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Roll No. ... 57521 BBA 3rd Semester (N.S.) 2014-17 Examination — November, 2017 COST & MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING BAN-301, Paper: Timi [Maximum Marks : 80 Before ansivering the questions, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question paper. No complaint in this regard, will be entertained afer examination. rhree Hours | Noté # Section A contains 8 short answer questions is compulsory. Section B contains 8 questions (2 from each Unit). Attempt four questions selecting atleast one from each Unit SECTION-A 4. Explain (Cost Centre (i) Carrying costs (iii) Time keeping (iv) Overhead (v) Responsibility centres 87521-5850.(P-3)(0-9)(17) P.T.O (e) -d)-0989- 12545 OOF pOrseE (poorer loa use looores — fooo'se | yw coors swoxepclong'se afi " yse yor weoT HUI 00'00't fodios ssoxpa> yor'z — fooo'on'e | eudeo azeus M910 | RDE sasy | oa se 4 yeayg souvpeg ouaers oy spuna_ (a) Tendes Supyiom uy saBueyp jo ainpayys v_ (2) yaays aourreg aanesedusos Supao Al-4INn. FY WHOA *G pur Suna8png teyideo uo ajou eM “B wouno> ,:juauaeuEUT i0f- aimysqns e you yuawro8euew 0} pre Wi png MYL, “LZ (i(6-0N(e-d-os9s 12525 Supso2 uondiosqy sasuadxa ajqetrea miiag ones A/d ureidxg “9 Mm - LINn ouput 813809 ssadoad Jo yxayUo> ut UTES JeunoUqe pue sso] [eULLOUge uBaMyaq aTenUBIERTC jeuuou &q purysrapum nok op ium “s quourded a8em pue wayshs oem aur ssnosiql “py LINN yaaa] x08ueq (a1) ppaay emu [pao] 1aps02y, doa ¢ au aM *€ jo sodé quosaynp aug ae yeym ¢ Suysor suyaq Z 1-4INn g-NOWOaS juaurayeys Moy SPUNy Jo sas sisfqeue ones jo aouejedury uonnqno5

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