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Name: _________________________________ Year and Section: __________________


The father is in the living room watching live streaming of news on his laptop, the news reports are about the king of Saudi Arabia
passing away; a weeklong riot occurring in Mexico; prices of stocks in South Korea spiking upward and Covid-19 updates around the

1. What would your life without internet? Give 5 benefits it brings to your life.
2. From the above scenario, how do you assess the effects of globalization?
3. Who has benefited more on the effects of globalization? Can you consider it anti-poor? Why/Why not?

Name: _________________________________ Year and Section: __________________


The mother comes out of the kitchen bringing her bowl of a meal based from a Vietnamese recipe she learned from an app on her
smartphone. She bought the ingredients in the nearby grocery. Some of the ingredients were raised locally while some were imported.
Before everyone eats dinner, she takes a picture and post it online using a photo sharing app.

1. What would your life without internet? Give 5 benefits it brings to your life.
2. From the above scenario, how do you assess the effects of globalization?
3. Who has benefited more on the effects of globalization? Can you consider it anti-poor? Why/Why not?

Name: _________________________________ Year and Section: __________________


The older sister and her colleagues have decided to take a vacation in Cambodia. She used her credit card to book a flight to and from
Cambodia over the website of an airline company. The next thing she does is search for a comfortable and affordable accommodation
while they are in Phnom Penh.

1. What would your life without internet? Give 5 benefits it brings to your life.
2. From the above scenario, how do you assess the effects of globalization?
3. Who has benefited more on the effects of globalization? Can you consider it anti-poor? Why/Why not?

Name: _________________________________ Year and Section: __________________


The older brother, a college student, has been assigned to report on the development strategies of Singapore. He is at home doing
research about the economic, political and social measures that the leadership in Singapore implemented to make the country highly
advanced despite lacking natural resources. He googles the phrase “Singapore economic development” and sorted what sites he needs
to read. The next thing he does is prepare and write his presentation using slide show program.

1. What would your life without internet? Give 5 benefits it brings to your life.
2. From the above scenario, how do you assess the effects of globalization?
3. Who has benefited more on the effects of globalization? Can you consider it anti-poor? Why/Why not?

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