Full Moon - Edited

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The Rebel’s Redemption

As the full moon cast an eerie glow over the desolate town, Sarah hesitated at the
entrance of the long-abandoned asylum. She knew what she was about to do was
wrong, but the urgency of her situation left her no alternative.

Sarah's daughter had been afflicted by a mysterious illness leaving her bedridden
for months. No medicine seemed to work. In her relentless quest for a cure which
would either cost an arm and a leg or non-existent. Sarah had stumbled upon a
forbidden ritual rumored to be within the asylum's walls. Desperation led her to
believe that it might be her only hope.

The asylum was a place of countless horrors, a former home to the criminally

Rumors of the tormented souls still lingered within its decaying walls.

With a trembling hand, Sarah lit an old lantern and ventured deeper into the
asylum's maze-like hallways. The air was heavy with the echoes of anguished cries
from the past. Sarah made her way to the ritual chamber, where, as the legends
whispered, the answers to her daughter's salvation were held.

As she entered the chamber, Sarah's lantern flickered ominously. Sarah's doubts
grew stronger. She knew she was meddling with forces beyond her comprehension.

With the ritual instructions, she chanted the incantation with trembling lips. The
chamber's temperature dropped, and the walls seemed to close around her. Unseen
eyes bore into her and she could hear the long-forgotten souls.

Before she could complete the ritual, a bone-chilling scream echoed, freezing
Sarah in her tracks. A tormented figure, manifested before her, its hollow eyes
staring into her soul. It was the vengeful spirit of one of the asylum's former
residents, and it had been disturbed by her intrusion.

As the vengeful spirit closed in on Sarah, she felt a rush of terror when suddenly an
unexpected glimmer of light pierced the darkness. The spirit halted. It seemed as
though a spark of compassion had ignited within its hollow eyes.

In an otherworldly whisper, the spirit spoke to Sarah, revealing the unjust suffering
it had endured within these walls. It explained that the ritual Sarah had sought to
perform was not a path to salvation but a curse that had ensnared many lost souls
like itself.

Touched by the spirit's revelation, Sarah realized the profound consequences of her
actions. Together, they hoped to uncover the asylum's dark secrets and cleanse the
place of its hostility.

Over time, they discovered and mended old wounds and offered redemption to the
tormented spirits. The asylum's malevolent aura lifted, and it transformed from a
place of dread into a sanctuary of healing and reconciliation.

The townsfolk eventually embraced its newfound purpose as a place of compassion

and hope. Sarah's actions, though initially misguided, ultimately led to the
redemption of the forsaken asylum and the healing of many wounded souls.

Done by: Parisa, Eman, Ayesha, Raseefah, Alisha.

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