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Andrei Shpakovskiy

Android Developer
Passionate Android Developer (3+ YOE) with a background in embedded
systems. I have a passion for innovative solutions and thrive on leveraging
diverse sensors, low level technologies and challenging techniques to enhance
user experience.

Contact Experience
Linkedin Oct 2022 – Oct 2023
Email Mobile Developer
Led a team of 4 Flutter devs, managed tasks, reviewed code to meet
Telegram project goals.
@purpine Implemented modern development approaches for efficient app
functionality and user interface.
Education Integrated Firebase for real-time data sync and secure user
Implemented in-app purchases.
Developed custom Flutter plugins.
BSUIR, Faculty of Computer
Systems and Networks
Bachelor of Software Engineering Mar 2021 – Oct 2022

Skills Mobile Developer

Created Android and iOS apps with Realm, Room, Firebase, Retrofit,
RxJava, Kotlin Coroutines, etc.
Android SDK
Implemented MVP and MVVM architecture patterns.
Java Used dynamic UI methods and build variants.
Kotlin Integrated sensor monitoring and geofencing.
Developed OTP code generators for different platforms.
Enhanced Flutter ThingsBoard client with custom features.
Jetpack Compose Built a specialized cross-platform NFC reader for MRTD cards.
Flutter Explored embedded systems with Nordic and STM32 chips.

Sep 2020 – Mar 2021
Zeta Solutions
Android Developer
English (B2)
Created Child Control App with remote camera, mic access, screen
control, keylogging, GPS tracking.
Belarusian / Russian (Native)
Leveraged gRPC, SocketIO, Firebase, and Room.
Managed complex background execution on diverse Android
Links devices with JobScheduler and Services.
Developed backends using Kotlin and ORACLE DB.

Google Play

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