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Name : Maulina Fitriyani

Bp : 1710532030
Seeing the importance of transport role in the daily life of emerging online-
based transport. Online transport is a way of running Traffic and Road Transport by
following and utilizing the development of science (technology) based on application
and online both for ordering and payment. There are several advantages that we get
from the use of this online transportation, such as creating a sense of security for
passengers, the tariff is clear, sure and transparent and practical and easy. However,
in addition to online transportation enjoyment provided there are some rogue
people who use online transportation for crime.
In mid-2017 there are at least some crimes committed by online transport
drivers who must be aware of by passengers. The crimes that threaten passengers
include: robbery,drivers can drive passengers on-line transport while in the vehicle.
He can also grab or seize the goods, after arriving at the destination of an online
transport driver will run away and carry his robbery. For example, on May 10, 2017,
an online motorcycle taxi driver initials (23) grabbed a passenger bag. He withdrew
the bag when the victim had reached the destination, the pigtail, the striker. The
victim fell and sustained a wound on the face. The bag contains mobile phones,
credit cards, and money. Losses estimated at six million rupiah. Police arrested the
perpetrators and the perpetrator was sentenced to 9 years in prison.
Sexual harassment,usually an online transport driver harasses the victim by
sending a chat profanity or inviting sexual intercourse. The perpetrator will terrorize
the victim by sending many messages constantly. There are also perpetrators who
verbally abuse, namely by praising it with a sentence that baseball politely and
sexually suggestive. More reckless drivers can also touch the passenger body and
physically abuse them. Typically, an online transport driver does this to victims who
order ojeks or taxis online at night. The perpetrator will bring the passengers out of
the path of destination and to a quiet place to launch the action. However, sexual
crimes can happen on the phone and messages, such as on 20 July 2017 online
motorcycle taxi driver initials s sexual harassment via short message. In the
conversation, s invites the victim to have sexual relationships at his contract before
being transferred to the destination. The victim immediately canceled the order and
reported it to the online motorcycle company. The perpetrator's account has been
bundled while still being investigated further.
Fighting,disputes between passengers and the driver sometimes occur,
either due to a lack of clarity of purpose, unclear directions, or lack of
communication between the two parties. Because of the emotion, the dispute can
increase until the stage of persecution.On August 8, 2017, Toha (23) became the
victim of beatings done by an online taxi driver. Arriving at the destination, the tariff
to be paid toha is sixty eight thousand rupiah, but he exaggerated by paying one
hundred thousand dollars on the taxi driver online. The driver even asked for an
additional fee, but was rejected by toha. The online taxi driver kicked and hit the
toha until his temple was torn, then left him after persecuting him. Toha has
reported to the police, the perpetrators are still in the investigation stage.
We as users of online transport must be more careful and careful in using
online transportation, because many possible crimes that can occur. First, Always
note the vehicle code. When driving an online transport vehicle, there are details of
booking code, driver's name and vehicle police number. Share the details to the
closest people like family or close friends, so if things happen that are not desired,
they have kept the details of the vehicle that we are riding. Then, right down. If you
feel uncomfortable or something is wrong, immediately get off the vehicle. Make
sure the rearview mirror does not lead to us and must always know the way.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that not all the instant is
good as the online transport earlier. Because basically the online transport driver is
human so many people who abuse the use of such online transportation. As
passengers, we must be more critical and always cautious in any case.

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