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lntegrated Bar of the PhiliPPines
Pasig GitY

ln Re: Resolution Promulgated on May 26,2022 by

the Gourt of Appeals Special Former Eighteenth
Division entitled People of the Philippines vs. Cirilo
Macapal y Dayon in CA G.R. CR'HC No. 02{88,

- versus -


COMES NOW respondent and to this Honorable Commission in

compliance with its Order dated November 25, 2022 most respectfully

1. That respondent was first hired by the accused Cirilo Macapal Jr.
y Dayon and his wife Ma. Cecilia Macapal in Criminal Case No.
14-39311, 14-39312 and 14-39313 for violations of Sections 5, 15
and 11, respectively, Article ll of Republic Act No. 9165, which
cases accused Macapal were arraigned and assisted by
respondent on August 5, 2014, copy of the Order dated August 5,
2014 issued by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 47, Bacolod City,
hereto attached as AnneX "1", which forms part hereof;

2. That the said cases were continuously handled by the respondent

until October 13, 2A22, when the Order was promulgated in open
court via videoconferencing, copy of the said Order issued by the
Regional Trial Court, Branch 47, Bacolod City, hereto attached as
Annex "2", which forms Part hereof;

3. ln the first week of December, 2014, the accused Cirilo Macapal,

who was detained, through his wife, Ma. Cecilia Macapal
presented to the respondent a Decision in Criminal Case No. 02-
24185 entitled People of the Philippines versus Cirilo Macapal y
Dayon issued by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 53, Bacolod
City, convicting the accused for violation of Section 5, Article ll of
Republic Act No. 9165, copy of the Decision dated July 24,zAM


issued by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 53, Bacolod City,

hereto attached as AnneX "3", which forms part hereof;

4. That the respondent accepted to handle the appeal of the said

case with the Court of Appeals with condition to the accused and
his wife Cecilia Macapal to submit to respondent's office the
records of the said case which was previously handled by the late
Atty. Rafael Atotubo;

5. That on December 12, 2014, respondent filed before the Regional

Trial Court, Branch 53, Bacolod City, Entry of Appearance and
Notice of Appeal of the said case, copies of the Entry of
Appearance and Notice of Appeal hereto attached as Annexes "4"
and "5", respectively, which form parts hereof;

6. That the said case was docketed as CA G. R. CR-HC No. 02188

by the Court of Appeals, Cebu City and was assigned under the
Special Former Eighteenth Division;

7. That respondent admits that he filed several motions for extension

of time to file Appellant's Brief in this case, the last of it was from
October 30, 2016 or until November 29, 2016;

8. The said motions for extension to file the Appellants Brief were
made because the accused and his wife failed to submit to the
respondent's office the required records of this case or at least
copy of Transcript of Stenographic Notes taken from the
prosecution witness, Police officer Grijaldo despite several
demands and warnings that our appeal will be dismissed since
they could not properly prepare, file and submit the Appellant's
Brief without the said records of the case or Transcript of
Stenographic Notes;

9. That respondent could not just assume facts testified by the said
witness in open court, hence, the necessity of the Transcript of
Stenographic Notes;

10. That sometime in september, 2a16, the accused through his

wife told the respondent that despite their diligent efforts, they
could not produce the records of the said case from the office of
Atty. Atotubo since his family had transferred to another place and
despite efforts to locate them proved futile;

11. That respondent informed Mrs. Macapal that he could not

prepare the Appetlant's Brief without the Transcript of
Stenographic Notes of Police Officer Grijaldo's testimony since he
could not assume facts in evidence and the outcome would be the
dismissal of appeal of accused, hence, respondent told Mrs.
Macapal to exert her last ditch effort by obtaining copy thereof at

the Regional Trial Court, Branch 53, Bacolod City and if no copy
thereof to go to the Court of Appeals, Cebu City, which she agreed
to me;

12. That herein respondent also exerted efforts to obtain copy of

the Transcript of Stenographic Notes of the testimony of Police
Officer Grijaldo by requesting his friends, Art Yong and Jacelyn
Empio, Legal Researcher and Clerk in charge of criminal cases,
respectively, of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 53, Bacolod City,
how to obtain copy of the testimony of Grijaldo but both of them
answered that they do not have records of the same in there
office. Respondent further asked them if the Transcript of
Stenographic Notes was one of those documents transmitted to
the Court of Appeals but they replied in the negative, hence, it
would be useless to go to the Court of Appeals, Cebu City;

13. Mr. Art Yong told respondent that he will try the Office of the
City Prosecutor, Bacolod City, if it had still a copy of the testimony
of Grijaldo but after several days he informed the respondent that
they too have not copy in there office;

14. That sometime in October, 2016, respondent informed Mrs.

Macapal that he will be filing his last extension to file Appellant's
Brief and still if we cannot produce the needed document we could
not file our Appellant's Brief and the outcome will be dismissal of
our appeal in this case. Hence, she was aware of the
consequences thereof;

15 . ln short, respondent failed to file and submit his Appellant's

Brief in this case because the accused and his wife failed to
produce the records of this case or at least the Transcript of
Stenographic Notes of Police fficer Grijaldo and despite the
assistance of personnel from RTC, Branch 53, Bacolod City;

16 , The allegations that accused "former counsel (Atty. Nicandro A.

Aguilar) neglected to communicate to him about the status of his
case" are false and sham because respondent was still the
counsel of the accused in his cases pending before RTC, Branch
47, Bacolod City (Paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof), until in October,
2022, hence, accused could be lying before the Court of Appeals;

17. Respondent admits the findings of the Court of Appeals that he

failed to file his Appellant's Brief in that case despite extended for
six (6) times but the same was not only attributable to the herein
respondent. He even walked an extra mile to ask for assistance
from the personnel of RTc, Branch 53, Bacolod city to obtain copy
of the document necessary but to no avail;


18. Respondent's failure to file his Appellant's Brief was due to the
circumstance beyond his control, hence, if there is negligence is
only excusable. The same was not tainted with malice and that it
is not deliberate. Respondent, after the dismissal of his appeal in
this case, even continued to handle cases of the accused pending
before RTC, Branch 47, Bacolod City, which means that the latter
has still the trust and confidence which he bestowed to the former.


Respondent will present at least Three (3) witnesses, as follows:

1. The respondent, ATTY. NICANDRO A. AGUILAR, to testify the

reasons why he failed to file his Appellant's Brief in CA G.R. CR-
HC No.02188 and to expound the material allegations in his
Comments/Answer in this case. Lastly, to identify documents.
2. Mrs. Cecilia Macapal, to testify that despite diligent efforts made
she failed to submit or give the records of the case/Transcript of
Stenographic Notes to the office of Atty. Aguilar and that she was
informed of the consequences of failure to locate and submit the
records of the case/Transcript of Stenographic Notes;.
3. Mr. Art Yong/Mrs. Jacelyn Empio, to testify that they were the
court personnel of RTC, Branch 53, Bacolod City, who were asked
by Atty. Aguilar for assistance in locating the Transcript of
Stenographic Notes of Police Officer, Grijaldo;

The Judicial Affidavit of respondent ATTY. NICANDRO A. AGUILAR

is attached herewith, while Mrs. Macapal and Mr. Art Yong/Mrs. Jacelyn
Empio will not execute Judicial Affidavits in this case but willing to testify if
required to do so.


Those stated as Annexes "1" to "5" of this Comments/Answer


WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is respectfully prayed of this

Honorable Commission that the charge against respondent for negligence
in handling the case of his client by not filing the appellant's brief for his
client Cirilo Macapa! y Dayon (Violation of the Code of Professional
Responsibility, Rule 18.03) be DISMISSED for lack of merit.

Herein respondent further prays for such other relief and remedies
equitable under the premises.
Bacolod City, Philippines, January 9, 2023.


Rm. 2 , TG Building,
Gatuslao Street, Bacolod City
rBP# 138534 -0114122
Roll No. 33660/p.232
MCLE No. Vll - 0013316 -3124122
Attv.Asu i lar. Law.Offi ce@Gmai l. Com


l,NICANDRO A. AGUILAR, of legal age, Filipino, MARRIED with

residence and postal address at Cor. Mercury-Milkyway Streets,
Puentebella Subdivision, Barangay Taculing, Bacolod City, Philippines,
after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and

That I am the respondent in the above-entitled case and that I have

caused the preparation of the foregoing Comments/Answer. That I have
read and understood the foregoing and I hereby attest that the allegations
contained therein are true and correct based on authentic documents in my
possession and to my personal knowledge.

That this Comments/Answer is not submitted to harass, cause

unnecessary delay or increase the cost of litigation and that the factual
allegations thereon have evidentiary support and the claims and defenses
herein are warranted by existing laws and jurisprudence.

That I have not commenced any other action or proceeding involving

the same issues before the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals or any other
court, tribunal or agency, and to the best of my knowledge, no such other
action or claim is pending therein, and if I should thereafter learn that the
same or similar action or claim has been filed or pending to any court, I
shall report that fact within five (5) days from knowledge thereof to this
Honorable Court.

lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature, this

_th day of January, 2023 at Bacolod City, Philippines.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Wday of January,

2023 at Bacolod City, Philippines. Affiant exhibited to me his IBP-ID, Roll
No. 33660 issued by the lBP, Manila, Philippines.

Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No. \
Series of 2023 VA, r'"'


Copy Furnished: U
"-',irl tiLDG
CP I ru. u; -. o "+ ,5 rr4Z5
Court of Appeals
Pablo U. Abella Street
Labangon, 6000 Cebu City
t gth oivision
-" u '.,.. J
x r. y ru{fr,tl lt

i'l ,' r'rf r;1 : I:|r iltl:1'ne"t

R[-i,ii.i['t ji. Tfti.'i; {fiijqT
f," .H'-' 15'.i* '
pFopr r or THr pF{ll lpplNrq,
till . ;:.,,"cr t ,ir ti , {F.iiv\"i,,iif"i hl*5. 14' jS3 i i" 1"i
-ver'5u5 -


x.. ":::::lo.., Y

When thesr, ra(,fs !'!.fi:lr,t raitacl for the arraignm+"nt of th*
accr-*ed. accu*rci Macapai 1i:{i i:1t ccufts€:i appear'*d" T"his
pres'iiliirq judge inqulred "!'i-CIri -ii;.-iiied afirj cui;iil*{ v"''liu'the;" they'
i'''*un arty',',h;ra[:'r,'l 1g'1 l'"" h''
-tttr-'t thel'r' {'p('1t aqlitEt fr{Cl-rsed
tndbtrrur-ii di :,,',e iu: ii;i"rd,.:''i .i CElf tr:einil him hretcre kTC
Sraricii i'li. ljoi;; ;lfi:,'*'-j 'i{' ,,:t::ei:t!:":

wi,*,n 3rr*1.$l.i:.i t{r '*y ll'"}a3gr a nettore lan$tta€e spok*n'


ur],J*rti,r:uu;, al'rr-i f:r*fctrcci i:V h'im, ACt:Us*rj

(irii0 Macapai' ''t' y
Davon. ,'Jl,i'., ;:i ,:,, ,:'. i t'.r' l,;- ..,;l"iiilti', Ai'l v ' i'lii'AildrO Aglliiaf '
p{eflrl*,,'] ,,rri;t .,,r, t} " r,t 'i1{. r';iiirgtl 1,;r !14l;rrlfif} rf -(r'ttirrn:, 5'

anrj i;. ,irticie ii cf iiepunilc.' I io5'

i +t lrr; J;il.ti rti "'" t- j ,'i1t.,," ht.. . i-trr|'ed t:'114 th,o roCOrClS Of

iir*:r Ld5e5.

{ .} rl."
*rt:i I i,.t ,,f,' : I.' i , A t-,, r ;,.r irrr4 at S" lli n'r:lo,il. in tttg

Frt.r;{,:-utr-. l.i-,;,"A r'*,r, ;i"Ij trtt,r S-{tlr1l61 rJffen:e rottns'el, AS

weii a: cr-.-:.;ir.,r.i irnartu;:i ibr,i hi:, i,ir:r: , i.*[f':.:,'.:iieci CIi thiS orrjer
Irl LPut'Lu'\'


fiacnl*d f itr-V, d\tlst""l t. ?r114

T r-lFlFf"ll- \l{ HF A Br^tt tJNiA

firynx v
Republic of the Philippines
6th Judicial Region
-) Branch 47 - Bacolod City
Email : rtcLbacO4T(Oiudiciarv,eov.oh / CP# :0968-550-9736


-versus Crim. Cases Nos. 14-39311,

39312 & 39313
CIRILO MACAPAL, JR. For: Viotation of Sections 5,
y DAYON, 15 & 11, Article ll, RA 9165


When these cases were calted for pre-trial, considering that

accused has atready submitted the resutt of his drug dependency
examination and taking into account that plea-bargaining is allowed
under A.M. No. 18-03-16-SC, over the opposition of the prosecution,
the Ptea Bargaining Motion of herein accused is hereby GRANTED
and accused Cirito Macapat, Jr. y Dayon was re-arraigned.

When re-arraigned today in ltonggo, d native tanguage spoken,

understood and preferred by him, accused Cirito Macapat, Jr. y
Dayon, duty assisted by his counsel, Atty. Nicandro Aguitar, based
on his ptea-bargaining proposal from Viotation of Section 5, Articte ll
of RA 9165, pteaded guitty to the charge of Viotation of Section 12,
Article ll of RA 9165, from Viotation of Section 11, Article ll of RA
9165, pteaded guitty to the charge of Violation of Section 12, Article
ll of RA 9165 and pleaded guitty as charged for Violation of Section
15, Articte ll of RA9165. Let his pteas of "Guitty" be entered into
the records of these cases.

WHEREFORE, finding accused Cirito Macapal, Jr. y Dayon

GUILTY beyond reasonabte doubt of: a) Viotation of Section 12,
Article Il of RA 9165 in Criminal Case 14-39311; b) Violation of
Section 15, Articte ll of RA9165 in Criminat Case 14-39312; and c)
Violation of Section 12, Articte ll of RA 9165 in Criminal Case 14-
39313, judgment is hereby rendered sentencing him to suffer: a) an
imprisonm,ent of Two Years (2) Years, Eleven (11) Months, and
Twenty-Nine (?.9) Days, as minimum, to Four (4) Years, as
maximum, and to pay a fine of Php50,000.00 in Criminal Case 14-
39311; b) to undergo community-based drug rehabititation as t I
recommended in his submitted drug dependency examination
certificate dated Ju|y27,2022 for a period of not less than six (6)
months in Criminal Case 14-39312; and c) an imprisonment of Two
(2) Years, as minimum, to Two (2) Years, Eleven (11) Months and
Twenty-Nine (29) Days, as maximum, and to pay a fine of
Php30,000.00 in Criminal Case 14-39313. He is also to bear the
accessory penatties provided by [aw. Costs against accused. The
period within which accused has been detained wi[[ be credited in
his favor.

The handting Tria[ Prosecutor is directed to turn over the drug

evidence in these cases to the Branch Cterk of Court for proper
disposition in accordance with [aw.

This Order is dictated and promutgated in open court and via


Pros. Nagrampa, Atty. Agui[ar, defense counset, accused

Macapat and his jaiter, are notified of this Order atso in open court
and via videoconferencing.


BacotoC City, Cctober 13,2027.



pfiftr]tu $tr'rH[ pl-llt tPpiN{:s
tifiGlCIt*lAl'l'tr{.l AL {:ot lR'I"
rrih Jl.u!lctal Regioli
F;r,fl fi(h Sl"micotod (itY

pHsPLH {}r T'l'{[ pt{lt-lf}F!N85"

flft,lut" {;ASf No' s:*?"+r85

F0fi: Vio{rrrion crf 5r. rtrfort 5,
Aitic{r'fI, o/ R','1. 9x$5 15o{e,
? rntJl*g, Arfrninisf
Disneirs*t i*iir Iletirt"lY,
llistr llru ttfirl, tTrtr/
Trctlslx,'t t rif i'rn *f $rruei-+t

rJ$(tl-{} fi{s{{.AFAL Y FAV$[{'


*L:{. i s.,t f.l

}A$\CApAL Y I}AYON i''; tlurrq*ri

The ;ntlclts*'xJ, {-lRll-*
'ffiac{rr*d city f$l vi*l;ltion r;t :-{tri:tiol't 5'
ttre cit.,i Frers*sr,:tnr'$t
nrticle ll. cf ru,r-" *;el isut*, TrarjllrE'
-f'r;rntgi*rt'atir-'n cf
si:pensat"iott, noiio'*'li, CIistrih'ut'ian' il,
nrn,goi"*;'s'cxtiolr 1tr, $r-rh-pnr,.r,frra[-rh {"i; Artici+:
\t.iJteS .li'llcli lc{ *t t'r*t 5'

$r rbout' f'l€ J-}rd *Y of

""f'ftdf l:11
rlrfrrber ;it:J' rn ffrE {ity of "tsoyo{ad' trf
Phi{fppinei, #o *;tnin tfie 'iur's'*ciction
srcuserl' ncf
thic ldrrno;nl*-in*tt' fhe fuerein frcde' troife'
b*fng *uti'*i**rt' by iaw rc reII'
dispense,"'Juii"*t' gfy€ o1^/flyi
*s flnoth€r'
distritrutL,-iitpor*d i" t'*nsf( *r trnd ffiere
;;;t ;;n;*tnt'u
* dlugs' dfd fherl
wflfufiy, unl{rwfully an<J f*fomiousiy. luff '
deliver, g** o**y; ro u: po{ir:e eonfirJentir;f
$rle { I} hea{
*ii*u I nuy-bur.t cperntforl
**el{ed nfn#* bag contninfnE
hydr*ufii*ir)ii* a dengerous #rug'
o' shJbu'
weigfifng fl'c* grom rn sxshcng€ #f y*llaw
ffls$try inudu iut of ctlt ou(
bundle of
p#ges uffir"t*O to tsoft ffke CInr il)
p1pg.$#'p**-' i*fh cun*rsfing of r*v1f) #ne
#undred Pilli tnitf' serfaf N* 8'r?43833
il; fhe "*tr*
$nd flfi$i-T;;s' 6rlaced on fop s'x of rftr
*fr$e's -f"'ili-- nun*ll*' in
oforrrne*{t*ined {au''
**t {rrfrtrafrl trO LgW "
.tl€cislan *

Tite at:r:r.rsuci {-*r ilo ldar:apirl *ts$ist{{i hry ali:y. }-liE:etrdl'*

&glii[.lr', {.rpofi r-}il.fi1(rtit}errt. piearled hiC^T frUlLTY, oll Jartrmrv
7{t. ?0S.'r, Tl-a.r at;rusec! [ltetl a f]etiti{im fCIr b;*it alrrrj,aiter
he;iring t['m r;uur t (rirni:i.r<i t]AlL up(Jr] f irrqJinqs that thtl
c'.:'virle:nce *f r;r"lltt is rtCIt. str{)nrl. Pre-trial lvas r":rlnek:{'ited on l.{;rv
4, ?(![.{i ffn{,| tl"}.* {:srresp{inr.linu pre-trial. issuerl ftn tfrc} siifitr]

T$te Errnsecrrl.iorr presc-llted (l,.ro witnc*srs narrr*iy At*xir

**in*na,-r" P*'f, Ne!.s*n ririJatcl*. Th* ;rccu;ed petllir;nrxf the
r'iourt [.CI Ere]r)t hrnr h,;ri{ tn vrew of ti"r* fnct l-hat ser:tir-:ll 5, *i
RA 'j1*5 is a norl,,heitfihte n[t'errsr'. AcrlE:rdlngty ttrr: petitloll i'*r
bail !\ds girrr:i'r pli*:il"y" Aiexis 6uinrilnao test.ifieri ()n th*:
l"thoratory *:<arnirrcrt.i*r.el she cr:ndrmted rin $ctob*r ?.i, ?iiiiJ.
on the spreiirilr:ri :i.uhrfiitti:cl tn trer f nr *xrirlrirmtion^ liiic:
r"*x"ervcirl the sprtr:l*rlrlrr1i {}n #ctohslr 7-J, }Oi};i. nt 4:i}0 F.&1. Tir*,.
i*tter"i'ellque1itr, lHx.hif:it. *i ti:getlxlr with tl'u: sp,lx:rnrens
([:lhibrt f]",-tt, csrftsisl-irig i:f en* *:iotrqataxl srrs6l*:t*x* riu*tru t'
tflzft. d-I]" ,rne iluproviseel t$ot.e{" 'yui(h BL, []rxt*rl trar:*rl irf
sllaLru alnr-tr orit: li*[f.Ir,: tr:lltailtiirg a v*t"-rrtile: si;hLtar]s:e {rugiry}-
r-r,/ere f{.g'etved hy Lib*r;.lt* Sirl*t ,:l tire trirlr* l-*brrmtr-rrir Th*
t'ubirrtr starnp "r er*i\rq"id" irislit:at'inil i'r::ri*igrt t-:tf tlr(' it::ltrlr
;L:-iltii;'[ i]{}r.l bpi:tril}:i*i'i wr;idt inatk,xi f;xftt{:,it. $"\i Thr: lerr,llts l,
*:f ttl* la$xrratrlry'ns werf .rynl;'*,xJitr.l in ([r:l'l'listr"y i.

Rtport h.ier. U"450 ?00?- {Exl'r. E}. l


Tire spq(im{:n$ :r-lbnritt*cl f*r sxamirration. as hr:r

{indings {Lxttihit }::"}} u,.'t:l..tirj sh,rw" wrlr ti att p$sii.ive fc'r

n'l*:i:fiat*g:!:e:tglntin+: ft',rrituci:[ot tile. Fter i:{}r:ttu(,i{rrt {H*hlhit f;"3} I

etittin:dieti irt tlr* rel)ort- slti:r..reci til,rl tttr: :;1x:ciilrlr"l cfint.aitlrld

nrelthalt.rplletailrirrii ilyeli'c,rlri<irir:-Je {:.ii;ti:it}. {} c{;!r;gi-trout <inrq"

Th* lrr*rld ,;vrln{:':;l; f*r i"fu:, f.irr,rtecuti*rl, $F01 f{t:hmr

*rljni"drt, t*:;tlfti:rJ t.flt*:. hd: ;",'a:, 11 iq{ular n-r,*rltt-ru: r:f
l'trittppin* I.l;rtitrlilrl i:rrll ::a;.1 ;rssilrte,rl i),{, ,jrr \j,l irri;:jtive 4rr{l
itivestt$et,:l - 'Ilreil- i:;?1it* f eceiv*J illf*rrrra!.i,.r;'l rti.:*r:t itlr.q;:+{
:;ai*s t,r*t';sai:ftoll t:{ gtlab,tt b1r 6113 tiriit }i.,ltrt;:*i',.;ic}r tltt*:"tst'
*i'a r:eltutal'p[i*ri*" {,in theeartv rrtornint cli i}r:t*Lri'}r 2.3, ilXi?
atj 1J":tltl i\,rvt., t.flr" polic* ergrrx*tiurx; it.rd trv F/$r. lri.sp:.
t-t*r*rue ft*rifi;lri $:!r.!F- rn Infitr$fi a huy-bust ilpernllrrn at Dr;nq*n
Luiige, in Er*y. Tnrutirrq, tsa*rtr:d City. Ttr* st.lbjtxt s.)i' tlrrir
operatiti'r \r:iis {-rf}r: {il-lltr *iiicaluit, prel*trtiy [{rr: fit.t":.-l$#il iil
t"htc s:at*. Tl^re c'p*raLivr*s pCIst,*d lhtlntsr:{',ret il'i ftGiltri 46 tlf
lotlge. With i.h* ur:r* r:rf an ;rsset ;tnri *lnllr*el with ty",* *ne
l'iulrdrerJ pel*o bitlr iis li:arked rTton*1?i {5$ ieli I'h}l. BT?4}iJ.J?
aricl Zfii)5346i bundi,tyJ r'itli {ut"r:ut yi::tltiw pl.S}' tr-r,lQ*s thcy
prr;c*ed*:ri r.* iJr;tgi** L*d,.1*. With lire il*lr*1."r,1*te {i1' the ;ls*lt
tl-rey c.r*ntr:*trxj the: accr"ls*xl Lhrough t::ett ph*rw thnt lh*y
ivaiitt'iJ tc huy shitl;r; r,;olt.l"; P 'l ,il$fi.{[]. l,,'ir,'rnt,,liti l,rtci Cit itr:i
Macnpill a({ofiti}. fircr* i:'V ftlck'f Arir.:l;t i}{rlverl ilt Rcrinr 46, ,/)
/ /:
Decision -


wl{:tij th* i.}olif,iri o$_n3fii{.i.,r{?ti litlt"r: v/j}it.ln,{, f.rr ijaleto r-tfir"l

ftrnatu w*-{i; tas**rcl [c ilct lrs pll.t*ur--htt,y,*rrm"'*iuJ t?:i*y i:i:rr{€rj
iv*:c*rpai it' he} Lrl-:rrr,1ht witfi friryi t,ire srraLri_r $r{ie'id.
diii rrr.rt irnn:er!iai.*(y respond but asl,,*(l ;lhcut thc A4i[;.lpal rn,;rl.rev.
{iru;*ldo anrj (irrutit $itu* ttm rneiii*V ;ux"i ilp{.}n seeirrg rlrt_:
nr{ir}ev. tutac;r;rrrl g;lve the $tuff {shflhui t() the pix*trr_buyers,
Attel ieceivtrq [liil sfiahu, tlre operailr/es ani.lorrnr:tri anrj
rclenrifiesi thernseives ns potice *fiicers,'t-hey iiir,r*ii"rreiy
pla*ed [he ar:cn.s*rl unrl*r' arrrxl. !-iketris* trr*y;tg;lattryi
c*mpalrinns to giv* rh*nl assistance as botl"r *uu1d:ts
and Arirrta lnitially resisted arrest, Aft*r srihr{*iriq rsi*r:atrral.
tlrr::y inf*rmcd hirir sf his r:gnstitutlr:nal riglrts. iir:ky
wds ttkewis+: arrex;teej. eilrcl $eized fronr hiri p€lrlcrrr \,iii(::r{J {.}r-m.
inipl"avised tootr.:r', tw{} eiispr,sa}:tre tigrrte:rs, {)r]f hr,ri-tlc
rugiry, a[rj orm Srerxens ceilutar plttorte. Tlte two ${i:(rgr]il ,tfr:lre
{ater fira*girt t.ri piltic:* $tat.ion * $or hucking oir* furthc,y.
pl.i:ressing ptrjpi.]r;:t.r:i"y tn the iiting rf t.he t:fis*.

{3n Auqust.i1$" ?$rJ?" th* pror,eLrrrr.[{}* r'orm*llv

i'h*ir txhlhits anl! tire s.rlir* w*ri ardn"littx.l in lu'r #r"iJet {.iirLr:
flelrrurry 1fi, :l$Ir!.
"Ih*-' rjr:s$ vr;rs
st:t ft)[ riicffi]tir:rr r.ri the *viti*r,ret: ior
itctusct"i *n 5i:illfltrih,+,:,|'-i, ;i$1CI, but ili* liilrllr-: rr1.,[1:j;r:s{:[
irrr tfu,:
t{roi:itti timt tile *rcusorj wat r}r}t t-r\i*V irlr, tl"rat, '.the$
iA/il$ r'eset to Dec*ttbrru
3. :?$1{.1. i}r* ilecr:r,i;tr- 3, 2CI1li
it.1ai'irrg wa$ resefit on ar"rtrunt of a JDit rr*inirq
t*r l,futnita
,ltdges o'vhere tlre pr*sir"li*g juet6* w$r$ i]-rryl-rbcr
fi sf the
training team. *rt Marrh tt, Z{JII, u:r,uns*t t,:r the ilccirseil
askmJ ferr a r'{'i*:t:ttir}$ trri rh*
srorrrxl {:l-riit he hn:: rrot ci:ni*rrerj
u+ith tlrel crccusecl" 'tr'lrr* heuririg u"ri:r reset t* Jurie ,i{J,
?f}l i bur
the sarrre lva.s aiu:r r.t:"iet r-ri ,Jirober rltl, ,l{il l *r; $ctoher ii.*"
tutl tht: r.:as* rr+au e'eset rirj* t* t,irc af*r-yis:c r:i r"fre x.ri;rl
plrus*crj1.*r. Af t*r i3 $Llrl(.s *f E:OStpori*r-lr*rrts tirq: h*-ul"ir)g v.1i11
reset ttr Auq.ur[ 2;{, i.{J1:i. Ag*in due l"c, thr* r?]rcr,rre *f
i:r.runsel. th;ir i't,} i"iii; rrot tiiel.
ff1* d{rr115s15 the {:eariI.q i&,ri5
pr#slp$ried. Tllg,;:rr.;sexufiorr rJirl nst
otljeflt [,u the resettirry cf
tlt* r:as* to f,'ctc,lrrir r_li_ i{Jt-l. hr:t tn<i,yerl i:tiaL {.hr: i}{clr$fliti ii$

iu,'*rr;,i;"ti tlul lil ltr: i',*ils lr-1

r]frxl*nt t:viilelnc* tlre,::ilE* will br:
cler:rrecl strbnrit{.ec} f*r r*soiutian" The CIctr_ll_rer
?:i, .j{}1J, urfiI
fiqiiin rexet to lr{*trch lr- 2r}14. cn l/rarch }2. 2CI14. t:ourrsel q,

for I
f,lle *ccuse<.! was ncrt in t:ourt for the hearing. HJ
rvas ciuty
rrquifierl. D*,pite the warning ile iart".o to ippiur iirrr prer..,.t
rvideru:e for th* erccr.mcx.l. Thus the pr-os#uticR rRove,ii
sUbnllt lhu r:ose-r fcrr rm*lufiCIrr. The c*m"t grant*fl t.he

&t5c.u sstCIN
1'lrr: etemertt$ nec{-"$$ary, 1*r a pros$critiqrt r'cr vioLaHon
rif S+:*tion 5, RA gi65 or sate hf dangerous rJrugs ar-e;
{,Il ffue
l#entrty of tfte fuu5rsy an$ r{1e seller. ffie ohjec and the t
ruRxleler*fl*n; $n*J dJi rfre, delivery of fh* ffting soid onrl
pclyryl€fif. {Pectrt|e y. l-.?v{o, S.R" Aio, f {t^?J5,
6 Jufy ?0r?. 6Ss
'<nm. L?se l'/o. O?-2,1lgs

${fid ${iCI- frf'r*5 psopJe v. r.{cmrido, {,.# rdo, I$5:/g, ,-}

fisrr,ft ?StrJ#, SSf S{.Fjd S44J.

ra#i*f is qu"feri*{
is tf}e pr*sf rsar fhe frunsacti$r.!
rii:rua{fy r$$* pdc{e, .o{JpJ€d with the presenfaf nn
{ilurf pf ftr* d*rfy$ ded,rff. tpeopde v, d}c t* {.ruz,bef*re tt,,e
S.ff, ,,1o.
ISSXIP, I June ZA!1,65, SCRA S*T; peopre v.
aro, S^R. #o.
,85Sf !, 23 fierefl?brr ?,CI#$,609 SCRJ J#4; fie.opje
rr, r:r*e.zc,
S.#. ivo, "tyi?Sr, J? Juty Z,0Ol, f?g S{"tr1i fSf; p*op{e v.
duhugotan, C.n. fjo. I'F?Atg, ti F*brusry ;0#{ gij

Th* e8$# agai*sfi the ar:*ur*d ilrv*r.rr*d ,u firry-br-ist

apc'rar.ron. sn $ctr:ber.2r, ir&)7 at 13:CI0
A.M., a fe*iri cf
pciliee op**rat.i\I*s ted Lry Fl5r, tnsp. Ctiienci
i:*nductsxJ, a buy-t-ri;st cperation *t" Dr-agon
'facutinq, Ear:-r-riqrd Lodfe, In Brgy.
{".ity" Tlmir mrgst waf {irito A4acagxrt, thr:
itceused in this c+x$fl. The renrlervous polnt uras
the sr;*gorr
L$dqe and tfre *p*rativ*s waited fis pre-arr*ng*s
459ist, at Rr:orfi 4tr 0i.todte, The p*iice rrari
lry their
wrtrr t,r**, tur<i i?i
,rne hunclr-ed pesr,r hir.ts t* l:e use<i
as n:;lrkrxt ,norily
N*s" BT?4Zll,tr ;r.lej ?,fi?si46). Thre** wetrr:: ilr;nrjied wi$r r:*r"
r:ut yellcw Fll-tlr ["]il!{r*i. 'T'heir i}$$e{. corr{;}rtp.i,
ttre accr.iserj
thruugh cetl ;rl'rurie ter.trrig hirn he wantexl to buy
p 1,$$0.$$. Atter- wi,ritrng gcr. se.verai si:abr^r,l,trrtir
nrinr:tes Llrlto r\dirr:apal
Yitfn $tir:irv Ari*ta arfiv*ri at Ro*rn ,{*, palicq r}per;rtiver
Gtijatdo and flimatrr rr*re raskeirj to a{:t i15
F}orieur-buyer: *ruI
t"hev initiaterl the t.r;*r'r*act{r$rby.rskiri_g nnui*[xi
il lr* hrouqht
rs' i"iini ttrr: sfi*lrur. Macatrral-firit
thel. rnon*V. firijalel*i alul Clmntu t"r:*k
astsed tr:e oleiatiG i;ffi;
out the ,r,*rk.:.1 rn{}ne'
ilru"J luncle*l tlw sam* t0 f\4fl{dpal" uprrrr
,***iuino fhe m*n,ry,
Mnc;rpat clel ivered to the poserr.Liu!,ers.
.sirai:r.r irn[rediatcly I

*pon gettirry hord of the shabu" trhi pr:,trce operuti.res ;T

afifi*uncerJ ttrxlt tlrr:y

:{eie $otice officers erd in}nredifit*ty

pl;rcecl tt'r* sd:l[*"r- {iriler Marapar, ur1{rul{" arre*t. Af ter

I:r"ercessing l"lrt: &ri'e l^ 0i Mncapat amj r-*c*rrling tlrc iteni
mizml ;:rid i:ringing rlr* sprxinren r.*, ttu* r-,Np {.rinrer
Lah*r;rtrHry, tiir," t)l){,:r',riivr:s filed;r case cf violJi*lr
of sert-ion
5, RA ?r65.
t"!s:.ter#rirm the: vaficlity at ;* buy"hust. {il-jerstion,
sltpi"eme ficrrrt ltas corrsisrerrtty aplilirxi'tiie :oni.xtlve,
In *nrr c.;rse r[ \ryirs i]e{d" irr appryrng ure,,*rri**rtive,rr:st,
the detaits of the purportr"'tj transacti*ir rturing
ihe, buy-trust
operat!$*'nrusf lie ckrarly *rld ariequately rlrxrwir,
srrh rs l.lrt=
initial c*nt;:ct f:rvt,,rysen thu* poseur.Luyu*]*i,J tn* pusher,
oif*r tu purchase, .tnd the pr0r*15* $r pryn oa,t of ti* trr*
corl$rrleratrofi untit [he c{}r15{.rnnmailon oi
i.rre sate hy the
rlelivi*ry of tlie i[ct{;lt .Jrug subject l:! itw s;rl*.
Att $resg !?err]
;r*ieqmtely sl u:vrn try t.h* irtn
Brel;*xr.rt "

srlprerrir* f*uur{. rulirrq lurther stre;ge-q.{ l.h;rr. tlre
"r"l?{irrr}sf *y rv*lc* rlre fnlrid ru;torr w,cs mcr7g, rv,tefhel.*r
d#seflio. rJJ-?4JR5
Decisron *

ft)f thrsugll en ln,{,srrnsnf . 0l?€ off*r f0 pt{r{,1gst fIs eJr*g,

tfie pryment $f f*s 'futry"brysf ' mofiey, snd ths d*livery or rire
il{egol-drug, witetfier fc, the inforrrronf n{ofie #r fhe .fi:iiee
cffirer, oiir he subjerr 1;f strlrt scrt"I;Lty by rc,mrls f* insur*
qkat larv-cbiding crrir*n$ frre lut' uni*wfulfy insircerj t$
ror?,tnit an -*ffeftse. "

Ttris cuurt iu cCIilvrnced that wlrat was c*nducted u.'as .l

'Ilre' objmtive test- verY w*ti apptitxi ltt
[ruy"bust op*rati6t"l.
this care" T[** trnRnar:tiotl ieading ts arl-est tlf [tru acq:t'ts*l'i
insicie the 0raqon Lcljqe was wetl cletaltert, and {"h* acci:sec!
wils arresterl in ftagrai"lti detlctg, irr l.he ar:t of rmeivlnq t'l-it:
fiT$tlev .lneJ de(iver"ing tlx: sh*,htt to tttt: gxllic:* eipr':rntivtx;

srr .thm i.){.t]r}r hanr,!, tht* at:q:t-l*t'vj did not p{t'*.*nl'

eyielr:nre in l'iis rJ*f.tnse, n*rtwtf.hrtanclilrq the crpp<irtt";rtitis:s
qriltrte*l fiVFr ;1 Pg,ri(ul crf three t/eflr$, Tfte prCIsmcttl"tcltt qttd tt*r
rrt"r!,;.ct tO ttlr,-' nlA["tY re{'jlLle5t5 of tlre Elt'feln:;e a,rtll"rit'jl i+l
t=*r1r,rn*,fieflt,. The r;*ilrt tikewise in 1tre xpirit *t liberr.llllv
arnd i.o qive the fiCctlsenJ tris clav in c*ul't " ancl t"* af'forr!
hirn iri:'
riqht t1l rlue protess, qave in to the many reqli*Ets- Stlt- -ltie'
ecr--r.lst# chose tt: iqnrlrt th* atlvti:* ol tlm criurt' tlrat he tl-Nrtllrl
grresent hi:; evt{*rp:*,t ;.lIill it irls i:l:urm*l cst.lid ri6[ r-r-1]] t'lii-:Fi
;l4:C6-s{yl fgf [t:&r,titl'l *nty kn*wn t': lrttvl, cJid ngt lift a iil'qer'
['{il r:*l.ticl il.}[ fifi\ic f.'lillt ttris c{:1tll't. ilt f:r'o*et1dittg wttlt I'h*
i'l* wastt*rJ thr.: E$itlt-lrt crppr;rtmllty qranl*tl htrrl"

Bv tl-rt: failr.rr* *f th* ilc{tl$fld ,:ft*r i*'.'1del1l:i}" th{s

{surt witt*:rt:filrr: rltie oi-r haris of l,he pri.lsectllicrrt's
ou"l*na* tlrai vril.t starrCl Urrc6ntr*ver1ed. Havinq $r{rferr*ri
iutfiiiu,r,t *v'!r1**r:* t-!1ti prr:se.ctttitrn trar atnply lrr*vtxl tl'm
qf the aCcuse-d bnyond a l"tlasollahlt'..' rh*tlbt" lt har $Ver{:Oni*
[hr,: $regUtnprtlrln *f ittn,rCenr:e qir,rett tO atl aCCUsecl {:helrqffiJ
the i:r:tnn:ittion cf *m r:t-f*'rlse. Tht *cctlltrxl f,iritr* ns,*t;rpat iuil!
there:fOre ilnsu/f:r f sr t.lm Clu;rEe agalnlt' hittr ptri'S'tt&r!t to

sJHEF'.f,tr$RH. Brernisen cCrnriclert'x:t* accutr}el f-lR|Lil

MACApAL i5 ftluncl GUll-TY Lrc.l.ycid rflils{}rHhl€" ti*i"i[:;t.
erxl t$ thurefclre ssntenc$ei to suffer LlFf; |JV\FRISONMHI{T ;itttj
t* pay the FtNs *t P50cr" 0o0"{$, Ttxrrr: r,tii{t b* nir s1fisidiarv
irrigiriiunn'lr:r'rt iri c&sg *f lnsol.rrencr/. Custl itq;lin:i't iirt:


Bar:oictl 6;1Y. Jutv ?4" 3tJ14

Pfiii ill${ .!ur*qtt
.it;-'r t

C '; I .l

Ittit'X +
Branch 53, Bacolod City



-versus- CRIM, GASE NO. O2-24T85

X-b-i--- -----X


COMES NOW, the undersigned counsel and to this

Honbrabl e Court, most resp ectfully manifests :

1, That he is entering his appearance as counsel for the

accused Cirilo Macapal, in the above-entitled case.

2, That with this entry of appearance, undersigned

respectfully requests that henceforth, he be seryed and furnished
With copies of motions, orders, iudgrnents and other paperS in
said case.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is respectfully

prayed that the entry of appearance of the undersigned be

Bacolod City, Philippines, December 12, 2AL4,

the accused
2 TG Building
Street, Bacolod City
PTR # 566e6L2-Ot/3t1L4
rBP# e29505 -AU3L/L4
Roll No, 33660/p.232
h tr - t1' r'{
i i't"*
i rfl
.t1 F

C ) ^..1,-,
i /' I ;.1 lJ+
6rn fudicial Region iiii i
i-; l; ,- r--..'i
Branch 53, Bacolod CitY A/

-versus- CRIM. CASE NOS. AZ..?4LBS


x ---------x


COMES NOW, Accused by counsel, hereby gives notice, within the

required 15-day period, that he is appealing the decision/iudgment of
the Honorable Court dated luly 24, 2,0!4, to the Cout't of Appeals, the
said judgment being contrary to law and the facts'

Copy of this notice of appeal is served on the Office of tle City

Prosecutor, Bacolod City.

WHEREFORE, accused prays that the records of the case be

elevated to the Court of Appeals for its action thereon.

Bacolod City, Philippines, December L2, 4

the Accused
ZA6,TG Building
Gatuslao Sffeet, Bacolod City
PTR# 56696L?-oL/3LlL$
rBP e29505 o1l3t/L4
Roll No. 33660/p.Z3Z
MCLE IV-0000199?-6 / t / LL

Copy Furnished:

The City Prosecutor

Bacolod City
l1- 11" l-l

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