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We’re from Mortlach School. The town of Mortlach is surrounded by a large variety of agriculture.

Some of this incudes grain, beef, dairy and sheep. Our school is doing as much as we can to promote
healthy living, healthy food choices and even how to produce food in our own indoor and outdoor
gardens. Now it’s time for a little Show and Tell so you can see how Mortlach School is doing to teach

Nutrients For Life

Although our outdoor garden looks a little bleak right now come spring, we will be getting the ground
ready for planting. We’ll also be planting a lot of different seeds indoors that will eventually be
transplanted outside in the school garden. Some of the vegetables that we have planted in the past have
included potatoes, zucchinis, corn, beans, and squash. There’s more but it’s probably going to change
from year to year. It’s fun to experiment. The following school year the remaining vegetables will be
harvested by the next group of children. Then all that’s left is clean up and share the fruits of our labour
as a whole school

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