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1. For which the state policies “on equal access to opportunities for public service and prohibition of political
dynasties” and “strengthening the merit and reward system” intended?
a. To build an egalitarian society c. To put men and women on equal footing
b. To increase labor protection and social security d. To upgrade the quality of public service
2. What do we have in abundance as a result of the insular nature of our country?
a. Beautiful beaches and fishing grounds c. Local and international tourists
b. Spa saloons and sing along d. Beautiful ladies and gentlemen
3. When the Filipino reformist asked the assimilation of the Philippines by Spain, what did they ask for? For the
Philippines to_______________.
a. Be represented in the Spain Colonies
b. Become province of Spain
c. Be independent from Spain with certain conditions
d. Become independent from Spain
4. Which is the Philippines finest harbor and is also one of the finest in the world?
a. Laguna de Bay b. Poro Point c. Subic Bay d.Manila Bay
5. What did the Philippines and United States pledge in their Mutual Defense Treaty?
a. To exchange human resources
b. To support each other if either of them will be attacked by an external party
c. To fight terrorism
d. To exchange human resources
6. In the hostility between the Filipinos and the Americans, who is recorded in history to have fired the first shot?
a. Filipino soldier b. Chinese trader c. An American d. Filipino merchant
7. Which is the message of Rizal’s La Indolencia del Filipino?
a. Study well. That is the only way to go up
b. Rise in arms against Spain. Don’t be lazy
c. The Filipino’s lack unity will penalize them
d. The rich natural resources and favorable climate encourage the Filipino get-by mentality
8. The ultimate objective of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program is ______________
a. The establishment of owner-cultivated farm
b. The distribution of arable lands in the country
c. The abolition of share tenance in favor of lease tenance
d. The cultivation of all idle lands
9. Which according to the participants to the second Plenary Council of the Philippines, is not truly successful
because of the opposition of the landed class?
a. Care for the disabled c. Women empowerment
b. Agrarian Reform d. Cooperative movement
10. The Tasadays used caves for shelter while the Negritos construct dwellings made of stick driven into the ground
and thatched with leaves. To which can you attribute the difference in shelter?
a. Human intelligence c. Gender Difference
b. Exposure to society d. Availability of materials
11. In which area of the globe is the sun low in the sky with its rays slanted?
a. North pole b. South pole c. Equator d. Middle latitude
12. Which is the single greatest threat to global biodiversity?
a. Human population explosion
b. The human destruction to natural habitats
c. Overexploitation of the world’s natural resources
d. Unequal distribution and consumption of resources
13. Which applies correctly to Philippine foreign trade? The Philippine/s________________
a. Expenditures on imports and earnings from exports fluctuate
b. Spend less on imports than it earns from exports
c. Spends more on imports than it earns from exports
d. Expenditure on imports is balanced with its earnings from exports
14. Which tenet of evolution states that mutation occurs in the genetic sequence of an organism through
environmental impacts such as chemicals or radiation?
a. Natural selection c. Microevolution
b. Adaptation d. Speciation

15. What is meant by the statement: “The Filipino has many faces.”?
a. His values are ambivalent
b. He lost the original Filipino traits with the coming of colonizers
c. His one trait is being “doblecara”
d. He is so flexible that he ends up changing his mind again and again
16. Which statement is true regarding the pre-Spanish Filipino government?
a. It was democratic
b. There was a clear cut separation of powers
c. There was a mechanism for check and balance
d. There was no separation of powers
17. Which term in the Philippine Constitution refers to Filipinos with ethnic, linguistic and cultural traditions?
a. Cultural communities c. Basic autonomous social institutions
b. Ethnic tribes d. Indigenous cultural communities
18. Which power does the state exercise in its act of requiring teachers to have license for teaching before they are
allowed to teach?
a. Executive power c. Power of taxation
b. Police power d. Eminent power
19. Which department/s is/are charged with the power to administer the laws?
a. Executive and judiciary c. Legislative
b. Executive d. Judiciary
20. The Philippines is comparatively a geographically hazardous place because it_______________.
a. has irregular coastlines c. has islands which are below sea level
b. has many active volcanoes d. is surrounded by several trenches
21. Which province has an underground river, green surroundings and white beaches, which lure tourists to come
most especially during the dry season?
a. Palawan b.Mindoro c. Davao Oriental d. Bohol
22. Through the galleon trade, the Philippines had extended historical contacts with ____________.
a. India b. China c. Mexico d. Portugal
23. Considering subsequent events in Philippine history, what was one significance of Magellan’s expedition?
a. It proved that the earth is ¾ water and ¼ land
b. The Europeans came to know the existence of our very rich archipelago
c. It proved that the Spaniards were better navigators than the Portugese
d. It established the continent of Asia
24. Arrange the following events in Philippine history in chronological order.
I. Philippines was under the Japanese occupation
II. The Philippines was under America in the form of Commonwealth
III. The Commonwealth period was interrupted by World War II
25. The sudra is the caste-sytem as _____ is to pre-Hispanic Philippines.
a. Maharlika b. Serf c. Timmawa d. Alipin
26. Which describes the Battle of Manila Bay correctly?
a. The Americans won the battle with great difficulty
b. The Spaniards readily won the battle over the Americans
c. It was a mock naval battle between the Spaniards and the Americans
d. The Americans ships outnumbered those of the Spaniards
27. Which poem was written by Rizal to teach love of one’s language?
a. La Vision de Fr. Rodriguez c. Sa Aking Kababata
b. El Consejo de los Dioses d. A la Juventud Filipina
28. Who continued to fight the Spaniards in Ilocos after her husband’s death?
a. Georgia de Jesus b. Trinidad Tecson c. Gabriela Silang d. Agueda Esteban
29. Which term refers to an awful means of escaping from payment of taxes?
a. Exemption b. Evasion c. Avoidance d. Shifting
30. Most of the parents in your school are farmers. Their agricultural supplies are provided by a cooperative which
sells their farm produce at the same time. Of which type of a cooperative are they member?
a. Progressive taxation b. Equity in taxation c. Equality in taxation d. Uniformity taxation
31. Which, according to research, is related to increased aggression in children?
a. Viewing ciolence c. Eating junk foods
b. Coming from single parent homes d. Playing with toy guns at an early age
32. To which is stratification most closely related?
a. Assimilation c. Social differentiation
b. Social identification d. Social disorganization

33. Left with no choice, a number of Filipinos make a living from garbage dumps. The point to which Filipino trait(s).
a. Basic optimism, ability to survive c. Indolence
b. Indolence and extravagance d. Extravagance
34. Sometimes we Filipinos are perceived to be playful and cynical when we laugh off our miseries. Which positive
Filipino trait/s is/are described?
a. Joy and humor b. Creativity c. Faith in God d. Adaptability and adjustment
35. Which is a Constitutional response to the worsening rural-urban disparities?
a. Immigration to the cities
b. Observance of Filipino-first policy
c. Privatization of industry
d. Local governments’ share in the national wealth taxes
36. When the British colony of India became independent in 1947, which new nation was split into two parts because
of its Islamic belief?
a. India b. Pakistan c. Nepal d. Sri Lanka
37. What could be (a) reason/s why the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization did not develop into a strong alliance?
I. India, Indonesia and Japan, three of the largest non-Communist in Asia did not join
II. The members were divided on the extent of Communist threat and how to meet it.
III. There were non-Asian nations who were members of the organization
a. II only b. I. only c. II and II d. I, II, and III
38. What should be the anthropologist’s action on ethnocentrism?
a. Be lukewarm about it c. Encourage it
b. Advocate it d. Eliminate and prevent it
39. What does dependency theory state about modernization? Traditional cultures _________.
a. Cannot help but depend on rich societies for survival
b. Are meant to be dependent on rich societies
c. And modern cultures depend on each other for development
d. Cannot modernized, they are caught in a dependency relationship with rich societies
40. The negation of the statement “If stock prices are rising, then food prices are high” is:
a. “If foods prices are not high, and then stocks are not rising.”
b. “If stocks are not rising, then food prices are not high.”
c. “If stocks are falling, then food prices are low.”
d. “Stocks are rising but prices are not high.”
41. Which biological characteristics do humans share with most primates?
I. Acute vision and depths perception
II. Relatively large brains
III. Grasping hands
a. I and III b. I, II and III c. I and II d. II and III
42. Which supports the Filipino desire to pursue excellence?
a. “make-do” mentality c. Meritocracy
b. “looking good” not “being good” mentality d. Intolerance for opposing views
43. The plan for comparative economic development in Southeast Asia is popularly known as the:
a. World Trade Plan c. MAPHILINDO Plan
b. Operation Brotherhood d. Colombo Plan
44. Were all countries in Asia colonized by foreign power?
a. No. Thailand is the only country that was not colonized by a foreign power.
b. Yes, only during the medieval period.
c. No. Thailand is one among the countries that was not colonized by a foreigner.
d. Yes, from ancient to modern times.
45. With the promotion of social justice in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Absolute right over property c. Equitable access to education
b. Diffusion of wealth d. Profit sharing
46. It is the privilege of the President to address and appear before the Congress at the opening of its regular
session. What do you call this address?
a. Inaugural Address c. State of the Nation Address
b. Privilege Speech d. Presidential Address
47. Which prove/s that the right of suffrage is really universal in the Philippines?
I. All citizens 18 years old and above have it
II. Absentee voting is constitutional mandate
III. The right of suffrage imposes no literacy or property requirement
a. II only b. I and II c. I and III d. I, II and III

48. Which people’s right is violated by cable television operators promoting pornography and violence as a form of
entertainment? Right to ______________.
a. Information c. Communication
b. Education d. Preservation of culture heritage
49. What was out form of government in mind, which word does NOT belong?
a. Elective b. Despotic c. Constitutional d. Presidential
50. The government in ancient manila was by ransom means:
a. The people aided each other with money loans
b. Lack of money meant that one becomes a slave
c. When they desired anything, to each according to his office
d. One can be free of any offense if he has the money to pay for his crime
51. Microeconomics deals with how a market economy determines
a. The price of services c. The price of goods
b. The price of economic resources d. All of the above
52. An instance that shifts the demand to the right:
a. Expected future increase in prices
b. Decrease in income
c. Increase in population with the presence of related product
d. Lower preference of the consumer for the good
53. The population of the Philippines increases by 15%; this affects
a. A decrease in supply c. An increase in demand
b. A decrease in demand d. An increase in supply
54. The lesser substitutes there are for a good, the lesser the demand because the good is:
a. Inelastic b. Unitary elastic c. Elastic d. None of the Above
55. The law of diminishing marginal utility proves
a. Maximum consumption is only up to maximum utility
b. Consumption is up to the point of maximum satisfaction
c. Man has no satisfaction
d. Both A and B.
56. Increasing one factor input without changing the other results in
a. Hierarchy of isocost c. Hierarchy of isoquants
b. Diminishing returns d. Returns of scale
57. Which of these was a result of the rise of modern industry?
a. The center of industrial activity moved from the factory to home
b. After the Industrial Revolution, the family became a relatively sufficient economic group
c. The workers gained control of the tools of production
d. The proportion of women gainfully employed outside the home
58. Which of the following can increase investment?
a. Increase foreign borrowings c. Increase in savings
b. Increase foreign investment d. All of the above
59. The prominent cause of our being backward in terms of economy.
a. Poor nationalism
b. Lack of discipline and interest in our work
c. Unpleased by unattractive incentives
d. Incentives for science and research do not seem to be a priority
60. A policy that controls taxes and government expenditures:
a. Trade policy b. Monetary policy c. Fiscal policy d. None of the above
61. A person can be sent to prison for failure to pay his community tax.
a. False b. True c. It depends d. Neither of the three
62. The only official vested with the power and discretion to enter into compromise of tax cases;
a. President b. BIR Commissioner c. Courts d. Senate and congress
63. The largest percentage of landlord with holdings of seven and more hectares of land is found:
a. Central Luzon c. Ilocos region
b. Southern Mindanao d. Eastern Visayas
64. Agency that assists in the identification of qualified beneficiaries and landowners:
a. Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee
b. Presidential Agrarian Reform Council
c. Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee
d. None of the above
65. The system of landlordism in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period:
a. Feudalism b. Manorial system c. Caciquism d. None of the above

66. Which is mandated by the Constitution to “create an agency to promote the growth and viability of cooperatives?”
a. Senate
b. Department of Agrarian Reform Program
c. Congress
d. None of the above
67. A ground for automatic termination of membership in a cooperative:
a. Withdrawal b. Termination c. Dissolution d. None of the above
68. A cooperative can combine two or more business activities of different types.
a. False b. Either true or false c. Neither true/false d. True
69. The most important social function of the Agrarian Reform Program:
a. Gives freedom of management
b. Challenges to use potential resources
c. Redistributes responsibility
d. Redistributes wealth among less privileged
70. The main oppositor of Philippine agrarian reform is/are the
a. Church b. State c. Lawmakers d. Hacienderos
71. The existing problem on land ownership is caused by
a. Years of feudalism
b. Defects in land titling and registrations
c. Onrush agribusiness operation
d. Negligence by past government administrators
72. A large proportion of the total working population is employed in
a. Service business c. Service business
b. Manufacturing industry d. None of the above
73. When banks limit lending to industries so that monetary expansion can also benefit agriculture, this is an example
a. Policy coordination d. Selective control
b. Mortal suasion d. Reserve requirement
74. If a businessman manages to shift the burden of tax to customers, the incidence of tax is on:
a. The customers b. Both of them c. The businessman d. None of them
75. Loans coming in or being paid by our government as balance of payments:
a. Capital movements c. Current transactions
b. Transfer payments d. None of the above
76. Most commonly-used index in measuring price increases that reflects what happens to the living standard:
a. Retail price index c. Wholesale price index
b. Stock price index d. Consumer price index

77. GNP is equal to the additive values of factor contributions in the process of transforming Products into final forms:
a. Income Approach c. Value-Added Approach
b. Expenditure Approach d. None of the above
78. A monopolistic competitor can sell at a price higher than the others because of
a. The price
b. The non price
c. The quality of product
d. The competitive factors other than price & quality of products
79. Oil industry in the Philippines is considered
a. A pure monopoly b. A monopoly c. An oligopoly d. None of the above
80. A teacher gives up teaching to work abroad. His income as a teacher is:
a. An implicit cost c. A fixed cost
b. An opportunity cost d. An explicit cost
81. The rapid place if globalization has resulted in:
a. New threats to human security in both rich and poor countries
b. The explosion in information and communication technology
c. The richest people having more money
d. The changing rules of globalization
82. Member of human groups act towards and react to one another simply according to:
a. The employed single organizing principles
b. Whims and circumstances of the moment
c. Common interests and voluntary associations
d. A set of multi-individual expectations that influence & control each person’s attitude

83. One of the following can be destroyed by man in one generation and yet will take hundreds of years to replenish.
Which is it?
a. Minerals b. Top soil c. Fossil fuels d. Oceanic water
84. Broad, flat stretches of treeless grasslands cover large areas of Siberia and the grass is green in the spring but
becomes brown under the scorching heat of summer. This is called:
a. Savanna b. Tundra c. Steppe d. Tropical grass land
85. Scientists consider this instrument to get a true notion of the earth’s land and forms.
a. Maps c. Remote sensing
b. Space eye views d. Photographs taken by astronauts
86. On a June day, the temperature in London is probably closes to which city?
a. Belgrade b. Helsinki c. Paris d. Athens
87. The pattern of changes in temperature and moisture conditions over a period of years:
a. Climate b. Latitude c. Weather d. Winds
88. If you were planning to go someplace for winter sports, which would be the best place to visit?
a. Helsinki b. Tokyo c. Paris d. Bonn
89. The country that is affected by the winds that bring cold weather from the South Pole is:
a. Malaysia b. Japan c. Australia d. United States
90. This is another major that wears away the earth surface on one location and builds up parts of the land
a. Erosion b. Drainage basin c. Slit d. Deposition
91. Korea can no longer be called “Land of the Morning Calm” because:
a. Of constant fighting
b. The people are so noisy
c. The government is divided
d. Of the disagreement between the two governments
92. Communism has a good effect on Central Soviet Asia because:
a. A government was established
b. They were able to produce food
c. Of the formation of commercial organization
d. Of the rise of factories in the desert parts of the country
93. Asians believe that the best system to develop and improve life is to have:
a. A good behavior b. A good economy c. Their sculpture d. Their sports
94. All over Asia’s capital cities, Filipinos are well known for:
a. Their paintings b. Their music c. Their sculpture d. Their sports
95. The idea system of primitive groups of people are highly restricted and traditional in content and in additions have
been transmuted into customary ways of doing things, this best illustrates:
a. Change of ideas into action
b. The repetition of customary ways of doing things
c. How primitive people evaluate the worth of ideas
d. The stability of the primitive social organization
96. It is the attempt to reconstruct and describe the social learned traits of prehistoric and historic populations:
a. Archeology b. Ethnology c. Sociology d. Linguistic
97. Different archeological cultures have been recognized through:
a. The type of archeological equipment used c. The nature of materials
b. The name of the site where it was found d. Dates of the sites
98. In the analysis of culture, most anthropologists agree that the emphasis should be upon:
a. Traits that are learned and shared c. Traits are solely individual or personal
b. Giving equal weights to all traits d. Biologically inherited traits
99. The bad effect of the population program was:
a. Media’s lack of ethics
b. The abusive use of contraceptives
c. The lowering of the people’s morale
d. The disagreement in principles of the church and the state
100. The town and cities that became centers of trade and commerce in Europe can be found:
a. Around the manor c. In the coastal area
b. In river valleys d. At crossroads
101. Thucydides is the first scientific historian of the world because:
a. His work contained added wonderful pictures and other happenings
b. He presented his book in chronological order of events
c. He related his stories with accurate and exact data
d. He wrote his book with all the data

102. The Assyrians become brutal, merciless warriors interested only in wars due to:
a. Their knowledge of horses c. The fierce neighboring states
b. Their ability to terrify other states d. The kind of land where they lived
103. Based on the description of the remains of the early man, the nearest to the modern man was:
a. Neanderthal man b. Java man c. Cro-magnon man d. Peking man
104. The very first ancient people to use iron in weapons and equipments:
a. Persians b. Hittites c. Hebrews d. Egypsian
105. This ancient school boy had to learn the 600 syllable of their written language:
a. Persian school boy c. Egyptian school boy
b. Chinese school boy d. Babylonian school boy
106. The earliest people started to show their aesthetic sense of beauty:
a. When they discovered other equipment aside from stones and metals
b. When they started to use copper for their tools
c. When they made use of improved metal tools
d. When they started to polish their stones
107. The use of this made man take one more giant step towards the world of fine tools and equipments:
a. Use of polish stone c. Use of crude stone tools
b. Use of fires d. Use of metals
108. It is philosophical view that educational institutions are the agencies for the propagation and perpetuation of
cultural traits:
a. Pragmatism b. Existentialism c.Essentialism d. Progressivism
109. Moral evaluationism is one of the norms of morality that proposes:
a. That human reason is the sole source of all laws
b. That the state laws are the bases of all moral laws
c. That morality is determined by the acquisition of pleasure
d. That morality is not absolute but keeps on changing
110. To what school of education philosophy can this statement be traced? “In the end the learner’s identity is found
in his commitments. What he chooses, that he becomes”
a. Idealism b. Absolutism c. Realism d. Pragmatism
111. Society may be said to exist in and by communication between individuals when:
a. They are involuntary involved in society
b. They are found unavoidably in society
c. Individuals as they grow up voluntarily form society
d. Their normal environment is in association with each other
112. It is the classification of lands of the public domain where the land maintained by the knowledge in which all
minds are thinking as one:
a. Individual mind b. Social mind c. Educative mind d. Philosophical mind
113. This is the classification of lands of the public domain where the land maintained by the government is used as a
place of beauty and recreation:
a. National parks b. Mineral c. Forest or timber d. Agricultural
114. This court has jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases involving graft and corruption practices committed by
public officials and employees:
a. Court Of Appeals b. Lower court c. Sandiganbayan d. Supreme Court
115. It is crime committed by any person who owes allegiance to the Philippines but adheres to its enemies, giving
them aid and comfort within the Philippines:
a. Graft and Corruption c. Culpable violation of the Constitution
b. Bribery d. Treason
116. It is part of the law which creates, defines and regulates right concerning life, liberty or property:
a. Substantive rights
b. Integrated bar
c. Legal assistance to the underprivileged
d. Substantive law
117. A compact made between two or more states intended to create binding rights and obligations upon the parties,
there to:
a. Executive agreement c. Treaty
b. International agreement d. Alliance
118. It is the type of non-violation on the prohibition against the use of public money for religious purposes which only
temporary and other members of the community are entitled:
a. Religious use incidental
b. Consideration received
c. Payment based on contract
d. Payment given as compensation

119. A system where there is a fusion rather than a separation between two organs, one body performing two
government functions:
a. French Presidential – Parliamentary system
b. Parliamentary system
c. Monarchial system
d. Presidential system
120. The government in ancient Manila was by ransom which means:
a. One can be free of any offense if he has the money to pay for his crime
b. When they desired anything, to each according to his office
c. The people aided each other with money loans
d. Lack of money meant that one becomes a slave
121. The different holidays observed in the Philippines, this holiday is Rizal’s favorite.
a. Holy week c. Town fiesta in Calamba
b. New Year’s eve d. Christmas eve
122. Two months before Rizal landed in Manilla; His novel was being sold by a bazaar owned by:
a. Don Jose A. Ramos c. Don Pedro M. Cruz
b. Dona Saturnina Cuevas d. Don Mariano L. Fuentes
123. Jose Rizal’s profound sense of dignity and self respect was inherent from his:
a. Uncle b. Father c. Mother d. Grandfather
124. Rizal made another written work that the Literary Academy of Ateneo presented the intention of which to receive
the love of the Filipinos for things Philippines:
a. Junto Al Pasig c. The Counsel
b. The Counsel of Gods d. To the Filipino Youth
125. In order to be effective, all cooperativemust:
a. Be independent from each other c. Be dependent on each other
b. Cooperative with each other d. Be self supporting
126. In which country do the pastoral industries play an important role in the economy?
a. Canada b. Germany c. France d. New Zealand
127. Which continents cover 1/3 of the earth’s surface and is home to about 3 billion people?
a. Asia b. North America c. Europe d. South America
128. What is the inner source of strength of the Filipino destitute to keep going?
a. Faith in God c. Bounty of natural resources
b. Physical stamina d. Athletic body
129. One geographical reason why the Philippines does not have enough rice supply because:
a. Its coastal plains are narrow c. It does not have enough rivers for irrigation
b. Its coastal plains are barren d. It receives too much direct sunlight
130. In which zone is the Philippine government generally without right to prohibit fishing by foreigners?
a. Territorial seas c. Contiguous zones
b. High seas d. Exclusive economic zone
131. A major element in the growth of world trade is the:
a. Trade barriers c. Volume of the goods traded
b. Nature of goods traded d. Territorial distance of trading countries
132. When a country experiences inflation, the government should dictate:
a. The surplus budget c. A balanced budget
b. The deficit d. Both A and C
133. Investment expenditures is capital spending derived from:
a. Accumulated savings c. Consumption
b. Current income d. Both A and B
134. Total product continues to increase despite a decrease in the Marginal Products when:
a. The marginal product is still positive
b. The resources mix changes
c. The average product continues to increase
d. The marginal product is already negative
135. A sum money annually paid by rich Filipinos in order to be exempted from force labor:
a. Sanctorum b. Bandalla c. Falla d. Cedula/ctr
136. In general, the government which Spain established in the Philippines was highly:
a. Centralized b. Autocratic c. Dictatorial d. Democratic
137. They are the last immigrants from mainland Asia to reach the Philippines:
a. Aetas b. Dawnmen c. Malays d. Indonesians
138. It is the act of presenting one’s claims, answers or arguments in defense or prosecution of an action:
a. Procedure c. Practice of laws
b. Pleading d. Protection and enforcement

139. These become the ingredient of educational philosophy:
a. Tradition and common sense c. Religion and moral
b. Biology and psychology d. Sociology and psychology
140. These are stone monuments that relates what the Egyptians’ were like and what they did thousand years ago:
a. Obelisks b. Sphinxes c. Pyramids d. Temple of karnak
141. Which duty do you fulfill if you give information to the proper authority on the whereabouts of the wanted
criminals of the country?
a. To engage in gainful work c. To uphold the constitution
b. To exercise rights responsibility d. To cooperate with duly constituted authorities
142. The following are our constitution EXCEPT to ____________.
a. Form association labor unions
b. Be presumed guilty until proven guilty
c. Have access to the record of government
d. Be entitled to free legal assistance if we are a pauper litigant
143. Hazing rights in school persist despite their being outlawed. Which is the purpose of such rites?
a. To foster patriotism c. To minimize culture shock
b. To preserve tradition d. To mark changes in an individual status

144. Which countries are principal purchasers of the Philippine exports?

a. United States, China, India c. India, Korea, Great Britain
b. China, France, Italy d. United States, Japan, Singapore
145. The Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya put out subabul plantation programmed that would see more than 3 tons lakh
trees growing under the care of
a. Teachers b. Parents c. Children d. Servants
146. It is a charter of liberties for the individual and a limitation on the power of the state:
a. Public administration c. Magna carta for a teacher
b. Bill of rights d. State policies
147. These are people who enjoy full civil and political privileges and owe allegiance to the state:
a. Citizen b. National c. Aliens d. All of the above
148. When the maximum period for rendition of decisions is within 24 months, this is done by the:
a. Supreme court b. Court of Appeals c. Barangay Court d. Lower Court
149. Which type of government proclaimed Philippine independence on June 12, 1898?
a. Parliamentary b. Dictatorial c. Republican d. Commonwealth
150. The maximum price that can be legally charged for a good or service is called___________
a. Price floor b. Price ceiling c. Legal wage d. Minimum wage




1. The Japanese rebuild their communities to show their good character after an earthquake. One thing that does not
describe the Japanese people is this kind of character.
a. Unity b. Solidarity c. Superiority over nature d. Fortitude
2. This replaced the tribute is more of a form of taxation in the Hispanic Philippine colony in 1884.
a. Donativo b. Santotum c. Diezmos prediales d. Cedula personal
3. One of the following is more of a political realist (“might is right”) than a political idealist.
a. Martin Luther King b. Julius Caesar c. Mahatma Gandhi d. Benigno Aquino
4. It is a kind of mentally that makes Filipinos think that imported products are superior to Filipino products which do not
help the country’s economy at all.
a. Spendthrift habits b. Colonial mentality c. Passivity attitude d. Luxurious living
5. It is an autonomy granted to Filipinos during the Philippine Commonwealth.
a. Full independence c. American citizenship
b. Freedom in education d. Partial independence
6. It is a religious monarchy and state observer I the United Nations.
a. Kingdom b. Holy see c. Caliphate d. Holy faith
7. When Christopher Columbus arrived in this place in 1492, he thought he had reached India. He therefore called the
people he found there Indians.
a. The America b. “New World” c. Cape of Good Hope d. India
8. It is participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office which is secured within the citizenry.
a. Socio-civic rights b. Political rights c. Right of suffrage d. Right to due process
9. On what year did Haiyan or Yolanda, one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded devastated Southeast Asia,
particularly the Philippines?
a. 2000 b. 2013 c. 1999 d. 2014
10. It describes concentration in thinking as a constant, unbroken line of thought.
a. Disturbance b. Vacillation c. Focus d. Diffusion
11. It is the fundamental basis for data gathered in the science of Sociology, Biology and Physics.
a. Belief b. Logic c. Wisdom d. Observation
12. It is a deliberate deception made by advertisers who say “Everybody use Gugo skin whitener and so you should do
the same.”
a. Falsehood or the Big Lie b. Personal attack c. Circular thinking d. Bandwagon
13. Like Biology and Physics, sociology is scientific because its knowledge is based on __________.
a. Belief b. Observation c. Wisdom d. Logic
14. What characterizes logical reasoning in the thought process?
a. Clarity b. Morality c. Speed d. Reasonable
15. What do we call those people who are for the revival of the classics in social trends?
a. Reformists b. Humanists c. Existentialists d. Rationalists
16. What characterizes good thinker who desire to understand and search for answers and solutions?
a. Traditionalists b. Mythmakers c. Crowd followers d. Innovators
17. It is a fallacy or direct deception made by a politician who puts an ugly, unfair and defamatory label on people, e.g..
“Activists are all terrorists.”
a. Distraction b. Rationalizing c. Name-calling d. Loaded words
18. These are basic needs, and not simply related items or complimentary goods that compliment man’s basic needs in
a. Bags and shoes b. Clothing c. Electricity d. Food and shelter
19. What shows the kind of thinking which likes to identify an idea or dillemna, wherein thinkers may engage in such
mental activities such as careful observation, recalling, imaging, inquiring, interpreting, evaluating, classifying and
a. Doing without knowing c. Reflecting
b. Following orders d. Act on impulse
20. According to Sociologists, conflicts in society need not be violent and could be resolved through this method.
a. Revolution b. Negotiation c. Coup d’ etat d. Putsch
21. Which of the following is not one of the three major aspects of scientific social research?
a. Data collection b. Theory c. Data analysis d. Philosophy
22. It is a principle that no one is above the law and the laws must be obeyed by all the constituents.
a. Social justice b. Rule of majority c. Egalitarian rule d. Rule of law
23. Errors that creep into news reporting and is shown by a newspaper space.
a. News stories b. Erratum c. News photos d. Commentary

24. It is athe basis of scientific theory that can be empirical and not merely speculative or opinionated.
a. Authority b. Traditions c. Evidence-based d. Logical reason
25. It characterizes logical reasoning in the thought process.
a. Clarity b. Reasonableness c. Morality d. Skillful
26. Thinking is a purposeful activity and the unconscious mind can join this thought process which will result with good
a. Feelings b. Instincts c. Dreams d. Insights
27. What is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase our understanding of the
phenomena under study?
a. Discover b. Research c. Data collection d. Experiment
28. What is the branch of philosophy that studies the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe, especially such
characteristics as space, time, casualty, and freedom?
a. Cynicism b. Consciencism c. Cosmology d. Conceptualism
29. Progressivist and existentialist educators see to it that learners will come out ________.
a. Informed b. Creative c. Skillful d. Productive
30. It is the name for the estimated measurement of the ground motion that occurs during an earthquake.
a. Mercalli Scale c. Richter Scale
b. Reachter Scale d. Homerian Scale
31. He was the Greek scholar and librarian of Alexandria who introduced the word geography form the Greek word which
means “earth” and graphos which means to write
a. Aristotle b. Plato c. Eratosthenes d. Socrates
32. The world’s tallest mountain which was formed by the tremendous pressure from the tectonic activity of the earth’s
inner crust.
a. Jaja Peak b. Fuji c. Kilimanjaro d. Everest
33. Maps have several advantages over the globe but this is not one of them.
a. They can be folded, carried and stored
b. They give a true picture of one or two features of the earth
c. They are round with true scales
d. They can show details of the earth’s surface
34. Among the Ancient Greeks this poet is the founder of geography due to his works (Iliad and Odyssey) which
contained much geographical information.
a. Thales b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Homer
35. A sea is a great body of salty water smaller than an ocean, more or less landlocked. Which is a large part of the
ocean or sea partly enclosed by land?
a. Canal b. Strait c. Lake d. Gulf
36. It demonstrates interconnectedness between social and environmental injustices.
a. Desertification of verdant regions
b. Highly industrialized countries toxic waste disposed to poorer countries
c. Temperature warming and rise of sea level
d. Extinction of rare animal species
37. He wrote seventeen volumes of books with a wealth of information on classical geography.
a. Aristotle b. Strado c. Homer d. Ptolemy
38. The most violent yet the smallest storm typically only 30 meters in diameter.
a. Greenpeace Act c. Environmental Security Act
b. Anti-Pollution Act d. Clean Air Act
39. An environmental law which requires industries to install anti-pollution devices and bans the use of incinerators.
a. Greenpeace Act c. Environmental Security Act
b. Anti-Pollution Act d. Clean Air Act
40. The term for volcanoes that have not shown any volcanic action or eruption for hundreds of years.
a. Active b. Extinct c. Intermittent d. Dormant
41. What kind of energy source has been explored from volcanic resources?
a. Solar energy c. Natural gas energy
b. Crude oil energy d. Geothermal energy
42. What natural disaster can bring havoc to the country’s long coastline twice as long as that of continental United
a. Earthquakes b. Mudslides c. Flooding d. Tidal waves
43. The physical phenomenon which raises the temperature of the earth’s surface through emission of carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases, especially from industrial centers.
a. Atmospheric winds c. Global warming
b. Ocean heat d. Hurricane

44. How did the Hispanic conquest affected the physical features of the conquered native Filipinos, especially in lowland
a. Indian mestizos c. Light-skinned, high-nosed mestizos
b. Slit-eyed Chinitos d. Fil-Am half-breeds
45. The greatest Chinese scholar who used mythical figures in his geographical treatises to describe what was known as
the earth.
a. Lao Tzu b. Chan the Great c. Confucius d. Yu the Great
46. Scientists theorize that man evolved from an ancestral hominid which split from the chimpanzee 8 million years ago.
What type ago. What type of specie gave rise to the more human appearing species, Homo erectus?
a. Homo erectus c. Neanderthal
b. Homo Habilis d. Peking Man
47. The Ancient Greeks divided the world into three continents, namely Europe, Asia and ______________.
a. Athens b. Africa c. Troy d. Sparta
48. The world population is growing larger everyday, while the fertile soil of the earth is getting smaller caused by human
practices which do not include __________.
a. Overuse of soil through planting c. Cutting of trees
b. Over grazing d. Sustainable agriculture
49. Ocean waves move up and sown, but the only thing that moves forward in a wave is ________.
a. Air b. Energy c. Surf d. Wind
50. Which is the major cause of the death of women in childbirth which was estimated at 500,000 each year as reported
by the World Health Organization (WHO)?
a. Lack of good obstetrician c. Poor reproduction health system
b. Poor nursing education d. Lack of facilities
51. This Filipino trait would have been a beautiful one if it hadn’t been denuded of nobility by joining the bandwagon of
corrupt officials and politicians.
a. Masinop b. Masunurin c. Pakikisama d. Magalang
52. What is considered as India’s hindrance to becoming a unified political culture and preventing the nation’s solid
traditions and institutions like those of Greece and Rome?
a. Hinduism b. Regionalism c. Unified political form d. Central rule
53. Of the following, which is NOT among the major good traits of cultural communities in highland regions?
a. Patience b. Frugality c. Entravagance d. Industry
54. Which is the sociological foundation of the Philippine life under the 1987 Constitution?
a. Cultural Heritage c. Extravagance
b. Arts and Sciences d. industry
55. In whose painting/s was slavery in the Philippines during the Spanish period clearly depicted?
a. Antonio Luna b. Felix Hidalgo c. Juan Luna d. Jose Rizal
56. One instance which show that culture is cumulative (the new addition to the old for novelties) is the _________.
a. OPM (Original Pilipino Music) c. Pinoy Jeepney
b. Barong tagalog and saya d. Folk dancing
57. What kind of prejudice has been overcome in the Philippines in the inclusion of the Muslim holidays that has gained
national respect aside from the Catholic holidays like Christmas, Lenten Season, etc..?
a. Heterosexualism c. Sexism
b. Religious intolerance d. Looksism
58. The most basic right to form a family is _________.
a. Civil right b. Human right c. Religious right d. Legal right
59. It characterized democracy in Greece.
a. Military rule c. Aristocracy
b. Citizen assemblies d. Mob rule
60. The first Mauryan dynasty ruler who unified India’s sub-continent was __________
a. Gautama b. Ashoka c. Chandragupta d. Alexander
61. What type of anthropologists examine social patterns and practices across cultures, with a special interest in how
people live in particular places and how they organize, govern and create meaning?
a. Linguistic b. Socio-cultural c. Chemical d. Biological
62. Who is a well-known Chinese thinker whose socio-political philosophy spread into parts of East Asia.
a. Marco Polo b. Lao Tzu c. Genghis Khan d. Confucius
63. What Filipino trait is directly opposite the American opennesss and transparency?
a. Crab mentality b. Hiya c. Fraudulence d. Racial pride
64. What is manifested by the practice of a group of people of different life styles, ways of living together, value system,
traditions and beliefs?
a. Confusion in mores c. Condition of culture shock
b. Cultural diversity d. Problems in cultural experience

65. The world’s oldest cat dies at 15 yrs. In 2014. And made it into the Guinness World Records in 2012 for the world’s
oldest Janus cat. Where was the name Janus derived from?
a. A Greek God with three faces c. A Greek God with two faces
b. A Roman god with three faces d. A Roman God with two faces
66. A power given to the President to pardon any aged seriously ill inmates as provided under Article VII Section 19 of the
Constitution which pertains to reprieve, absolute or conditional pardon with or without parole conditions and
commutation of sentence.
a. Social rights c. Executive pardon
b. Executive clemency d. Emergency powers
67. Under the law that expands the government’s science and technology scholarship to encourage more college
students to pursue careers in field, students are entitled to an annual award for full-time study equal to the complete
financial assistance package offered under this Republic Act.
a. Republic Act 1237 c. Republic Act 10612
b. Republic Act 7687 d. Republic Act 2019
68. The law that established the National Assembly or lower house of Congress in 1907.
a. Commonwealth Law c. Jones Law
b. Cooper Act d. Tydings-McDuffie Law
69. Who was dubbed as the “Grand Old Man of Philippine Politics,” being a senator of the country for 24 years – the
longest tin Philippine history?
a. Benigno Aquino, Jr. b. Jose P. Laurel c. Ferdinand Marcos d. Lorenzo Tanada
70. The “writ of amparo” grants the fundamental right to _______.
a. Self-defense c. Right to life, liberty and security
b. To be defended by public attorney d. To gather information
71. After 18 years of the Ozone disco blaze 9 persons were sentenced for violating of his act or the anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Act because they failed to detect structural deficiencies and electrical as well as fire safety issued that
caused the blaze.
a. RA 1013 b. RA 3019 c. RA 2015 d. RA 2143
72. The UN recognizes “right to have a family” but a social program modifies this, departing from the traditional religious
belief to “go and multiply”.
a. Gay rights c. Planned parenthood
b. Same gender marriage d. Law against female circumcision
73. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs, what is needed by the Philippines against the reclamation activities of
China in the Philippine Seas which threaten our freedom of navigation, cause irreparable damage to the marine
environment and infringe on the rights of other states?
a. Emergency power b. Military power c. Judicial power d. Police power
74. What makes an autocratic government different from a genuinely benevolent authoritarian government?
a. It decides automatically b. It uses technology c. It controls media d. It is a one-man rule
75. Mr. Wang bo is Korean national. He wants to help the Filipino people by joining the congressional race. He was
naturalized at the age of 21. Can he run for a congressional seat in the Philippines?
a. Yes, because he is a citizen
b. No, because naturalized citizens are disqualified to run for public office.
c. No, because he is underage and a naturalized citizen.
d. Yes, because he was a naturalized citizen.
76. A law that set a full free trade policy abolishing the quota limitations on Philippine exports to the United states.
a. Bell Trade Act c. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act
b. Underwood-Simmons Act d. Payne-Aldrich Act
77. What civilization took pride in the famous penthouse Hanging gardens which was identified as one of the “wonders of
the world”?
a. Assyria b. Persia c. Babylonia d. Sumeria
78. The religious institution which is the only living remnant of the Philippine Revolution of 1896 today.
a. Unitarian Church of the Philippines c. Philippine Independent Church
b. Roman Catholic Church d. United Church of the Philippine
79. Which is the fundamental law of the land?
a. The Ten Commandments c. The Civil and Criminal Code
b. The Philippine Constitution d. The bill of Rights
80. A law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1946 granting $800M financial aid to Filipinos for properly losses and $620M
government rehabilitation after WWII.
a. McArthur Rehabilitation Act c. Cooper Rehabilitation Act
b. Tydings rehabilitation Act d. Bell Rehabilitation Act
81. Which best describes the Division of the Legislature into the Senate and the House of Representative?
a. Unicameralism c. Bicameralism
b. Bipartisanship d. Co-Legislative powers

82. The second editor of La Solidaridad with the penname Dolores Manapat.
a. Garciano Lopez-Jaena b. Jose rizal c. Marcelo H. del Pilar d. Mariano Ponce
83. He was appointed Field marshal of the Philippine Army responsible for the defense of the country prior to the
Japanese invasion.
a. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower c. Gen. William Howard Taft
b. Gen.Douglas McArthur d. Gen. Carlos P. Romulo
84. A bill becomes a law even if it is not signed by the President after _______ days.
a. 90 days b. 60 days c. 45 days d. 30 days
85. The number of ships that arrived in the Philippines from Mexico during the Galleon Trade.
a. Two b. Three c. One d. Five
86. Non-debatable evidence left by Rizal proving his faith in God despite his being estranged from his religion.
a. El Filibusterismo c. Refraction paper form strange beliefs
b. Mi Ultimo Adios d. Noli Me Tangere
87. The approximate percentage of global electricity output from renewable resources,
a. 1 percent b. 8 percent c. 20 percent d. 23 percent
88. A natural disaster which cannot be caused by shifts in the tectonic plates
a. Avalanche c. Hurricane
b. Volcanic activity d. Earthquakes
89. It was news about the discovery of the Katipunan that spread to manila and nearby suburbs, and Andres Ronifacio
immediately called for a general meeting. Various wings of the Katipunan gathered at the house of Juan Ramos
Augest 23, 1896. This signaled the Philippine Rebellion against Spain which was called ______
a. Pact of Biak-na-Bato c. La liga Filipina
b. Battle of San Juan del Monte d. Cry of Pugadlawin
90. To help global climate change, and live a more eco-friendly life which is the best practice which uses less water in
washing plates?
a. Recycling water c. Using a dishwasher
b. Washing by hand d. Using a pall
91. Whose assassination provided the excuse for Austria-Hungary to ask for Germany’s support in declaring war against
Serbia during World War I?
a. Leo Tolstoy c. Nicole Lenin
b. Francis Ferdinand Of Austria d. Gavrillo Princep
92. A ruler who follows the axiom. “The will of the king is the low of the land”
a. Socialist b. Populist c. Reformist d. Despot
93. They are the rich landowners during the Spain era.
a. Cabezas de Barangay c. Haciederos
b. Gobernadocillios d. Encomienderos
94. What is the biggest reason why the Philippines’ political system is so flawed form the time of the datus to the Spanish
encomienda system that has always been a system of patronage, with political power vested in the hands of a few
a. Sibling rivalry b. Indigenous group c. Tribe d. Dynasty
95. It is one of the causes of poverty in the Philippines which is rooted in the human emotion.
a. Corruption b. Greed c. Lack of education d. Power politics
96. It was the transition to the new manufacturing processes in the period form about 1760 to sometime between 1820
and 1840.
a. Green Revolution c. Machineries Revolution
b. Industrial Revolution d. Human Revolution
97. A law that sets the minimum age of candidates for mayors and councilors.
a. Local Government code b. Labor Code c. Civil Service Law d. Election code
98. It is the method of providing buyers with information about specific goods, service and opportunities with the goal of
increasing sales.
a. Journalist b. Propaganda c. Advertising d. Bulletins
99. Among the Greeks state, Athens was the most progressive and famous for its statement of which ONE was
considered the most famous because he drew up a constitution all citizens a voice in the government.
a. Xerxes b. Zoroaster c. Solon d. Cicero
100. It was the goal of the Propaganda Movement for the Philippine colony as a province of Spain.
a. Reformation b. Autonomy c. Assimilation d. Independence
101. In Western Europe, unemployment is described as a luxury because of there benefits given to those who are
unemployed for six months.
a. Bonus b. Holiday pay c. Unemployment benefits d. Paid travel
102. What is generally traced to a slowdown in the country’s unemployment problem?
a. Foreign debt b. Imports c. Exports d. Productivity

103. By mid 1980’s crop yield such as in fell from 4%-6% a year to only 2% or less by the late 1930 (FAO report),
when demand for this commodity increased.
a. Population b. Infrastructure c. Food d. Service
104. What program promised more food for every household through planting of vegetable in home gardens and pots?
a. Angat Filipino Movement c. Kulusang kabuhayan at Kaunlaran
b. Go Negosyo d. Green revolution
105. By mid-1980’s, the crop yields in India fell from 4%-6% a year to only 2% or less by the late 1980’s (FAO report),
what increased its demand?
a. Services b. Infrastructure c. Population d. Food
106. It refers to the ratio of tax collection to gross domestic product (GDP) or the total value of goods and service
produced and paid for within an economy in a given period measures the government’s ability to shore up tax
collection commensurate with the growth of the economy.
a. Tax measure b. Tax remittance c. Tax collection d. Tax effort
107. How can Filipinos overcome weak points in our culture, e.g. credit card over-spending?
a. Use scientific reasoning c. Copy economic models of other nations
b. Cultivate positive traits d. Observe business ethics
108. This is to equip people in low-income provinces with relevant technical skills and practical know-how on starting
small business as the Philippines Amusement and Gaming (TESDA) launched this project.
a. Alternative Learning System c. Mobile Training Laboratories
b. Outreach programs d. Distance Learning Program
109. What correlates best with the right to human dignity?
a. Position and Prestige c. Honor and Reputation
b. Family Name d. Celebrity status
110. Graphics communicate message to learners through this dimension materials.
a. Concrete b. Non-photographic c. Subjective d. realistic
111. In Field Study, parents observed to be caring, but unmindful of their children’s manners of home are considered
a. Authoritarian b. Permissive c. Authoritative d. Rejecting defined
112. An essay assignment to “write about EDSA revolution” may result in irrelevant and unnecessary piece of writing,
because the assignment is not____________
a. Important b. Relevant c. General enough d. Properly defined
113. It is based on the belief that learning occurs when learners are actively involved in the learning process and not
just possibly receivers of information.
a. Experimental learning c. Collaborative learning
b. Constructive teaching d. Conceptual learning
114. What is drawn from this philosophy of learning that prescribes only necessary subjects in basic education?
a. Existentialism b. Classify c. Essentialism d. Behaviorism
115. Which is a flexible and individual support for children with special needs that are a part of education?
a. Exclusive b. Conclusive c. Inclusive d. Exhaustive
116. Which is the LEAST useful for critical thinking learning?
a. Problem-solving c. Rote recall
b. Relating events and people d. Self0made projects
117. This aims for outcomes that require student application and creation.
a. Field study method c. Rote memory method
b. Project method d. Reflective method
118. Knowing the purpose of research topic, the next step in social research is _______ which clarifies concepts, e.g.
reproductive health, contraceptives, natural birth control, etc.
a. Operationalization c. Conceptualization
b. Population sampling d. Data processing
119. Which part of instruction gives due consideration to differences in interests, abilities and needs of learning?
a. Experiential b. Adaptive c. Experimental d. Remedial
120. The first in social research is to define your purpose and come up with an assumed position or __________, e.g.
Majority of lay Catholic mother agree with their priests on objections to RH bill.
a. Outline b. Rational c. Question d. Hypothesis
121. It provides educator, teachers and curriculum makers with framework planning, implementing and evaluating
curriculum in school.
a. Archeology b. History c. Philosophy d. Anthropology
122. It is a curriculum used in schools wherein we recognize what teachers implement or deliver in the classroom and
a. Learned b. Written c. Assessed d. Taught

123. It lays the strong foundation of any curriculum. A curriculum planner or specialist, implementer or the teacher,
school heads, evaluator anchors his/her decision making process on this philosophy.
a. Scientific philosophy c. Essential philosophy
b. Educational philosophy d. Existential philosophy
124. It history and origin began in the early 19th century with the positivist philosophy of science,
a. Anthropology b. Sociology c. Social Science d. Philosophy
125. In teaching Social Studies, teacher Eva focuses on social issues, e.g. poverty, crime, corruption, etc. as
springboard lectures, discussions, discovery activities, etc. How can her lesson design be described?
a. Humanistic design c. Experience-centered design
b. Child-centered design d. Problem-centered design
126. What is the practice of creating “instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more
efficient, effective and appealing?”
a. Informal Design c. Formal Design
b. Instructional Design d. Constructional Design
127. Below are the characteristics of Constructivist teaching EXCEPT which one?
a. Activities are interactive and student-centered c. Environment is democratic
b. Learners are not actively involved d. Teachers-facilitators process learning
128. To identify an idea or dilemma, thinkers may engage in such metal activities as careful observation, recalling,
imaging, inquiring, interpreting, evaluating, classifying, and judge. This shows that thinking is much like __________.
a. Following orders b. Act on impulse c. Reflecting d. Doing without knowing
129. Filipinization is a gradual or general replacement of Americans by Filipinos in government service. It was during
his term that this was implemented in the Philippines.
a. Frank Murphy b. Leonard Wood c. Francis Burton Harrison d. Henry Ide
130. Teacher Susie is a creative teacher who uses the project method to draw out originality from her students. She
therefore aims for outcome
a. Recall of information c. Critical analysis
b. Application and creation d. Perception and comprehension
131. To improve Sensing Feeling (SF) intelligence, teacher Rica makes certain students LEAST engage in too much
a. Cooperating learning c. Character study learning
b. Facilitative learning d. Competitive games
132. Which tool is used for assessing student’s academic abilities?
a. Norm-Referenced Test c. Intelligence test
b. Achievement test d. Formative test
133. Flexible and individualized support for children with special needs is part of _________ education.
a. Conclusive b. Exclusive c. Inclusive d. Exhaustive
134. In introducing how people in government units work and achieve results, which of the following is the visual way
of charting how work proceeds to achieve outcomes. E.g. in an agriculture agency?
a. Fishbone diagram b. Flow chart c. Tree or stream chart d. Time chart
135. The foundation of this educational movement was created by John Dewey.
a. Naturalism b. Progressivism c. Essentialism d. Perennialism
136. Least-likely used for critical thinking.
a. Relating events and people b. Lecture c. Rote recall d. Problem-solving
137. What type of materials is used to transfer information from one person to another?
a. Constructional b. Informal c. Formal d. Instructional
138. The role played by assessment that determines the extent objectives of learning.
a. Formative b. Placement c. Diagnostic d. Summative
139. Teacher Jill stressed the whole picture of the Philippine Social System and the application of knowledge from
different fields, (history, environment, organization, etc.) to understand various aspects of Filipinos behavior. What is
the point of stressed by Teacher Jill?
a. Universalism b. Holism c. Adaptation d. Integration
140. To effectively combine objective and precise assessment of learning, this technique can be employed.
a. Oral recitation c. Subjective evaluation
b. Observational performance-based d. Generalized assignment
141. The actual democratic transformation of the country commenced within movement resulted in Ferdinand Marcos
exile in 1986 and Corazon Aquino’s assuming the presidency.
a. Government’s Power c. Military Power
b. Prayer Power d. People Power
142. A teacher shows she knows young learners well by avoiding this.
a. Step-by-step directions b. Active learning c. Hands-on experience d. Complex directions
143. Dataless numerical and better adapted for qualitative analysis.
a. Annulments b. Love feeling c. Single mothers d. Divorces

144. They provide the information sources in the internet.
a. Hypermedia b. Scanner c. MIDI service d. Worldwide web
145. Numbers are assigned to quantify variables, assigning degrees or values.
a. Scale measure c. Distance measure
b. Index measurement d. Relative intensity measure
146. Teacher Dan wants to show the difference between a unicameral and bicameral system of legislation and
merits/demerits in both. What visual way of charting is useful?
a. Pareto chart c. Time chart
b. Gaunt chart d. Comparison and contrast chart
147. Which is a direct measure of competence?
a. Paper-pencil test b. Performance test c. Standardized test d. Personality
148. Along the aim of educating productive citizens, what is stressed by authentic assessment over traditional
assessment method?
a. Testing of academic skills c. Competencies in real-world tasks
b. Body of knowledge and skills d. Holism in knowledge competencies
149. Among forms of authentic assessment, which uses the collection of student’s reflections on learning?
a. Essay Test b. Journal c. Rubrics d. Portfolio
150. Social studies which answer the questions what, where, when and how are ________.
a. Correlation b. Exploration c. Description d. Explanation




1. Which of the following is not included in the qualifications of the President and Vice President of the Philippines?
a. Registered voter
b. Able to read and write
c. At least 39 years old
d. Resident of the Philippines for at least ten years
2. What is a form of government which the supreme and final authority is in hands of a single person?
a. Aristocracy c.Monarchy
b. Democracy d.Any of the above
3. Which of the following is not a part of a constitution?
a. Constitution of the Government c. Constitution of Sovereignty
b. Constitution of Liberty d.None of the above
4. Who among the following public officials may be impeached?
a. Congressman b.Vice president c.City mayor d.Vice mayor
5. What is the right possessed by every citizen conferred upon him by God as a human being?
a. Statutory right c.Natural right
b. Constitutional right d.Civil right
6. Which of the following is not a right of the accused in criminal cases?
a. Right against self-incrimination
b. Right against double jeopardy
c. Right against the use of torture, violence or any other means which vibrates the free will
d. Right not to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him
7. What is the power to enact laws intended as rules of conduct to govern the relations among individuals and the
a. General Legislative Power c.Implied Power
b. Specific Power d.Inherent Power
8. How many years is the term of office of a senator?
a. 3 years b.6 years c.10 years d.5 years
9. Which of the following is a power of the President?
a. Military power c. Appointing power
b. Power to address the Congress d. All of the above
10. What does Judicial Power means?
a. The power to apply the law to contests and disputes concerning legally recognized rights or duties between
the state and private person or between individual litigants in case properly brought before the judicial
b. The power which is possessed and can be exercised by every government because it exists as an attribute
of sovereignty.
c. The power to enact laws intended as rules of conduct to govern the relations among individual and state.
d. The power to enter into treaties or the international agreement.
11. The ombudsman must be ____years old at the time of his appointment.
a. 40 b. 20 c. 35 d. 45
12. Which of the following tools includes statistics, economic history, and study of relationship of institutions?
a. Factual tools c. Economic concepts
b. Theoretical tools d. Economic models
13. What is the branch of economics that examines the functioning of individual industries and the behavior of individual
decision-making units?
a. Economics c.Macroeconomics
b. Microeconomics d.Sociology
14. Sector of the modern economy that collects taxes to ensure that policies and program are in place to encourage
economic interactions among different sectors.
a. Households c.Government
b. Foreign sector d.Business firms
15. What is the desire or need of human being to consume a good or avail of a service?
a. Demand b.Supply c.Want d.Need
16. Which of the following is not an element of demand?
a. Consumer preference c.Income
b. Factors of production d.Population

17. What does Law of Demand states?
a. The higher the price, the greater the quantity supplied, the lower the price, the smaller the quantity supplied.
b. If the price is higher, supply is greater, demand is lower, if the price is lower, supply is lesser, demand is
c. The higher the price, the smaller the quantity demanded, the lower the price, the greater the quantity
d. The higher the price, the greater the quantity demanded, the lower the price, the smaller the quantity
18. What is the theory that deals with the issue on how people ought to be governed, to preserve the rights of individuals
and to assure the continuation of a society as a whole?
a. Social theory b.Political theory c.Economic theory d.None of the above
19. What is the first hand account of an event?
a. Written history c.Oral history
b. Contemporary history d.Observation history
20. What is commonly referred to in elementary education as civics?
a. Psychology b.History c.Geography d.Political Science
21. Which can extend one’s genetic potential to a limit
a. Education
b. Internal struggle
c. Biological inheritance
d. Rich socio-cultural environment
22. Which of the following would not characterize one’s feeling for his/her in group?
a. Sense of belonging
b. Thinking of the members in terms of stereo-types
c. Loyalty to the other members
d. Feeling of camaraderie
23. What is the basic element of social structure in Philippine society?
a. Rural community b.School c.Family d.Facebook friends
24. What is the lowest unit of government in the Philippines?
a. Town b. City c. Barangay d. Barrio
25. Citizens of the Philippines include those whose __________ are citizens of the Philippines.
a. Fathers or mothers c. Mothers only
b. Fathers only d.Both fathers and mothers
26. __________ is a farmer who cultivates the soil to produce surplus which he sells in the market in order to procure
goods that he cannot produce.
a.Band b. Primitive c. Peasant d. Barrio
27. __________ refers to the reform of evaluation that answers the question “How are you doing?”
a. Formative evaluation
b. Criterion-referenced evaluation
c. Summative evaluation
d. Norm-referenced evaluation
28. Which of the following terms refers to the statistical measure of the degree of dispersion in distribution of scores?
a. Mean b.Percentile score c.Raw score d.Standard deviation
29. What is the concern of sociologists about values?
a. Their judgment of people’s behavior
b. Their standards for viewing the people’s goals, choices and behavior
c. Their evaluation
d. Their endorsement of people’s behavior
30. What is the underlying fabric of authority?
a. Force b.Ideology c.Power d.Governance
31. What is the material wealth given to the bride and her family before marriage?
a. Fetish b.Fosterage c.Bridewealth d.Dowry
32. The Filipinos are protected in their life, liberty and property under the __________.
a. Bill of Rights b.Courts c.Government d.Laws
33. In the Philippines, the President is elected for a term of six years by __________.
a. Citizens with property
b. Electoral congress
c. Direct vote of the people
d. Barangay representatives

34. To Plato, the Guardians whose work is the most important of all must __________.
a. Be a friend to everyone
b. Have ability to deceive his people
c. Have a passion for knowledge
d. Rule for their interest
35. __________ is a process of change through time in definite direction.
a. Evolution b.Revolution c.Nativistic d.Movements
36. What is the main function of the state?
a. Regulation of production, distribution and consumption
b. Regulation of manpower resources
c. Formation of capital and control of investments
d. The maintenance of peace and order
37. Who is the pioneer of the cognitive perspective of learning with his work on cognitive maps and latent learning?
a. Garcia b.Tolman c.Skinner d.Thorndike
38. Which of the following is an example of a positive reinforcement?
a. A child receiving a gold star for good behavior
b. A rat receiving a shock after each positive response
c. An adult getting out of bed when the alarm sounds
d. A dog escaping shock by jumping over a bar
39. What is the ability of an individual to respond to or interact effectively with others in the environment and to manage
interpersonal circumstances in ways that prompt positive outcomes?
a. Economic competence
b. Social competence
c. Political competence
d. Managerial competence
40. What are facts?
a. Information that are proven true.
b. Types of content which have similar occurrence.
c. Events that have occurred in the past or existing in the past.
d. All of the above
41. The following are facts except:
a. The Philippines is an archipelago.
b. The development of a country depends on its human resources.
c. The capital of the Philippines is Manila.
d. Luzon is the largest island in the Philippines.
42. Who is the Filipino anthropologist known for his ethnographic works?
a. Frank Lynch b.Mary Hollnsteiner c.F. Landa Jocano d.Jaime Bulatao
43. John B. Watson believed that the subject matter of psychology should include __________.
a. Only observable behavior
b. Only conscious experience
c. Thoughts, feelings, and observable behavior
d. Perception and observable behavior
44. The network of north-south and east-west lines on the surface of the map is called the __________.
a. Parallel b.Equator c.Grid d.Meridian
45. What is the major force of evolution which acts upon genetic composition of a population in a given environment?
a. Natural selection b.Genetic drift c.Social Darwinism d.Origin of species
46. Which of the following is a learning style representing the degree to which tasks are completed slowly with high
emphasis on accuracy?
a. Field independence b.Field dependence c.Impulsivity d.Reflectivity
47. In order to reduce student’s tendency to skip class after exams, a teacher introduces unannounced quizzes to the
course. The teacher uses a __________ schedule of reinforcement.
a. Variable-interval b.Fixed-interval c.Fixed-ratio d.Variable-ratio
48. According to Bandura, it is our __________ that guides how we perceive, evaluate, and control our behavior.
a. self-system b.self-actualization c.other system d.self-esteem
49. What is diplomacy?
a. Protocol c. The formal conduct of foreign relations
b. International conferences d. International relations
50. International relations occur at __________.
a. United Nations level
b. Most everywhere
c. Three levels of analysis (state, organization and individual)
d. Government levels
51. What is a territorial and/or loosely organized political unit?
a. Tribe b.Moiety c.Totem d.Band
52. What is the total social heredity of mankind?
a. Culture b.Ethnocentrism c.Animism d.Selection
53. The Philippine custom where men volunteer their services in transferring a house to another place or helping
farmers during the planting and harvesting season is known as __________.
a. Utang na loob b.Bayanihan c.Kaiko d.Fiesta
54. What is the study of fossil evidence of previous life on earth?
a. Paleontology b.Ethnology c.Anthropology d.Functionalism
55. An example of an informal means of social control is __________.
a. Imprisonment b.Fine c.Payment d.Gossip
56. The agency of social control in India is called ___________.
a. Chamar b.Council of leaders c.Shariah d.Panchayat
57. The religious specialist, a curer or medium is called ___________.
a. Shaman b.Witch c.Medicine man d.Sorcerer
58. Who is the scientist who greatly contributed to the natural selection theory?
a. Mendel b.Newton c.Darwin d.Archimedes
59. Who was classified as a Homo sapien?
a. LA. Afarensis b.Tabon Cave Man c.Wadjak d.Java Man
60. What is the biological characteristic shared by the Africanus and Robustus?
a. Language b.Bipedalism c.Bow and arrow d.Digging stick
61. The EDSA Revolution of 1986 ___________.
a. Made the people learn their lessons well
b. Solved many problems
c. Changed the entire system significantly
d. Was not a real revolution
62. The barangay of the pre-colonial Filipinos was ___________.
a. Confederated with other barangays
b. An independent unit
c. Not a permanent unit
d. Confined to family relationship
63. In the preparation of a study or research paper, what is the first thing to do?
a. Make the survey instrument c.Identify the problem
b. Read the literature d.Go to the field to do research
64. A concept that stands alone ___________.
a. Must be descriptive c. Has no meaning
b. Must be elaborate d. Must refer to itself
65. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a ___________.
a. Economic community c. Trading body
b. Decision-making body d. Forum
66. China claims historic rights of sovereignty over the Spratlys but the Philippines claims sovereignty by__________.
a. Discovery b.Occupation c.Unchallenged use d.Succession rights
67. A hypothesis is ___________.
a. An opinion
b. A theory
c. A guesswork
d. A tentative statement of relationship between two or more concepts
68. What establishes the parameters of a research?
a. The framework c. The availability of data
b. The condition of the field d.The hypothesis
69. In writing out the research, always keep in mind ___________.
a. Not to leave out data c. To refer the data to the hypothesis for relevance
b. To be as clear as possible d. To prove always the hypothesis
70. To conceptualize is ___________.
a. To make a leap in knowledge c. Not too useful in science
b. To guess some ideas d. To depart from knowledge
71. Conclusion in a research is to state ___________.
a. The arguments for the use of any method or definition
b. The addition of new information
c. That the hypothesis is validated or not
d. A summary
72. Pythagora’s theory shows ___________.
a. The union of man and animals
b. The unitary nature of man
c. That God is the measure of all things
d. The tripartite nature of man
73. The Sophists as intellectual free lancers taught all kinds of subjects but they were ___________.
a. For truth b.Reformists c.Humanists d.For morality
74. Aristotle said in his Politics that man is by nature ___________.
a. A political animal b.Self-sufficient c.Born free d.Not needing a ruler
75. The enduring goal of the social studies is to develop ___________.
a. Reflective citizens b.Competent citizens c.Concerned citizens d.All of the above
76. Who was the first proponent of the expanding curriculum pattern?
a. John Dewey b.Peter Marterolla c.Paul Hanna d.Hilda Taba
77. What is the form of government in which political control is exercised by all the people, either directly or through
their elected representative?
a. Socialism b.Democracy c.Communism d.None of the above
78. What is the central concept in the study of anthropology?
a. Tradition b.Culture c.Values d.Attitude
79. ___________ focuses on the collective behavior of human beings.
a. Anthropology b.Sociology c.Psychology d.Economics
80. What is Geography?
a. The study of the surface of the earth
b. The study of the relationship between man and his environment
c. Study of the space
d. All of the above
81. What is a globe?
a. Model of the earth b.Replica of the earth c.Copy of the earth d.All of the above
82. Reading and interpreting globes and maps are basic tools in the study of ___________.
a. Economics b.Geography c.Anthropology d.History
83. What is the main purpose of inquiry-oriented teaching?
a. Help students develop the skills and attitudes necessary for independent problem-solving
b. Develop the skills for social interaction
c. Support big and small group discussion
d. Contribute to the class discussion
84. What is an agreement between a teacher and a student which specifies what the student will study, how the material
shall be studied, and how learning will be evaluated?
a. Task expectations b.Activity learning c.Working contract d.Learning contract
85. The general rule in planning instruction is that teaching should be consistent with ___________.
a. Objectives b.Sources c.Technique d.Activities
86. What are the expressive activities that are very useful to the social studies?
a. Creative writing b.Dramatic presentations c.Music, arts and craft d.All of the above
87. ___________ learning proceeds from specific to general.
a. Inductive b.Conceptual c.Deductive d.Logical
88. ___________ learning proceeds from general to specific.
a. Inductive b.Conceptual c.Deductived d.Logical
89. What do you call the graphic representations of succession of historical events?
a. Graphic organizers b.Venn diagrams c.Timelines d.Semantic webs
90. ___________ is an attempt to represent and model social systems often through the use of games?
a. Role playing b.Simulation c.Panel discussion d.Debate
91. The decision-making process requires individuals to consider ___________.
a. Information and values c. Relevance and reality
b. Processes and outcomes d. Competence and accuracy
92. In formal groups, the division of labor is based mainly on ___________.
a. Age b.Years of experience c.Merit and ability d.Degree obtained
93. What is the main merit of the bureaucracy?
a. The clearly defined patterns of activities c. Definite rules to govern behavior
b. The hierarchical arrangement of authority d. Its technical efficiency
94. Which of the following best characterizes secondary groups?
a. Pattern of conformity
b. Existence of we feeling
c. Impersonal business-like and casual relationships
d. Sense of pakikisama
95. Which of the following is not a form of social interaction?
a. Cooperation b.Conflict c.Assimilation d.None of the above
96. Social interaction occurs through ___________.
a. Cooperation b.Language c.Conflict d.Compromise
97. In competition the focus is chiefly on the ___________.
a. Competitor b.Social interaction c.Reward d.Norms and values
98. Which of the following is a form of struggle?
a. Competition b.Accommodation c.Assimilation d.Amalgamation
99. The aim of competition is to ___________.
a. Destroy the opponent
b. Surpass the opponent
c. Accommodate the opponent
d. Block the opponent
100. Which of the following best describes cooperation?
a. Joint struggle b.Social competition c.Conjoint effect d.Reciprocal relation
101. Which of the following will reduce or eliminate competition?
a. Accommodation b.Education c.Cooperation d.Differentiation
102. Arbitration and toleration are types of ___________.
a. Accommodation b.Differentiation c.Cooperation d.Compromise
103. Which type of accommodation does not make use of a third party for resolving conflicts?
a. Toleration b.Mediation c.Conciliation d.Arbitration
104. The intermarriage of persons coming from different racial or ethnic groups is ___________.
a. Accommodation b.Acculturation c.Amalgamation d.Assimilation
105. Fashions, fads and crazes are forms of ___________.
a. Crowd b.Audience c.Public d.Mass
106. What is the primary role of mass media?
a. Status conferment
b. To inform and to entertain
c. Social awareness
d. Enforcement of social norms
107. Which from of marriage is not found in the Philippines?
a. Monogamy b.Polygamy c.Polyandry d.Trial marriage
108. Which is not a formal requisite of marriage?
a. Love
b. Authority of the solemnizing officer
c. Marriage license
d. Marriage ceremony
109. What characterizes the family?
a. Common residence c.Reproduction
b. Economic cooperation d.All of the above
110. In terms of authority, the Filipino family is more ___________.
a. Patriarchal b.Matriarchal c.Equalitarian d.Bilateral
111. Which is an important characteristic of capitalistic society?
a. Mechanized power c. Free enterprise
b. Use of money d. Network of transportation
112. Beliefs in certain inanimate objects which have life and personality called spirits is ___________.
a. Animism b.Mana c.Totemism d.Taoism
113. Repetitive acts and patterns of behavior in relation to the sacred for the regulation and ordering of social lives refer
to ___________.
a. Ceremony b.Rituals c.Totem d.Offerings
114. What is the religious organization which is substantially outside a society’s cultural traditions?
a. Church b.Ecclesia c.Sect d.Cult
115. What is the function of religion in all cultures?
a. To provide guidance to behavior
b. Perform welfare function
c. Discover a road to spiritual serenity
d. Perform recreation function
116. Which characterizes a minority group?
a. Have certain physical or cultural characteristics.
b. Occupy a subordinate position.
c. Singled out for discriminatory treatment.
d. All of the above
117. When we say that Ilocanos are thrifty and industrious, the Tagalogs are progressive and proud, the Bicolanos are
friendly, we are making use of ___________.
a. Stereotypes b.Epithets c.Ethnocentrism d.Prejudice
118. The rural area is characterized by ___________.
a. Close communal relationships
b. Contractual relations
c. Specialization
d. Functional interdependence
119. A characteristic of urban community is ___________.
a. Mechanical solidarity b.Mutual helpfulness c.Specialization d.Exclusive living
120. What is the study of population – its size, distribution and change?
a. Sociology b.Human ecology c.Geography d.Demography
121. The actual number of children born to a woman or group of women ___________.
a. Fertility b.Birth rate c.Fecundity d.Population growth
122. The proportion of persons at different age levels is called ___________.
a. Population composition
b. Demographic structure
c. Age structure
d. Population growth
123. Which of the following is unlikely to strengthen the relationship between attitudes and behavior?
a. When attitudes are extreme or expressed frequently
b. When negative outcome or response is anticipated
c. When the person has a great deal of knowledge about the subject
d. When the person has vested interest in the subject
124. Which of the following cognitive tasks are critical to learning in terms of abilities that make up formal operational
a. Conservation
b. Higher-order thinking skills
c. Assimilation and accommodation
d. Equilibration
125. What is the result when you combine objective research with common sense?
a. Effective teaching c. Inconsistent student achievement
b. Self-regulated learning d. Decreased quality in decision making
126. According to Erickson, an important area of personal and social development for elementary children is
a. Identity b.Generativity c.Industry d.Morality
127. Which of the following terms means “a tendency to think about what is going on in one’s own mind”?
a. Reflectivity b.Cognition c.Hypothetical thought d.Inductive foreclosure
128. Skinner use the term “operant” to refer to ___________.
a. Behaviors as a response to the environment
b. Stimulus-response (S-R) theory
c. The law of effect
d. Operating the environment in the absence of any known or unknown stimulus
129. Which of the following is an example of a metacognitive skill?
a. Recalling a name c. Planning an effective study strategy
b. Listening to a lecture d. Reading a poem aloud
130. Which of the following terms refers to the statistical measure of the degree of dispersion in distribution of scores?
a. Standard deviation b.Raw score c.Percentile score d.Mean
131. Modern psychology is best described as the scientific study of ___________.
a. Abnormality in human and animals
b. The unconscious mind
c. Observable behaviors
d. Behavior and mental processes
132. The ___________ perspective emphasizes studying the relationship between environment events and observable
a. Behavioral b.Cognitive c.Ecological d.Quantitative
133. When you strive to excel, succeed, or outperform others at some tasks, you are displaying ___________.
a. Competence motivation
b. Competitive motivation
c. Goal-setting motivation
d. Achievement motivation

134. According to Carl Rogers, what is the most basic human motive?
a. Sexual gratification through close, intimate relationships
b. Social approval by all human organisms
c. The maintenance and enhancement of the human organism
d. An understanding of all human relationships
135. According to Watson, what could be used to establish a conditioned emotional response in humans?
a. Classical conditioning b.Operant conditioning c.Shaping d.Stimulus discrimination
136. Who discovered the Homo Habilis?
a. Richard Leakey b.Robert Brown c.Eugene Dubois d.None of the above
137. What is the type of family were both husband and wife work to contribute to the economic needs of members?
a. Truncated family b.Nuclear family c.Dual career family d.Stem family
138. The system of relationships among the members in a society is ___________.
a. Kinship b.Descent c.Fictive kin d.Lineage
139. The position that the values and standards of cultures differ and deserve respect is ___________.
a. Cultural relativism b.Cultural ecology c.Cultural pluralism d.Cultural determinism
140. What is the process in which ethnic groups survive but lose or severely modify their ancestral cultures?
a. Genocide b.Ecocide c.Absolution d.Ethnocide
141. ___________ refers to the fixed ideas that are often favorable to what the members of the group like.
a. Stereotype b.Cultural revolution c.Apartheid d.Idiosyncrasies
142. What is another term fro horticulture.
a. Swidden agriculture b.Farming c.Wet agriculture d.Cultural ecology
143. What is another term for non-industrial state?
a. Nation-State b.National State c.Archaic State d.Barangay
144. What is the ability to exercise one’s will over others?
a. Power b.Esteem c.Wealth d.Honor
145. ___________ is killing a baby; a form of population control in some societies.
a. Ethnocide b.Infanticide c.Genocide d.Ethnic cleansing
146. What are considered as society’s standards of morality, propriety, ethics, and legality?
a. Folkways b.Values c.Norms d.Habits
147. ___________ is telling the unknown or foretelling the fortune by omens or prophecy that taps information beyond
that known to ordinary people.
a. Divination b.Witchcraft c.Sorcery d.Magic
148. ___________ is the dominance of one state over others. It involves the internalization of the values of the dominant
nation by the subordinates.
a. Hegemony b.Globalization c.Government d.Bureaucracy
149. Who was responsible for initiating and developing interest in archaeology in the Philippines?
a. F. Landa Jocano b.Arsenio Manuel c.Frank Lynch d.Otley Beyer
150. ___________ refers to the term used when directly calling a relative. For instance, an older brother is referred to
as Kuya. It is also known as vocative term.
a. Term of address b.Descriptive term c.Teknonymy d.Reference term



1. Agriculture is one of the great inventions of this age.
a. Old Stone Age b. New Stone Age c. Copper Age d. Bronze Age
2. The use of this made man take one more giant step towards the world of fine tools and equipments.
a. Use of metals b. Use of fire c. use of polished stone d. use of crude stone tools
3. These are stone monuments that relates what the Egyptians were like and what they did thousands of years ago.
a. Pyramids b. sphinxes c. obelisks d. temple of Karnak
4. The very first Egyptian to believe that there was only one God:
a. Thutmose I b. Thutmose III c. Rameses II d. Amenhotep IV
5. The ancient alphabet from which our present alphabet was developed:
a. Egyptian alphabet b. Phoenician alphabet c. Sumerian alphabet d. Babylonian alphabet
6. The ancient code that emphasized respect for each other’s rights.
a. Code of Hammurabi c. Solon’s code
b. Code of Sumakwel d. Code of Lycurgus
7. Alexander the Great carried and spread the Greek civilization to
a. Mesopotamia and Phoenicia c. Rome and Cathage
b. Egypt and Palestine d. Persia and India
8. Democratic principles and ideals were introduced by this ancient city state.
a. Thebes b. Sparta c. Athens d. Laconia
9. The beginning of civilization was the time when
a. Man made tools and equipments. c. Man improved their arts, science and language.
b. Man started to live in permanent places. d.Men learned to plant and domesticate animals.
10. The monotheistic religion was developed by the
a. Persians b. Mesopotamians c. Egyptians d. Hebrews
11. The Assyrians become brutal, merciless warriors interested only in wars due to
a. The kind of land where they lived. c.Their ability to terrify other states.
b. Their knowledge of horses. d.The fierce neighboring states.
12. The evidence that Assyrians encouraged education can be seen in
a. The 15 beautifully decorated gates.
b. The building of a library containing thousands of clay tablets.
c. The uncovering of a clay tablet that tells the story of creation and the flood as it is told in the Bible.
d. The presence of Assyrian art.
13. The city that was built of massive walls whose splendor overthrew the enemy.
a. Chaldea b. Babylon c. Alexandria d. Nineveh
14. Asian civilization continued its development in the Middle Ages while the Graeco- Roman civilization collapsed in
that period. This only proves that
a. The Asian civilization was firmly established.
b. The Eastern people were much more knowledgeable than the Western people.
c. Asian rulers were much better and stronger leaders than the European rulers.
d. Asian civilization was developed earlier than the Graeco-Roman civilization.
15. Based on the description of the remains of the early man, the nearest to the modern man was the
a. Peking man b. Java man c. Cro-magnon man d. Neanthertal man
16. The Chaldeans became famous for their works in
a. Art b.Mathematics and astronomy c. geometry d. physics
17. It is the world’s greatest work in literature.
a. The Bible b. Dante’s Divine Comedy c. the Iliad d. the Odyssey
18. The city that was well fortified because it had a wall of men and not of bricks.
a. Athens b. Thebes c. Olympia d. Sparta
19. The most beloved of the gods and goddesses:
a. Zeus b. Athena c. Apollo d. Aphrodite
20. One of these countries was only a geographical expression up to March 17, 1861
a. France b. Germany c. Italy d. Belgium
21. In 1980, this airline pioneered in the use of 747 Boeing jet and air buses in Asia.
a. Philippine Airlines c. British Airways
b. Singapore Airlines d. Cathay Pacific Airlines
22. Asians believe that the best system to develop and improve life is to have
a. A good economy c. a good education
b. A good behavior d. a good relationship

23. The Asians will render help to a member of their organizations on the ground that
a. He is a member nation.
b. He is ready and prepared to help.
c. The organization will help him in time of his need.
d. The aid he will grant will have good results in his country.
24. Communism has a good effect on Central Soviet Asia because
a. Of the formation of commercial organizations.
b. Of the rise of factories in the desert parts of the country.
c. They were able to produce food.
d. A government was established.
25. The Huang Ho River is China’s sorrow because
a. Of the absence of fish.Of the foods it brought to the nation.
b. Of the hardship of passing through it.
c. Of the swift current of the river.
26. The name Taiwan was derived from
a. The early people who lived there. c. its terraced valley
b. Its mountain ranges d. its beautiful sceneries
27. Korea can no longer be called “ Land of the Morning Calm” because
a. The government is divided.
b. Of the disagreement between the two governments.
c. Of constant fighting.
d. The people are so noisy.
28. The country with the highest altitude in the world is
a. Mongolia b. Malaysia c. Tibet d. Afghanistan
29. The Arabs considered hand labor beneath their character because
a. It is a very low kind of work. c.They do not know anything about handwork.
b. Horseback riding is very appropriate to them. d. A small portion of land can be tilled.
30. The only way out of Jordan is through the
a. Suez Canal b.Persian Gulf c. Aqaba Gulf d. Oman Gulf
31. The fundamental focus of ritual activities in a native culture is the
a. Belief that it can drive away bad spirits.
b. Belief that the human body is ugly and must be healed.
c. Belief that the place or shrine for ritual gives a special protection for the family.
d. Belief that the more tools and charms the family possessed, the more the family will be protected.
32. This native people discovered in the early 70’s are a symbol of man’s variability, adaptability and universality
a. Naciorema b. T’boli c. Tasaday d. Manubo
33. This serves as a cultural variability because it provides limitations, allowing a variety of possibilities
a. Concept of adaptation c. Functional prerequisites
b. External factor d. Resource utilization
34. It is the attempt to reconstruct and describe the socially- learned traits of prehistoric and historic populations.
a. Linguistic b. Ethnology c. Sociology d. Archeology
35. When the buried site are invisible in the ground, an archeologist resorts to
a. Field working c. Waiting for sites to turn up
b. Looking for substantial structures above ground d. Erial photography
36. In densely – wooded areas where looking for sites is hard archeologists are
a. Phosphate analysis c. shadow marks
b. Machine detectors d. crop marks
37. The long borrow lying about one kilometer south of the Neolithic Causeway Camp of Windmill Hill in Wiltshire may
have been the burial place of the community that used the camp. It is a very good example of an archeological
a. Functional relationship c. cultural relationship
b. Chronological relationship d. the Personal relationship
38. These are the places where Filipino excel in sculpturing:
a. Paete and Mountain Province c. Lucban and Paete
b. Mountain Province and Vigan d. lucban and Vigan
39. All over Asia’s capital cities, Filipinos are well known for
a. Their sports b. their sculpture c. their painting d. their music
40. One of the empirical indicators of personal and social custom that an anthropologists referred to as material object
resulting from human action is
a. Word b.Action c. artifact d. all of the above
41. It is that part of the earth that is made of hot solid material.
a. Inner core b. outer core c. mantle d. crust
42. As water runs downhill into a stream and joins forces with other streams, it becomes a
a. Lake b. river c. bay d. tributaries
43. It is a fine yellowish, very rich soil known as example of wind deposits
a. Sand dunes b. moraine c. loess d. calves
44. The biggest river in the world is
a. Rio Grande in Mexico c. Amazon River in South Africa
b. Mississippi river in the US d. Yellow river in China
45. It is called the biggest river in the world because
a. Water flows out of a huge area.
b. This area receives more rainfall than it can store in the ground.
c. The ground is filled with moisture and cannot absorb any added deposits.
d. Melting snow and ice add greatly to the supply of water in the area.
46. If you go swimming in the morning, the water often feels cold because
a. The water absorbs the heat from the sunrays much more slowly than the land does.
b. The air around you is heated by the warm land.
c. The water returns heat from the atmosphere at a slower rate than does the land.
d. The climate near an ocean current depends on whether the current is cold or warm.
47. Asia’s special climate pattern is known as
a. Leeward b. windward c. prevailing wind d. monsoons
48. The pattern of changes in temperature and moisture conditions over a period of years:
a. Weather b. climate c. latitude c. winds
49. The warm winds that blow over the ocean are full of water vapor because
a. Moist air cools as it rises.
b. It is usually in between the ocean and the mountains.
c. Warm air absorbs moisture.
d. Water heats up and cool off readily.
50. Creek is to river as pond is to
a. Field b. lock c. shore d. cups
51. Landslide is to rock as avalanche is to
a. Rain b. stone c. mountain d. snow
52. In December, which city will have the coldest temperature
a. Oslo b. London c. Berlin d. Madrid
53. Which country in the British Isles does not belong to the United Kingdom?
a. Wales b. Scotland c. England d. Irish Republic
54. What mountain separates Spain from the rest of Western Europe?
a. Caucasus b. Cantabrian c. Pyrenees d. Alps
55. Broad, flat stretches of treeless grasslands cover large areas of Siberia and the grass is green in the spring but
becomes brown under the scorching heat of summer. This is called
a. Tundra b. savannah c. tropical grassland d. steppe
56. In the concept of group, the primary group is characterized by
a. Personal, formal or business- like relationship.
b. Intimate, face to face personal relationship.
c. The group were the individual identifies himself and is given a sense of belongingness.
d. The group where the members are of the same and age socio- economic status.
57. A reference group is typified as the group
a. To which the individual identifies himself consciously or unconsciously.
b. That caters to people with the same interest.
c. Where members join together due to common decisions or needs.
d. That is composed of persons with the same interest or line of thinking.
58. Social stratification is the system or process of assigning men their respective ranks in a society based on
a. One social stratum to another horizontally, vertically, or laterally.
b. The acquired social and cultural heritage of his society.
c. The income, wealth, education, occupation, and lifestyle.
d. The individual’s learnings about his social position in the society.
59. Members of human groups act toward and react to mone another simply according to
a. Whims and circumstances of the moment.
b. The employed single organizing principles.
c. Common interests and voluntary associations.
d. A set of multi- individual expectations that influence and control each person’s attitude.
60. Eligibility for membership in a kin-based social unit is determined by
a. Sociological rules c. political and jural arrangements
b. Biological relationship d. mutual interests
61. Greeting behavior in a variety of social contexts could be observed through
a. Two persons merely shaking hands.
b. The way the greeting behavior serves as an indicator of social standing.
c. Through the manner of shaking hands, how touching and vigorous the handshake was.
d. Inferring and abstracting a set of cultural traits relating to greeting.
62. This is recognized as a social sorter in all societies:
a. Language b. Sex c. age d. kinship
63. It is the important basis for social unit formation in the societies of the world.
a. Mutual interest b. kinship c. coresidence d. age
64. It is the vertical classification of people into hierarchically- arranged categories.
a. Role c. kin- based social units
b. Stratification d. territorially based unit
65. When Kamejiros’ mother advised that the best possible marriage would be to a girl from his own village, to what
social unit does the mother refer?
a. Kin- based social unit c. territorially based units
b. Age- based social unit d. mutual interest- based unit
66. The Internet is cutting many people in but increasingly cutting many people out because
a. 88% of the world’s internet users are wealthy industrial nations.
b. It balances the user into 50- 50% basis for the rich and the poor.
c. It creates a broader outlook for all the people.
d. It gives a clear presentation as to what people stand for.
67. The rapid pace of globalization has resulted in
a. The changing rules of globalization.
b. The explosion in information and communication technology.
c. The richest people having more money.
d. New threats to human security in both rich and poor countries.
68. Competitive markets may be the best guarantee but not of equity. This means
a. That more markets would have to resort to quality products.
b. That more markets are good but there are others still not good.
c. That more countries have benefited specially the high- income ones.
d. That there is a polarization between those benefiting from the system and those who are merely passive
recipients of its effect.
69. Which book would help provide the answer to the question: Was sri Lanka among the top five tea- producing
a. Encyclopedia c. Readers Guide to Periodical Literature
b. World Atlas d. Almanac
70. A place is called a culture area when
a. Many people in one place share most parts of their culture.
b. Many different cultures exist in one place.
c. Many people in one place share their culture.
d. Many different cultures are shared by many people.
71. To what aspect of culture does passing culture on to the next generation refer?
a. Religion b. Education c. Government d. language
72. The process of two cultures borrowing from each other is called
a. Diffusion b. Mixed culture c. extended culture d. culture area
73. In what countries are half of the population the poorest in the world?
a. Sri Lanka and Vietnam c. Maldives Island
b. Cambodia and Laos d. Bangladesh and India
74. It is the term that refers to the purely consanguineal unilined group whose ancestry goes too far back for the
members to trace all the links.
a. Clan. b. sib c. lineage d. Kindred
75. This is an animal or plant species or some other object or class of objects with which the group believes it has a
mystical relationship.
a. Kaingang b. sorocate c. totem d. mamser
76. Spaniards in 1500 to 1600 were lured to go up the great chain of cliffs and peaks because of
a. Religion b. gold c. the beautiful sceneries d. the Igorots
77. These people, as defined by Dr. W. H Scott, are Filipinos born in the Grand Cordillera Central
a. Tasadays b. Mangyans c. Igorots d. Ibanags
78. In the middle of the 16th century, there were distinguishing races discovered by the Spaniards, one of which was
described as a poorer yet fiercer race.
A. Moros B. Mountaineers C. Tagalogs D. Ilocanos

79. The Spanish expedition responsible for naming the archipelago Felipinas:
A. Villalobos expedition C. Loarca expedition
B. Legaspi expedition D. Magellan’s expedition
80. This nation can be found south of Taiwan, North of Indonesia, and is a sunkissed archipelago
A. China B. Japan C. Philippines D. Korea
81. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos who were free and independent:
A. Maharlika C. Aliping Saguiguilid
B. Aliping Namamahay D. Tiamawa
82. The symbol of Filipino freedom:
A. Mactan B. Limasawa C. Cebu D. Homonhon
83. In the 19th century of Spanish colonialism in the Philippines, a new group of people called the Illustrados
appeared and was composed of
a. The rich hacienda owners c. the farmers
b. Businessmen, doctors and teachers d. commoners
84. Spain’s aim to stay in the Philippines for 300 years was to
a. Control the spice trade in Malaysia
b. Gain material profit out of her colonial venture in the Far East
c. Maintain its powerful suzerainty
d. Spread the Christian religion
85. Ecclesiastical administration means the rule of the
a. Local government c. Business sector of the land
b. Financial department of the government d. Religious sector of the country
86. Which law provided for the establishment of the Philippine Assembly
a. Organic Act of 1902 c. Jones Law
b. Constitution 1935 d. Tydings Mcduffie Law
87. The city government during the Spanish regime was the
A. Pueblo B. Cabillo C. Ayuntamiento D. Alguacil - Mayor
88. The place where the first battle of Manila Bay was fought:
A. Bambang B. Tondo C. Pasig D. Bangkusay
89. The first Spanish governor – general in the Philippnes:
A. Ferdinand Magellan C. Juan de Salcedo
B. Miguel Lopez de Legaspi D. Carlos dela Torre
90. A sum of money annually paid by rich Filipinos in order to be exempted from forced labor:
A. Falla B. Sanctorum C. Bandalla D. Cedula personal
91. There were eleven children born to Jose Rizal’s parents. He was the
A. Fourth child B. seventh child C. tenth child D. second child
92. Jose Rizal had a well – remembered lessons from his mother derived from the fable about the
A. Fly and mosquitoes C. young and the old moth
B. Young monkey and the old D. the wolf and the turtle
93. The tragic event that led Rizal to think that it was glorious to suffer or die for one’s ideals and convictions
a. The imprisonment of his mother
b. The death of a young sister
c. His brother Paciano’s encounter with the Spaniards
d. The death of Gomburza
94. The school term when Rizal started to study medicine simultaneously taking the subjects of the preparatory
course and of the first year in Philosophy and Letters at Ateneo
A. 1877 – 1878 B. 1875 – 1876 C. 1878 – 1879 D. 1879 – 1880
95. The composition of Rizal that speaks of the Philippines as the country of the Filipinos:
A. To My Fellow Children C. Our Mother Tongue
B. To The Filipino Youth D. To The Flowers of Heidelberg
96. The event that convinced Jose Rizal that, in his country, the Filipinos were not treated with justice because of
being Indios belonging to underrated race:
a. When his complains were not heard by the Governor General
b. When his mother was imprisoned
c. When the three priests were executed
d. When the tax of the hacienda leased by his father was increased
97. “You have lost the ideals of your souls, who wounded in heart, have seen your illusions disappear one by one” -
This is an excerpt from Rizal’s writing. Which was it?
A. El Amor Patrio C. El Consejo de los Dioses
B. A La Juventud D. Los Viajes

98. The words “ Noli Mi Tangere” were taken from the
A. Gospel of St. Luke C. Book of Job
B. Gospel of St. John D. Genesis
99. Rizal’s novel “Noli Me Tangere” was being sold at an exorbitant price during his time because
a. The book was rated excellent in context.
b. Of the precation to conceal the novel from the authorities.
c. The exorbitant price will not lure the Spaniards to buy a book from an Indio.
d. There were only few copies and these should be distributed to the educated Filipinos.
100. Of the different holidays observed in the Philippines, this holiday is Rizal’s favorite.
A. Christmas eve C. Town Fiesta of Calamba
B. New Year’s eve D. Holy Week
101. The elements of the state:
A. Government B. People C. Territory D. all of these
102. The law – making body of the Philippines
A. Congress B. Supreme Court C. President D. all of these
103. It refers to the power of the state in internal and external affairs:
A. Government B. Sovereignty C. Territory D. people
104. The supreme law of the land
A. Executive Order C. Jurisprudence
B. Constitution D. Republic Acts
105. Article III of the Constitution:
A. National Territory C. Bill of Rights
B. Office of the President D. Declaration of Principles
106. The percentage allowed for foreign ownership
A. 60/ 40% B. 50/50 % C. 70/30% D. 80/20%
107. The third highest ranking officer in the Philippines:
A. Chief Justice C. Senate President
B. Speaker of the House D. Solicitor General
108. The international law of territorial boundaries:
A. 10 – mile limit B. 12 – mile limit C. 15 – mile limit D. 18 – mile limit
109. The difference between the state and nation is that
A. The state is a political concept. C.The state may or may not be independent.
B. The state is an ethnic concept. D. The state is a government agency.
110. The form of government that is based on the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of the
A. Presidential B. Federal C. Unitary D. Monarchy
111. The Council in Spain responsible for the administration of the Philippines until 1837 was the
A. Council of Administration C. Council of Ministers
B. Ministry of Ultramar D. Council of the Indies
112. A basic principle introduced by Spain to the Philippines was
A. Public law C. union of Church and State
B. Public administration D. centralized government
113. One of the governments during the revolutionary era that proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in June
12, 1898 at Kawit, Cavite:
A. Katipunan Government C. The First Philippine Republic
B. Biak- na-Bato D. The Dictatorial Government
114. The United States was given the power to establish a Military government in the Philippines because of
A. The war with Spain.
B. The existence of war.
C. The Filipinos did not cease to struggle against Americans.
D. The Americans thought the Filipinos were warlike people.
115. Who was the President of the Japanese- sponsored republic of the Philippines?
A. Manuel Roxas C. Sergio Osmena
B. Elpidio Quirino D. Jose P. Laurel
116. A constitution
A. Is a legislation direct from the people.
B. Is a legislation from the people’s representatives.
C. Is intended primarily to meet existing conditions.
D. Provides the details of the subject it treats.
117. It is a character of liberties for the individual and a limitation on the power of the state.
A. State policies C. Magna Charta for Teachers
B. Bill of Rights D. Public Administration
118. They are citizens in accordance with the law:
A. A citizen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution.
B. A citizen through election under the 1935 Constitution.
C. Citizens who are naturalized.
D. A citizen by blood relationship.
119. Those born of Filipino mothers before January 17, 1973 but who failed to elect Philippine citizenship upon
reaching the age of majority are
A. Nationals C. Naturalized citizens
B. Natural-born citizens D. Aliens
120. The name given to a vote of the people expressing their choice for or against a proposed law submitted to them:
A. Referendum B. Initiative C. Plebiscite D. Recall
121. A system where there is a fusion rather than a separation between to organs, one body performing two
governmental functions:
A. Presidential system C. French Presidential-Parliamentary System
B. Parliamentary system D. Monarchical system
122. This is an appropriation which provides a definite sum to be always available from year to year without the
necessity of further action.
A. Specific appropriations C. Annual or General appropriations
B. Special or Supplemental appropriations D. Continuing appropriations
123. A bill providing for the issuance of bonds and other forms of obligations to be paid with the proceeds derived
from taxation and other sources of government revenues.
A. Private bill C. Bill of authorizing increase of the public depth
B. Revenue bill D. Tariff bill
124. It is an act of forgetfulness putting to oblivion the offense of which one is charged
A. Amnesty B. Pardon C. reprieve D. Commutation
125. A compact made between two or more states intended to create binding rights and obligations upon the parties
A. International Agreement C. Alliance
B. Executive Agreement D. Treaty
126. The term economic is closely related with
A. free B. scarce C. restricted D. unlimited
127. The word “function” in economics means
A. The demand of a commodity C. the relationship among variables
B. The supply of a commodity D. both A and B
128. A market economy solves the basic economic problems by
A. The price mechanism C. a sole proprietor
B. An Economic Planning Committee D. the business community
129. An Economic Planning Committee determine what to produce:
A. traditional economy C. market economy
B. command economy D. mixed economy
130. The Philippine economy is a mixed economy; however it is more
A. Traditional C. market – oriented
B. Command D. traditional than command
131. The most important aim of an economic system:
A. Satisfy human wants C. Exchange of commodities
B. Choose the product to produce D. Manage the economy
132. To solve the problem of scarcity, one must
A. Control his desire C. know proper budgeting
B. Economize the use of resources D. Both B and C
133. Which of the following is not a concern of Microeconomics
A. Decisions of individual unit
B. Economic issues affecting the national economy
C. Price determination in various types of market
D. Social welfare
134. The quantity of good that buyers are willing to buy:
A. Demand C. Demand function
B. Demand schedules D. Demand curve
135. How much is demanded at a price of 10 pesos, if Qd =25 – 2P?
A. -5 B. 5 C.10 D. 45
136. The relationship between price and quantity demanded is
A. Direct C. Proportional
B. Inverse D. None of the above
137. It shows the quantities that are offered for sale at various prices:
A. Supply C. Supply Schedule
B. Supply Function D. Supply Curve
138. How much is supplied at a price of 15 pesos, if Qs = 30(P)?
A. 2 B. 15 C. 30 D. 450
139. If Petron decides to increase the price of oil,
A. The supply of oil increases C. The supply of oil remains constant
B. The supply of oil decreases D. The supply of oil remains undetermined
140. A change in supply caused by a change in nonprice determinant will
A. Change the entire supply curve C. Not change the entire supply curve
B. Shift the supply curve D. not change the supply curve
141. Excess supply produces
A. An upward pressure on prices C. An equilibrium pressure on level of prices
B. A downward pressure on prices D. Both B and C
142. It is a measure of consumer response to a change in price:
A. Income elasticity of demand C. Price elasticity of demand
B. Income elasticity of supply D. price elasticity of supply
143. The relationship between % Q and % P:
A. Income elasticity C. Cross elasticity
B. Price elasticity D. none of the above
144. Demand is elastic if
C. % Qd < % P C. % Qd = % P
D. % Qd > % P D. None of the above
145. An elasticity that measures a movement along a curve rather than a shift to the curve:
A. Price elasticity of demand C. Income elasticity of demand
B. Price elasticity of supply D. Cross elasticity of demand
146. What goods are increasingly demanded when income increases?
A. Normal goods C. inferior goods
B. Substitute goods D. prestige goods
147. Coffee and tea are examples of
A. Basic goods C. substitute goods
B. Complementary goods D. secondary goods
148. An increase in gasoline affects the demand for cars:
A. Price elasticity of demand C. cross – elasticity of demand
B. Income elasticity of demand D. None of the above
149. The factor that deeply influences consumer behavior:
A. Social B. personal C. cultural D. psychological
150. Which is true about productivity?
A. Productivity is the ratio of output to input.
B. Productivity measures how much every unit of input can produce and how well resources are utilized.
C. Productivity improves when ratio of output to input increases.
D. All of the above.



1. It is a law that punishes without judicial trial
a. Certioran b.Mandamus c. Bill of attainder d. Ex post facto law
2. Who has the power to decide on a person’s right to vote?
a. Congress b. Comelec c. Court d. President
3. all the person except those changed with offenses punishable with_________when evidence of guilt is strong shall
be bailable.
a. Arresto mayor b. Reclusion perpetua c. Reclusion temporal d. Arresto mayor
4. the ombudsman must be at least years of age at the time of his appointment
a. 35 b. 40 c. 25 d. 21
5. Who has the sole power to try and decide an impeachment case?
a. Supreme court b. People c. Senate d. House of representatives
6. The following maybe removed by impeachment except
a. Chairman Benipayo c. Ombudsman Guttierez
b. Senator Lacson d. Chief justice Sereno
7. It is the power of the people to propose amendments to the constitution
a. Plebiscite b. Referendum c. Initiative d. Recall
8. the party list system shall constitute of the total number of house representatives
a. 10% b. 20% c. 21% d. 40%
9. the term is used to describe duties payable on goods, whether imported or exported.
a. Subsidy b. Revenue c. Tariff d. License
10. it is pecuniary aid granted by the government deemed beneficial to the public
a. Subsidy b. Revenue c.tariff d. Assessment
11. the one used by the tax payer of illegal or fraudulent means to defeat or lessen the payment of tax.
a. Tax evasion b. Tax deduction c. Tax avoidance d. Tax credit
12. the exploitation by the tax payer of legally permissible alternative tax methods of assessing taxable property or
a. Tax evasion b. Tax deduction c. Tax avoidance d. Tax credit
13. the seizure by the government of personal property tangible or intangible to enforce the payment of taxes
a. Distraint b. Levy c. Punishment d. Assessment
14. A summary administrative remedy which refers to the seizure of real property to enforce the payment of taxes
a. Distraint b. Levy c. Punishment d. Assessment
15. one of the major function of taxes is to finance real government expenditures this can be simply stated as:
a. To raise revenue c. To promote economic development
b. To secure economic price stability d. to enhance available jobs
16. The type of cooperative which promote thrift among members and create funds in order to grant loans for productive
and provident purposes is called
a. Credit cooperative c. Service cooperative
b. Producer cooperative d. Consumer cooperative
17. Which of the following describes marketing cooperatives?
a. They distribute products of members to both members and non-members
b. They coordinate with other cooperatives in marketing the products of members
c. They undertake joint production of goods whether agricultural or industrial
d. They engage in the supply of production inputs to members and marked their products
18. The comprehensive agrarian reform law of 1988 is also known as
a. Republic act no. 6662 c. Republic act no. 6657
b. Republic act no. 6673 d. Republic act no. 6654
19. If a taxpayer is married. He or she can claim tax exemption of:
a. Php 7,500 b. Php 12,500 c. Php 25,000 d. Php 15,000
20. What does this principle of equity provide?
a. Taxpayers should be taxed according to their professions and status
b. Taxpayers regardless of income should pay the same amount of tax
c. Tax payers that are similarly situated in life should be taxed similarly
d. Tax payers who do not have permanent jobs should pay less tax
21. these cooperatives provide vital service to the general public such as transportation, health and housing service.
a. Consumers cooperative c. Credit cooperative
b. Service cooperative d. Producers cooperative

22. Expenditures is the sum total of all expenditures by the government while _____ is a form of financial support directly
provide by the government to specific individuals or groups
a. Taxation b. Subsidy c. Spending d. Fiscal Deficit
23. the lands covered by carp shall be distributed as much as possible to landless residence of the same barangay or
municipality, which among the following is the first priority?
a.Seasonal farm workers c. Regular farm workers
b.Agricultural lessees and share tenants d. Non-regular famr workers
24. Fiscal deficit often occurs when
a. Government spends less than it has collected in taxes
b. Government spends more than it has collected in taxes
c. Government spends equal than it has collected in taxes
d. All of the above
25. The law creates the cooperative development authority
a. R.A. 6938 b. R.A. 6939 c. R.A. 6983 d. R.A. 6993
26. What is the branch of economics that examines the functioning of individual industries and the behavior of individual
decision-making units?
a. Economics b. Microeconomics c. Macroeconomics d. Sociology
27. What does law of demand states?
a. The higher the price, the greater the quantity supplied, the lower the price, the smaller the quantity supplied.
b. If the price is higher, supply is greater, demand is lower, if the price is lower, supply is lesser, demand is
c. The higher the price, the smaller the quantity demanded, the lower the price, the greater the quantity
d. the higher the price, the greater the quantity demanded, the lower the price, the smaller the quantity
28. Citizens of the philippines include those whose __________ are citizens of the philippines.
a. Fathers or mothers c. Mothers only
b. Fathers only d. Both fathers and mothers
29. The filipinos are protected in their life, liberty and property under the __________.
a. Bill of rights b. Courts c. Government d. Laws
30. In the philippines, the president is elected for a term of six years by __________.
a. Citizens with property c. Direct vote of the people
b. Electoral congress d. Barangay representatives
31. It is that definite or aligns at portion of the earth’s surface which is the subject of sovereignty rights and interests. From
the political standpoint, it is referred to as
a. State b. Government c. Sovereignty d. Territory
32. The city mayor ordered the arrest and deportation of all prostitutes to their respective provinces for promoting live
shows and immoral sexual activities in the city. The order was assailed to be illegal because
a. The city mayor has infringed on the constitutional rights of the prostitutes to travel and abode
b. The city mayor violated the due process of law since there was no notice and hearing before judgment was
c. The mayor’s order was arbitrary and capricious
d. Only the courts are empowered to issue the order of arrest and deportation
33. Despite strong protestations from mang jose, the government took away from his private property for public use upon
payment to him or just compensation. What power of the state was involved in the particular case?
a. Police power c. Power of taxation
b. Power of eminent domain d. Absolute power of the state
34. The united states is the only known country in the world that follows the “jus soli” doctrine which means place of birth,
while the rest of the countries follow the “jus sanguinie” principle which means blood relationship. What then is the
citizenship of a child born to filipino parents in the united states?
a. Natural born citizen b. Naturalized citizen c. Stateless citizen d. Dual citizen
35. It is the department which has the authority to make laws and to alter or repeal them
a. Administrative department c. Judicial department
b. Executive department d. Legislative department
36. Its advantage is that it serves as the training ground for the national leaders
a. Bicameralism c. Primary jurisdiction
b. Constitutionalism d. Parents patriae
37. The term of office of the senator
a. One year b. Three years c. Six years d. Twelve years
38. The power to declare the existence of a state of war belongs to
a. Congress b. President c. Sandigang bayan d. Supreme court

39. Amendment or revision of the constitution may be proposed through any of the following except
a. Constitutional convention c. People’s initiative
b. Constitutional assembly d. People’s power
40. The members of the commission on appointment shall be composed of
a. 24 b. 26 c.25 d. 27
41. All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills etc. Shall originate exclusively in the
a. House of representative c. Senate
b. Sanggunian panlalawigan d. Supreme court
42. The constitution empowers the president to declare martial for
a. 30 days b. 60 days c. 45 days d. 90 days
43. T refers to the act of the president of staying the execution of a convict
a. Amnesty b. Pardon c. Commutation d. Reprieve
44. The change of venue or place of trial can be ordered for this reason
a. Lack of jurisdiction c. Convenience
b. Humanitarian reason d. Avoid miscarriage of justice
45. The 1987 constitution was framed by
a. People’s initiative c. Constitutional commission
b. Constitutional assembly d. Constitutional convention
46. The government under president corazon aquino was
a. De facto b. De jure c. Both a and b d. None of the above
47. Amendments in the 1987 constitution can be made through a constitutional commission
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. None of the above
48. Which of the following sector cannot participate under the party-list system of representation
a. Elderly b. Handicapped c. Overseas worker d. Religious
49. May the supreme court justice removed by filling a criminal case against him?
a. Yes b. No c. Both a and b d. None of the above

50. it is a mitigation of a penalty

a. Pardon b. Reprieve c. Commutation d. Amnesty
51. An enrolled bill may become a law after a lapse of
a. 30 days b. 60days c. 40 days d. 90 days
52. a poll tax maybe property levied upon
a. Persons b. Property c. Donations d. Rent
53. the net income or the entire income realized in one taxable year.
a. Privilege trust b. Professional tax c. Income tax d. Estate tax
54. a kind of tax on the right of the deceased person transmit his estate to his awful heirs of beneficiaries
a. Estate tax b. Inheritance tax c. Privilege tax d. Transfer tax
55. It is a uniform tax imposed on sale goods or services as they pass along production and distribution chain.
a. Exercise tax b. Value-added tax c. Sales tax d. Tariff tax
56. it implies a divestiture of property without compensation
a. Punishment b. Forfeiture c. Enforcement d. Penalty
57. It is prerogative inherent in the state where it is called upon to protect those with less than full capacity to take
adequate care of their own interests
a. Eminent domain b. Parents patriae c. Police d. Taxation
58. When may stoppage and search of vehicles without warrant be valid?
a. There is a report supplied by undercover agent
b. Where accused is carrying a bulging bags and was suspiciously quiet and nervous when asked about its content
c. Where the physical appearance of the accused fitted the description given in the confidential report
d. All of the above
59. a tax imposed on the transfer without consideration of property between two or more persons who are living at the
time the transfer is made
a. Donors tax b. Gift tax c. Inheritance tax d. Transfer tax
60. It is an amount imposed by law as addition to the main tax in case of delinquency
a. Surcharge b. Added tax c. Exercise tax d. Fee
61. For what reason is the study of the Constitution required in the curriculum?
a. To produce law abiding citizens.
b. To promote nationalism and patriotism.
c. To produce citizens who are well cognizant of laws.
d. To produce citizens who produce good laws.

62. There have been a lot of cases about stealing equipments inside the schools within the communities. Which reason
could be most contributory to this situation?
a. Lack of fund to hire additional security guards.
b. Lack of enforcement of security measures by the principals.
c. Lack of regard by the community about the wellness of their schools.
d. Lack of discipline given to teenagers who in many case did the stealing.
63. Which of the following school lessons will best develop ideal citizens and promote love for own culture?
a. Study of Filipinos who have won in several competitions around the world.
b. Discussion of the lives of Filipino heroes and their contribution to Filipino society.
c. Field trip to tourist spots to see the beauty of the Philippines.
d. Make an essay of how they can become a good Filipino citizen.
64. A teacher always receives gifts and asks for donations from parents of her pupils. Which of the following is true of her
a. Her actions are not allowed under the law of teachers and rules of DepEd.
b. Receiving gifts will motivate her to work. She also needs to gather resources since DepEd cannot provide
everything she needs in the classroom.
c. She will immediately be terminated from service from doing such actions.
d. She is a very resourceful teacher. She also does not want to embarrass her students by receiving their gifts.
65. Which is the primary role of the teacher in developing Filipino citizens with their own identity?
a. Trainer of students in achieving well in their careers.
b. Creating students who are globally competitive.
c. Transmitter of Filipino culture and traditions.
d. Disciplining children in the way she/he perceives best for a child.
66. Which of the following DepEd policies promotes the equality of every Filipino child to quality education as stipulated in
the Constitution?
a. Alternative Learning System (ALS) c. Vocational courses
b. Free education d. Open admission
67. Gangsters have been alarmingly increasing in your school. As the principal what can you suggest to resolve this
a. Enforce stronger policies regarding improper school conduct.
b. Call for parents’ meetings every month to remind parents to monitor their children’s activities.
c. Offer several non-academic activities and open different school clubs.
d. Offer regular classes on values formation to be given by guidance counselors.
68. Which of the following will ensure a feeling of acceptance of the students inside the class?
a. Allow buddy-buddy system inside the class. c. Act as loco-parents.
b. Explain that they will be safe inside the class. d.Avoid scolding students, this is threatening.
69. Which of the following statements is false?
a. A registered teacher may be dismissed due to lack of competence.
b. A co-teacher who did not report the tardiness of a faculty member will be punished as well.
c. A teacher must agree with the principal since the latter has the authority to decide over school matters.
d. A teacher will be held accountable if she allows her pupils to roam around the campus during class hours.
70. A high school student displays intimate affection to his teacher. In this instance, what should the teacher do?
a. She should scold the student and tell him that what he is doing is against school policies.
b. Express that she is very uncomfortable about how the student is acting and remind him of her role as a teacher.
c. Honestly express her feelings of love towards the students, but she has to turn avoid the relationship to maintain
d. Seek the advice of a co-faculty or the guidance counselor.
71. There are 3 fundamental Human Rights according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These are:
a. Life, security and self development c. Life, economy and self- development
b. Life, dignity and security d. Life, liberty and security
72. It mandates the blending of coco methyl ester (CME) in all diesel fuel and ethanol in gasoline sold across the country.
a. Fuel Development Act c. Alternative Fuel Development Act
b. Biofuel Act of 2006 d. Clean Air Act of 1999
73. Which of the following is NOT considered a “bio-fuel?”
a. Jathropa or “tuba-tuba” c. Liquefied petroleum gas
b. Ethanol d. Coco methyl ester
74. The “ASEAN + 3” was recently expanded with 3 new partner-countries during 2006 APEC in Vietnam to foster
broader regional free trade in the region. These countries are?
a. U.S, Canada and Japan c. Australia, New Zealand and India
b. Russia, China and Japan d. Australia, US and New Zealand
75. Refers to a diesel-equivalent, processed fuel derived from biological sources.
a. Ethanol b. Vegetable oils c. Bio-diesel d. Bio-fuel
76. What is the main goal of drug abuse education?
a. Arrest B. Prevention C. Control D. Rehabilitation
77. The fundamental law of the land.
a. Republic Acts B. Constitution C. Court decision D. Executive orders
78. It is the Power of the State to command and enforce obedience to its will from people within its jurisdiction and to have
freedom from foreign control.
a. Government B. Sovereignty C. Eminent Domain D. Police Power
79. The Philippines is a democratic and _________ state. Sovereignty resides in the people and all the government
authority emanates from them.
a. Presidential B. Bicameral C. Republican D. Constitutional
80. Policy of the State to promote social justice in all phases of national development and give preferential attention to the
less fortunate members of the society.
a. Human rights B. Democracy C. Freedom D. Social justice
81. It is the declaration and enumeration of the individual rights and privileges which the Constitution is designed to
protect against violations by the government, by groups or by individuals.
a. Civil rights B. Bill of rights C. Political rights D. Constitutional rights
82. These are rights of the citizens which give them power to participate, directly or indirectly, in the establishment or
administration of the government, suffrage and information in matters of public concern.
a. Political rights B. Civil rights C. Constitutional rights D. Economic rights
83. . The rights of the citizens which the law will enforce at the instance of private individuals for the purpose of securing
the enjoyment of their means of happiness. Among them are the rights against involuntary servitude, etc.
a. Constitutional rights B. Social and economic rights C. Civil rights D. Political rights
84. The power of the State to enact laws or regulations in relation to persons and properties as may promote public
health, safety, general welfare and convenience.
a. Power of eminent domain B. Police power C. Power of taxation D. Emergency powers
85. It is the power to apply the law to contest or disputes concerning legally recognized rights or duties between the state
and private persons brought before the judiciary.
a. Executive powers B. Legislative powers C. Judicial powers D.Constitutional powers
86. It is the environmental milestone that requires industries to install anti-pollution devices and ban the use of
a. The Greenpeace Act C. The Environment Care Act
b. The Clean Air Act D. The anti-pollution Act
87. A broader regional free trade zone established composes of ASEAN engaging Japan, China and South Korea in
expanding economic relations.
a. ASEAN free trade zone C. ASEAN plus three
b. APEC Economic zone D. APEC free trade zone
88. The occurrence of graft and corruption, nepotism and favoritism in the Philippines is often attributed to the value of
a. personalism B. impersonalism C. utang na loob D. hospitality
89. The February 22-25, 1986 EDSA revolution was affirmation of _________.
a. our love for fiestas and humor
b. our ability to rise above the family in pursuit of the national conscience
c. the primacy of humor, laughter, and singing to overcome our problem
d. the reliance on the supernatural in times of crisis.
90. Which is an advantageous result of ethnocentrism?
a. the feelings of a group that it is the center of the universe
b. Developing among the members of a group sense of pride and solidarity
c. viewing one’s culture as the right and normal behavior patterns\
d. all of the above
91. Evaluating the cultural patterns of a group of people within the context of their history, environment and social
circumstances is ________.
a. cultural relativism B.ethnocentrism C. multiculturalism D. assimilation
92. When one group blends and takes on the characteristics of another culture there is _.
a. acculturation B. accommodation C. adaptation D. assimilation
93. When various cultures retain their dominant norms and values and respects the activities of their other groups in the
society there is __________.
a. accommodation B acculturation C. multiculturalism D. cultural diversity
94. The broad areas of social living, the pattern and recurrent elements common to all cultures are called ____.
a. culture complex B. culture universals C. culture patterns D. cultural adaptation
95. Which is an example of a culture universal?
a. speech and language B. agrarian reform C. E-mail D. globalization

96. Program designed to solve the social ills of the Filipino society through social renewal and transformation and to
strengthen the moral fiber of the Filipino people.
a. People empowerment C. “Galing Mo Pinoy”
b. People’s initiative D. Moral Recovery Program
97. The integration of national markets into single world market place where goods, services, financial capital technology
flow unhampered between countries.
a. Market liberation B. Free trade zone C. Globalization D. Market integration
98. World body with 143 member countries that set governing rules in economic relations and trade.
a. World Trade Organization C. General agreement on tariffs and trade
b. United nations D. UN conference on trade and development
99. Refers to the increasing reliance on markets, not governments, to guide economic activity.
a. Liberalization B. Deregulation C. Globalization D. Privatization
100. You observe that one of your pupils always comes late and always bullies others. Which is the situation that least
explains the behavior of the child?
a. He is exposed to a family situation where there is lack of good role models.
b. He chooses to be a bully in order to assert himself.
c. His parents are hard-working professionals who often fail to come to parents’ meetings.
d. He lives in an area where there is lack of community activities and overpopulation
101. Which of the following examples of culture is non material?
a.House and Lot c.Furniture and tools
b.Dreams and aspirations d. Pieces of jewelry
102. Which of the following culture is difficult to change?
a.Mode of dressing c. Political affiliation
b.Group values and attitudes d. Social clubs and organizations
103. The Filipinos like “pasta and pizza pie” foods that came from the west. What characteristic of culture is shown?
a. Culture is transferable c. Culture is borrowed
b. Culture is symbolic d. Culture is continuous
104. When an individual or a group adopts the culture of others, practice them and become habitual, this is;
a. Cultural change c. affective change
b. Cultural lag d. cognitive change
105. One of the best things that happened in our country is the granting of farm lands to the tenants through land reform.
What change is this?
a. Technology change c. technical change
b. Social change d. cultural change
106. Which of the following is the most observable technological change in our present educational system?
a. Introduction of new methods of teaching c. Addition of vocational and technology subjects
b. Use of modern technology in teaching d. Addition of computer education to the curriculum
107. Which does not refer to culture?
a. The shared products of human learning c. A social heritage, transmitted to another
b. The sum total skills, beliefs and knowledge d. The capacity to perform according to standards
108. What is the first step DepEd and CHED should do to effect educational changes?
a. Require all teachers to take licensure examination c. Examine closely the existing curricular programs
b. Change the recent curriculum with new one d. Conduct in- service training and workshop for
109. In old China, the cultural practices were handed down from generation to the next without addition nor subtraction.
What was the objective for doing so?
a. To develop obedient citizens c. To make maximum use of the citizens
b. To perpetuate culture d. To avoid confusion and conflict among the citizens
110. What was the best way the primitive people did so they could meet their need for security?
a. Trained people in martial arts c. Made women join army
b. Formed groups and tribes d. Establish a strong and brave army
111. Why is it very difficult for a teacher to effect change to his ward?
a. Children carry with them different values learned at home
b. The parents are reluctant toward change made by the school
c. The children are afraid of their parents to adapt changes
d. Poor motivation by the teacher to make the children change
112. Ideally, the school should conduct surveys of the community more often to;
a. Produce quality graduates for the community
b. Produce needed manpower that matches demand of the community
c. Establish harmonious rapport between the school and the community
d. Help the community move forward successfully
113. Which of the following situations illustrates social change?
a. A farmer using modern tool to produce better crops
b. An agricultural barangay built a big dike for irrigation system
c. Student using cell phone instead of the landline communication
d. Kissing and hugging the old folks instead of kissing their hands
114. How can the Teacher Training Institution (TTIs) be assured of quality teacher graduates?
a. Accept secondary graduates from private schools only
b. Provide scholarship to TEIs students
c. Adapt effective selection, admission, and retention policies
d. Accept student with genuine attitude towards teaching
115. The main difference between our social stratification from the caste system of India is;
a. Assigned classifications in the ladder cannot be changed anymore
b. People can move from one class to another
c. A person in the lowest class will stay in the stage forever
d. There is no way of going up and down the ladder
116. economics is said to be the “queen of social sciences” which of the following is the original meaning of economics
a. Political economy b. Household management c. Social economics d. Distribution of wealth
117. which of the following is the primary objective of economics?
a. To provide basic necessities to man c. To provide exports to developing countries
b. To satisfy human wants and needs d. To provide goods and services for the markets
118. economics has split personality. This means that this is
a. Does not know what to deal c. Is not yet fully developed as a discipline
b. Is both physical science and social science d. Satisfies two sets of human wants-physical and mental
119. Which of the following sciences does economics relate with if it tries to understand previous economic policies?
a. Political science b. Sociology c. History d. Chemistry
120. The canvassing of the votes of the presidents shall be done by congress and presided by:
a. Chief justice c. Ombudsman
b. Secretary of national defense d. Vice president
121. Everytime jose’s parents leave the house, they chain him to a post of their house padlock the door of his room
without food, water and sunlight. He was untidy and emaciated. What rights were violated?
1. The natural and primary right of parents to rear their children in the manner convenient to both parents and
2. The rights to healthful well being and ecology
3. The right to travel and abode
4. The right of the child to protection, care and support of his parents
a. 1, 2 b. 1, 3 c. 2, 3 d. 2, 4
122. Which of the following positions does need the confirmation of the commission on appointments
a. BIR commissioner b. Navy captains c. Consul d. Ambassador
123. a charge imposed for purposes of regulation
a. Tax b. Penalty c. Assessment d. License
124. a liability arising from a contract and maybe paid in kind
a. License b. Penalty c. Dept d. License
125. This is the form of taxation that is collected from a tax payer based on his/her income or wealth
a. Indirect tax b. Sacrifice tax c. Direct tax d. sin tax
126. taxable income is derived from
a. Net income less additional exemption
b. Gross compensation income less withholding tax
c. Gross income less total exemptions
d. Gross income less personal exemptions
127. The most important symbols are
a. Actions b. Words c. Behaviors d. None of the above
128. Which of the following is not an element of demand?
a. Consumer preference b. Factors of production c. Income d. Population
129. What is the first hand account of an event?
a. Written history b. Contemporary history c. Oral history d. Observation history
130. What is commonly referred to in elementary education as civics?
a. Psychology b. History c. Geography d. Political science
131. What is the main function of the state?
a. Regulation of production, distribution and consumption
b. Regulation of manpower resources
c. Formation of capital and control of investments
d. The maintenance of peace and order
132. What is the ability of an individual to respond to or interact effectively with others in the environment and to manage
interpersonal circumstances in ways that prompt positive outcomes?
a. Economic competence c. Political competence
b. Social competence d. Managerial competence
133. The philippine custom where men volunteer their services in transferring a house to another place or helping farmers
during the planting and harvesting season is known as __________.
a. Utang na loob b. Bayanihan c. Kaiko d. Fiesta
134. The asia-pacific economic cooperation (apec) is a ___________.
a. Economic community c. Trading body
b. Decision-making body d. Forum
135. China claims historic rights of sovereignty over the spratlys but the philippines claims sovereignty by ___________.
a. Territory b. Occupation c. Unchallenged use d. Succession rights
136. A branch of philosophy that studies the morality of human actions
a. Epistemology b. Metaphysics c. Ethics d. Cosmology
137. The area of philosophy that specifically deals with the problem of human values
a. Criteriology b. Epistemology c. Theodicy d. Axiology
138. The aim of this philosophy is to reduce statements about education to empirical terms
a. Reconstructionism c.Philosophical analysis
a. Existentialism d. Social traditionalism
139. This is philosophical study of human knowledge and the criteria of truth.
a. Axiology b. Epistemology c. Logic d. Metaphysics
140. This philosophy posits the know ability of the world and everything in it as they are in themselves and their
existence independent of the human mind
a. Existentialism b. Idealism c. Materialism d. Realism
141. This philosophy is a way of viewing and thinking about life in the world so that priority is given to individualism and
subjectivity. It believes that human beings are the creator of their own essences
a. Existentialism b. Idealism c. Realism d. Reconstructionism
142. The philosophical belief that reality is precisely what as it appear to be and adheres to the belief that "seeing is
a. coherence b. Consistency c. Naive realism d. Pragmatism
143. the belief that the ultimate criterion of truth is if an idea works then it is true
a. Coherence b. Consistency c. Naive realism d. Pragmatism
144. the philosophical study of the human mind
a. Axiology b. Epistemology c. Metaphysics d. Rational psychology
145. What fallacy is committed when one uses threat in his argument
a. Ad hominem b. Ad mesericordiam c. Ad baculum d. Ad populum
146. Please, i should pass this let exam sir, my mother is sick have mercy on us?
a.Ad authoretatem b. Hasty generalization c. Ad mesericordiam d. Ad populum
147. the theory that says that if a man knows what the good life is, he will not act immorally, thus evil is due to lack of
knowledge and that there is fundamentally one and only one good life for all men to lead thus moral principles are
a. Kantianiss b. Nicomachean ethics c. Platonism d. The ethics of Baruch Spinoza
148. he contended that the good life is a life of happiness, happiness is an activity not a goal, men ought to behave so
as to achieve happiness and in order to achieve happiness, men must act moderately, they must act so as to be
striving for the mean between two extremes
a. Plato b. Emmanuel kant c. Zeno d. Aristotle
149. A person who knows what is right but does the wrong thing is__________ person.
a. An amoral c. an immoral
b. A moral d. a non moral
150. The document that embodies the rights, benefits, and privileges of the teachers is
a. Constitution c. Code of ethics
b. Magna carta d. Teacher’s guide



SOC SCI MAJORSHIP: Practice Questions

1 D 51 D 101 C 1 C 51 C 101 C
2 C 52 A 102 B 2 D 52 C 102 B
3 D 53 C 103 C 3 B 53 C 103 C
4 D 54 A 104 D 4 B 54 B 104 D
5 B 55 D 105 D 5 B 55 C 105 C
6 C 56 B 106 D 6 B 56 C 106 D
7 A 57 B 107 D 7 A 57 B 107 B
8 A 58 D 108 C 8 C 58 B 108 C
9 B 59 D 109 D 9 B 59 C 109 C
10 D 60 C 110 A 10 C 60 B 110 B
11 A 61 A 111 C 11 D 61 B 111 B
12 C 62 B 112 B 12 D 62 D 112 B
13 A 63 A 113 A 13 B 63 B 113 C
14 C 64 B 114 C 14 D 64 B 114 C
15 D 65 A 115 D 15 A 65 D 115 C
16 A 66 C 116 D 16 D 66 B 116 C
17 D 67 A 117 C 17 C 67 C 117 B
18 A 68 D 118 A 18 D 68 C 118 A
19 A 69 D 119 B 19 C 69 D 119 B
20 B 70 D 120 D 20 B 70 C 120 D
21 A 71 A 121 A 21 D 71 B 121 C
22 C 72 B 122 B 22 D 72 C 122 C
23 B 73 C 123 B 23 B 73 B 123 B
24 D 74 A 124 B 24 C 74 D 124 C
25 A 75 B 125 D 25 B 75 B 125 D
26 C 76 B 126 D 26 D 76 D 126 B
27 C 77 C 127 A 27 C 77 C 127 B
28 C 78 D 128 A 28 C 78 C 128 C
29 B 79 B 129 C 29 A 79 B 129 C
30 E 80 B 130 B 30 C 80 D 130 B
31 A 81 A 131 C 31 C 81 C 131 D
32 C 82 D 132 B 32 D 82 C 132 D
33 A 83 C 133 D 33 C 83 B 133 C
34 A 84 D 134 A 34 D 84 D 134 A
35 D 85 B 135 C 35 D 85 A 135 B
36 B 86 C 136 A 36 B 86 B 136 C
37 A 87 A 137 C 37 B 87 C 137 D
38 D 88 B 138 B 38 - 88 C 138 C
39 C 89 C 139 D 39 D 89 D 139 B
40 D 90 C 140 C 40 D 90 C 140 B
41 B 91 D 141 D 41 D 91 B 141 D
42 C 92 C 142 B 42 D 92 A 142 D
43 D 93 D 143 B 43 C 93 C 143 B
44 A 94 D 144 D 44 C 94 D 144 D
45 A 95 D 145 C 45 D 95 B 145 A
46 C 96 B 146 B 46 B 96 B 146 D
47 C 97 C 147 A 47 B 97 A 147 C
48 D 98 A 148 A 48 D 98 C 148 D
49 B 99 D 149 C 49 B 99 C 149 B
50 B 100 C 150 B 50 C 100 D 150 C


1 C 51 A 101 D 1 B 51 D 101 D
2 C 52 A 102 A 2 A 52 A 102 A
3 D 53 B 103 A 3 C 53 D 103 B
4 B 54 D 104 C 4 D 54 C 104 B
5 C 55 D 105 C 5 B 55 D 105 C
6 D 56 A 106 B 6 A 56 B 106 A
7 A 57 A 107 C 7 D 57 A 107 C
8 B 58 C 108 A 8 C 58 C 108 B
9 D 59 B 109 D 9 B 59 D 109 A
10 A 60 B 110 C 10 D 60 A 110 A
11 A 61 D 111 C 11 A 61 D 111 D
12 A 62 B 112 A 12 B 62 C 112 C
13 B 63 C 113 B 13 D 63 B 113 D
14 C 64 C 114 D 14 C 64 B 114 B
15 A 65 D 115 C 15 C 65 C 115 D
16 B 66 A 116 A 16 B 66 A 116 A
17 C 67 D 117 A 17 A 67 D 117 B
18 B 68 D 118 A 18 D 68 D 118 C
19 C 69 C 119 C 19 B 69 D 119 D
20 D 70 A 120 D 20 C 70 A 120 C
21 D 71 C 121 A 21 A 71 B 121 B
22 B 72 C 122 C 22 C 72 A 122 D
23 C 73 C 123 B 23 D 73 D 123 C
24 C 74 A 124 B 24 D 74 B 124 A
25 A 75 D 125 A 25 B 75 C 125 D
26 C 76 C 126 C 26 C 76 B 126 B
27 A 77 B 127 A 27 C 77 C 127 C
28 D 78 B 128 A 28 C 78 C 128 A
29 B 79 B 129 C 29 D 79 A 129 B
30 B 80 D 130 A 30 C 80 C 130 C
31 D 81 D 131 D 31 B 81 D 131 D
32 A 82 B 132 A 32 B 82 A 132 D
33 C 83 A 133 D 33 B 83 B 133 B
34 C 84 D 134 C 34 D 84 D 134 A
35 A 85 A 135 A 35 D 85 D 135 B
36 D 86 D 136 A 36 A 86 A 136 B
37 B 87 A 137 C 37 A 87 C 137 C
38 A 88 C 138 A 38 A 88 D 138 D
39 B 89 C 139 A 39 D 89 B 139 A
40 D 90 B 140 D 40 C 90 A 140 D
41 B 91 A 141 A 41 A 91 B 141 B
42 C 92 A 142 A 42 B 92 C 142 C
43 A 93 D 143 C 43 C 93 D 143 B
44 C 94 C 144 A 44 C 94 C 144 B
45 A 95 D 145 B 45 B 95 B 145 A
46 A 96 B 146 C 46 B 96 C 146 A
47 D 97 C 147 A 47 D 97 A 147 C
48 A 98 A 148 A 48 B 98 A 148 C
49 A 99 B 149 D 49 C 99 B 149 C
50 C 100 C 150 A 50 C 100 A 150 A

1 C 51 A 101 B
2 C 52 A 102 B
3 B 53 C 103 A
4 B 54 A 104 A
5 C 55 B 105 B
6 B 56 B 106 D
7 C 57 B 107 D
8 B 58 D 108 C
9 A 59 A 109 B
10 C 60 A 110 B
11 A 61 B 111 A
12 C 62 C 112 C
13 A 63 B 113 D
14 B 64 A 114 C
15 A 65 C 115 B
16 A 66 D 116 B
17 D 67 C 117 B
18 C 68 C 118 B
19 C 69 C 119 C
20 C 70 B 120 A
21 B 71 D 121 D
22 B 72 B 122 A
23 B 73 C 123 D
24 B 74 C 124 B
25 B 75 B 125 C
26 B 76 B 126 B
27 C 77 B 127 A
28 A 78 B 128 B
29 A 79 C 129 C
30 C 80 D 130 D
31 D 81 B 131 D
32 D 82 A 132 B
33 B 83 C 133 B
34 D 84 B 134 D
35 D 85 C 135 A
36 A 86 B 136 C
37 C 87 C 137 D
38 B 88 A 138 C
39 D 89 B 139 B
40 C 90 B 140 D
41 A 91 A 141 A
42 B 92 A 142 C
43 D 93 C 143 D
44 D 94 B 144 D
45 C 95 A 145 C
46 C 96 D 146 C
47 B 97 C 147 C
48 D 98 A 148 D
49 B 99 B 149 C
50 C 100 B 150 B


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