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TALLENTEX 2020 Roll No.

Student’s Name Aanansha Olemyaan

Present Class (2019-20) Class VII

Father’s/Mother’s/Guardian’s Name Dr Lochan Ranjan Talukdar

TALLENTEX 2020 Test Date Sunday,20 October 2019

Test Center Code 13005

ALLEN Career Institute, LTWC Compound, Adj. to Aaykar
Test Center Detail
Bhawan, G.S. Road, Guwahati (Assam) 781006.

Time to report at Test Center 01:00 PM Signature of Student

Time to enter Exam Hall 01:30 PM

Test Timings 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM

A. MANDATORY documents to carry at Test Center (Without these documents, you will not be allowed to take the test)
1. Printed copy of this admit card. (Soft copy on phone will not be accepted)
2. Any of the following documents as valid photo identity proof in original
a. Aadhaar Card
b. School I-Card
c. ALLEN I-Card in case of ALLEN student
d. Copy of school Diary page on which photo is pasted
e. HBCSE Olympiad admit card
f. Certificate by school
B. Things to carry for Test
1. Blue or Black ball point pen to fill answer sheet (ORS) and mark answers on it (Compulsory).
2. Wrist watch (recommended but not compulsory).
3. Exam pad (recommended but not compulsory).
C. Things NOT allowed inside Exam Hall
1. Any piece of paper other than mandatory documents, stapler, pins & clips.
2. Mobile phone, calculator, slide rule, log table & any other electronic/electrical gadgets unless required for any medical
3. Eatables.
D. General Instructions
1. It takes almost 30 minutes to understand Test instructions & fill-in the ORS therefore do enter the exam hall at the time
2. Carefully read instructions on Test Paper & ORS both and ask the invigilator if not able to understand.
3. Test papers are coded by alphabets like A, B, C and so on.
4. Mark carefully on ORS as it would be filled by pen, which is not changeable.
5. Think before marking the answers as there is negative marking for Class VIII to X.
6. After completing the test, tear off the strip on the right side of the “ORS” and carry the carbon copy of the “ORS” with
you. Keep the same with you for any future reference.
7. Students will not be allowed to leave the Examination hall before 04:00 PM.
8. Keep this admit card safe for TALLENTEX 2020 reward & ALLEN scholarship, as would be applicable based on your result.

No ce: The informa on contained in this document is confiden al, privileged and only for the intended recipient and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior consent of
ALLEN Career Ins tute.
10/18/2019 6:44:07 PM

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