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Mesk of Yhe. oinal og spphina | Nowadays cot being Comedia le digihal Sealing Fackos Cusuclly 1) Ves > pab-sade vonge oF Vol Lege. by-> Mse oF weight Ves [2 ba > Lee of Weight Mela bolic Reprerentalion Ace! bik Dio Comoden 9 | vn’. bi “n'- bk Dac Digital — ale Aneleg ootpot Word _. . et eo TYPESOF DAC Techntques ; i | | | | Tape Referenal Volbage| + WO) - Voltage Mecle Dec Bincary (Tope {5 ba bs by > L ths Binooy usetghte | Resiskow Type dec (or) Weightecl Brrooty Dee! R Jar beddes Doc. : Trvertect R/AR Laddes Dec €r) Covsen Moc Dac. reotbaplging Type, Dac: 4 Nek ‘nchisedl ta Ye age | Current - diver Bac. | Figo Hh hone Binoy weighted Fp Clreath Diagram & Dac: \ 1 1 I i } Fig. dy-4 Less bpe of Dac, a Op-omp 38 Used bo add ox Som op the on’ binesey j | Natghbel Cwoonts _desved gen Be Te Velbage Van | the cwow nks Posing doough aod sesishos depends la High Gesark peures Hoeyh ' NES Value of yeristow & dower Coro ok pose Veogh | Rad Volue of owsishor. she Cuvent I, powing Yowgh | Resiehar 2R ‘is goechin Than crown Ty Posting Ynough AR ard Tyg >T5 & Se on Ty is the amelea: ceerest passing oogh Vongoit vestslor 2. ae re ce Gren ie Fovertirg Leste of op-amp & ib is given ob Z, = bi, + brit + beds + ++. Gide 0) or Fyre bR + by X® 4 by MB 4 --+ by RH is ee be mgt $ | Vi \; eee f the ursightech Crosents & , Pe : fe Conbeibct . Fowrn ey exon Ty depending on te pesttion of Ye sutth — contsolled by es none : Ty aA Naela! Noles were one (ogie 4) , i Soe ese cn Closes andl Ty hae ee ee ee CFrom ® ) the inpob impeelance of op-amp ts so high So T, pass Voough Rp and the orbpb Volloge Vo is given o8 \y = -,Re Sdbstibeling Ty grem egn O in Vo, we get \, Ny Ni Ve Va = ~[b & + boXh + bs XB 4 - - == by MB] Rp 4 Yu cove exprenfon ts cde The. Negabive Sign in ; bo Ty apples be the Foverking intra OF op-amp | Ty aan Ae eed sn Non- Tovenlt ng Mode. . Mirnaltvel y we can use Negobive sweqeence Volkege (-ve) PON eros pe | investing Tpowntnol lo ge a asthive ovkpuk Voltage Op-amp just uoctions a ceneek Is se a expremion Osn be | Jeothn Simpl fred be j Re enone: b. br. en ee | if Re=R Ny ban! a 3 ay Yo = — Vp] ba bya + by +---- + ba f | Example: For an 3-bil hineny weighked Doc (n=3) the beansden ce sacteriskics is ae Dose An dg 45 Toanseex ae of 3-bik Doe 000. 001 O10 oN IeO lot Hood ineory Pp code by ~qre Avaleg ookpel volbage Fig. 4-5 Add RJQR ResistoR Lepper Dac. ee Afacyeeen of ple Yndler are ts Reon th figa-Ta Wes Lype of Dre only tue series Vols R and QR js vsed. of KR wongs From Qe be Joksr+ Lek vs consider & A bit Rlag Ledden Dac te which the civeut} ts shown with bgzt, bazbz boro. Assume Re JOkR , QR Rok = Re, co Nole That Swikh fo bs (sa) is clone Comeckid les Yeo (<2upply Velbage) atl oll olka Swikchs Wee connectecl lo Ground thew fixe | De eantvallent cisask — Pow babrb) bo = 1 oc Oo ote asan ion shown ee oy qe, AF R Re | L. Ter TO Ja? a QR RK R +18y Jaoxe Joke | a ex, | Zoe “PR i | t : | { | bg=1 Rees Dike Ry = | 7 | ] Fytvalenk checutk of this pant__] | +5v dvr) ts delermined by Conse cobive 7) Sevie. 2 Panalle) equiv: eclank Vedues | of Resistors - mg arjjan > RER)-> alles) = Vase ari} (ar)> RE R)=OR os Rey = AR Rp = dok.2. Ry =oks | i i Vpz +5 | Fre Be chore dag oT, cisoark T oan be { | Fig- 4-8 Laan be Colelatid ar follows i ee ae ‘ ae = gorn = a be cabedlabia ax follows Asel Vo Vo = - Re) LE = -(ck) o-asmp = BV “yy = -RV foe Inpob combinelions of baba bi bos leo TG.) ee 4 bie Dec R bo, |b be ~Vr % (B+ tase a My 3 a fox “1 bt Dae wilh ReeR ° the. sexclulion with covert ovbpu is given os Resabyy I ne een R the sercbbion with Volkoge ovlpek is given as ; Vy Reser. Vez a Rp an R Ny <1 7 Ve on (2° Fae wee west bn?) in Fig 4-9 The JMestng Stagsomn and Lebsde Wt claptets alk Be possible Volues of ovkpul: Vwlkage — fox binony inpt oooo bo Itt | For Abit R]ar Neko a Ladein woth AR deatchor sarembltng sung of a Vedder arc so its Mame (redder) « a7 U-E jadde, Dac- qe Ciscut looks > lw le jr ce b- 0 outpor Votbage Ve g°6 ° ~0-6A5 tas —h 87s Ss —3-Bs 3-75 ~ 4-875 the circuit | rs ~Le2%50 —~-o0Spe—+—% 360 | 9-0-9 -pl-o ~o-~g-o F875. = 9-378 Detput ~V, 5-625 -b as 6-815 Tr — 8 Be 8-895 ~F3IS Tb le 4 A slarage ovlpk an abe be drown for A inpol corlsinabioss oft bincng fnpl- c Se einai Decimal equivelat of} binary Ta geeml, He qormila be Caleta te cwownk in nth pode of Rhag Ledeen | ndrsosk ts given om | (ae) ~. GE - QR Me tn ie ee eee on eden in dig- 46: To prove ee or obeve deve, Bea us bake Some othe, bineay Combinabtons. Example 4: by ba b, bo = O11 0 | the swtkces Covseaporching be | by ach ‘by one Comecad bo Vp (48v) and eset eches Covsesponding Vee boas Connected bo gowd: Lek | Us sudo Yre fig- 4-6 accorching lo Ws example. ee eh a fe a6) dsp St R mse Re Qa @ @) ql eRe aR oR &R & bo by bs bs OFF oN ON ‘OFF oe \, (6) Volos) Fig. 4-600) eo ee (Usa aqy The suestshas (boo an swarishows anc ore RK Seesickow ) before ede G) Simpltfies lo sing a sentshos an AelaR> R CAR) = aR the equivalent sestshor fe aha diq- 46h) - j= =.2R a @ a Ne a, AA oe er \ * oP HfL ag | | Re ae et = | | on Poa | po Ee gs Vel450) vpli50) ae = i | ol Alot Meet hey We ees at oe ee anc a cd weds @ fs mked as Tyg and Ey ouspeckivdy tg | dig. 4-6 (b) No Go germube | of a edd velwosk fox Uhue iwc rede (R= sone fo Is cose ) | i For Nok @, n= | y, | : > he V, By | el - - , 2% = 0-)anma QR UR Hora | fe tN as Ve I3 = ae ‘ a BV = 0- o6anme AR BR Sok. \ the Wha cect = owing bo op-amp is Mow | Te Tag +s T= ©.1ak mp + 0-0628 mA Lo = ©-18FampA with Rp = ok , Wo onkpo volbage Vo is Given Vo = ~(Rr) x V, = - Gorn) Co-ltrame ) wo No = -3-38V bm con Vedfy V2 -3-tav For binoy inp ollo in Yelle Ard - Example 2: bs ba by bee lore i Fos Wt excample , bs ana b, ane ComediA lo Ye (tev) - Take node @ ond node O for i Cue codedtebion - p For Node @ , N=) | Ve [ae Me 2 BL o-armn aR aR QoKsnr h) For Node @, 023 Ve ~ a2 OL ae _ YL = 0-0baxms ee fee Oke Goi Ty) 4 Ey = O-Admat ©-0628m OBQxmA har ie ahs odkpuk Wikage Ye ts Vo = -(Rp) x = o- (Qokxr) ©. Bawma i | “Vo = -6-anv Boe ee Ny, | aR OR Peri 0-2 mp v Node. | i) fox Nede@ Vp ‘ : | ep tea ee aaa AR AB Airk2 | se Ma eu ae = 0.031485 ma i QR 16R bokn. Ta coment T= Ty+Ey+t, | | T= 0 -dima t+ 0-laama + Cros laemA T= 0-40625 mA No = (CB) & = = (0-Avtax ) Gokn ) ——— Example 4: bs be by bo = 1 ot) Now, For Wis Combtaation cxroect dour ough eM Ye nodes and Wes blah ceoount ts Conbvibuded by aM coment (11, T4,T5,7,) So in general, We ceorarl ove vesitlzn ak each rede (using Be forma In) cu T, = Ordemn (Ms@ cumrent)—> Mosk Mesctmoin Tg = ©-)28 mA H >= 0-0 628 mA | | | | T, = O-osiserme (155 cworest 5 re Mosk Minimum i Tobe comt J = T,+Ta4 tat T, - Ts 0-4 6878 mH Vy = ~ CE) Ce) = ~ (o-abstemo ) (okx ) JoNy = -1-378V Foon Ye examplis cove, We can Costly Uredoulanel Fa cumart divides by Rabg at each node when | Comgeoaad Yo nex rode au Vos th fellows That Ae A eee RJaR Ladder Dac, the ede cusonss forma Ty Rls be enbtmabe We boleh carmrent carck Yhe ovkpul Volkoge Vy. \ 4 “Ay Corrent Mode DAC (‘Thverted R/ar Lavver Dac) In RJar Ledeen Dec, cusenk slowing Yoough each vestskos changes athe iopok- bb pollinn changes 0 thes coses Power ise tpabio and Non ~ Leracortby Sa Be ctreth - Some epee Dec) ean made bo convert R/ar Jodden' Dac bo Tyveiled Rigg Ladder Doc or ews tr gig--ld- Fisslly, Ye s6 ond MSB Post bt eos ow Inlindhangas} « Each bincory Sopa is Comedid Veough the suttch by cillen pprcal gprours (No-soebig Txminal of op-anp)) om be Virlual — (ameling Yewtnoll of op-amp) + Becawe of Us, ween qdeving ee \ any sesistor 3s Combo tedependank off Enemy 7 Voilega scaling is done. & he cxpecant deen Sw Jerence Volk. ex Lnoogh othen end of (the ard atch ts nak conectial bo swtkch) npels . Hence, AR serishor Circutt eh, Re %% gp Yel R Velg Ve fa! ANN ANN —p es (58), = a x, In R aR @R aR aR i Cisa) Ze $2 3 See Ss Veit i cat t <= KT? RE get | : a > [ 2 ft Th ! 1 : > pe 7 1 1 1 1 Yo eda 7 1 ' a | > ' j ! Physt ty | 6 a 4 se une| 1 i bidass) ba. bs he ie “the gonercl cireatk dow Cusvent soon tr tu cbeve cagnam. Nobe the | Meda Dac is | positiom of MS® and bse (anlinchanged) Campoed bo eae | Ladle Bac: Also Note tho posibions of Swikeh with b=) (so Swikeh $1 is on) & a clher ik posibrons be 3 oon Zexos ot geass shes colpsl- _ pow bolh polostiad she cwrrests Ve Ne A oes ee 8 S Va De oe : QR V, Ty = Mela | Na AR AR ae Vp /4 Va oe se % AR BR VRS ee 6 ar 16k Logic | end © the swikch te can be easily eH alo a4 I> Subs bbe bing alt Co Vvollues we. ge | yj y, 7 Vo = -(2 Nee Ve | ° are * ae? Bet TeR* a - Va Rp -1 -a -3 ip RpeR ee a Vo = Ve (bay by? wo Gee ) Since We ovlpl velboge chpendts oo ) High sooge of sustclors 2 Sacytved| ancl Ar ppreelt Lo gobsecalt inside ao TC TY Ye oesclabion taceeases move bon @ bis. a) The accmecy dacltarr (Redneer) che be gent Quikch sertskance. and Vologe- cowp acress Seope Valus, of sastsboss - -Q2R Lapper Doc MERITS D) he problem of High Stenga. of susisbos Volue seater jn Binary weighiel Doc is overcome by R-AR lodden Dac Since , SE uses only lwo swsickor Nove op soe Yweespe clive oft bincey inpoks applied (Resdulion). a) Sulebh for Te Foletcakion - Dements . D In binary weighted type & RAR ladder Gre Fhe cussiert: Glowing, Vooog h gentskows charges on the Sopok ages « Power akesipation causes Reating fleactrng bo Non [recat U-w @) [ Curenl: mocke x) Inertad R-AR Jodder Dac ] > so Aisodveolbage of powes Aiscipabten 1. Reaking Con be Ainsnaled ty werd Raw Loddon Doc Las Ya suilch clogs ob ground poledall | seal ov Viskucl Guound | Che ) i) Shwe Copoctbance clo nok affect We speed of opesalion as Le \adden Neds Volbages coe. cloays Contos - dD Raboed ee We eane aes th | ant Vos is the dsoueack of Bes te. Tes con be cvesen doaven DAC: ; | | | | pYescom] by Oat ng | Velbage. Mose. DAC ) Th is We aly Dre hich fos Ba copebilily of osteg wor dngeunt firtle velhege Novels Jo bit suikchiag Neither of wedi needbbe Zexo- DEMERIT : | Cusvenk- codlysis musk be used even Vaoug h tE is a& YVolboge ~ Mode Dac wae. _ | | | PRo : | ea The beste ba village ev seaddlten oft a Sb (Dac ts G-Bav. TJ cecoecce sepresds ov, ek wad FOVVetV (0 Superert ak odpl sth a ovlpek Velkage. « | addton PRoBrEMS Fer bincay Inpot oe000000 3 af 6 4 Vi = FSmv (oxa"s oxa sora apna h Ox i a eee $F OXL4 OX +4 OXL] Ny = ov Cgien tn Quation tap ) For binary inh O11 111 0 1 6 ¥ 4 \ ° Ve = a-emv(ox2 Ix +1 XA Hoxd EMD ot cate txaly ox! 1 -3 | Ny = 18x00 (6a42a7 Sr4+e ) V2 aexe (no) Vee 1-078 | | Pre : : — An tebe dre Ras on ovkpok Yolbage of warge | By aay Pelee Wc eee oe he spin alton i 1 | | | | | | | A th pac aan ies Box 182 levels Skelig wih: biocoy Tnpuls of eccoves to 1titii. the Bo a es ch Noes OF Quek ts \ Resolution = te og = == Jewels any as lat U-w Oe) Rees Preoieet WWM ilk lage wad be produced by 9 Dac Mase skp Verge is oto doy Those Tnpok bet nooyy Hundber 3s 1) 10 Chor a abit dee) WH v1 11 Chor a y-bik Dac ) WW) Tototot\ (fora abt Dec) W) V\v\\ 00000 (for a to-bik Dec) sdiion i fal \ ) v= aov( 7 yt ox +) = lev. [Vy 2 tov i i) Ny @ov(or ds iat etek ia) $ ! ao ee = rn). S-75V in) Vy = dev (ingot tixd goxt +e ee ee @ 7 ti * ing tag) \ % \ oe | = G(R +s * ay Ties t ba eee a) | Nos Beery] | { I ie \ Ww) OY, = oy (IX elf IKE yeh rag) [ ie = sarev | | PReoret ho NaSlabi Ye vellas of fea, mB ot ull_ seule | | obpt doe eo GbE Doc gon colo, 1a aude | golden \ \ (ieee eee eal . a as by me i. | | | Fes tev wege, bsp = = 0-8 V > hse -0-23n | on) Msp = &) pall scobe Volleage Ge) lav 7-RV Fal Seale cotpok Vol bage-= (ral seole Vo lege ~ 1180) i = (ley 0-294 v) | [eM seal olp Volloge Ves = Ty. 766 V 1 [Peoore gg bn pia Seddon Gire lo sae Rasy | oeatshons Relkn ond GQz aka wth Y= BV « Donte, - Yealelion of Dh converts and Jo, Ve for inpols with Rp =n ) coi) WH 01) W) toot} eee arene Uw 16 “ shulton Green N=R, Relka , QR= Ak2 Vp = BV, Rp = Ben \ r | Regddbton of | hep = te x 8 es | aS Cwennk ovkpul x Coe | | Cromank Resdulion = 1 x Sma _ [fort bee, Z, 22 . oe | Ty Ny for colt Vay Fee TL, = lxé-8g hax # Jy = 1-o93mA Moa tr é Re Vee en oe | = [+093 » WkIL wae V | neha 7 Qe) Ty = 186-Qepn x &} oS - IEMA Veer ee = BAB mA x Ter Vo = 1b-4o V (heovitieallly proclicalll, yy OPremp Sooks . eat uch is axppeccimaty ears be Vee ond = Vee supply of Op amp. ' I, = lwé. 880 x Iq Ty, = &-96 mp Vy = Tex Rp = Q:Fbma x We Vo = 14-84 V Prone 4-6 Cortera Dac wih &-brl owadhulion- x4 the mascimur peak: be poxke op Voltage is ed be 6V, fied He ee charges and dbo dick Be dyrorte Seg: | oAatton | | | | { | | Restdion Cin biks ) = & bibs | shocker of levels thebth con - 4 ke eds ae ae xd Mistwom Top Rouge in volhege : ox Minkmor Input Vel boge sequtsed bo il one \., i oe ant etek as aul Min. Snpot Ronee. in Vellage = Baroy | aw 0 | The Aywamte momge 88 He arabic of Menges lo ssnallesl | | Ndbue Sich - can be conventic] | | Dg = Sy ae = 2x s[a.x = a6] | | DR (de) = Bolg, DR | | = do log, (ax) | Dele) = Ask de | PRoBLemM 4- F Considers os ‘stacey wsighled Dac a» alan PNG boc oman zone G 45 rind Ye oolpol in QA. Fine ye OLE v Re 22k, Ro= 1k ond Vex I2V- Corbsinobiions if Do. ii) Ot On aC. | ait oe 1 ( | 9 | sdukion eeceeees | ) 1 toys bbs bs by per Tes \bfocosy Combination lhe eal Curoork Ty 5 given | | | | : Vi ¥, \. T = by ge tbe Sk t beer ba | Ve | cera ae ' Qe 16k. NA a mes ikke Vp al art an? Be [% =O" bas °| ab Ved R velues la 12 Ja a Lr =. aft) Alaa) + Maa) ! Iy= Q- FAN 1-36 OV 40-2hOV Ty = 4-4&mv ond Vo = - Ty Re No = ~ Caray) (yk) V Aha V | ©1010 = by, be ba by bs Now The bela crmsnt excprersfon becomes ee =b Ye tba Et bs Mey ME + by Mee ce 1 eR ibe Ve Ne as a T,= ae eR v b= b= bs = a 1a la Ty? eno * feb) ay = ]-26my4 0-34 av T= tev and No = - Sr Rp . = (1 Try) (ke) o> ~-1-TV eae OeOeea) ical = bbs bs by be bs Now the ‘Lekal —coseent arin Iecomes t wha eb the vv Ve AR —e “6 Te es + by bak a \; Vi I B+e+ & 2 22 oe + 7R iC bebe ° | ie lav Jay lav lav ae ee + + T Bax) Afar) 22(@.k) Eben) = A-TAmv + |-Sbmv 4 O-1TmV + 0-088 mV Ty = 4.338 mv Vo = ~Er Rp fe - Gaasemvy) (ik) Vo =-4-338V PRoBLeM A-& Por a foveitid R~ QR Leodelor nebworle wilh Vgslov, Re 3-3k2 and Re =b.bko» Find the ovlpol Velhege dow bbabsb, = 0100 and oft | the ovkpot volbage is given oo ; Vie R = eS a 4 ee Nef (habe h get ay : when bibs by, = Oloo , Hee n= 4 bik. so \ a : . Yoa - a Ca. +) ed) | | i VS Jabooteg 1 [V, = -9-378V | | PRoB.eM YF ae. sordulton » Find Re then bibsbsbybe= Or vi) ) New 955 rks. so - We (bya b, at fo ba + La _ Vx 66k (m2 bso the", by a™) aT b,-9] 3-°3k lov x6.6k \ le 1 _ +o (ga* Toga 1 Qe “B-3k ae \ \ 1 i sev (5+ Se es 1 — 2ov ce — ov (0-4 b878) Rage Yodder nekooxk wth 4 bit wih R= Ska. ard Vy = BV for the Cares i) TE tise ak oulpl is o-arv ii) An In anche | ovtpl Yolbage of BV ew binay inpok C100 tie 04y a) — ge seole ok pul Yolbage op ave se) W) he ockud) moscimin ostpul elbage of 12V- i gehMon Corel) In above. casei) the vee of Rp can be dadiauntne! Faron ne i ord wilh Volbege colpul. Tk is given od ye - x Ne «Rp hee ny be a ae e Co eal eee 0-35 . abslibl expoouton Se ee BN Re oa BR pp = 28) (2) (Een) y e RV Rp = ARR vse Voy Fe/b ke . se oF Ve 7 (2 Bee rt) as, | Re be Re fA Yt (R) = BCH) Sos r) = 2G |Rp]-~ SLAB ake 5 [Rp= Sake fF BV AE Use V- £ (x8) = 1. xVes 5 : y, a : Ne an Ves = Pag: ie - Ves xR 1Evx Fee _ Vp. RV = : es ze Ge ar bay Bey by ogbabsby, = 1101 AY x ERR Nis AaB leg oo = 1Qeko; [Rp sia-gkn]|

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