
B) 0.10 Hz
C) 10.0 Hz
D) 13.0 Hz
E) 26.0 Hz


Beats occur when two source waves have similar (but not identical) frequencies.

We are given the wavelength (l) of the two sound waves. The frequency can be calculated using
the wavelength and speed of sound: f =

Therefore, the frequency of wave 1 is: f> = = 311.82 Hz

The frequency of wave 2 is: f2 = = 285.83 Hz

The beat frequency is: 𝑓• = 𝑓> − 𝑓2 = 26.0 Hz


QUESTION 16 (Q14 on v88)

You are standing 100 m from a speaker and record a sound intensity level of 40 dB (SIL). At
what distance from the speaker is the sound intensity level equal to 80 dB (SIL)? Note that the
speaker is an isotropic source (i.e., it sends sound waves uniformly in all directions).

A) 1m
B) 3.2 m
C) 10 m
D) 31.6 m
E) 50 m


At a distance (r1) of 100 m from the speaker, you hear a sound intensity level of 40 dB (SIL),
which corresponds to an intensity (I1, in W/m2) given by:
40 dB = 10dB log>R
-12 2
where I0 is the reference intensity (10 W/m for the SIL system).

From this, we get: I> = (10I )IR

We want to find the position (r2) where the sound intensity level is 80 dB. First, we can use the
decibel equation to get the intensity that corresponds to 80 dB.

80 dB = 10dB log>R

Rearranging this equation, we get: I2 = (10[ )IR

Sound intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source: I ∝

Therefore, ratio of the intensity of sound for the two positions is:
I> r2 2
I2 r> 2

Plugging in the above expressions for I1 and I2, as well as r1 = 100 m gives:

10I IR r2 2
10[ IR 100 2

From this, we find: r2 = 1 m

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