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Written by:

 Julianus Ivan Setyawan

Class : XII T.AV 1
NIS. 8376

Audio Video Programe of SMK N 2 Wonosobo

Jl. Sidorejo, Jetis Selatan, Parakan Kauman, Kec. Parakan, Kab. Temanggung,
Jawa Tengah 56254

Praise be to Allah SWT, for giving great blessing so the writer could finish writing
this OJT report. This report is one of English tasks that should be accomplished in the third
year of my study in SMK N 2 Wonosobo.

I would like to express my special gratitude to :

1. Drs. Suyanto,MM.Pd., the Principal of SMKN 2 Wonosobo,

2. Ms. Heni Yoshida, S.Pd., advisor from SMK N 2 Wonosobo,
3. Mr. Gunawan, who guided and helped me during the OJT at Audio Garage

The greatest honor and appreciation would finally be dedicated to my beloved mother
for their ever after support. It is trully undoubted that they have greatest love, cares,
motivation, patience, and willingness to wait for my graduation. Their timeless prayers
during day and night are everything for me.

Wonosobo, 6 August 2023

Surya Saputra
Table of Contents

Preface i
Table of content ii
Chapter 1 On The Job Training 1
1. Background
2. Purposes and Benefits of OJT
3. Target of PRAKERIN
4. Location and Time
Chapter 2 OJT in Audio Garage 3
1. Place of OJT
2. Time
3. Supervisors
4. Job Descriptions
Chapter 3 Conclusion and Suggestion 7
1. Conclusion
2. Suggerstion
On the Job Training

A. Background

On The Job Training (OJT/PRAKERIN) is part of the educational curriculum of State Vocational High
School 2 Wonosobo, which was held off-campus for 3 months on Semester IV (four) to support
teaching and learning activities of students, through direct employment practices in the world work
in accordance with the specific courses to get skills to work as a preparation for a working
professional in the world of work in accordance with the vision of State Vocational High School 2

Implementation of Dual System Education (PSG), hereinafter referred to as On The Job Training
(PRAKERIN). As the realization and wisdom "link and match" or (linkage and equivalence) between
the school and the workplace DU / DI, except for students - students have an increasing
professionalism in accordance with the demands of DU / DI, also students - students will have the
work ethic which include: the ability to work, motivation, initiative, creativity, work quality, discipline
and craft time at work.

Implementation activities On The Job Training (PRAKERIN)'s students - students are required to
undertake the actual practice in accordance with the plan implemented by the students - students.
Implementation activities Industry Practice (PRAKERIN) is based on:

1. Decree of the Minister of Agriculture Number: 392/Kpts/DI.210/5/94, Implementation

Guidance on Secondary Education in the School of Agricultural Development;

2. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System;

3. Indonesian Government Regulation No.. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards;

Perturan Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia No.. 22 of 2006 on the Content

4. Regulation of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia No.. 23 of 2006 on

Graduate Competence;

5. Regulation of the Minister of National Education. 20 years on the Standards for Educational
Assessment 2006;

6. Program of State Vocational High School 2 Wonosobo year 2022/2023.

B. Purposes and Benefits of OJT

On The Job Training Purpose:

Practice Activities Industry (PRAKERIN) carried out by students – State Vocational High School 2
Wonosobo Affairs aims to:

a. Strengthen and develop the learning experience of students

b. Able to develop a professional attitude in the field of expertise
c. Forming a constructive mindset for students as a provision to face the world of work in the

Benefits On The Job Training (PRAKERIN)

1. Expanding horizons in society, particularly in the individual expertise;

2. Can combine and compare the theory with practice in the field;
3. to be responsible, introspective and thorough in learning and work;

C. Target of PRAKERIN

The aim is the formation of a person who has a set of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes and
patterns of behavior required for the profession as well as competent and appropriate use in the
administration office management both in school and outside of school.

D. Location and Time

The time and place of activity Industry Internship (PRAKERIN) Students of Sate Vocational High
School 2 Wonosobo Specifically I, held on:

Time : 16 January 2023

Place : Audio Garage


A. Place of OJT:
The writer conducted OJT in Audio Garage. This Galery is located at Mergosari,
Sukoharjo, Wonosobo.

B. Time :
The writer conducted OJT for 3 months. It started from Monday, January 16st, 2023
to March 14th, 2023. The working hour of the company id form 9 am to 5 pm.

C. Supervisors:
Every student who joins OJT is guided by two supervisors. The first supervisor is
his/her teacher from SMKN 2 Wonosobo and the other one is someone from the
company where he/she conducts the OJT.
The school supervisor is Ms. Heni Yoshida, S.Pd. He teaches PRE in audio
video department.
The company supervisor is Mr. Gunawan. He is the owner of the audio
garage as well as the boss of the audio garage
D. Job Description:
Audio Garage is a company engageld in the field of car audio, specifically serving car
audio installations which include double din, tape, powe amplifiers, sub woofer,
speakers, tweeters, custom manufacturing, and otherr variations
Chapter Three


Learning in the world of work is a strategy that provides
opportunities and learning processes through direct work.
With this prakerin, I feel how to practice working directly in the
work environment and being guided directly by the industry. And
on the one hand I can measure the extent of the mastery of
knowledge that I got at school.
I experienced feelings of joy and sadness while doing OJT
activities, when we first entered we would do small work but we
had not mastered it, there were lots of mistakes in doing
assignments, it felt very bad especially with the addition of anger
from my supervisor, but after a long lapse I finally can master it
all, small or big work everything feels easy, all the feelings that I
experienced when I first came to work have disappeared and that
feeling has now turned into a feeling of pleasure
Participants are expected to always be on time.
Make a good record of what work was done while carrying out the
street vendors.
In the process of carrying out the practice, it is hoped that the
participants will always be active.
Prepare and complete the files needed to facilitate the preparation
of street vendors reports.

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