Feasibility Study of RAP Aggregates in Cement Concrete Pavements

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Road Materials and Pavement Design

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Feasibility study of RAP aggregates in cement

concrete pavements

Surender Singh, G.D.R.N. Ransinchung & Praveen Kumar

To cite this article: Surender Singh, G.D.R.N. Ransinchung & Praveen Kumar (2019) Feasibility
study of RAP aggregates in cement concrete pavements, Road Materials and Pavement Design,
20:1, 151-170, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2017.1380071

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Published online: 27 Sep 2017.

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Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2019
Vol. 20, No. 1, 151–170, https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2017.1380071

Feasibility study of RAP aggregates in cement concrete pavements

Surender Singh , G.D.R.N. Ransinchung ∗ and Praveen Kumar

Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667, India

(Received 15 March 2017; accepted 5 September 2017 )

The presence of dust, asphalt film and agglomerated particles is considered to be the primary
reason for reducing the properties of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)-inclusive concrete.
A surface treatment method Abrasion and Attrition (AB&AT) was employed for removing
these contaminants. Gaps were identified from the available literatures and efforts have been
made to bridge them in order to increase the usage of RAP aggregates in concrete pavements.
Six mixes were prepared by partly replacing the Natural Aggregates (NA) with RAP aggre-
gates in different proportions. It was learnt that processing Dirty RAP (DRAP) aggregates by
the AB&AT method could remove contaminants considerably as a result of which stronger
bonding is exhibited at the interface of the aggregate and hydrated mortar matrix. Incorpora-
tion of beneficiated RAP aggregates in concrete improved the workability considerably but
it was found to have reduced hardened concrete properties. However, the results were found
to lie within the permissible limits for producing concrete mix having 40 MPa compressive
Keywords: RAP; beneficiation; asphalt film; agglomerated particles; dust; concrete

1. Introduction
Scarcity of Natural Aggregates (NA) and their availability at high rates due to the imposition of
ban across the country are major problems faced by the construction agencies. To overcome this,
efforts have been made in the recent past to use different recycled aggregates for partial replace-
ment of NA in concrete (Akinyele, Salim, & Oyeti, 2014; Al-Tayeb, Abu Bakar, Akil, & Ismail,
2012; García-González, Rodríguez-Robles, Juan-Valdés, Morán-Del Pozo, & Guerra-Romero,
2015; Kumar, 2013; Moon, Yoo, & Kim, 2002; Seara-Paz, Corinaldesi, González-Fonteboa, &
Martínez-Abella, 2016). As far as the Indian scenario is concerned the availability of these recy-
cled aggregates is limited to big cities. Moreover, its processing and transportation affect the total
cost of a project if not judiciously handled. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (India)
has decided to make concrete pavements as the default mode of construction due to its superi-
ority over flexible pavements. Considering the issues mentioned above, utilisation of Reclaimed
Asphalt Pavement (RAP) aggregates in concrete pavements appears to be the best alternative
solution for a developing country like India. On the spot utilisation of RAP for concrete pave-
ments would not only offset the transportation cost of the materials but would also immensely
help in reducing the carbon footprint.
RAP is the residue generated during milling of damaged pavements for maintenance and reha-
bilitation purposes (Farina, Zanetti, Santagata, & Blengini, 2017). It is considered as a valuable

*Corresponding author. Email: gdranfce@iitr.ac.in

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

152 S. Singh et al.

approach for economical, technical and environmental reasons (Yan, Huang, & Lv, 2016). It also
reduces the energy consumption and green house emission (Aurangzeb, Al-Qadi, Ozer, & Yang,
Normally, RAP aggregates contained aged asphalt and a dust layer on its circumference. The
ageing phenomenon makes the asphalt film harder and stiffer. The stiffening of the asphalt film
is accelerated due to oxidation during stockpiling (De Lira, Cortes, & Pasten, 2015). Recycling
of RAP in flexible pavement construction demands a huge amount of energy in order to soften
the aged asphalt. But this stiffening effect may be advantageous for construction of the cement
concrete pavement as described in the present paper.
The use of RAP in flexible pavements is a common practice as it is both an environmen-
tally and economically attractive proposition (Yan et al., 2016). However, its usage in concrete
pavements has gained little attention in the recent past only. A lot of studies have already been
performed on the usage of RAP for base and subbase layers (Al-Abdul Wahhab, Baig, Mah-
moud, & Kattan, 2012; Arulrajah, Disfani, Horpibulsuk, Suksiripattanapong, & Prongmanee,
2014; Avirneni, Peddinti, & Saride, 2016; Ebrahim Abu El-Maaty Behiry, 2013; Modarres &
Hosseini, 2014; Montepara, Tebaldi, Marradi, & Betti, 2012; Settari, Debieb, Kadri, & Bouk-
endakdji, 2015; Stolle, Guo, & Emery, 2014; Thakur, Han, Pokharel, & Parsons, 2012) but very
scanty works have been carried out in concrete pavements. Vieira and Pereira (2015) investigated
the potential of different Construction and Demolition waste (C&D) in geotechnical engineering
applications such as fill material for embankment, and for the base/subbase layer of pavements.
It was concluded that if these aggregates are properly selected, processed and compacted then
they may provide properties comparable to natural materials commonly used for geotechnical
applications. RAP aggregates have high energy-absorbing capacity owing to the presence of
asphalt coating around them but need to be blended with higher quality NA or stabilised by
using additives in order to increase the potential of the same for pavement base/subbase appli-
cations (Arulrajah et al., 2014). Mohammadinia, Arulrajah, Horpibulsuk, and Chinkulkijniwat
(2017) investigated the potential of crushed bricks and RAP aggregates for pavement base and
subbase applications. Flyash in the proportions of 5–30% was used as a cementitious stabiliser
to enhance the mechanical properties of these recycled aggregates. Addition of flyash up to 15%
improved the strength and durability of these aggregates by reducing the porosity of the mix
and beyond 15%, reduction in the properties was observed. It was recommended to stabilise the
pavement base/subbase layer containing bricks and RAP aggregates by incorporating 15% fly-
ash. Similarly, Puppala, Hoyos, and Potturi (2011) recommended to stabilise the base course of
pavement containing RAP aggregates by incorporating cement in the proportions of 2–4%.
The initial investigations regarding usage of RAP in concrete pavements was conducted by
Delwar and Fahmy (Delwar, Fahmy, & Taha, 1997). They observed that incorporation of RAP
aggregates in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) reduced the properties of hardened concrete
significantly. On the basis of the study, it was recommended to use RAP concrete for side-
walks, driveways, pipes, curbs, gutters, etc. Huang, Shu, and Li (2005) investigated the use
of laboratory-made RAP for PCC. It was observed that incorporation of RAP in PCC reduced
the strength of concrete irrespective of curing days. Huang, Shu, and Burdette (2006) assessed
the mechanical properties of RAP-inclusive concrete but this time natural RAP (not laboratory
fabricated) was used. It was observed that the compressive strength reduced by 75% as compared
to control mix. This drastic reduction in compressive strength was attributed to the presence of
agglomerated particles. It was concluded that refinement of coarse RAP, i.e. removal of agglom-
erated particles, is necessary to increase the strength of RAP-inclusive concrete. Hassan, Brooks,
and Erdman (2000) recommended to use RAP for nonstructural purposes such as road bases and
subbases. Al-Oraimi, Hassan, and Hago (2009) observed that with the increase in RAP content
from 25% to 100%, fresh and hardened properties of concrete reduced. The authors suggested
Road Materials and Pavement Design 153

to use RAP aggregates for nonstructural concrete applications. Mathias, Sedran, and de Larrard
(2009) also got the same results, i.e. with the increase in RAP content hardened properties of con-
crete reduced. Okafor (2010) found that the strength of RAP-inclusive concrete mainly depends
upon the bonding between cement mortar and asphalt layer which, being weak in nature, may not
produce concrete having compressive strength above 25 MPa. Hossiney and Tia (2010) observed
that with the incorporation of RAP aggregates the mechanical properties of concrete reduced sig-
nificantly. Mahmoud, Ibrahim, El-Chabib, and Patibandla (2013) used RAP aggregates for partial
replacement of NA in self-consolidating concrete and suggested not to replace NA by more than
25% coarse RAP aggregates. Brand and Roesler (2015) studied the effect of partial replacement
(20%, 35% and 50%) of RAP on the fresh, mechanical and durability properties of concrete. It
was observed that partial replacement of NA by RAP aggregates increased the workability but
reduced the hardened properties. The reduced bonding potential between the asphalt layer and
cement matrix as compared to the aggregate surface and cement matrix was found to be the main
cause for reduction in strength properties of RAP-inclusive concrete. It was concluded that 50%
RAP can be used for the construction of concrete pavements without violating the standards and
specifications. Berry, Kappes, and Kappes (2015) observed that the addition of RAP aggregates
in concrete did not affect the slump value of fresh mix but had a significant impact on strength
properties of hardened mix. This was attributed to large portions of coarse RAP aggregates which
were conglomerations of asphalt and fine aggregates.

1.1. Research objective

Most of the authors have suggested using RAP for nonstructural applications owing to dras-
tic reduction in properties of RAP concrete compared to conventional concrete. However, few
researchers have suggested utilising RAP in the surface course but with a capping limit of 50%.
Taking the cognisance of literatures of past researchers, attempts have been made to address the
gaps identified so as to increase the usage of RAP aggregates in cement concrete pavements.

1.1.1. Gaps identified in available literatures

In some of the cases, RAP aggregates were manufactured in the laboratory itself which does not
simulate the field condition. Moreover, the maximum nominal size and particle size distribution
of RAP and NA considered in their studies were not same. This might have affected the mechan-
ical and durability properties of hardened concrete significantly. For a comparative study, use of
aggregates of the same nominal size and similar grading would yield more meaningful results.
So far none of the past researchers have introduced beneficiation techniques to remove the
contaminants from RAP aggregates. The presence of a dust layer around the RAP aggregates
can reduce the workability of fresh concrete by absorbing water from the mix as evidenced from
the present study. On the other hand, the presence of an asphalt film could increase the slump
value but it prevents the formation of bond between the hydrated cement matrix and aggregates.
Similarly, the presence of agglomerated particles reduces the properties of concrete consider-
ably. These agglomerated particles consist of clusters of fine aggregates adhered on coarse RAP
aggregates which has a high tendency to break down easily under the impact of external loading.
A reduction of 75% in strength has been reported owing to the presence of agglomerated parti-
cles (Huang et al., 2006). Moreover, the presence of agglomerated particles affects the grading
of aggregates.
Considering the above identified gaps, attempts have been made in the following manner to
bridge the gaps: RAP was collected from a stockpile (stored for more than 6 months) which was
obtained employing the uncontrolled milling technique from a distressed old flexible pavement
154 S. Singh et al.

having service life greater than 20 years. Thereafter, RAP was screened from a 16 mm sieve
and then separated into coarse RAP (d > 4.75 mm) and fine RAP (d < 4.75 mm) by means of
mechanical sieving. Only the coarse fraction was considered for the laboratory investigation. NA
having the same nominal size and similar particle size distribution as that of RAP was considered
throughout the investigation. Surface treatment was provided for removing the dust and agglom-
erated particles engulfed around the RAP aggregates by employing the Attrition and Abrasion
Method (AB&AT).

2. Materials and mix design

Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 43 grade complying with IS: 8112 (1989) and having specific
gravity of 3.15 was used in the present study. NA having water absorption and specific gravity
of 0.91% and 2.64, respectively, were used. Natural river bed sand having water absorption and
specific gravity of 0.81% and 2.61, respectively, was used in the present study. Potable water
conforming to IS: 456 (2000) was used for preparation of the mix as well as for moist curing of
specimens. RAP aggregates were used in two different conditions, viz. as-received state condition
(DRAP) and treated with AB&AT method (ARAP) aggregates. Figure 1 depicts the particle size
distribution patterns of all considered combinations as per IS:383 (1970).
The mix design of all the considered mixes is presented in Table 1. The mix design was carried
out in accordance with IRC: 44 (2008).

3. Laboratory tests
3.1. Abrasion and attrition method (AB&AT)
From the present laboratory investigation, it was learnt that Dirty RAP (DRAP) aggregates con-
tain a substantial amount of dust layer, aged asphalt and agglomerated particles as can be seen
in Figure 2. A strong bond between the dust layer and asphalt film is exhibited and adhered

Figure 1. Particle size distribution.

Road Materials and Pavement Design 155

Table 1. Mix design of different mixes.

Coarse ARAP Fine
Coarse NA DRAP Aggregates Aggregates Cement Water
Mix (kg/m3 ) (kg/m3 ) (kg/m3 ) (kg/m3 ) (kg/m3 ) (kg/m3 )

NAC 1120 – – 735 425 161.5

DRAPC – 1120 – 735 425 161.5
25ARAPC 840 – 280 735 425 161.5
50ARAPC 560 – 560 735 425 161.5
75ARAPC 280 – 840 735 425 161.5
100ARAPC – – 1120 735 425 161.5

Figure 2. Presence of contaminant layers around RAP aggregates.

asphalt was found to be very stiff due to loss of volatile substances during service life and stock-
piling. However, bonding of agglomerated particles with DRAP aggregates was found to be
relatively softer. In order to overcome this problem, surface treatment (AB&AT) was provided.
This technique operates on the principle that when mechanical stresses are induced onto the
surface of DRAP aggregates, removal of the dust layer and agglomerated particles take place.
These stresses ensured puncturing of stiffened asphalt film to some extent which may provide
better surface of DRAP aggregates for stronger bonding with cementitious materials.
In this method, about 25 kg of DRAP aggregates were fed into the titling drum mixer which
was tilted at 10°. Fifteen steel balls (which acted as charging balls) having an average diameter
of 4.5 cm and weight of 380 g were employed in the study. The whole assembly was rotated
for 20 min at 35 rpm. The surface treatment was provided at room temperature, i.e. 27 ± 5°C.
Figure 3 represents the schematic view of the AB&AT set-up.
For measuring the quantity of agglomerated particles, 1 kg each of representative samples
(16–12.5, 12.5–10 and 10–4.75 mm) were taken and agglomerated particles were separated out
by visual identification (Figure 4). Similarly, the total number of agglomerated particles present
in a representative sample of size 5 kg was determined by manual means. Asphalt content present
in RAP aggregates was determined by the centrifuge method as per ASTM D2172 (2011). The
156 S. Singh et al.

Figure 3. Schematic view of the AB&AT set-up.

Figure 4. Agglomerated particles in DRAP aggregates.

physical and mechanical properties of aggregates were determined in accordance with IS:2386

3.2. Fresh properties of concrete

Slump of fresh concrete was measured in accordance with ASTM C143 (2015). Slump loss with
time was found as per the procedure explained by Poon C.S. (Poon, Shui, Lam, Fok, & Kou,
2004), and Kou S.C. (Kou, Zhan, & Poon, 2014). After the initial slump value was determined,
roughly three times the material required for single measurement was kept in a steel container
covered with plastic sheet to avoid evaporation loss. The slump value was measured at regular
intervals of 15 min until zero slump was achieved.

3.3. Mechanical properties of concrete

Compressive strength was measured on 150 × 150 × 150 mm cube specimens whereas flexu-
ral strength was measured on 100 × 100 × 500 mm beams in accordance with IS:516 (1959).
Road Materials and Pavement Design 157

Split tensile strength was determined on 100 × 200 mm cylindrical specimens as per IS:5816

3.4. Durability properties of concrete

The water absorption was determined on 100 × 100 mm cube specimens by measuring the dif-
ference between the oven-dried weight and Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) Weight after immersing
into water for 48 h.
The initial rate of water absorption was determined on 50 × 100 mm cylindrical specimens by
keeping the samples in an oven for 24 h at 100°C. The circumference of the sample was sealed by
epoxy paint whereas the top surface was covered using a plastic sheet tightened with an elastic
band. The increase in mass at specified intervals was measured by adopting the procedure of
ASTM C1585 (2013).
The coefficient of sorptivity was calculated by using the following equation (Poon et al., 2004)

K = Q/(A × (t)0.5 ), (1)

where K is the sorptivity coefficient (cm/ s), Q is the total amount of water absorbed in 24 h
(cm3 ), A is the area of the exposed surface (cm2 ) and t is the time (s).
The acid resistance of concrete was assessed by immersing 100 × 100 mm cubes into sul-
phuric acid (H2 SO4 ) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) solutions diluted with potable water. After
28 days of normal curing three specimens were taken out, cleaned with the help of a brush
(to remove any loose material) and cotton, and placed in an oven. Next day the samples were
removed from the oven and allowed to cool under natural heat loss. Three more specimens were
taken out from the curing tank and brought into the SSD condition. Thus, there were in total six
specimens; three Oven-Dried (OD) and three in SSD. The initial weight of the specimens was
measured and then placed in a 2.5% H2 SO4 solution tank. The solution was replaced after 14
days to maintain the acid concentration constant throughout the test. After 91 days, the speci-
mens were taken out from the acid tank, cleaned with the help of potable water and brought in
the SSD condition. The weight of 3 specimens (which were in the SSD condition) was measured
and change in SSD mass was determined. The remaining 3 specimens were put in an oven for
24 h and change in OD mass was calculated. A similar methodology was adopted for measuring
the resistance of mixes against HCl attack. The resistance to acidic environment for DRAPC
mixes was not considered in the present study.
The abrasion resistance of concrete specimens was determined using the sand blasting method
in accordance with IS: 9284 (1979). The pressure of feeding the standard ennore sand (pass-
ing 1 mm and retained on 0.5 mm IS sieve) from a nozzle on to the samples was kept constant
(0.14 N/mm2 ). After the completion of 1 phase (feeding of 4000 g of sand) the specimen was
rotated by 180° thus making two impressions on one moulded surface. This procedure was
repeated on two adjacent faces of the specimen. The average losses in the mass of the specimens
(percentage loss) were reported as abrasion resistance of concrete.
pH value is an indicator of the degradation level of concrete. pH of concrete below 9 can affect
the bonding capability of cement and this can lead to corrosion and crack initiation. The alkalinity
of concrete at 91 days of moist curing was measured by adopting the method as explained by
Saravanakumar, Abhiram, and Manoj, (2016). About 20 g of concrete powder (passing 1.18 mm
IS Sieve) was mixed into 100 ml of distilled water. The solution was stirred vigorously and then
allowed to stand for 72 h. The solution was stirred at regular intervals to enable more free lime
into the distilled water. After 72 h, the alkalinity was measured using a pH meter.
158 S. Singh et al.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. AB&AT method
As illustrated in Table 2, it can be seen that processing the DRAP aggregates by the AB&AT
method increased the mechanical properties of aggregates significantly. As can be seen in
Figure 5, complete removal of the dust layer took place after processing the aggregates by the
AB&AT method. Removal of this layer was found to be beneficial as it resulted in increasing the
specific gravity and reducing the water absorption value of Beneficiated RAP (ARAP) aggregates
by 75.45% and 5.22%, respectively. Moreover, a reduction in asphalt content of more than 50%
was also noticed for ARAP aggregates.

4.1.1. Agglomerated particles

The quantity of agglomerated particles in DRAP and ARAP aggregates is presented in Table 3.
It was observed that the coarser aggregates were having least agglomerated particles and their
quantity increases with decrease in the particle size. The total quantity of agglomerated particles
in a representative sample was found to be 15.42%. It has been proven that surface treatment of
DRAP aggregates reduce the number of agglomerated particles. The quantity of agglomerated
particles after beneficiation was found to reduce by 77.36%.

4.2. Fresh properties of concrete

4.2.1. Slump loss
Figure 6 depicts the initial slump and slump loss of considered mixes with time. It was observed
that the initial slump value of 100ARAPC mix was higher than DRAPC. The lower initial slump

Table 2. Mechanical properties of RAP aggregates before and

after beneficiation.

Property DRAP ARAP

Nominal size (mm) 16 16

Water absorption (%) 1.83 0.45
Specific gravity 2.49 2.62
Agg. Crushing value (%) 16 17
Agg. Impact value (%) 13 12
Los Angles Abrasion value (%) 19.3 16.3
Asphalt content (%) 2.18 1.08

Figure 5. (a) DRAP aggregates, (b) ARAP aggregates.

Road Materials and Pavement Design 159

Table 3. Quantity of agglomerated particles present in DRAP

and ARAP aggregates.

Agglomerated particles (%)

Sieve size (mm) DRAP ARAP

16–12.5 7.7 2.3

12.5–10 12.5 2.7
10–4.75 18.6 4.5
Amount in total sample (%) 15.42 3.49

Figure 6. Slump loss of different mixes with time.

value of DRAPC is attributed to the presence of a dust layer which tends to absorb more water
from the mix. Replacement of 25% NA by ARAP aggregates increased the initial slump value of
concrete by 9.68% with respect to natural aggregate concrete (NAC) mix. With further increase
in the replacement level of NA by ARAP aggregates, the slump value was observed to increase
by 22.58%, 41.94% and 54.84% for 50ARAPC, 75ARAPC and 100ARAPC mixes, respec-
tively, with respect to the NAC mix. The increase in initial slump value with increase in ARAP
aggregates can be attributed to lower water absorption of ARAP aggregates compared to NA.
The slump of NAC reached zero in 45 min after mixing, while DRAPC had zero slump
at 30 min only. This is due to the high water absorption of DRAP aggregates compared to
NA. Replacing NA by ARAP aggregates prolonged the process of slump loss except for the
25ARAPC mix. Zero slump was noted in 60, 75 and 90 min for 50ARAPC, 75ARAPC and
100ARAPC, respectively. The present analyses indicate that the use of ARAP aggregates can
reduce the slump loss of concrete which is a good indication of increasing travel time of the mix
to the site.

4.3. Mechanical properties of concrete

4.3.1. Compressive strength
Beneficiating the RAP aggregates with the AB&AT method improved the compressive strength
of concrete as compared to DRAPC at all the curing ages as depicted in Figure 7. The increase
160 S. Singh et al.

Figure 7. Compressive strength of considered mixes at different curing ages.

in compressive strength of 100ARAPC as compared to DRAPC was about 16.24% at 90 days

of curing. Better compressive strength was ensured by the presence of less agglomerated parti-
cles and strong bonding that is exhibited between the relatively clean and hard surface of ARAP
aggregates and the hydrated cement matrix. Replacing NA with ARAP aggregates from 25%
to 100% reduced the compressive strength of concrete regardless of curing ages except for 3
days. At 3 days of curing, it was observed that 100ARAPC and 75ARAPC mixes were having
better strength as compared to NA. In the early days of curing the resistance to deformation
is mainly imparted by the aggregates rather than aggregate cement bond (Brand & Roesler,
2015). At 28 days, the reduction in strength was observed to be 0.89%, 6.04%, 10.46% and
13.48% for 25ARAPC, 50ARAPC, 75ARAPC and 100ARAPC mixes, respectively, as com-
pared to NAC mix. At 90 days of curing, the reduction in strength was observed to be 6.37%,
10.70%, 16.33% and 21.29% for 25ARAPC, 50ARAPC, 75ARAPC and 100ARAPC mixes,
respectively, as compared to the NAC mix. However, all the ARAPC mixes achieved 40 MPa
compressive strength which is the minimum required compressive strength for construction of
Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC) pavements. The reduction in strength with increase in ARAP
aggregates can be attributed to the combined effect of an increase in water–cement ratio due to
lower water absorption of ARAP aggregates and the presence of a punctured asphalt layer.

4.3.2. Flexural strength

Similar to compressive strength, it was observed that beneficiating RAP with the AB&AT
method increased the flexural strength of concrete as compared to the DRAPC mix at 3, 7 and
28 days of curing. The increase in flexural strength for 100ARAPC was observed to be 8.55%
as compared to DRAPC at 28 days of curing. As can be seen in Figure 8 all considered mixes
could produce flexural strength of more than 4.5 MPa which is the minimum benchmark stipu-
lated in the specifications of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH, 2013) for
the PQC slab. As expected, the flexural strength of concrete was observed to be reduced with the
increase in partial replacement level of NA by ARAP aggregates. At 28 days, the reduction in
strength with respect to the NAC mix was observed to be 5.05%, 8.52%, 12.93% and 19.87% for
25ARAPC, 50ARAPC, 75ARAPC and 100ARAPC mixes, respectively.
Road Materials and Pavement Design 161

Figure 8. Flexural strength of considered mixes at different curing ages.

Figure 9. Split tensile strength of considered mixes at different curing ages.

4.3.3. Split tensile strength

Beneficiating the RAP with the AB&AT method improved the split tensile strength of DRAPC
by 10.88% (Figure 9). As far as the partial replacement of NA by ARAP aggregates is concerned
the reduction in split tensile strength at 28 days of curing was found to be 6.06%, 9.31%, 13.85%
and 16.45% for 25ARAPC, 50ARAPC, 75ARAPC and 100ARAPC mixes, respectively, when
compared to the NAC mix.
The reductions in compressive, flexural and split tensile strength of the 100ARAPC mix com-
pared to the NAC mix were found to be 13.48%, 19.87% and 16.45%, respectively, at 28 days of
moist curing, which are found to have better results in comparison to other researchers findings
162 S. Singh et al.

Figure 10. Water absorption value of considered mixes.

(Al-Oraimi et al., 2017; Brand & Roesler, 2015; Delwar et al., 1997; Hossiney & Tia, 2010;
Huang et al., 2005; Huang et al., 2006). This might have been achieved mainly due to enabling
to bridge the gaps identified.

4.4. Durability properties of concrete

4.4.1. Water absorption
Figure 10 indicates that incorporation of DRAP aggregates reduced the water absorption of con-
crete significantly. The reduction with respect to the NAC mix was found to be 16.1% and 21.1%
at 28 and 91 days of moist curing, respectively. This reduction is attributed to the filling of voids
by the melted asphalt film when subjected to an oven (Figure 11), thereby enabling to refine
better the macro and micro pores of the concrete. However, incorporation of 100% ARAP aggre-
gates increased the total water absorption by about 18.5% as compared to the DRAP mix but the
percentage of absorption was found to be lower than that of the NAC mix. Incorporation of 25%
and 50% ARAP aggregates increased the water absorption by 3.1% and 10.6%, respectively, with
respect to the NAC mix at 28 days. Similarly, these increases were found to be 7.9% and 16.7%
at 91 days of moist curing. For the mix containing 75% ARAP aggregates, the water absorption
was found to be less than 25ARAPC and 50ARAPC but higher than that of the NAC mix.
The increase in water absorption of concrete containing up to 50% ARAP aggregates is mainly
due to increase in water–cement ratio (extra water conserved on account of less water absorption
of ARAP aggregates than NA). But when NA was partly replaced beyond 50% by ARAP aggre-
gates, the role of the asphalt film contained around the aggregates becomes predominant than the
water–cement ratio.

4.4.2. Initial rate of water absorption

The initial rate of water absorption for the DRAPC mix was found to be reduced by 61.11%
and 47.30%, as compared to the NAC mix at 28 and 91 days of curing (Figure 12). Treating
Road Materials and Pavement Design 163

Figure 11. Coating of aggregates and filling of voids by melted asphalt layer.

Figure 12. Initial rate of water absorption of different mixes at 28 and 91 days of curing.

the DRAP aggregates by the AB&AT method increased the rate of absorption by 83.57% and
53.84% at 28 and 91 days, respectively. Similar to the water absorption case, the initial rate
of water absorption for the 100ARAPC mix was observed to decrease by 28.61% and 18.92%
as compared to NAC at 28 and 91 days of moist curing. Similarly, the 75ARAPC mix showed
lower absorption than 25ARAPC and 50ARAPC but higher than that of NAC. This is mainly
attributed to filling of capillary voids by the melted asphalt film during the oven drying process
which might have discontinued the connectivity of pores and reduced the porosity level of the
concrete specimens (Figure 13). Partial replacement of NA by ARAP aggregates (up to 75%)
was found to increase the initial absorption rate compared to NAC. This is attributed to the lower
water absorption of ARAP aggregates that caused the water–cement ratio to increase beyond
0.38. For the water–cement ratio of more than 0.38, the hydrated gel is not sufficient enough to
fill all the capillary pores left even after the complete hydration process (Neville, 1995).

4.4.3. Coefficient of sorptivity

The coefficient of sorptivity was observed to decrease with the incorporation of DRAP aggregates
as can be seen in Figure 14. The incorporation of ARAP aggregates upto 50% increased the
164 S. Singh et al.

Figure 13. Filling of capillary voids by melted asphalt in 100ARAPC samples.

Figure 14. Coefficient of sorptivity.

coefficient of sorptivity as compared to the NAC mix at both the curing days conidered. But with
further part replacement beyond 50%, the coefficient of sorptivity started declining gradually and
this value was found to be even lower than the NAC mix for the mix containing 100% ARAP
The reduction in the values of water absorption, initial and coefficient of water absorption
by the incorporation of ARAP ( ≥ 75%) and DRAP aggregates seems to be beneficial for the
pavements situated in hot climatic conditions (arid zones).

4.4.4. Acidic environment Loss in mass after exposure to HCl solution The results from the specimens exposed
to 2.5% HCl solution showed that the ARAP-inclusive concrete is less resistant to HCl acid attack
as compared to NAC. From Figure 15, it can be seen that as the percentage substitution of NA
by ARAP aggregates in concrete increases, the loss in mass of specimens also increases. It was
observed that the oven dried specimens were more vulnerable to HCl acid than the specimens
Road Materials and Pavement Design 165

Figure 15. Loss in mass of specimens after being exposed to HCl solution.

in the SSD condition. The losses in mass with respect to the NAC mix were found to be 9.65%,
26.78%, 34.43% and 36.07% for 25ARAPC, 50ARAPC, 75ARAPC and 100ARAPC, respec-
tively, in the OD condition. Similarly, the losses in mass as compared to the NAC mix in the
SSD condition were noted as 4.77%, 14.10%, 18% and 19.31%. This analysis clearly suggested
that ARAP aggregates hold better potential as far as durability property is concerned in the SSD
condition. Loss in mass after exposure to H2 SO4 solution Figure 16 depicts the loss in mass
of specimens after being exposed to H2 SO4 solution. As expected the NAC mix offered more
resistance to H2 SO4 solution than ARAPC mixes. With the increase in substitution level, the
losses in mass of specimens were also observed to be increased in both the conditions (SSD and
OD). However, the OD specimens were more vulnerable than the specimens considered under
the SSD condition as in the case of HCl solution. The increase in mass loss for 25ARAPC,
50ARAPC, 75ARAPC and 100ARAPC mixes, with respect to the NAC mix, were found to be
7.46%, 25.93%, 35.17% 37.97% and 1.10%, 15.66%, 23.21%, 29.26%, in OD and SSD states,
respectively. Figure 17 depicts the condition of specimens after being exposed to different curing
of normal water, HCl solution and H2 SO4 solution.

4.4.5. Abrasion loss

The loss in mass for the DRAPC mix was observed to be much higher than the NAC mix (about
66%). Treating the DRAP aggregates by the AB&AT method improved the abrasion resistance
of concrete (68.7% w.r.t DRAPC). As can be seen in Figure 18, the 25ARAPC mix and NAC
mix (0.24%) were having the same value of mass loss. Further increase in incorporation level
reduced the abrasion resistance but not to an alarming situation. The increase in mass loss was
only 8.3%, 16.7% and 20.8% for 50ARAPC, 75ARAPC and 100ARAPC mixes, respectively,
compared to the NAC mix.
166 S. Singh et al.

Figure 16. Loss in mass after exposure to H2 SO4 solution.

Figure 17. Specimens after being exposed to normal water, HCl solution and H2 SO4 solution.

Table 4. Alkalinity of considered mixes.


pH 12.66 12.71 12.7 12.76 12.84 12.85

4.4.6. Alkalinity
The degradation level of concrete is indicated by its pH value. For a durable concrete, the pH
value should lie between 12.5 and 13. As presented in Table 4, it can be seen that the pH value
of all the considered mixes are higher than the stipulated minimum pH value. In fact, with the
increase in ARAP aggregates the pH value tends to increase as compared to the NAC mix.
Road Materials and Pavement Design 167

Figure 18. Loss in mass due to abrasion.

5. Conclusions
The inferences drawn from the present laboratory investigation are as follows:

• Utilisation of DRAP aggregates could reduce the property of concrete significantly. Pro-
cessing of DRAP aggregates by the AB&AT method was found to remove the adhered
dust layer completely with removal of more than 50% asphalt content. Besides, it has also
proven to be an effective way out to detach agglomerated particles from DRAP aggregates
by about 77.36%. This in turn ensured firm bonding at the interface of aggregates and
hydrated cement matrix.
• Incorporation of ARAP aggregates enhanced the workability of fresh concrete which
prolonged the duration of the slump loss. Occurrence of such a phenomenon hints that
concrete containing ARAP aggregates would be advantageous for long distance hauling.
• The mechanical properties, viz. compressive, flexural and split tensile strength, were
observed to decrease with increase in part replacement level of NA by ARAP aggregates
(25–100%). The interesting part of the present findings is that when 100% ARAP aggre-
gate was used, the reductions in mechanical properties were found to be less than 20% at
28 days of moist curing with respect to the NAC mix. This small percentage reduction was
made possible because of bridging the identified gaps as discussed in section 1.1.1.
• The durability properties were observed to decrease with the incorporation of ARAP
aggregates but not to an alarming situation, suggesting ARAP aggregates can be used
for producing durable concrete. In some cases (ARAP ≥ 75% & DRAP 100%), increase
in durability was also observed, indicating the benefits of RAP aggregates for the concrete
pavements situated in a hot climatic condition (temperature > 50°C).
• From the present laboratory investigation, it is learnt that ARAP aggregates can be utilised
for production of concrete mixes having 40 MPa compressive strength for the construction
of cement concrete pavements without much affecting the durability properties of hardened
concrete. The present findings prompted the possible usage of RAP for PQC mixes.
168 S. Singh et al.

This work was supported by National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited (India) [grant number

Surender Singh http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3993-739X

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