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Pei UNIT- IE Appricotion’s OF OPERATIONS, — AmpririerRS ENTReDueTION A op-amp can tse usec In Voovtous appltcalions and ib deems Ya boate butlding lock of Sinecor and | Non-Vinean aneflog cyptins - Tn genenal , op-amp aapplicabtay coe breadly clenified inks we aitigerics Thy ome Loree. ond Non-Lanen ceppltoations Ap appiicalton is said to be linc, if | Yho ovkpuk of a Civeutt = Venties Tn acconclance wilh The Topok. the cobpe vordes Unneody an the opel verter. | Some ef Te examples coe Adder, sblwacor , Volbaga te Cresent conveitian , Crcwrt fe Volbage converilans ele. i An agplicolion is -said bo be noo-linesss, | ip Be cobkpat does not qoltlow the inpok Dencanly. thse, | ctrcutls poorerts & Nen-Hnseor input ~ovkpot Peis | Some of He ecamples coe leg a Arli-tey Amphfies, | Comporaless , seclifies , clipper , clamper,mulbivibrabors eke. opamp — applicabions ase ove for beth de 2 Ac tapol signals. Several Mux of pbuauang | ‘inpok- signals aan be applied be an Op-amp- In all Hse appltections a grok — perpese ep-amp Such cs FH) will be used. To improve circutl smance , Seme special op-amps Using Trat is ohio use. th cdleckion of a | Leubesr ep-amp is based on wmance Sequtzemants .NoTE:| a pe [Dremenbor Phat buoys in any appheslions patos okt Can rover exceal + Yeap] LE OQ . ov PHASE INVERTER Sign changer sa cfrcutt ech Ranges of te inpok stgoal In care of Ac Sign ox polascly To pok aigoal , a Sign he provides Igo” phase Reflect ovtpot Signal. xt ie beste. Lye Foverbng ampltften os a ye a R, Fis The close -loep Volkage gain of an foverting amplifier is Ane -# —O And the oulp vollage Ve is V= Ag %in —@ Srelibeling eqn © in © & Lelbing Re=R,, We gob sal Yo= Vn ths le odpsk vellage is phase tovertiel by reo” with the Inpk Volkage- For De inpst, He. poleouly chongss at ovkpet er for Ac Topet, the ovtpl ts isc’ phase shifhel. De opel fxample : Id Vin= -%V, then Vor +8V Ac Zapsk Example: Vio —sinwe | Nad Scone cHonGer | A seole cPongen is a cheeutk atich mobliglies (scales) the Tope volkage by a Sealing factor k- A cole cRangen can be dlastgeacl in faverbing cncl Nonny | ~ exliog Mode - ctreutk tn the dig-a-l acts as Zoverking Seok. changer , hen Re # Ri - the Vobue of Rp & R, Aeatde, Ya Scabing Packs k- | | Taverbing ype : R | Aas % =-k tee ot is Magntbude | Scaling facker and ovtpuk_volkage Vy = —-kVin Noo Toverting ty pe: A Non-Tnverling Con igeatton of op-amp ads os NonZnverling scaler. the qig-22 Rows the | Ctrewl of New -Saveing tipe oe changer \ Simeraeme wht e——t— Vin Fig. da he seaking fader fg te vclhteg bik We cleset-leop vellage Gein of Non-dnverbing ©p-amp configurelion. Ib is given os Acs AE eK ach oulpt Velbage Vo = Acs Via Ve Ta hee pe, the Value of Rp & R, may or may nok he will be cxpprosct wettaly eae te _ (wee _ SCM y 2 al) Vin ie (Ze - R-j(7sc)” cea | | | | Vio Nio ei eel = =) = ~ dhl id= | = jlare~j) Iq juoRre ee then Ye evbpck volbage Vox is Vas (4B )Ve —®© Sh Ha 2 © io ® we gk Von = Me — @® Adcking Voy & Vos. rom eqn. © xG), we get bolal olpub Volkage Vo + | Ante eg oe ° lo eee CT | | | ee eee as -) += F r eal Vio Taking Lom, we get = —} — jue Vo = i Jwect 27] yi, bajyere ee fisdere’] ; ° 14 JRC Vio Since Vo & Vin ane dunckion. a grecueney,, the above epresion fs wotlen as ths ghe Velie) = Vena) [-aorcton tee) _ [ebro Vogal. Phave agle 8 rem We cndlysis , We megriticle i Bb, be prose ongle e is p- -aderctan(sre) = wattan" (fa) Wine fore g- -2 axclon (R/x. ) i) whan Xe =R 3 O= 10° & Fa fe Dab Yegh pemaney, XeK RI p= leo» FH fo TAL Low grosmeney, XerRj OF OF f<«fo pa De, Xe is Moch Longer; B= O° « fr He | the prose orgie 6 & Magn ode ts, iMhobseded jo fig-A-A ond fig. ae Respectively. Ard) fads cchous the olobicndhip between ‘np ancl ovbpul volbage | [ phase Lag Versus proauency Plot XcrPR Xcer XecER ji or ——» F(Applied inp sign! Poumoncy) Magetlucle plot Re vale Q5-2 Puase-Lead CiReviT thts cireatl — provides Jag Pe anglis from ot for a De fnpek bo +leo for a Vou Righ qramercy Ac stgrals A plose-lecd ctreath can be | cbhetned gros Prose -leg clecutt by interchanging the. postlioes | of Rad ¢ at the Non-Emeiltng lesmired of op-amp- theeore downing a Re High pos its. the cxrealysis is of phose-Lag cfreutl- the circuit ts chown To Pipa Some od ———— vm @ wean — Fig.a Applying R j O80" 2 Fx Fig. 11 R, is mace tnptntte by open cfreutling Tkand Rp is mode | Zar by Sheek cfroutlig tk the ganeral excprenion of Nen-Zaverking amplifier gain is eee Gi eee oulpok Vellege Vo #s Vy = Ac Vio Vo= (1+8)Vi0 Malkfag Rp = 00 & R, <0 to abeve equation, Ae || Y= (ito) Vio T} Ye peck to peak trpub vellage exceeds othoabion | Vollage in an Volage qedover, the cvkpok stemerins In + Ve | Becawe of ‘iis Jrvexpective of deter Trovecse To Tnpol volbage- aly Nullkage dellower is Used Lbufjer for Importance matching application: The imporbact faine of Velbage gellower is ok th Bes Vey Ragh topol impectacce tn Lhe orden of MO s . clea of ohms « co toy he cin res NS Tight dling packlem occu Vollage Follower grom Sowree & No lo tow @ | is belle when Compared usith a cre lincory Twecontshow bar sdf | emit gollosen ciscutl - Ag VOLTAGE To CURRENT ConVERTER Zn rest of the Measuring applications, iL is Somelimes Conventent bo mecswe coorent han Velbage « Se chen We inpol is Volbage dex such gn ik is qevst comerticl to cepoerk with the, of Vollage bo Grocant conveiin. This circutl fs also calles as Transcorluckeance comphigter Two Types of ciscutl Were cuntlable - Theos oe eNeen| . ) with fleabing Josd is) with Grovndeel lool 25) Vito ZL ConventeR WITH Floating Load the ctecut of Vbo Z conven with floating [ee ey heey ein ole Fg. 8-10 : Ris Ye looe Restslar ulsch ts | nok gucerded (ke) RL fleets This ctrouth coomegenart 1 cde a8 cuncurk— series nagalive qdectback amplifier becouse | | Be feedback Velkage ceress R duperds on the oulpul csoud i. and fs to Sedes ottth He input dadfsence Vellage Vide | | i pea ‘ : Applying keechorf's Volkoge exualion for inpob loop Vin = Vy + Vid Vig 2O dus bo lenge gain A [Difference input Vellege is 7 ' zero | Mee — © the Vellage al he Non -Enverbing fnput tenmtnedl of 2 op-enp is Opprosetmetidly expel be Ehot ak The inveriteg inpst VGoetnod provided that A ts Very Veoge « cthus the Vellege Vi al node is Same o&% Vin (ths ts of kn known a Virkual Node). using chins Va, We vellage V, is weillin oS v= ik, —© ab © to ©, theo cfg. Ve fox thes Ye ockpl crwend bts Ateecth, proporlionall be Topot Velbege Vin « go Wek Wa op cusoart arktecly clapercls on Vin - AEX Vi To TL ConverteR witn Grounded lead A Vibe Z Convertin with groweled| ead ctr ts shown tn fig dis Here the lead Resistor Ry is gnoonded. the adverlage of Wes crew is ib cbeus Vey smalh caccrert — firom Ye serace , Since He inpub Irmpaslance is Very igh. Shad a sbbhe precision saasLor 2, | | | | | | ae } I hy Ahaetd, wren et as Mieeag | i 7 lo zg Bedi 28, | Figdas Apelying, keh ak Node a, we gel ata e Since cwourts * & ia beth Rave Sovrrce Voltage & Node Vo lhege drops , Thy con be seurttio in lems of Vellages accl genpeclive, seasiskers Using ches law: ye Ve eva 2g Pace fh Floss from Vr be Vo ay 4 es b - iy Pleas foom Vo be Ya Veen aga R u Vi tVp -&Va = TLR Node Volkage ob a is Va=V, & Replacing Va with V, Ne+Vo-AV, = LR -V, = TR-Ve-Vo y= Vorvin tuk ak Non Savenbing Tinminad the ookpol ae is woven. os 7 ORM -® oh Ol \ - Yoo 2 Tein) - | thas Ye Yeod cesran §1, is proportional be vy with R a perfect precision pterisher. the Volkage —be~crseunt Conveitin con be used tn applicalins| Sodk an Low Vollage De & Ac Volkmelaw , diede Maleh irc, Leds ond Zener dtods titer. QF. CuRRENT To VeLTAGE ConVERTER | the TeV Cometin junk opens opposth wey of V be L comeitin. How, Ure ookpel ina woounk | Volkage & taken in propertton be Ye inpok | blaine from phelecell , pholodeode % photo vellase cell. she Nghb or pholo-depanderk dastecs produces small eossrent actenting \e Be idtity of tight galling on iE ond len Cometed Yo Volkage vith The VA, of z kv Convertir. The olpl Volloge of tb convertin ts then given bo a Analleg Yo digilal conveitor Fer ebloinieg Iaincty ovkpsl Tr proportion with beght intenat hy . Mosk of He Adcs accep velkage | inpk orelher Yen a cwoent japuk- The cireuth shown to | | Figsam as tnvering ype: fies oa Inveling Gre i | Vaca Nec | Corvent Samee ty Vo a Vor | The rede ‘a! of the : Nivkual growed 82, ee lL Uocogh Re + Theo Ye. cvlpe volbage Voie . Ve is dived, propesbionel be fs | the tvering Gr) mitnus Sign ts chi to Ye ack thal fapebig Ys applied le inverting inpol of op-amp. A copacther ef | aon be optionally included fn porallld with Re le seackace | | Rosenontes righ dpuesussey Noise) anc\ possible eserabtons | / | | own tn fig. ate The cixcutk of Non-Tworking Upe is Fig. ir | The Source cuss ts aed applied bo Non- toverbieg Newinal sith a gain oF +R Vollage dnep ok rede ca! ts Vo= tats © ths Vellage 12 applied ts ger ovkpt Volkage Vo oF Vo = Vs (ir Fe) £ Sch Yeats ® in above eqn Mee tote (| thes We obpul vellage is clivedlly i i proper tionch jo Sowice cooent {5 - | c& Anper ov Sommng Ampnirier An opsxctionall amplifies: con be | Used be perform rellerakical operlion such ox addvlion, | scbleacion , Difjecsabten , toligretion ele. This seclton e2epleins bothe sealt zalten of baste addzbtoo opexalten Adiiltes cpenction con be Sealtzad| Using ang of Yee bee Condigeralions + they ome i) Toverking type | |B) Neon-Taverting Hype | | a6. Thvering Addon | ee ay adder ts said le be faveltng ate ig ol Ve Tapck Volbagas ome giver bo foverbing (=) fin | oof op-amp- the oolpt Volkage wil) be Ve negaltve sum op alk tapsle applied and We onkpal caret ge bayer | Meat (Negeltve cahealten ) of op-smP- the gquesel Condiguralion | Fig. 2-16. with 3 inpels 0 e2canple- te chews fn Crewtk cltagam ts —— AWWW Fa Rb Ve We | Nec Ve om ayfiiw 1 8] [eae weeo |y Vo TT Ro = (Rall Rel Rell®F) | Offset Miointzation Resistor | Big ans Apriging ket ab Node Vp , He Som of Corents | ertintog Wa node is Game as Secwing Ve Node. Th i given DTatipt+Te= Tetley | Since Ry * A of op-amp is idaclly, infintk , Ta, 20 1 (@ [ ‘| Tat tpt Te = Ip shes eqn Can be sawrillen in Year of fnpub Velbages col | | | sepeckive usitckous Oh | Me My Ne Vo | Rat Re” Re > “Rp thas The ocbput Velbage Vo fs \v. --(Kus Bur Bx)! —O From we geal (Sapseston @ , we con combeuel Hocoe per of weil. they OF scaling 08 arg amplifier ancl Aveuge ciseutt - (Bb) Svmming Amplifier | Tn expression © 1 ctecutt shown in fig 216 Ras Rp Re =R, Yhea the colpek velbage heeomes Vy= ~ (BE Yet Fey + Se ve) Vo: ~ ff (Warere)| —© thus chek become —- Geaplifien with ampltytea lion | acter o gato ~R. | Foo test Yen Vo becomes Ij in expres aan =~ (vetVbtVe)| — © Now Ye cad cone Foverling acids of allt topols opplel: 26-106) Scaling ov weighed amplifier Ta exprenion OD) tf Rak RETR, hel is , Rastag dale velar , Ten @ rernies Sane ce [ee ERE O es \ he gee BM aH ack | ax Scobing qackes ox Weightng faclor For fnpol volkages Va, Vy & Ve spectively - | .é-1le) Average Aplin In exprenton (@, tf the gato Ap | te wade caual be tnvete of Nombex of inpels ‘n’, thea Be ctreutk te callkd as Average aumplifien The condilton fs Fen os if Re = 4 2 Sb n=3 Fer ows inpals Wen fe 2 in expseasion @) gies Vy = -+ (VarNn + Ve) V2 - le a) —@ thus the orlpel Vellage i Te overage of aqpted wilh inverting poleosly - the tnpols opplied to all The Cirouls of adder con le De ox Ac: the offset Nintmiztng Rertclor Roy is wed bo mtatmize te ated of input bes Cesours Tp, # Lea on the oxkps offock velbage- the applicabions of adden civeuth oe Andleg Comptia and Avdto mixer Lhe inpots | podem 2-1 For We ctrcutt Roun Rew tn dig-duit \) Detewtne the ovkpot Velkage My - i) Lderki}y the ciseutl from tls opesction. ii) change Ra, RE & Re Velues as Jka ond din Vo- Wy) with Ryekp=Rez KD. ahooce. a Value of Rp t Nog => z male te DYER | "pty ae ere“ I pot Fig. eddy | Thar Ure nce paral! vesicles with equal Valu @ is stuplited lo R/s IN Noo-Toverking tawmtoal - Since vg is a Visteal groend Yo inpot VQ can be cbvedly applied be | Inwerking Femtoal with faverttng ged ~Re where Rp =R=R- | Vow =~ (&) Na | + Naz %a| —O To find Von (Va, Ve # Va Gowovnelecl ) Kame circuit Aragrams an Shown fo figa-ay | will be cleaned 2 Veb con be. eoatly Ackeamenoc « Now = ~ Ch) %o [Nop = - Ye] — @ Te find Voc (Va,Vo & Vel Grounded ) the emtvedent cfecutt with only Ye apple fs Shon to fig. aan. Frost, dir Mode voltage Vi osieg pido clavicler cule ork Hen opply Vi with neo Yat Join Ct B ) wilh Rp=R & Ry= Rilr othe skys Inve Wed] Setar earn toon top eae atone neues ania) dig BAB Fig. 2a tn Deed dtaguan tn aboe digoe te We Pte de Adiowired on qalflous by apilyiog pebicltal devider sole ocvess Bs _ [Ble R/a EZ v= & ma) < = Soe ae Ve : Ve] oe ee Noe con be deberminedl by Moc = (it ga)” Voc = (I+ ¥) \y | Voc = SV) — a) | Sub ® in © i | Voo= 3(%) + [Vee = Yel — To died Veg (Va, Vb Ve Gprouncled ) Same Sinplifiel ctrouk Aagaans o4 sheun to dig Bas will be obleined far Its cue and Ved is Na = vi) - © To find Vo Vy = Vout Vopt Voc + Vot — Subshiluling all volkages Vo = -Na -Vbt Ve 4 VA + fee Yerva- Ya -¥o| —O eo») Vo = We +V= (va4 Vb) | “thas Ye ovkpsk Volbage is di pounce beliseen Be i Sur of — Ynpts (vetVa) and C¥a+ Ve) > Se We civewtt | perderns eddies and cubbeaclten simulboneouly + problem 23 for We ctecuth shoun in dig a6 , Deter oe he } ovtpol Voltage Vo: Assome op-amp is intlially Nulled « k < Vaz IV MWg ag Ve Vo — +i8v j 18 owt | mt o | ee V0 atthe %e Vas hy AN By L Vea z Zo 2 lone. ¥ - 4 t j Figa.ab Fallien: the ctveul given (Sa Adley -sibhadkes Use Bepsenton @) frem the anayeis bo dincl Vo Vp = Ver Va -Va - Vb Y= -3v-4v-1v- av oS 2-4 INstRUMENTATION AmpuirieR [rA"] In Many psacltcal applicabions , the faysteal pooamelins ee es ‘enpesctine , humtcily , speccl, Light ichastly , flaw of Mquted ete, one be be measuned — | and conbvolled. Tramducent ane used bo convent Vere Prysical quantities be cledatcal proamebins Such os cussent | ox \olkage - Th. cwealk ov Volkoge Vues derived from Veansduces ore Very Small fn moagatlide _ Therefore, bo amplify auch Weak R, thus Vhew ts a cRance the Fnpet Soecce (V1) | Yeautly Yooded becouse of Sow tapi tnpedence Jn mst eapicalions , Wes Vype of IA ts oek poofees- 0) “The gesn & is wath few Pegh gato xpplteabtors (24.8 Z-op-amp Tulsemenbalton Amphigion the dig: 839 choos We civeatl: Atoguam of 3 opamp JInbumentction complifecr Whew Ye fivsk \wo op-emps Ay acd Ag acl, os unily goin budjer be overcome the rauhacks merkiond above vy) Vee 2 = 7f ad Pa vi Te | Volbage goin iy ae AVM | R _ ~ hte ~ < “2 + 7 ———+ eral con ie - 1 A ee Burrer _ STAGED DIiFrerentier AmPuFIeR — 2287. STAGE 2 This ctrew Uses siege Restelor R for Veoying gazo The etreutt Ras Zero inpul differbal | Votbage (Via) bebween tapub teamtnads of bufjor. This ensues | Common —Mocle (Noise) Signals be be zewo, No cancun dlows \elween Rand Ri co V,'= Vy and Vee Va for W=Va- However, TF ViEVa , croount flows Prroegh R arc R'. So (sly!) > Qa-Wi) providing Yange differential mode gain ancl cnen. The top volkoge Ve is He Axjpooctil input To similty The ctradl , Lek us bake hege 1 ond sudnewe Une ; Diflecrtel Tape Digeedial oolpd amplifier ox shown fo de QBo - Vee + pt Aa y Tice 2r ——}- Ys} _ My Vie Vi-Ma ; \e Bas Vox | f pay | \ ‘ae Lae ow ze’ | > Eaentte ny | eee _ _|t a - 1 ad “Vee | | Fig- 2-30 | | | prom We above circuth, Ve cesent Loough We Restslor Ris | Ve _ Mi (W-¥2) r2 #220. Mw R R~ R O | she dxpowdial oolpl vollage Ved ts Re sum of Volhoge hops | across ousishers- = I(r'yR+R') | Vy = I(R+ en!) — ® i sub © tr @ 1 1 | Ved = Veit Vat Ya Vor 74) | | | = (MV2) + Cieve) ae Nas Weve) [14 88 Vas Vi fie 2" (0 view) he - [rae /- © hee Ay is _ civeul édjoordial Vellage gain of shage 4 The loge a ts odlig bik a difjewal amphigier osirg | Single op-anp- stig Te fownuda diredly , ote get | ¥, Ne R ree = yg z= -@ the overall Velkage gain op bun Gheges is Av lech ts the product of Av, & Av » mabligly “auchn © * Co. Ay: Av, «Ava = ‘a ee 2B fy 8 — Vo __ Ra ae Met =e [uw % os f= Ny & [i+ 88") « [ee & Hae ](y-va)) Lovie | we a Tals W)- the a wngle oumsbe Reon be made “fences by using a pelenkte vodian « The, dime gene Trabramentation eopiin \ Aor woth R conscls the pin Of “8, Ard R' mwk cok be Zero beawsre Ve gain | ths Tipe of Twlwmesbalton Aenplicfien can be Corbet usteg bridge ctscutt Hob Pes a sustcbance cRanging with He phystoal enagy ond o> B-cpamp Twlwwedelion amplifier Ue war cliscuned fo cecton 27.2. he cfrcatl ts sheen tn fig 23! previous Recilve | he | Teantduces , | ~ | ~~ Ry v Re | A NAN i [ fe x? i yd Nee Fig. 2-51 The sxatcliee Ironichoce Rp cRecger accerstig Lo the phpreal poraretin Wel we coe mreaneding or corbsollleng . the ¢Ragge to An ae mutelance 1s Ag+ The dipee Reus de exilalton A extlelien cus also be Used. A, * Aa ade a Volkoge follower (Beffer) & As ads a akpjoerttal auplifien Using one opamp + We te De rede. Vollage acces prtinltal clevideer fosmedl by Rta) ard Ro: sintholy, Vz is Ye Neck Volkage acsess padtal cevider formed by Re ond Re Voy te We cheated inpok asd oskpub velbage « ae - ose Sejenence Pe et eee coberlie Vn avd Vy is wllin om dellows res shel is A, arate or val some sah Aeviclen | vube, = Vb | ae nae Ra Re Ry =Ra eRe =R_ ot Yes nance condi Hon: the lstdge te entt te ‘be belenced ok Wes contin with | Naw = Vo. rao We pyptccd poriamehin Reonges , Rr vil We dae Range (a tronense ov ancvense cdacked wih Layee wrbdencedd sith Vast Ve © Vebto- Bas Lee , The Wpetdge Ss Urbetence Appbying pousrad Arveden sade now, we gek Therese ta AR is alone] VA = Re Wa) -@® outed Sq Ry t AR 3S |) Rat (Ry + DR) Layen fos analysts: | Composting @2O wilh (D, we oe pon Vas consbort Ye Re (Nac) __ | - RetRe © | cand Va is Yoxtoble heamse of \ecame of Jira sexishoss Vooseble sestslos Ry: Subclitsbig Wo volucs of Va ® Vb in Nab we get | Mas Va-Nb = Raid Re (Ve) | Rot (Br +52) Ret Re | a Ven aleve exprenion eo | Rie) _ fla) ao ti 20X65 AR (We) Sb Bet AR Q(ARTAR) | a =. AR Mae) | | Ne LOE RR TAR) ARY) Fe a tap valap. be cbypeded amplifier ech Yor gan of ~RE- thowfore coll vellege is Y= ~f Ge) = © Sb. epaltion @ in © y. -& (= ) Ry alar +R ye & AR (Vac ) ones Ri { afar tor any AR in he cbove exprenton. So (@24OR) S AR in Aenentaler the Vo succes bo _ AR (Vac) /R, vor Ce) thes VY is diveclt, pooperttonal lo AR (os) the hysteal povanalat | the bpe of Emadacer to te Lietlge is selectéal on Hr phystel | enmgy: | | Appltcaltons of Tnitburnenbation Ampllefier | 1. Temperabion Indteakor . (af a = mae |B Light ~tnlensily A. rennet tt Plow ond Ihamel conduclivily \ 5. Arobeg Weighing Seale « LC_ep-amp Irskemerlabion Amplition Sore of Whe Common Te opamp TAs axe = LHoosb, MO Fa , IcL Foor, AD Bal , Adway , ADbay eke. “7 6) 2.10 INTEGRATOR The methemaltoal opesalten a tego = ho sealltzest Using an eP-amp » suck a Civeutl fs co bd os Tnhagkes oF Integer Son aunpliifien | Tn & baste ‘higuetion wel | Configealien , ip Whe Feedback vestshew Rp Ts suplacedl ae | Goatbace capacitor Cp, we cblatn the beate inlgrokor clrewth- vedas we peopalteral bo (thes ctroutk produces ovlpk velbage Yhek fs prope He Mime intial of We tryst oF coe tne on Ahatoed under a foput Wovedowen cixcutl ts Skew j bed ° dhe ctecusk ts known os baste os Theol Intigrales: in fig. a-Be- Ry te Cy Poste teckel pW ee dP (Basle Tnligentor [oe aah i ae aL" yer LIF pi%e | Tdeal tignaler ie “1 C + 0M | 4. rad | “eg BR. | at ele L Fig-0-88. Aprlyag ket ab sede Va i,= Tp,+ ig “ Ieyx 0, Lapok cwownk 7, x Feedback cwownl fp | i=tp — O Fem Ihe ctvewt, 1, can be cobedated o& | 2 Vin Va © Ie i) moves from Vo | ila mera bo Va fp con be cabedeted fron the sehaltensliip bebseen te | Cunrect Usorgh copactler and Whe produck of capacitance Vise ard dufjuenlicl Vollage Ve across capacitor. | ig = CAMS an gavel, camer Horough capacitor p= BE [eon opt book oreo | | L

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