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Handbook of Regression On this page

Modeling in People
Analytics: With Examples in R, Foreword by Alexis Fink Foreword by Alexis
Python and Julia
Over the past decade or so, increases in compute power, emergence of friendly
analytic tools and an explosion of data have created a wonderful opportunity to View source 
bring more analytical rigor to nearly every imaginable question. Not Edit this page 

Table of contents coincidentally, organizations are increasingly looking to apply all that data and
Welcome capability to what is typically their greatest area of expense and their greatest
strategic differentiator—their people. For too long, many of the most critical
Foreword by Alexis Fink
decisions in an organization—people decisions—had been guided by gut instinct
or borrowed ‘best practices’ and the democratization of people analytics opened
1 The Importance of Regression in up enticing pathways to fix that. Suddenly, analysts who were originally interested
People Analytics
in data problems began to be interested in people problems, and HR
2 The Basics of the R Programming professionals who had dedicated their careers to solving people problems needed
more sophisticated analysis and data storytelling to make their cases and to refine
3 Statistics Foundations their approaches for greater efficiency, effectiveness and impact.
4 Linear Regression for Continuous
Outcomes Doing data work with people in organizations has complexities that some other

5 Binomial Logistic Regression for types of data work doesn’t. Often, the employee populations are relatively smaller
Binary Outcomes than data sets used in other areas, sometimes limiting the methods that can be
6 Multinomial Logistic Regression used. Various regulatory requirements may dictate what data can be gathered and
for Nominal Category Outcomes used, and what types of evidence might be required for various programs or

7 Proportional Odds Logistic people strategies. Human behavior and organizations are sufficiently complex that
Regression for Ordered Category typically, multiple factors work together in influencing an outcome. Effects can be
Outcomes subtle or meaningful only in combination, or difficult to tease apart. While in
8 Modeling Explicit and Latent many disciplines, prediction is the most important aim, for most people analytics
Hierarchy in Data projects and practitioners, understanding why something is happening is critical.
9 Survival Analysis for Modeling
Singular Events Over Time
While the universe of analytical approaches is wonderful and vast, the best ‘Swiss
army knife’ we have in people analytics is regression. This volume is an accessible,
10 Alternative Technical Approaches
targeted work aimed directly at supporting professionals doing people analytics
in R, Python and Julia
work. I’ve had the privilege of knowing and respecting Keith McNulty for many
11 Power Analysis to Estimate
years – he is the rare and marvelous individual who is deeply expert in the
Required Sample Sizes for Modeling
mechanics of data and analytics, curious about and steeped in the opportunities
Solutions to Exercises, Slide
to improve the effectiveness and well-being of people at work, and a gifted
Presentations, Videos and Other
Learning Resources teacher and storyteller. He is among the most prolific standard-bearers for people
analytics. This new open-source volume is in keeping with many years of
contributions to the practice of understanding people at work.
View book source 
After nearly 30 years of doing people analytics work and the privilege of leading
people analytics teams at several leading global organizations, I am still excited by
the problems we get to solve, the insights we get to spawn, and the tremendous
impact we can have on organizations and the people that comprise them. This
work is human and technical and important and exciting and deeply gratifying. I
hope that you will find this Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics
helps you uncover new truths and create positive impacts in your own work.

Alexis A. Fink
December 2020

Alexis A. Fink, PhD is a leading figure in people analytics and has led major
people analytics teams at Microsoft and Intel before her current role as Vice
President of People Analytics and Workforce Strategy at Facebook. She is a Fellow of
the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and is a frequent author,
journal editor and research leader in her field.

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"Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics: With This book was built by the bookdown R package.
Examples in R, Python and Julia" was written by Keith McNulty.

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