Unit 1

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| Fis de be Vremtdaan then De paisa aapplteel excends He \rcakdloun Volbege of diclecbste maloval , fothoe occu and ts Aploudtve Ta neNiew. So ovewelboge prslection ie neccenery bo parent cudh dothow. )-F Inpverors IN IC Tnduckors with Ragh Quality Jester and) foduckance Velux one Tepersible be febstcake irarde on Te- the te become of te Yage votedlings «Even Vough, Tes oe Leva Bmurston io cbudion , Ye depth of Te Leo small fr be place Mage Ye Stange of mtero mete Se tk is tnconw windings fratde an Te- Theafere, induckers coe placed ooketle Ye Rip and Intitcemeddtens ne made externally. Bot, sesubbi Yawe preven ek Grd teduchance to tano-Reony ct News Quail gacker con be gobsicaticl toatde an Te by forestng Uso die melallie sptvals using Svecerstve film cleposibion of Condactien | ee cy copes oe die Aeposttion Fockucbors | wih Valse of QetenHt- | 1-2 CoRReNT MIRROR AND CORRENT SouRces DEFINITION AND INTRODUCTION CORRENT MIRROR A cussesk mines fo 0 civeut) laignd Yo | Gy a ceomask Unogh one odne device by cenbselliog Me | | crcoeck to codes wice of a chretk, keeping The oukpel | [fs een eee Etec eel cetct Noodtag- ‘The crcount being | ‘copied’ can be, and Sometimes 1s, & Veouing signal cwcwnk. By Concept, On the cresenk ertssor fs 16+ 26,770. ] We know Wel Cwoorl gee Boe 5 From © Treg = Te, Tu y Tee p Pp Taep a [ir ters tea] | Zep = Te, (148) pop lrcnsishes is vey Nroge- Se fz Tap + Teq=teq ~ @ Applyerg kv |e Gore -emttlin loop of leonstshos @, (Imagine Yak her ext of Vez arc om end of R, belh connecte| be gpewsd) Drege, + Voe,- Vee = © Treg R= Vee ~Vee, [tars ee |-@ Ry he circutl sy Ve designed by Jiocktng Yhe Ved of R form Bea Ve Vee, Ri = a ee] -@® See | Feom expression @) we may con\ude hak | 1) Vextalion of Vbe, with Vesopescbioe te Vey eral. So Tertey=Ty | Tropes Of Nimgorhow « Hi) Because of lable crcourk at colleclor of Qa» te 4+ rt of Asfoudicl om\tfiex 6 abo slabilized. | Deowback | 1 the erejeor Arawback of \paste Crown missor is Wat welfo of Coeds of ovlpct be inpet = (from expourion®) | cmd depends on PT p © bow tm Vda Yeo Leg Tvef- oro. pemeck _Cusoerk raiment gon Ane 2cy cl_bo | he | ts Loe 1S-Q ToproveD CoRRENT MIRROR the hedback of Waste cecoad mtsrer | | | | can be minietgecl —Ustag —Tmprevecl Cwoedk mesos: The cfscutk | | Df Bek te een tn fa 85, 1 | i pee i | a | | K 8 Hy tea | ~ | | {\a, | | | ree ! | Ln fe ; I, th | tg I \ Iythe 1 ! ° Nee Figs eas Arcllen \ronsishos 3 ts added) in behwecn We bare-calllector | esntnals of @ Because of Ga, ta bore Cosas aw mole dise cy proportional lo p seller than faverly proportional a io (este crowed «ime Cwooent epolion ab node ‘a? can be given > | - Tree = Ie,t Tag ~ © | | the ewiller crook of @ is Te, = Tstie = Aig Ci+P) Tes [o-tes Grp) 6] - se 783 Tip) Now , using Ceeoank Mistor edject Te, = Te, = Pip -© Te, = Tes = Btn —@) | | allbling @2O® to O Trep = Pleat as " Ip Le+tap eee pete) te Fret ° cit Pp) = Tees te= PORP) +2 Cite) Sb Tp Volue in epalten () Teg: Pg = Tc, Lees carp) | “. Tee Tag = B 5. —® the | the cwoerk sebto te skal) nok equal be ts mod lew Aspendent on p. Since loo Aarontnetos of i exp Ye p cen le. deoges oF 5 cusomn volo muck. Ths Teoprovedl exsoud miveor © dew Aspendert of cxeour goto pand 9 Ney \nge cvlprt seatskonce Cousot oan ta gig lane Bre) t+ QL) [ete = Zea | extpot be Topuk Curt volto ts obleinad fren © [ze _POrP) h 1-8-3 _Wirson CuRRENT Source 1. Buk te volto Numesabes and | wouter Yeo he Texm pit P) -S0 rocller ich woe nat alfect The | ukpot Cussank Teg is Ye copy | OF saJounce inpuk eveowrk Tree * | A opectal cewek Sowve with tg We Wile ctooud Seunee - and ea semibive bo bese the cireutk ts __ u-zr@)_ +Vec if | Ly Ly hee > ete | Ks = be = Te | = Ve, 4! pe Fig. 1-44 High output westslance of The cfacush ts ackstvedl by Yo Tegeltve Jedback fo We Lwenstcker @3- And bore cresunk conedledten moke> Leg ¥ Trey Applying keh ok node “b! and ‘? Teep = Tet In, — © Teg = TestIp = Tes +T,+I53 —® abo Te, = TegtIpe °F Trg = Ieatte — © [[: to,-3e,= Tao = 70 | Sub TEy From @) Teg= Tey-Tg andy From @ we can wk Teg Test 45 -Ip [- Ip,=Ies | Teg= Tey+Ie = Iej+Ip — G) [- te -tes] Composing Dx OQ we gek Teg= Iver L- Ip = Je. | | Prem exprensfon @) Tg, = Test 238 = Text Bites Tey = Te [ird] 7” © Prom equolion (3) Teg = Te, + Io Seabee = Tag fiek] Te, = [aed- a [vr Te= pte] Lv Zea = to | [sie - xeq- (fp) 24 — © Skdh\eg in © sq» ro] fe] \ = Teg = “a Te] Ete | Frarece epalten O yep = Tet Teg We mY onike Te, = Twp - 4 Ie, = Tang @ fe [+ J0,=38] Assuning ‘wesltoal Vacmmislons @) ae Qs» ne rey wate de, =e, 1 *s Ta Te] ~ a, Orme , L722 “<9 | Bla pe) B = week - pr pratP | dey [ SRS J > Ts I paapre |. | | al Blaey | > OF . _ pre) ] on ap | ©. Deg = Tp eas ove Treg Frapae i Adding ord Sdleoclieg 2 To Nunesalor ee ] prapra-& “a

avd Pence Ye op -cwounk Teg Yas Yower , “Toking a leg 2° \boYh one Nae, - Vers > ea c. (He) = Fe dete) =<] “Meena + WHEE) Eepaking ( 2@, ve gel ; ~ yo. - Mf) (ipa + Ten) Re = ¥r7 =) ® Neglecking Tay Jos Lege Value of Pp (xp,-0 ) Ze teats = Vy (Ez) Re = x Sn (333) Supe if Pts Small de exprenion () becomes Vee, - Voea = (Tegt Tea) Re . (4 Zea) Re Nog, - Vbe, = (1b) teats -@ SbAbbing & oo L-H-s of excprenion (3) (+ +) Zea Be = >\y Fe ) Ln. ae ule | oo ai MED | | \ Teg fs Me op | = wed & 0 ret of Weqorence. | | Cosoust Teg - Arch be dussed hue of Teg ie chbat nod by Reosing A Corsespording Vobue of Re> Vz =Bbmy ak Boe’ kein 1-8-5 MumPLe current Source or ogre RepenTER Conbank ae cllaple paris of a Same x A. Ths dnjou' geduces Ye Comporest oon, as Th saplacs mary individual crscuk Sowces: A Stogk sugeunce cwvuct is copied bo ones hes how is a md bo supply | cwoen Sowices ame Use: | | chads , nd cddedloxs of breusichoss Gomedid in Corcace - By sing | Ranging Yo emis Sagion omer of ee eer | cools ok edd [ranicler can ale be possible the | dajcosk ciwetk te Sewn in dig. 14d: | yivee 1 | , ! ah a) xf on | Assume ob node ‘ Fig-)-ad Vhee were ‘n? Number of brenntclers Connectiel Legelher then > on, | Trep = Tet Int ote Woe Te is calleclos cock of Q Ty is bore cwounk of @ and Dp ic boxe cwoudk of (07 numbes of baansishoxs Trep = (m1) Je + Te agp = (054 pT [E te: pte] ~ pane ae Trep = (ota p)In ae Ed ~ aE Conrp ds E Te: [- ho len es p 1] how 9-3 For ciseuil shew tin & n+ lt B ig 16 i Wen pis Vey Veoge 5 Yeo To = Tag = ener “ R PRomLer 1-1 For We cucerh source hoon to digicna, Find Ye sugounce Neel av Veetuy= OO% > PH hoo ard cory Vollage Vp ls 2: | shan | Given Teg? te, = Bo MA | Vee= IV , Veecn) | Pr doo Reguvence cwcenk Is given Teepe Ie (ir$)= eee -é (+k) | | | | 1 Deep = Bo-a bal | " | = 0-6-v (for silicon Tanisber ) jhe outslos Ry for Sugererce Cvrowsl 1S given oa Vee - Vee [ vee, = Vise (on) R= Tes q- ob R= ao = 104-AT Ka PRo@LEM Id Fox eT cwownh Sowiee © Boon t to fala At, _ orp — cuvvent To, Mey Yah hge asd arume silicon bscmisler. Fre-l47 | Vee Sulton | Given Ry = AKD, Vea BbV, Re= BQO, |Veg|= IV and Leanstsloy is Silicon. So Vise (au) = O° bY Appuing kv be bese ~ ntti Soop of Leanstsbos Q Ve = Veet t Vee Ve = Voc tox) + TRE Vz - Vee cox) Re Subslibbing We Values , we geb Te 0 ela Rib- 0-6 AQES = &-ot ma I, = PRoBLEM 3 Fig Ve cwour Semrce shown fa dig- he , Find Ye stafeunce curser and tho oibpcl velhoge - Assume inabeled Iwosatclos & Silicon Yee Veo 9 t18V wry ha i. : A | 7 Vs | E 7 Lis + 1 . Fig- bas SAabion Given Veo = 18V) Vpe = 0-64 (silicon Type), Rey = 1-52 2 Roy = Bho >» XB gre), Ker ca Bemue of crocent mitwwor ec Ty = Tvep & ikis given ox ty = Teg = Vec-Vee _ I-06 Re, [+k 9-6 ina] org te eblained Prem ebeprension Veg = TeReg + Vo [whew Vy is Ie cukpel Vvelhage i Abiop acseas Colleckor ~emtlhin | CON = Vee -ToRee waishance of Qs (Ree. Futiwal | | swiskance) | \v= I~ @-6e-3)C x60) a \o= lee 5.346 aba | | pousive foods | coe comeced. Ackive loads oe | 1-4 Current Sources As Actwe Leads oF | | | | DIEPERENTIOL AMPLIF! Nevsnellly, Nood of a cfreutk is a sustsloy. Ard sesdos is a powive Vu. alve Jeads can suploce | ne roan inproverasta ta We etscott be ahech hey | rmecl by using the beste i uth foo beesstaboss - Crown misves Need far acdtve load To improve Yu Common Mode. Rejeclion Rabio Cenre) of Aifpouodied exesNifien dhage of ep-amp 5 we feed Neoge digownbiol mode | Geta, on CHRE= Ado. the goin provide Vy op-amp mut be faa leoge oo peastble fle Germ dajjowrbicl Mode signals (signed | algeed (reise signed Tops velkoge>) onh 2 > Poy possible Fox commes mode \. Tus Ye dufjeutsal mode goin of op-omp | sth Neoge gets 1s given Aan = ~ GmRe | From Whe exprerston hated choove , Ib is clean Wek Adm iS | deed, pope vonel Ye Re, Ve clbedox (oad) serie bance vale Bh foeocatng We reba of Re Seeds be fatlewiog preter i‘) eoge dep coun ys Suqusec be Jobst Songe- sesickanee Valid TW) Lange poows apfly Seeded be metnbatn cqenciling erent | ) Leage cwridbeance Velues ithreduces poesibe aapaciane, hed | [ae A ire WN) Lege ounidlence V. mks te tap velbege. s tee] Le ciealed anf anes Noad Bich betngs Teese, of Were secnors , we naa ackive sustctance Vale cand Bus the gain oF epmamp iS Tneswesseq | U-r@) 7 oh ciretl —diogpero of xT | dhjoodkel mopltfiex ts Reon tr dig: bas. | r" | | | 3 | ] c % \ T ty fan ay ae 0 To nexl-shage , Eh | > Curved Mivvor) as achive lord | t t 1 I I De Anorysis Figg Under Dec cerdibions , = © =Vy and te for matchech bransisbors , T,+Ig= 2 —~O [ Neglecing Yoo lave ores Since Qs ond , Foums a cwounk Mivor, T:31,=1,-© the Need caseut 1 entry The neck choge (tdawal shoge )of ©p-amp is given roy when N\ % fneseared over Vg, I, Increates ancl Ty decreares | yt Ty? Ze [consboct opelieg cucnt | Ard the \ood excveedt te given T,=T-Iy+ 1)-Tg [pem@ z=7,] ee = nm (Vi Va) = dea /e GmVel -G) cubpl Vilage of chffeudicl omplifie is gtven a No = TR wee fo Vo, We 6 | he 7 getn of ws tin eiccuth is obbatned Fon | | ve | = GmRr | Va gm is bromcerduclance ond) R ie bead sesisbance + | onlph owitdene offend by Ue ciract dapeds on peal ceockincbion of leassishoss Qa (pn) and >, (pap) Rou Vy is diffeadtial mpl lg Ry = Beall Yea a - U-t Ge) | Ac Anarysis Under Ae conckilions , fe >) Wen Re becomes a tb cao _ Rae be writen ax R= ere -@ Ro “res @ a be vostthen as Cet") e- Ne ft _ & Vee Re © Using ® in ® » ( con Le uritliin & Ro = Ve. oo” Noe do Shee gm = = thee gn = ; 1-1) NowreGe REFERENCES Volboge sednances are ciccutts thal preva coubert oily volbege freespeclive of Ranga to rngerotine. Tk to used be bier wolloge Seunce ctveuth. the | | Gageent Ranedmsslic of a Volleys sngesenee civestk is the | Yreropercline Cocferent of: He oubpk omfoxnce Voltage Ve given coe as Te, = oa ib bh do jo ce Yollage Ve uit sespeck bo safoance musts howe [arn a ; tllege sede | = vent ‘tre-e) hes Velhege ope re wilh Sanging Tenperdioe | Aeris dele propels os 8 cuteness of a Velbage — ' | | teow ts cs alles | J | 1) Refoence Vellage ganenctacl mak be Tndapencdink of “ngs | ctes\ rsh be tndeperdast ce Velkage gpnee cous independant of Power ge Ranges wthak ts, Te mask Rese Power supply Sigjectton- a he Thlepantenk of ost pst 2) Reference Vologe gprexctacl mak: crocus oadteg ev Te haba Rave Neo oalpl tropeclance . fone wee rong Types of Vallnge sagourees - ek us dtc cat Tam | om by one - Lit Yollage_serence _cfeeut tsteg Teopancioe Grpentelien Sent | The ciecutl Htogua of this Tipe te Seon ta fig: ee pe coment LT 7 - | Curvenk Soure® 42 }———41 | | | Neel. 2) | | | D, | | Node R Bose - Emillen / D Atdonche Diode Tb, 7 i | Reference 2, YR oul pst Volbage | hd | Fig- tae | Applying ker ok Nede ‘N?, we get | | Vp ~ Ye ~ Vo, ~ Vee ai) — Ve- Nba oO | R, Re Assumteg Vor (ai) = Vo, = Vo, = Vee | with the axsumplten, emalton (0 becomes Vp ~ #Voe ~ VR _ Ve- Vee Ry a RVe + Vee (2, ~ aka) @ oe a R4ARy Dijjeseltalig Va Webs Tenpenabane poral, (padicl chyexdibi | won used because oF, me Yc Yoodable (re) lemgeratioe) we get Fe zene tempexelion cocffictent corckttion « Asconing Hs, the 3. heb is wo ® \ oe | Lipes of encpsemten > becomen Ze“ ONe 4 tn exprenton (@) x tt becomes OT Ba Ne (3 Noe | © = Bika ST RitR2/ 37 | i Re Be RnB Noe "Rye OT RArRQ dT | Be a BrP Bok exec of | ~ R, - Ag | R 2 Nobe eater ° | a A J hemperctinn aancebbal | Nee Bethe Re ei Hor sicle_of | aT exprenion “| | H2Nn RR, BR Woe Ro Wee Ra | The hove cccpsenton is The Zar teqembioe codjicionk codilien ork cbse Ye Range In Vy is ony le Range to Vee I-iied Avdonche diode isn Votbege esedoence the Vollage sefeence Uses the | Lreokdown Prrronenen of a Zemn diode tn Savere taxed Contin, | the zenew Yreakclews occio ck Jew than SV. For beeakdewn fo | | baseenien og jundions of Tokignabd Thomislar is im Ye verge | | of bv be ev acd ‘ts due bo anlanche mndliplicabton the Ctrautk of cucdeccle. atode bias Volhege seqeunce 1S shows fo [ gia-1-se ot\ee Pe + fo Fe, “f 2 | | 7 RE [ite Q 4G | i Fig. 1-56 | The Vollage rugs ak Node 'H' bo ground ane | Vp+ Vo, + Yor —O© | Sietleoly Ye volkage crops ot emtltn of @, bo ground axe Vee, + Veg Vee - © Tg dtodes Dy, De arch leathers @,@z ae Silfcon Tipe (Fox example) » Thea b, . Vos = Vee, = Vor u-r@® Now , Competing M2) , We gek | V5 = Veg | he volkage aesoss Ry is approximalilly equal be [ra Ye | -® Cwoerk Pouieg Yowegh Ry is copied te colleckor gg Since Qe GS Fowms a Cromer; misror. Velbage acmes Ra given a Vp (@:) - Coiede hop acres Gs + Vee Len) ) Equation ) Rows Sat Tout Yas Now esopenctioee Codffictent:, ip We Baperatine corfftctent of Ry 1s \ou as tf predaced by oo Astwed suestslow 1-1-3. Temponaline Conperschid cuabarche dtede sedoence cteeutl Tn te previous ovelancbe. dtode Lior sefounce , Zexo Leropexchons Coelpicient ts wok acketved. we Gen cbhain zee “erogexchioe Coolfrectent by ackling sever of “n! fudbex of Mods in Sever with surtler Ro thes the eect of Napevction Gin be Grwperscled astth We Vp of les cteeall. The circus Aragnam of Keerpencsbion Compensedil | audlancle Asede sejeurce 18 down to dig lr¥- The vollage at base of 9, is Ve acd tk © given os Vp = Teka +0 Vee + 2 Vac (q) Woe 0Veg = 0 Vg (oiede dope of A! number) ord AV be (q) = Vee (qi) + Nee (a2) Fig. |-e7 Ditecnttaling Ve porteally with a \o a Ne = k, 2s + 1, 288 + Cn veep) es oT Divicling Ve chove equalten ee Rudy, we get 1 Ne 2 1 Mey BR Catt) BNow Bolg 37 =, OT | Ry OT. Redo OT To cbhatn Zero Limpercilioe Coefficient For Ip A 5.1 [me Mee) Te Boo sae |S Od Sr |e 8 | ha. he Cercbion Fox Zero Kreegencdlioe Coefficient is giens | | siEEEa|pevoue Wee) _ 1 dP fat Sige ate | acs =| | Te adktve We chore Conltiion , The Vehun of ‘1! Gre) Nunhes | of died can be -sdected JHA Bantbenp VoltaGmé Rererence CieculT Thos wo placer fn an civeucb, ed suaquaver eras segeunce Vellege - Tis smaller vellage | Yauch ts nck posathle qin the Vellage sufounces om somes | Ded we Atacued so feo Becate , Ie Small volkage ovlpst possible jeorn Ye Geparclioe Corapens ale Vol-ege Seuce te Lav. fos De supply Volbage Sen Than Av, | Prse Velboge sudeunesd Camel produce suqouoce volbege ovlpol: (since, the inpst copply Volkage emul be clays pectin | Yhan ovkpol sazownce Voltage) Tha is, ia an Zener Atede , wilh | | credence endligtartion (Tentzalon by cdleston of cReage poolicks) Rech ceews ok a enintmm of bY, ib is nok possible be grovel. safrence volhage Sere Yan 6V | Ta sh cos, the sefoence | Vollage 5 generated from Be bare -enttin Voltage Vac OF | bramices or a Sudewnce gonertid 9 equal bo the | crergy bandgap Volage Vio of be Semteenbucos molinced - LAL v00m Nenqpaschios. , Vivo is. apostinatily Jeav for silteon and 0-1Y Fer qownantoro Semiconduckows . Figo |-B® Shows the bordgap yrlkage Sedevnce ciscull veing silicon bresickos. Fig. 1-5® | ae Aipjoordsa base Vollage ANge = Vee ~Vaeg appents | across R, ard cro ccecss Ry, if B “oh he " froustslo is Rech | (Since Te=Ie Few Senger p Veluwe) | | Poem clreuth | the Reqownce Volloge Ve ts urillin a | vi Vue + TaRe - O R= “BES Assuring AM \scrislors coe Idarlteal, we con ubcle T= Ter Pies) Ia ext (Yee1- Noes) - fone fa bao of Gard Gy coe telencomecticl anc for Leger P | For Qa, the cued Ty Flows Howugh Rs - Tendo We Aifgercoe in Bore -Exitlin Velkage is given Vee, Yoeg? 7a Rs" | abdkiieg Yoo te equation dow m 2 a= Ta exp (&) —© vow. \y a hemal equivalest Volbege with postbive tempts Co-chfietert Vy = u } TiS de0%n benpesclion (ave os B00" ) Wi, boo SVE = Amv Nleghecling bate caouds | Teg= Teg 2 Was Fem equalters @ « (4) ir, © From G) 7 sates Buh) © = Bt | @\| = BB vy Inf&s) fen A 6 8 10 Novenalized! Dipferen bial Fig. 1-63 Trp Volbage CG) Operation for Ac signal operclion of Aigeudtal amplifier Jos Ac Topol baletng Be atjeadtcl inode first ard Yeo commen mecle Configwntton: | The cosiesk vey bo undowland the | | 2) Digpeectial Mode operation the ctecatt comectton fox Aedoueal | mode, opexakion ts coan in dig. 14 jin { | % ' he cheat Roun to oboe figew is Urbalanced input and Loalanced ovkput Argeudtal amphitter with Ac inp signal Ve applied only te \sore of @- Taktag Ye postive Rabe cycle of top apple, G 16 ont andl QBS OFF - the count Te, in Weosiskos Q, incseates Bile Teg deceearer became Te =Tet Te, & obeys constant (he) tf one emitlin cwsoent Sneneates » Ye olben Ros be decrease lo Rave a constant Te). | this nese Te, but clecseares Volkage at Re oF Q, + on the other Row, Teg dacweares but treweases Volbage ak Re OF @a- | ahun We ovkpck ak calleclor of @, iS tee ovk-op phere with topst Vollage Vs and evbps ob caleckos oF Sa ts in-phose (0°) with inp volkage \E- Nett thal We cokpa VaBgatbade ts Neoger than inpol volkage rnagnthice | because of bramistor gain Ben Va is negekive geting fale ate, Yhe okt ae positive getag ard cal Ve. is raga Aetega iS ' Nanas negolsve ot hae of Q) Add ts New theo Zee (Grove) | ak bane of G2, G Conducts and @ 1s OFF making Teg lege| ran Tey and Ws Vox Ateveates and Vo, freseares | The ckijeunltel ovtpub Volbage al calpk titnas Vy ord Vor is Vo= Vo -Ma | Via 1s equal in magiihace ond opposite | be No,- Noo = —No, + Subsbibsting bre ta Vo, we gee Vo = Vo, -(- Vo.) Vo = ON le we gb a ditt som. Sulpel Belween Vo, and Vou: | u-r oe wade oy be, opeyetid tn Ballgated Snpthy [zprls Applied’ bo beth va Siherer” meygsade “Ae Angst Grals Ae, ase ii) Common Meds opembion the Greed connection fos Common mede opssolicn i own in dig- 1 be 9 tNee a | ako [\ wae fA a FAV FV) [ TRS 92 fy «9 | lise x 1,4) | i. ten ~Ver Fig: 1-6e The chreutk aon in chee digs is Balanced Inpul ancl © Balanced cclpl dsijewsticl amplifier with Ac tapeb stgral | aaptlied be bares of ancl Strullarsowly . Durteg posilive | Rap cycle of topok Ve, bah Uramiler Condacle cionsat from melking Te, = Teg: Since Te Ip tte, coledos bo erttion lewtedls and sus semata content , Tp, aed Tey ara conshank evl | Same. Because ef ts adton the Volkages cerss clhechow sesidkarces doops asd Pa obpl is a negeltve goin, n of Yaarststor (nob Tak the. Vy | Ae cycle. maliphied with ges segine getg Yale “Ve, ont Vos Qeevtag ampltticte Gorgar than a | | Duotng Hegelive Vedg cycle of Tapel Ye, beth Vranstslers one | | OFF and Tas Small entlhr ceeuds grows due bo Negebive | Vee (-Vee = - 0-7) Anop across node Nl’ and alc coleclew | | cweeds Te, and Tc, Ascseares making a fnereare io | Vallee aneps Yo, ok Voy ak cilleclor Hemtoas of beowilor, | = We anlpl Vellege i pastlne RAE eyde mulltpheed sath | of \pomstckey the rk otkpeb Valkage Yo bebween Vo, | | and Vo 1S | | Ve = Xe, -Vi | the alps Velbages one tn-phere and Vawtng Same mnagathiele | thek ts , Von = Vo) - | | | { Ny = Yo, -Vo, = © Voze the nagolive Jedback Provided by Re » Sadces Ye Commen- | mode Velkage gain ond aally produces Zexe octpub Vellage Vo- | thn an jjourlich emplilter suspends be diooktcl made cpl | | anh nek lo Common mode aigeds - | (Lez edd A.c_Aworysis oF DIFFERENTIBL AMPLIFIER | The Ac anclysis tn Ab ounbiel real ampijien ts performed lo feel difendial ;igatn Aa or Aon 5 | Common meds gain A, or Aew , input owsishance Rp, oul pel sertsbance Ry arc CHAR —ustog “R! parame - Diffonelial_gete (At) the Ac equivalent cieuwtt for dijjoantial | ampiyier oparchil fy dijjerecttal rmode of opewelton is shown | Sige bb. The supply wolbage “tewtnal is growed for Ave Analysts. | —— foe ES ots = TE fen fet hey a0 5 Se Fig: The snogettade \, . agnilice of each Ac input Velkaga Vo, and Vo, % laken end dtllor Fray toch a by Be phos “Rees rd Ve, & baker as : fae © Ac emits crcowds ie, ard je, cow =pin above ah eal to mogeibide bk 180 otk-of pare - Using biseclion Teore | ox Hag civeutk Concept, only coe byamtslor ts GRown fn He above Jigee of an Attjercatal amplidien- the Appsoxcimale Vybsd modal Cweutl ts SRown Fo dig. 167- = . 7 eV, _ l L ] thes E f Fig: het Fo Tn ahove give a hie 8 Whe Topek owrislance and Rect is We cusecent generar arch hpe te Temecl a2 qorwerid beam der cured sebio. Aprlyg kvi lo Be topt loop, we gob “ —IyRs -Ihie = 0 < = = Th (tsthie ) Te aggtey ~ © | Apalyng kvt to Wa ovbpet oer | Vee nhemRe - © erbslilobieg Xp From © to @) , we get Vy = — hfe Re Ns A(Rethie) Ye _ hte Re Lo) sien Yel phase sift VW” Blks+hie) sign Tedtedta Iso plasty the magwlude of aejonrltel gain Ay ts Ney eke For Unbabanced onkpsb Ma Ye = atch fo wht oe | ced for bdlonced oolpt we git doch Pe gain a | Mastnd clove: tus WpeRe | Mal Ri: 2 Tes he) Male ihe - ate he For balanced ovtpub | | Common Mode goto (Ac) | the magetbude of beth Ae fopol | ignals is loken cn Veg and wa in- phase with each other . | Ne dipeanbicd inp te Thea zero ubsle the common mode Tope Ve is Ye average oo ye Vita _ Vet Xe QNs _ Ch caret beset rad =e | the Ac equivalent cfecutk — for Atos al amplifier opssced | tn Common mode of ofexckion is sown to dig- I 68- u-z &) £4 RE R Ac Reg po | wwe Q [poe se } le tele Ef Ns (w)' © rly | Zab Fig- 1-68 Tied uterclisetcens otc tea doo Woah Re from emilbers oF Wo Vwomichas Ths Bie flows Ysegh Re or b flow Pnagh ARe as eon ar eqptvalance in the digee fhe ceeeesore Babsd moth ctredt ts sRoon tn dig -1-64- Re Fig-1-69 To We figs shown above ore onlin h peommelin & Snkweduced, . Yet ts , Roget's, ovtpol Conductance + Applytg kvi bo Yyase emitter tops loop» we gel Vs -IbRs ~Iphic ~ @e (41,) = No = Toke + Thi, rahe TL + ARE Ty | No= Zo (Rothierare)+ en —O | the ovkpul Vilhoge \ is given ad Veo- -i& -@ Apdying kvt be colteckow ~ Emin ovlpek loop, we gel ~ (L-Me) | ee | | the obeve expeewsicn is seurvilin with Vy=o fer commen mec | Topol si | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ~ AR (T+ Ib) - TrRe — Vy = Ty, pen _ ee ote ~ Fh + Ret — ake ti df, ~TiRe hee ee. Grouping Ty ard TH Yesms in chove eeprenion, we gel x, [Me -ate| = a nig 1 ae + Re | Tye - ARehog] = Tr [i+ akebee + Reve} Ty Dre~ ate hee] = Ts [it bee (ate +Re) ] Te hfe aRehee ©) y% 1+ hoe (&%e +Re) tye TeLithetaretRe] _@ Wee - aRe Koe Shalilvkieg G) in @ , we get vy = TeLthe@rerte)T Rater ace] ages, Wife ~ BR hee \ s 2 i + [ithe (ave+Re)] [Ret hie taRe | + #Re (he~atebse) | | hye - Rp hoe. Vax Cr tRebee +Rchve fet hietde ) + Mebee ARE hee | Ih ON - hee Nae hoe | Ip __ ¢ _ et Lae GahE + RE L Ree | Beto | By ccowagigg Me Yams, Ue hove exxpremton can be writin o Ve. Be Cs heed a Re (hr@hehse) the Ciraechee JrbeeRe [ate rerhe } ty hge - Be hoe + hee Re Taeerethte | Ns _ Re Cithge) + (Ret Wie I, te Nae Re <<] + So reedtog ee Ve Re Cit hge) + (Berbice) (14+ 2Rebee > TO hpe - dee hoe Ve Lhte -2Re hee | Akelthge 4 (Bgthie) (Akh) @ adslilebirg Gin @ , ve get Vow eRe Re Be (he) (Rerhie) (14326 hoe ) For Voy small Poe jit can ke appreximatial bo zexo.so | | | Woe —Vs hfe Re [eee Re Ciahge) + Ret hie ln) | Ard “fanlly, Common mode gain 8 given as Aw - — hfe Re CON 7 . ‘Ss Re (ithge) + Ret hie | The gote magrtbade can be usillin ar WeRe | |Ac\ = \%|- - Ake Cithfe) + Ret hie. Common Mode Rejection Ralio -(enre’) core is Ve celts of differnbial mode getr Ag Ve Common mode gatn Ac of on Aifjoenkel empllepics. t Rst hie te " CMRE = For Balancecl Input | Balances octpu t | creak | | | | | opel Twpedance (Ri) Th te agin ax Ue equivaled: nasislance) | belween ore of The inpok and gaounel with ober fapul Poel a-% -O a From expsenion @ of Diflourlial a analysts Epoevi ous, seckion) Ty can be - given os Ty= lee ahie) © sdhsibebing @ in ® ,R con be crcaleked od Ns R= — ee a (es thie) [Rs = A(Rer he) | for Balance tape | he Toph coctance de eck cbyercd oo ther Ihe ool balanced o& vnbdlanced ond Aapends on tnpik only. Fee urbabanced, “topat erly one rawtslor Is Constlerd ard Ys De clove Re | | Cor Ibdlenced inp) is Auvidedl by a+ Hence , | R= Rethie fer urbolanced! input dvlpuk Impedance (Re ) | Th te Aegind a We equteleet | © Laken hebween ona of Ye opt Teentnads with sespect bo | cmroand « Ard Wis 1 equed le Re ae shean fo dig. 16% Re | Ao gak spend on bdlancecd os unbclanced oubpsb: | | Feskinas of Difjedtal Anion Difeaalial amphigiesss eon used to mony ap icelions ancl importantly tn op-amps Th hes Wa gellou woes i) High Topol tmpedance - ii) Mesetmurs odlpl Volkage Sisieg . Wi) Enoeme geda. | N) Less Senstlive lo Common inode Nvise seals | ¥) Ged shelby | vi) low tm cost arch cosy Lo debetarke inside an Ic an iva) henge OMRR - L | 1-ta-a Bugjer_ond Jew bomber clge CS The Boel dogo of opamp qondtens | as belter arc\ Veved lyeasleber ov De bevel cPifter lage. An buffer io Righ tapt Tmpedance ard Yow odlpt impedance. a seal lo Trosajor Signe erly ove dkveclion and pooverls Jeeeliy of Yogh gato cbege on Te cher Rand Saad sHatten aN (he Vologes ex Yet Ve ovlpol te Zero ow zexo inpel . the sicarent je osing Neve ohepten in op-amp ane the need for op-amp be gusction alown bo De level as 00 cophiog copacibes one uted) bibuean cheges Ia cteck coopltag, | Ne de level dhs gpem Shege bo skage andl Produces Aralovteel] ope - | i) he odpl ont Rene gpie scent Volkage. Yevel of OV for Zero | Topck Stgnad. The Desc Commen Configurcktons « | Yes choge one eioeeeliors of ') Beate enitin qelllaosr 1) Emilhn Jllucs with prertiel divide i) Emtlin galower with cwrcenk miwror | Figoe |-F0 doos all Conf fgunalbtons. | iNew | (i) Nee itt, A Ve J GD) Ni of a | | | she \aeste ontthin feower tsobchis i he Bagh gato inpol Aigecdial awplefier ahages dren We cclpot ahoge - the Level Reh cVeatned ts given as Vo-V; = -Nee = - o87¥ (for siltcon bearatstor ) | my We Newel chopled cbove ts Fesugjeiert , ue con use Sever enti qellowe ath potckel | vides at ends Hicrad he Rs ciletned ts Ue coup coms | seater Ry. Bk We dreutsouck Rew io, the signa wlhage ahead by gocter wa so Re sapllaced by & canner in Weed Type of enslhin felouer he aRaph ciated onty Yes Nyse js given Vo-V> = -(Voet Ze.) Fun Te magathude of tft can be Veoded by cuneak = gerenclid dren crcount mivroxr anh owsiskor ebe &,- T in Yo 26 tok Crow ewteg ee ob | cesark — wnhesor 11a.5 ovlpol hago j ovat _ Become of We, a Small crooent plows F tm We \romtcbre even to the gpiscent slab. . the quiescent ha Teds Te benateler cMleder ciocert ancl Calleclo ~ Emither volkege | Wen Now 1S ro Trpk signal ct We bare temic | | Peopem 1-4 for the dspeerlral amplifies cQowo in fig, | find Re amd Re Hf P= leo, |Aa\= Reo ond cure = bode and | SolvHon | | Te AAepjecedbtal rode gato Ad Using Pybare ar medal | fe eyen od | \ ee | | Ag = ves -O Whee gine ESB. SOM pagar “u- mbo Ger (oho ) is _ Fe = Qboka. * pgp | MRE in dB = Bolog emer = bo 48 “emer = leg’'(&.) = hey '2) = [000 ew cee = }4+89mRe — cblatned) From Rybsrd 1 model |4 AgmRe = 1000 Bm Re = I9 Re 2 BL. AL. EF 89m B-Bhmw [Re ® | | | abo na Froprem 1-8 A deijeedaal amplifier Yes Caer of i) jo? on | Je fash sd of top one Va BoM ond Vy = -FO AV: The | Setond Sab of inpls coe Vj=mopuy ond Ya = Poop: cabal | Ye Porcedteys difjounce In culpul volbage for hwo sels of iepok ec) comment on this “ludten ks CMRR = 10 = 1000_ | For We fret set, Ye 1 deeosltal Snpel Volboge Vig = V)-Ng = [Be -(-80) mv = loopy The Common Volkage for disk sek fs Vo Eo V, -o | | a2 a the ovlpd Velkage Yo 18 ghen oo Ve = Aaa t AeMic Vk ie commen made Sepul volkoge | | | = Ags ‘| | Yo = AaNea Ir See Rete ogee anes | Vie | = AaNea [iG CAalre) Veh | : a Vie | No= ANA Lica YE] - O cub. Sb elus we find Vo oo ORV = Aa too wav [ete SEE] [us eeu] —@ Simtboly for We Second sek Nig = V\-Vo = [Peo py = Foon | = loopy vy = Ma RTFM uy ie ak a | : 1 7 RR | Usieg cin © 5 No = Aa toon [i+ ter] Connpccstng, + p we ole Wek fax ho cele of tnpol sfyrals ghen| st (53. N= too. ~TEAg MV) Ba odphe cho by ote, «en Theugh Va te sane ie | a Aaajou + hs & became ©F Common tecke Rage Velkaga - Vic Aeerecae with ineseare Tn cmee- | = | ledking CoRR = lols 10000 as previow clabobtons We gk Some Vie and Vig, For eet) and set a inpls ard Renee Ve is given o> ) fox sek | = A ow Ve = Ag loopy [i a | IVy= too Agony) — @ for so 2 Ve= Aa resp | 14 555 ee | ly. = loo-0#% Ay KY ~@) Equation G) and @ cow Vouteg Same celpel Volkage Yo, because | | te commen rode taps wlbege Vics ony Trwapeckive of cree | (o®es 104) . Bot compontag esurcitton @ with © one can note Brak , We percenbage chiffernce of colpol is 0-78 J For CRE onl ty te 0-076]: for cme of 107 thal muons, | | 3 | of 10 | MRR Treveases he Atfjewnce between We ovkpub Velbage | decreases anc Common - Mode stgna Rar Lenes effect on output | | Nolboge Vo | Proarem 6 Ascome o dkgjeunbicd amplifies oF gig-1-72 eaith | Joloutog peramctias yea P= FH, Re = leokt , Re= Boke Nec HEV, “Veg = IV, ond a silicon breastsbes Delowtr Te, Te Ty , Ve | ord Vee of \rornisbor -

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