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Date: Wed.

, October 17, 2023 Day:

I have a prep. @ 1:45. Check with Mrs. Eberl

8:47-9:00 Morning Meeting – Routines which include attendance, O Canada, duties, calendar.
-have the children move their chairs to the Calendar area. “Mini Me” and the “PFW”
(plant/fish/worm keeper) do calendar
Period 1 ELA - Daily 5/Guided Reading – All groups stay in the class.

9:20 Really Great Reading Program (Mrs. Woitas will come in to teach this)

10:15- Snack - somebody can set the timer for 15 min.

10:30 – Recess - Sarah supervises outside.
Period 2 ELA Writer’s Workshop – Teach “Guess and Check” as a spelling strategy. When you are unsure of the
10:43- spelling of a word then on a scrap piece of paper write three possible ways of spelling that word and choose
11:13 what you think is the best choice. It’s not 100% but chances are you will choose the correct spelling. I use it
all the time. Have the children practice on whiteboards.

11:13- Math Grade 2 - Continue in Math workbooks. Look for corrections first before they go on.
12:15 Grade3 – Continue in Math workbooks. Look for corrections first before they go on.

Note – Indie will work with Ms. Sarah.

Period 3 Mathletics - Everyone

12:15- Lunch
Period 4 Story – James and the Giant Peach

Period 5 Phys. Ed. – Mrs. Woitas is the phys.ed. teacher. She will pick the children up.

2:15-2:29 Recess – I supervise.

Period 6 Social Studies – Conflict Resolution – Have you ever heard of “I Care Messages”? It’s where you teach the
2:29-3:25 children to solve a conflict with calm but firm words. It goes like this:
Someone does something to you that you do not like. Instead of running an adult and having them solve the
situation or trying to solve it in an angry manner which could make the situation worse you can use an I-Care-
Message. See following page:
When someone does something to you that you do not like you can:
1. Say the person’s name.
2. Tell them how you feel.
3. Tell them what they did to make you feel that way.
4. Tell them what you would like them to do.
You cannot tell them to say sorry. That must come from the heart.
It looks like this:
Peter throws sand in the air at recess. Sand gets in your hair. You could yell at
Peter that would probably make things worse, so you say:
“Peter, I feel annoyed when you throw sand in the air and it gets in my hair. I
would like you to stop throwing sand.”

Brainstorm some real situations and write them on the board. The children cannot
use names. Real situations. Fake names. If time permits, have the children take
turns role playing the situations.

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