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Programme: Civil Engineering

Semester: II
Course: Project Management Skills Max Marks:
Course Code: 20PM01T Duration: 1 Hr 20
Name of the course coordinator: Shruthi H C Test: I
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Section Assessment Questions CL CO PO Marks
1. a) what are the important features of project?
b) what are the different types of projects:
I 2. a) what are the benefits of the project management?
R/U 1 1,2,5,7 5+5=10

b) what are the obstacles in project management?

3. a) List and explain different types of project consultants.

b) explain the project management process.
II 4. a) what are the advantages of effective team:
R/U 1/2 1,2,3,5,7 5+5=10

b) what is project team? List the different types of project team.

5. a) write a note on (i) Contracting plan (ii) work packaging plan.

b) what is project dairy? Why it is essential?
III 6. a) what is work break down structure? Explain its importance.
R/U 2 1,2,3,7 5+5=10

b) explain the importance of communication in a project.

Scheme of valuation
I. 1. a) Any five features of project 1*5=5. Total = 5 Marks
b) Five types of 5X1= 5. Total = 5 Marks
2. a) Any five benefits of PM 1*5=5. Total = 5 Marks
b) Five obstacles of 5X1= 5. Total = 5 Marks
II. 3. a) Five points 5X1= 5. Total = 5 Marks
b) Detailed explanation. Total = 5 Marks
4. a) Five points 5X1= 5. Total = 5 Marks
b) Five advantages 5X1= 5. Total = 5 Marks
III. 5. a) Writing each detailed note 2.5 X2 = 5.Total = 5 Marks
b) Def of project dairy 2 Marks and Explaining its essential 3 Marks. Total = 5 Marks
6. a) Def 2 Marks and Importance 3 Marks. Total = 5 Marks
b) Detailed explanation 5 Marks. Total = 5 Marks

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