Software Testing Manual

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Identify system specification | at design tet manage Ty] Design for_simple |, *_| calculator application (BB Testing) fae = Design test cases for railway | o $ | reservation form [16 | 9-9 a [5 | Design tex cases Tor Pomel Fi [2 | Gipken. Amazon) login form (9% fe (Date ee cae We FS | Testing any Web Sites e oil Write program and design test cases |__| TT for the following Control and A lye ecision making statement. 1) 31 |t-lo-71\4-1> Noe | |For... Loop 2) 3) | Do... While 4 Ifelse | Prepare test plan for an identified E [Nba arate 37 [THe bol = ke Design test plan and test cases for| 9. [Notepad (MS Window fle Wen Ue ae 2 | eats La | Application | Prepare defect report after a 10. | executing test cases for library | 48 AUT 18-1) ~ managemént system | } | i Prepare defect report after 1 IL. | executing test cases for Withdrawn | 53 | ofamount from ATM Machine. | | { Prepare defect report afer. j 12. | executing test cases for any login | 58 | form. } | Desiga “and run test cases for[ | 13. | WordPad (MS Windows based). /63|}q-)) U5-1] ue Using an Automated tool i ile 4 | Design and run test cases for MS j 14. | Word application using an 68 | i Automation Tool I | FEE Project Assionmest Beh kina L Total Marks '* To be transferred to Proforma of CIAAN-2017 © Scanned with OKEN Scanner XiL Practical Related Quessines Neer: Below given are feo sample gurstians for reference. Teacher matt devign Mure sach quettions ta as 19 emrare the achievement 4 CO. tC, 3 Teeceratsecce 5k teins “Dynan Lie 4 Jats 2 a + Teshing is done by _exztuting Testi, was done uithout Testing TT eeutice The precram: the —_pteeram © ° ee EE EEE See siting does the venti-| Dynami ‘tasting dass the (cass « validation process mic testing 1s abo a rae a er syst 1 Sake Teskog ious a anil E _ Gheeblist GL process t, ses ny _° execution © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Objectives of : 2. How can we design the tes om rerneats? 3. Compare Static and Dynamic testing. (Space for answers) hira State Board of Technical Education 3 © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Software Testing (22518) XML Exercise Attempt QI. and teacher shall allot Q.2/Q.3 from the following: (Note: Use Point VIII to X and XIII to XV for all relevant programming exercise use blank pages provided or attach more pages ifneeded.) 1. Identify the situation when to Start and Stop Software Testing. 2. Write the test case for a designed purchase order system. 3. In white box testing identify the parameters to verify? anditians:..or present... I. flows, Succ. me ON © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Software Testing (22518) defined as“ The Specific Condition gping activities ‘thot should be “Fal led bela “conic, the Sofware ‘esting life cycle - Ste Specifies whith exit cvileria is required “at each — testi hase” The exit —ertherig can iden the itbamelile delverable and enable You fo track — them as | pail events | The. following outpu is achieved Tntough the ent cytheria _* Test Logs Test incident ree Loy | et Summory Repor! [Fading Report I 1 Pelua Status “Teo. Cheek admin Seo Pass = ih is shewing to fill the © Scanned with OKEN Scanner —a. XIV, References ! Suggestions for further Reading i betpee WWW.sothy; Stinghelp.convbeta-teting! 2. http: PHtoolkitconvTestCaseGeneratar 3. https: Poutubecom wach?v=tnAgQpaGhesteen XV. Assessment Scheme aaiin eeludistrs Waa Process related (15 Marks) 30% 1 Too! Selection Ability = 2) 2,_| Follow ethical practices [1% | Product related (35 Man “10% 3._| Verifying of System requi 4 | Comectness in Use of Test Parameter al 5.__| Generation and Execution of Text Case 15% 6. | Timely Submission of report 10% 7. Answer to sample questions 10% Total (60 Marks) 100% List of Students ‘Team Members tS 2. ah -——————- Dated signature | Marks Obtained of'Teacher | Process | Product | rotat50) i Retated(15) | Related(35) yp Ao : | ‘Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education © Scanned with OKEN Scanner < Setreme Testing 22518) 1. What are major system specifications of Inventory Management System 2. What are the functions of Inventory Management Syste? 7 3. Give the significance of Inventory Management System as pet Ruunews perspective. (Space for answers) \- Ie Pojer sea, ra —inyetng management tem _ 05. follows 2 Aen 7 a " dad “dig wt Add product Nebification when my product hits - =r thereon gf} oof fuechem, of a invankry ~manett ra aa qs Hlews > oot Sat manasernt * Prac Lisking — Steck“ cheaking im oduct 31 Trvenkory —_ macagement emis ‘ont 20) 7 aE = business a QUT fi it__ ima a business need _ ven eftrerzntly fails the invent best busine ora Compan : i basingss ete. : : ay 2 handles an te 2 agement bob ee business i 7 es wath fa 7 a and. © Scanned with OKEN Scanner saftare Testing 251 1) | Description | Input Excepted | Actual Status 1 Result | Result | G0! | Validate Pioduet | Successfull ly ucessfally Pass i i list input spt Teor. | Validete maxinum Product | TP move If show the | Pass ; geaily fo. qaolilyme than 100. limit exceed ere Mm Inbar thea _it essage ce onal should b jeduct = | display. a A elu tre a fy a arereeeaes the limit: teach | Hoos | valilele | No of | Dicgla nese [Dighy mesg Pass, rinimum product = |‘no - product |' no 2 product ee gectity ye is. too small ,}is to small.) _|oiders minima — Minimum ovd = bo Tou ime al Product ae Sueessfully | Pass to cot quantity eluate it coke : Uy Field amount and | amount and | display the displey_ the | total “ ameunt |tetal son © Scanned with OKEN Scanner allot (. 2/0. from the following: se Point VAL to X and XIE to XV For ‘vant programming, exercise use Wank pages provided or attach an atte the test cas © ( validate Supplier's contact details like Mobile number. intity for selected items / goods, (in Question 1 by entering email address as "23456780" note down the result, cated in Question 2 by entering quantity above 100 and below ‘Tos !Valida Tend Validate... pa em H aharashtra State Board of Technical Education © Scanned with OKEN Scanner “IL. Practical Related Questions Note: Below given are few sample quest ‘ample questions for reference. (nresuch questions so as fo ensure the aehierag enone (Note: Use Point VIIL to X and Xl to Advanta well sued ond eMPciend for ligt code says ode =. no} aequited Cleasly separates — user's baling fe . pics ecbive thio fed os Prasp developers vishly lone —numbews of iradeetely Skilled testers con test he Ee with no Knowledge implementation... progtarming languaje , or opevating syshans- feacher must design achievement of identified Co, Y forall relevant practical exercise use blank Disadvantages Limited coverage . since only Selected number of st Senaria is acually performed Inefficient tsbiny due 42 the fect that the tester only has limibed Koouledge bout an“ application Blind coveraye . since the tester connet togget spac. cw specie segments oY — efferpioné areas. vie fet cases ave diffcull fo desig - © Scanned with OKEN Scanner imple questions for reference. Teacher must design nsure the achievemen maf enti ed ick box testing? lack Box testing, ahi, acho pokes in... testing... htra State Board of Technical Education : © Scanned with OKEN Scanner |. Exercise Ricempt QI and teacher shall | Desediphier ‘Use Point VIII t0 X (Note: rer pages provided or attach more PATS ‘Generate the test case Generate testcase to perform any 4 and verify results. a Perform addition of 2 Positive, 2 b. Perform Subtraction of 2 negative an and verify results. ae aleulate Logarithm of 8 to base of 2. * b, Calculate values of any 4 trigortometric (Space for answers) and XII] t0 XV for all re ifneeded. to perform al arithmetic oP Execute above rest case created im Question 1 allot Q. 2/3 from the following: evant programming eXcreise use Ly erations. eientifie operations. by entering following operations 2 Negative numbers. 1d 1 positive numbers. “4. eeute above test case created in Question 2 by entering following operations functions having same theta valucs. © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Software Testing (22518) doa... States honing oy fot | a XIV. References / Suggestions for further Reading 1. https:/Avww.softwaretestinghelp.comibeta-testing/ 2. http: /! XV. Assessment Scheme Performance Indicators ‘Process related (15 Marks) _ Tool Selection Ability Follow ethical practices. Product related (33 Marks) Verifying of System requirement Specification Correciness in Use of Test Parameters Generation and Execution of Test Case Timely Submission of report ‘Answer to sample questions = Total (50 Marks) a]ofofayo List of Students ‘Team Members 2. 3. i ~] Dated sign: i Marks Obtained | Mttescber | Process | Product | y.ta1(s0) Related(15) | Related(35) ype 46 z 5 ‘aarashira State Board of Techies! Education © Scanned with OKEN Scanner i Testing te Result (Output of the procedure) Practical Related Questions : Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design we rch questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. (Note Use Point VII to X and IIE to XV or all relevant practical exerci Ue blank pages provided or attach more pages ifneeded. 1. Give significance of testing in railway. reservation system. 3 What are atfenent test methodologies that shall be applied while testing railway tes wom? Justify. 3. Give the significauce of system tystjng in railway reservation systerm. XU. (Space for answers) 4)-e Sue... teshing i thee. fen Functionality ....0M v ar “develope sol te Beard of Technical Education | © Scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘Software Testing (22518) Sree XML Exercise Attempt QI. and teacher shall allot Q. 2/Q.3 from the following: (Note: Use Point VII to X and XIII to XV forall relevant Programming exercise use blank pages provided or attach more pages if needed.) 1. 2 3 | Deseripbion | Checking coe Condition Cheakin zs Cndbie fey. next 5 days 3 Prepare the test case to check availability of any train travelling from Mumbai to Delhi for next 5 days, Generate test case to validate user email and mobile number on any railway reservation system. Execute above test case created in Question | by entering following operations and verify results. & Register yourself on any railway reservation portal by entering valid information. Verify and note down the email and message talssoTD generated from this registration process. b. Check availability for nexitwo:days. Enter details for 2travellers, Change age of any one passenger as 62: Verify and note down concession status. Click . Enter your emni without °@o cha © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Software Testing (2518) oe NL Result (Ontput of the procedure) XIL. Practical Related Questions Note: Below given are few sample Auestions for reference. Teacher must design DRE Such questions so as o ensure the achievement of identified CO. ote: Use Point VIII to X and XII to XV for al relevant practical exercise use blank Pages Provided or attach mote pages if needed.) |. What are the security threats for E-Commerce System? 2. List different authenticat on protogas that can be used in providing security for B= Commerce System, 3. Describe various ene credentials. ryption techniques that can be used to provide storing login (Space for answers) Sood. ising.....attecks, . ceeh t....dard, sein stondands : Keus....tith..5. bit - hn.» plete 2 “Maherashira State Board of Technical Education © Scanned with OKEN Scanner yoours ‘Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Hot (.2/0.3 from the followings IIT to XV Jorallrefevant proggsmining e ‘on any E-Commerce portal b nd note down the email and message tall as dott th nter the. passwd... yy enter valid information. {OTP generated from this i ts] part mk of NB elon co = ee * Dik ooh, © Scanned with OKEN Scanner gbseTesngasiy : nnn cups ERET oar is not _match- zeq Exe ted Actual Status Shea loin String Stal display | Displays a Pas id if empty | dita La pw pe for " | o7_mt Pi login entering the | 1/1602 Validate login String | Cheaks hes sues Pass _| f — [with dobobose | deta _lid-in_doab| ally to the] | - he homepaye if — login id is : — | dorret___| | [lord (TF login is. not Shing | Roie an | Pompls to enky Pass __|matehed data exception : vid lagi | -— ana see Go | Gheak password | String lio display Displays a | Pass | __|field_is amply data fa message uthen| message for lor not possutd field is) entering the ny password. Thos [Validate pasund String |Cheaks past Redneck sues, Pass with datebase} deta _|in database ally to the homepage if password 5 he | E Password Raise on | Prompls to nly Ras, exception the valid © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Software Testing (22518) oe XII. Practical Related Questions Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Point VIII to X and XIII to XV forall relovant practical exercise use blank cor attach more pages if needed.) cance of performance and stress testing for web applications the necessity of configuration testing? Describe various configurations required to be considered while performing website testing t 3. Describe various security testings to be performed for web application. Give its importance. (Space for answers) sound sti perlomed. Compe @... SYSEEM.. MadeT. fetal sn ABUL... MSR religbty, ofthe. system. / Shes. Aha... testing _fontwan... unde? less....Ahon, You.....Sotkware Jou... memory. slow.....radems...0nd.. “Maharashtra State Board of Technical Educati 28 © Scanned with OKEN Scanner uh santiuatin aes 6. ess. - Site Aequest f xl. Exercise © Affempt QL. and teacher shall aot .2/0.3 from the following: (Note: Use Point VIN to X and XIIL(0 XY Tor all relevant programming exercise use blank pages provided or Pages ifneeded ) Prepare test case tot lege website for any 5 links available 2, Prepare test ease for Which sends OTP on your email address / mobile number. Execute above test case created in Question 1 by performing appropriate operations and verify results, attach more test your coll any website (Space for answers) For i. : homepage. ‘he Molerashira State Board of © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Ml. Practical Related Questions Note: Below given ap, i sien are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design me snsire the achievement of identified CO. and XIII to XV for all relevant pr, se bla Fees per atacn nee TO = a ‘elevant practical exercise use blank 1 State 7 different way t0 test the decision and Control statements. 2. For any decision statements what will be the Possible Outcomes while writing the test cases. 3 Can we test he reiatonal operator? Validate the answer with justification (Space for answers : 9.10... algomes apression.- Jn. AhsCovannt._. expressions _Lomplicaked.... Tharsote..ik. 1s. ads... ARCs combinations. Tk met tow © Scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘XI. Exercise ° ‘Attempt QI. and teacher shall allot Q.2/Q.3 from the followin . (Note: Use Point VIII to X and XIII to XV for all relevant programming exercise usp blank pages provided or attach more pages ifneeded.) Hee the tet ease to check the program writen for Even and Odd numbers, 2 “Execute above test case in Question 1 by entering following inputs and veriy results. Input- 4,7,2.5,8.1 Generate test case to check the program written for printing the day of week. Create the test cases for following algorithm and write the “Expected Outcome and ‘ Actual Outcome" in following table by executing the code- Be declare Length as integer i declare Count as integer : \ ). REAR Length; \ READ Count; WHILE (Count <= 6) LOOP “TF (Lengtti>= 100) THEN . Length = Length -2;" ELSE : ___Length = Count * Length; ‘ENDIF 1 Count = Couzt +15 END, PRINT Léngth; aM i Test Cases Case. | Inpitt Values Count_Length Expected Outcomes Actual Outcomes 1 [5 tor 7 L 2 [599 Tal | sito r {"4a7fo 0 | ‘Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education eae © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Sofware Testing (22518) = a uestions : Teacher mi Praca ed te ei fied CO, ae : Tr OX tore forall lee practical exes fgg ce: Use Point il) yes provi itach more pages IFES ication? Pasian ec wn Define the Test Management 7 State the use of Test Case specification. Enlis Identifiers. 2 acre parameters that should BP considered while preparing TESt Simm, Report the Test Case Speciticaig, (space for answer) ‘Maharashira State Board of Technical Educat ud © Scanned with OKEN Scanner objectives case A _ ems 5). : 5 cipication ane Pe . i ‘ spin cise use ite dal reeds - sinting iyi" } ‘formation : objectives eal ag..j8.. Aching. ad And... d..2fy..© Responsibilities. fo ‘okra Sine Board of Tec! avenno® © Scanned with OKEN Scanner 3. Prepare the test plan for any foog A LPP foWa on "Shira Sate Board of Tectnicl Eesti Acivery application "With test eases, Dé: * is. “kc nd ay i © Scanned with OKEN Scanner —=———————— Pes Ali 48 Name nantind Deserinhi Jn this we have ca applshion to cheat mod est pe oT ; Putpose © To find ou : appiatien to Ane "Pasa oad Aes tailed Receiving Tess _— a Pefec Deserption | Conding preblem Ia Status ; Mou: z [S1maons his Pending ae fest on a chatting aut the Send and Teccive the estors in the chatting er the enor in the send Ob, tod aye_tajled To ass > the _send_ and seeive 6Y{o%- prio Lt 4, | Correctness in Use of Test Parameters 15% 5. | Generation and Execution of Test Case 15% 6. | Timely Submission of report 10% 7. | Answer torsample questions 10% Total (60 Marks) 100% List of Students ‘Team Members i. 2 _ 3. Marks Obtained | Dated signature | (Process | Product] of Teacher j | Related(15) | Relatea@gs) |. Total(so) ———] Wo ‘Maharashtra State Board of Techoical > © Scanned with OKEN Scanner ae 2s) aw pesult (Output of the Procedure, practical Related Questions Mh Sotee Below given are few snp eg such questions s Mestions fay or ee vin teas the achieve, ae 5 eacer must design 2 Use a foxy 'M of identified CO. ages provided or attach more pages i feel all relevant practical exercise use blank j, Identify the components used jn, the Tea 7 2. State the benefits of Test Plan lan documents? 5, Define Test Deliverables 4, State the use of Test Case Speci Identifiers. Pecification, Enlist the Test Case Specification (Space:for answers) © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Software Vesting (22518) NIL Exereive Attempt QL. and HH allot 0.2/0.3 from the following: (Note: Use Point VI x oral relevant programming een *s provided o if needed.) he option the Test plan for the same, test plan with test cyses fo the up” option. 3. Test the option “Word Wrap” of Format menu and prepare the ‘Test play fon, same, (Space fo swvers) Se in “allows buy. copplication......allowe...... SAIN... a vel iba ALOUE SAIN Met mC ee lf ia ould. ‘Vsharashtra State Board of Technical Educat © Scanned with OKEN Scanner ————_ oo a net : Teacher must deg : cs for POPEPEDCE design NIL. Practical Related Que ie questi for of identified CO. re the oc og practical EXCISE We Hag, © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Ip of following c Prepare defect report for Hbvary man stem, + hntps:/ Generate online library Perform at least 3 tes system. + hisps:/ em with the help of following website (Space for answers) Etat. “management syskern phase | _Assignmen Envifonme © Scanned with OKEN Scanner KIL. Practical Related Questions Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teacher must design mare such questions so as to ensure the achievement of iden (Note: Use Point VIM to X and XII to XV forall relevant pages provided or attach more pages if needed.) 1. State the benefits of Automation Testing. 2, Enlist the different types of softwate testing that can be automated. 3. State the criterion’s to choose @n-Auutomation Tools." 4, Bnlist the software testing toals avaifable, (Space for answers) | Mikirashir State Board of Technical Education © Scanned with OKEN Scanner arc 3 from the following: “Attempt Qt. and teacher shall allot Q2/Q3 from TC a ; we Heed eer pek and XII to XV forall relevant programming eNerIse use thank pages provid or atach more pagesyeneedeL) ; 1 Tet the “view” option available in WordPad application. “Attached the reconied soript i nd-closing WordPad application using the en shots. ality for any application ‘hed the screen shots. the basic “login” func Write down the related test cases or attac (Space for answers) Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Practical No. 15: Project Assignment PART A- Plan ritle of Micro-Project a Sate Board of Technical Education B Mabscashtra State Board of Technical Education © Scanned with OKEN Scanner on Plan (Sequence and time Tequied for major activity) S.No. Details of activity (Hours Week) Planned | Planned Name of Start date Finish Responsible Team date Members ata Ashes Sduyatuy: fewew Clady oF data Viscussion and —oafinal content Rouch waifine of the prokech otha 50 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some machining facility, software ete.) ‘Name of Ss. 7 aad Specifications Qty Remarks No. esource/material 1 Computer Tova 1 2 ong T (3 1pi Tenn Ankeit hy Service Cs [ess ‘tra State Board of Technical Education © Scanned with OKEN Scanner

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