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Operating Systems

1. Introduction
◦ What is an operating system?
◦ History of OS
◦ Operating system structures
◦ Computer system overview

2. Processes
◦ Process concepts
◦ Process scheduling
◦ Operation on processes
◦ Threads

November 8, 2022 COURSE OUTLINE 2

Outline …
3. Inter-process Communication
◦ Introduction
◦ Race condition
◦ Critical region
◦ Process synchronization

4. CPU Scheduling
◦ Basic concepts
◦ Scheduling criteria
◦ Scheduling algorithms
◦ Multiple-processor scheduling
◦ Real-time scheduling

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5. Deadlocks
◦ Introduction
◦ Deadlock prevention
◦ Deadlock avoidance
◦ Deadlock detection and recovery

6. Memory Management
◦ Introduction
◦ Memory partitioning
◦ Paging
◦ Segmentation

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7. File Systems
◦ Introduction
◦ File system structure
◦ File system implementation
◦ Directory implementation
◦ Efficiency and performance
8. I/O Management
◦ I/O devices
◦ Principles of I/O software
◦ I/O buffering
◦ Disk cache
9. Introduction to Security
◦ Threats and attacks
◦ Defenses

November 8, 2022 COURSE OUTLINE 5

Text Book:
◦ Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P. B., and Gagne, G., “Operating System Concepts”,
9th ed., Wiley, 2013.

◦ Tanenbaum, A. S., and Bos, H., “Modern Operating Systems”, 4th ed.,
Pearson, 2015.
◦ Stallings, W., “Operating Systmes: Internals and Design Principles”, 7th ed.,
rentice Hall, 2012.

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▪Assignment, proj., quizzes, exam ~50%
▪Final Exam ~50%

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