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Asset Management Data Warehouse


Business Question Assessment

8/28/2000 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

Table of Contents
1. Purpose........................................................................................................................3
1.1. Document Scope............................................................................................3
1.2. Distribution..................................................................................................... 3
2. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 3
3. Information Requirements (By Category).....................................................................4
3.1. Information Requirements - Source Data.......................................................4
3.2. Asset Analysis Category.................................................................................5
3.2.1. Asset Profile......................................................................................5
3.2.2. Cost Tracking - Assets......................................................................6
3.2.3. Costs by Activity Type - Assets........................................................6
3.2.4. Costs by Allocation Type - Assets....................................................7
3.2.5. Determining when to retire an asset.................................................8
3.2.6. Actions Taken - Asset.......................................................................9
3.3. Loop Tag Analysis Category..........................................................................9
3.3.1. Cost Tracking - Processes...............................................................9
3.3.2. Costs by Activity Type - Processes................................................10
3.3.3. Costs by Allocation Type - Process................................................11
3.3.4. Actions Taken - Process.................................................................12
3.4. Cost Analysis Category................................................................................12
3.4.1. Cost Tracking - Assets...................................................................12
3.4.2. Cost Tracking - Processes.............................................................13
3.4.3. Determining when to retire an asset (by life expectancy)...............14
3.4.4. Corrective vs. Preventative Performance - Assets.........................14
3.4.5. Corrective vs. Preventative Performance - Processes...................15
3.4.6. Maintenance as a % of Asset Value...............................................16
3.4.7. Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF).............................................17
3.5. Resource Utilization Category......................................................................18
3.5.1. Resource Utilization - Employee.....................................................18
3.5.2. Resource Utilization - Equipment...................................................19
3.5.3. Resource Utilization – In-House Materials.....................................20
3.5.4. Resource Utilization – Non-Stock Items.........................................20
3.5.5. Resource Utilization – Contracted Services...................................21
3.6. Cost Savings based on Actions Taken Category.........................................22
3.6.1. Action Taken Analysis....................................................................22
3.7. Work Activity Analysis Category...................................................................22
3.7.1. Work Order Costs – Actual vs. Estimated Costs (out of scope).....23
3.7.2. Maintenance cost/trend averages..................................................23
3.8. Performance Metrics (out of scope).............................................................24
4. Target Data Overview................................................................................................24

©2007 2 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

1. Purpose
The goal of this document is to specify the requirements for Maintenance users for the
Asset Management Data Mart Iteration 1. These requirements define the user’s
acceptance criteria for the developed system.

2.1. Document Scope

This document includes:

 Information Requirements to be implemented as Business Objects Reports.

 Source Data Requirements for the reports.
1.1. Distribution

This document will be directly distributed to the following individuals.


Client Project Manager

Business Manager


Project Manager

Regional VP

Regional Documents Control

Project Site Document Control

All team participants have access to all approved project documents via the project site

2. Introduction
The business question assessment activities define the business requirements for the
asset management data mart. The requirements are in the form of business questions,
which can be answered with an OLAP report(s). The questions have related
information requirements, which define the required data elements to be available in
the data mart.

A separate Data Audit document defines the specific data issues and status. The
required data fields are available in the source systems and will be made available in
the data mart and related reports. It is known and accepted that data quality issues are
being resolved by the user community and may not be completed at the same time as
the asset management data mart.

These requirements were defined as a result of the following activities:

©2007 3 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

 Asset Management Kick-off Meeting

 Business Question Assessment phase 1

o Development of a prototype using Crystal Reports

o Demonstrations of the Prototype to the users and management
o Documented Draft of this document
 Business Question Assessment phase 2

o Two ½ day BQA sessions with the users reviewing and refining a draft of this
o Source data audits and data base design activities, which identified data
quality issues.
o Development of prototype reports using Business Objects.
o Demonstrated Business Objects prototype to the business sponsors and key
o Updated this document per results of user review, source data audit,
business objects prototype and demonstration.
3. Information Requirements (By Category)
The following are the information requirements that were identified for the Asset
Management Data Mart. Each information requirement is grouped under the business
category that it supports.

3.1. Information Requirements - Source Data

These are the standard answers to all of the Information Requirements data questions
unless specifically stated within the other sections.

The attached Data Requirements Matrix defines in detail the exact source system fields
required for each report. The matrix together with the source data criteria defines the
scope of information for the target data mart. The matrix also indicates the current data
quality in terms of % populated.

Where is the data?

 All personnel and equipment costs are from work order costs in CMMS.
 All material costs are from sales order.
 All contracted and non-stock costs are from accounts payable.
 All loop tags for costs are taken from the actual work orders (not the CMMS Asset
Information screen).

©2007 4 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

What are the data problems?

 Reports will only include costs related to valid data. For each report all required
fields must be fully populated and valid in the source systems in order for the
information to be available in the data mart.
 The users are in the process of addressing the data quality issues.
 The data quality is defined in the attached document “Data Requirements Matrix”.
How long will this data be needed?

 Provide all history available.

Are there security issues?

 None
Asset Types

There are three Asset Types

1. Plant

2. Drainage Cover

3. Drainage Line Segment

The users defined the asset management analysis requirements were driven by the
requirements for Plant Assets. Where applicable the defined Plant Asset reports will
also be developed and available for the Drainage Cover and Drainage Line Segment
asset types.

Each report definition includes a section “Asset Type Scope” that defines which Asset
Types the report will be developed for.

3.2. Asset Analysis Category

Track the complete profile of an asset.

Identify the asset in a descriptive manner so that it is clear to the user what assets are
being managed.

3.2.1. Asset Profile

Information Requirements

List the asset profile information.

 Group and total by

o Time (Month, Year).
o Asset.
 Report Types

©2007 5 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

o Text.
Data required

CMMS Asset Information.

Asset type scope

 Plant.
 Drainage Cover.
 Drainage Line Segment.
How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.

3.2.2. Cost Tracking - Assets

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance.

 Report selection/parameter options

o Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).
o Select one asset.
 Group and total by
o Time (Month, Year).
 Report Types
o Tabular – To report maintenance costs over time.
o Charts – For Maintenance Cost Trend Analysis.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs by

 Time (Month, Year).

Asset type scope

 Plant.
 Drainage Cover.
 Drainage Line Segment.
How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.

©2007 6 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

3.2.3. Costs by Activity Type - Assets

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance for:

 Corrective.
 Preventative.
 Ratios.
 Report selection/parameter options
o Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).
o Select an asset.
 Group and total by
o Time (Month, Year).
 Report Types
o Pie charts for total corrective vs. preventative.
o Stacked Bar charts showing corrective vs. preventative over time.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Activity Types.
Asset type scope

 Plant.
 Drainage Cover.
 Drainage Line Segment.
How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


 Can the Data Warehouse effectively display frequency and intervals in

Preventative Maintenance?
 Can the Data Warehouse find assets with Preventative Maintenance without
any Corrective Maintenance?
3.2.4. Costs by Allocation Type - Assets

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance for:

©2007 7 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

 Materials.
 Equipment.
 Personnel.
 Non-Stock Items.
 Contracted Services.
 Report selection/parameter options
o Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).
o Select an asset.
 Group and total by
o Time (Month, Year).
 Report Types
o Pie charts for total allocation type costs.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs by

 Time (Month, Year).

Asset type scope

 Plant.
 Drainage Cover.
 Drainage Line Segment.
How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


Can the Data Warehouse effectively display resources used to maintain an


3.2.5. Determining when to retire an asset

Information Requirements

List the depreciation information for an asset:

 Purchase date, warranty date, startup date, purchase price, life expectancy,
salvage value, meter reading, and calculated straight-line depreciation.
List the cost information for an asset.

 Report selection/parameter options

o Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

©2007 8 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

o Select by Asset Number.

 Group and total by
o Time (Month, Year).
Data required

Summarize by

 Time (Month, Year).

Asset type scope


How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


 Can there be a method to determine whether an asset should be retired

based on the age and salvage cost of the asset?
 Can there be a method to determine whether an asset should be retired
based on the usage (runtime) of the asset?
3.2.6. Actions Taken - Asset

Information Requirements

List the actions taken logged for the asset.

 Group and total by

o Time (Month, Year).
 Report Types
o Text.
Data required

Data Warehouse Action Taken data.

Asset type scope

 Plant.
 Drainage Cover.
 Drainage Line Segment.
How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.

©2007 9 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

3.3. Loop Tag Analysis Category

Track the cost information about a Loop Tag.

Process location performance can be compared to the performance of assets that have
been in service.

3.3.1. Cost Tracking - Processes

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance.

 Report selection/parameter options

o Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).
o For one selected Loop Tag.
 Group and total by
o Time (Month, Year).
 Report Types
o Tabular – To report maintenance costs over time.
o Charts – For Maintenance Cost Trend Analysis.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs by

 Time (Month, Year).

Asset type scope


How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.

3.3.2. Costs by Activity Type - Processes

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance for:

 Corrective.
 Preventative.
 Ratios.
 Report selection/parameter options
o Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).
o Select one loop tags.
©2007 10 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

 Group and total by

o Time (Month, Year).
 Report Types
o Pie charts for total corrective vs. preventative.
o Stacked Bar charts showing corrective vs. preventative over time.
Data required

 Summarize total work order costs by

o Time (Month, Year).
o Asset, Asset Type.
o Activity Types.
Asset type scope


How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


 Can the Data Warehouse effectively display frequency and intervals in

Preventative Maintenance?
 Can the Data Warehouse find loop tags with Preventative Maintenance
without any Corrective Maintenance?
3.3.3. Costs by Allocation Type - Process

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance for:

 Materials.
 Equipment.
 Personnel.
 Non-Stock Items.
 Contracted Services.
 Report selection/parameter options
o Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).
o Select a loop tag.
 Group and total by
o Time (Month, Year).
 Report Types
©2007 11 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

o Pie charts for total allocation type costs.

Data required

Summarize total work order costs by

 Time (Month, Year).

Asset type scope


How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


Can the Data Warehouse effectively display resources used to maintain an


3.3.4. Actions Taken - Process

Information Requirements

List the actions taken logged for the loop tag.

 Group and total by

o Time (Month, Year).
 Report Types
o Text.
Data required

 Data Warehouse Action Taken data.

Asset type scope

 Plant.
How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.

3.4. Cost Analysis Category

Track the costs associated with Assets, Loop Tags, and Processes. Identify areas of
potential cost savings.

 Identify rising costs.

 Identify unusual costs or fluctuations.

©2007 12 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

3.4.1. Cost Tracking - Assets

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance.

 Report selection/parameter options

o Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).
o Drilling from the highest level in the hierarchy (asset types).
 Group and total by
o Time (Month, Year).
o Asset or Asset Type.
 Report Types
o Tabular – To report maintenance costs over time.
o Charts – For Maintenance Cost Trend Analysis.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Asset, Asset Type.
Asset type scope

 Plant.
 Drainage Cover.
 Drainage Line Segment.
How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.

3.4.2. Cost Tracking - Processes

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance.

Report selection/parameter options

 Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 Drilling from the highest level in the hierarchy (Plant).
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Loop Tag, Loop Code, Master Loop Code, Location Code, Area or Plant.
©2007 13 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

Report Types

 Tabular – To report maintenance costs over time.

 Charts – For Maintenance Cost Trend Analysis.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Loop Tag, Loop Code, Location Code, Area or Plant.
Asset type scope


How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.

3.4.3. Determining when to retire an asset (by life expectancy)

Information Requirements

List the depreciation information for an asset:

 Purchase date, warranty date, startup date, purchase price, life expectancy,
salvage value, meter reading, and calculated net present value (straight-line
List total cost.

Report selection/parameter options

 Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 Select by % of life.
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Asset.
Data required

Summarize by

 Time (Month, Year).

Asset type scope

 Plant.
 Drainage Cover.
 Drainage Line Segment.
©2007 14 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


 Can there be a method to determine whether an asset should be retired

based on the age and salvage cost of the asset?
 Can there be a method to determine whether an asset should be retired
based on the usage (runtime) of the asset?
3.4.4. Corrective vs. Preventative Performance - Assets

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance for:

 Corrective.
 Preventative.
 Ratios.
Report selection/parameter options

 Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 Drilling from the highest level in the hierarchy.
 Sort by % PM vs CM ratio.
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Asset or Asset Type.
Report Types

 Pie charts for total corrective vs. preventative.

 Stacked Bar charts showing corrective vs preventative over time.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Asset, Asset Type.
 Activity Types.
Asset type scope

 Plant.
 Drainage Cover.
 Drainage Line Segment.

©2007 15 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


 Can the Data Warehouse effectively display frequency and intervals in

Preventative Maintenance?
 Can the Data Warehouse find assets with Preventative Maintenance without
any Corrective Maintenance?
3.4.5. Corrective vs. Preventative Performance - Processes

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance for:

 Corrective.
 Preventative.
 Ratios.
Report selection/parameter options

 Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 Drilling from the highest level in the hierarchy.
 Sorted by % PM vs CM ratio.
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Loop tag.
Report Types

 Pie charts for total corrective vs. preventative.

 Stacked Bar charts showing corrective vs preventative over time.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Asset, Asset Type.
 Activity Types.
Asset type scope


©2007 16 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


 Can the Data Warehouse effectively display frequency and intervals in

Preventative Maintenance?
 Can the Data Warehouse find loop tags with Preventative Maintenance
without any Corrective Maintenance?
3.4.6. Maintenance as a % of Asset Value

Information Requirements

List data from work order:

 Activity type, Initiated date, Completed date.

 List the depreciation information for an asset:
o Net Present Value, Salvage value, and Purchase price.
Report selection/parameter options

 Select by one work orders OR

 Select one or more assets or asset types and a Date Range (default
1/1/1999 to current date).
 Select one or more activity types CM, PM or (Corrective, Preventative,
Predictive, Constructive).
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Asset or Asset Type.
Report Types

 Tabular data.
 Bar Charts.
 Stacked Bar charts showing corrective and preventative costs over time vs.
net present value.
Data required

Summarize performance by.

 Time (Month, Year).

 Asset, Asset Type.
 Activity Types.

©2007 17 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

Asset type scope

 Plant.
 Drainage Cover.
 Drainage Line Segment.
How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


Can the Data Warehouse show Preventative Maintenance as a % of Asset


3.4.7. Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)

Information Requirements

 List failure codes.

 List criticality of failure codes.
 List Asset type and Asset #.
Report selection/parameter options

 Select a Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 Select by asset.
 Select one or more failure codes OR select by criteria
 (activity type and work order cost).
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Failure code.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Failure code by asset.
Asset type scope

 Plant.
 Drainage Cover.
 Drainage Line Segment.

©2007 18 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


Can the Data Warehouse effectively display Mean Time Between Failure

3.5. Resource Utilization Category

Track the costs associated with a resource (People, Equipment, and Materials) based
on utilization rates.


 Identify areas to improve resource allocations.

 Identify unusual resource allocation.
 Identify & prioritize potential for cross-training opportunities.
 Analysis of in-house vs. outsourcing equipment or services.
3.5.1. Resource Utilization - Employee

Information Requirements

List the total cost or # of hours of resource used and employee rate.

Report selection/parameter options

 Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 For one or more selected Employee Dept or Employee.
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Employee Dept, Employee.
Report Types

 Tabular – To report maintenance costs over time.

 Charts – For Maintenance Cost Trend Analysis.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs and units (hours) by.

 Time (Month, Year).

 Employee Dept, Employee.
How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.

©2007 19 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications


Will the Data Warehouse be able to display Resource Costing and Rate Trend?

3.5.2. Resource Utilization - Equipment

Information Requirements

List the total cost or # of hours of resource used and equipment rate.

Report selection/parameter options

 Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 For one or more selected Equipment Category, or Equipment.
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Equipment category and Equipment #.
Report Types

 Tabular – To report maintenance costs over time.

 Charts – For Maintenance Cost Trend Analysis.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs and units (hours) by

 Time (Month, Year).

How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


Will the Data Warehouse be able to display Resource Costing and Rate Trend?

3.5.3. Resource Utilization – In-House Materials

Information Requirements

 List the total cost of materials used and purchase prices.

Report selection/parameter options

 Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 For one or more selected Commodity, Sub-commodity Class, or individual
stock item.
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

©2007 20 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

 Commodity Class, Sub-commodity Class, and Material ID.

Report Types

 Tabular – To report maintenance costs over time.

 Charts – For Maintenance Cost Trend Analysis.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs and units (hours) by

 Time (Month, Year).

How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


Will the Data Warehouse be able to display Resource Costing, Rate Trend, and
Replacement Costs?

3.5.4. Resource Utilization – Non-Stock Items

Information Requirements

List the total cost of non-stock items used and purchase price.

Report selection/parameter options

 Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 For one or more selected Commodity, Sub-commodity Class, or individual
description of item order.
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

 Commodity Class, Sub-commodity Class, and Item Description.
Report Types

 Tabular – To report maintenance costs over time.

 Charts – For Maintenance Cost Trend Analysis.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs and units (hours) by

 Time (Month, Year).

How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.

©2007 21 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications


Will the Data Warehouse be able to display Resource Costing, Rate Trend, and
Replacement Costs?

3.5.5. Resource Utilization – Contracted Services

Information Requirements

List the total cost of contractors used (No Trend).

Report selection/parameter options

 Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 For one or more selected GL Code, GL .
Group and total by

 Time (Month, Year).

 GL Code or Description.
Report Types

 Tabular – To report maintenance costs over time.

 Charts – For Maintenance Cost Trend Analysis.
Data required

Summarize total work order costs and units (hours) by

 Time (Month, Year).

How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


Will the Data Warehouse be able to display Resource Costing?

3.6. Cost Savings based on Actions Taken Category

Track potential savings based on actions taken to initiate a cost savings strategy.


 Identify impact of actions taken.

©2007 22 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

3.6.1. Action Taken Analysis

Information Requirements

 Since all of the reports can be run by a selected date range, the users could
run any available report over time and view the impact before & after the
action take date.
 List the action taken for an asset or loop tag (i.e. – change the maintenance
intervals for an entity or change the ratio of preventive vs. corrective
maintenance on a particular entity).
Data required

Availability of the Actions Taken application for users to view action dates and

How often will this query be run?



Information about an action and the date the action was taken will be available
to the data warehouse to view the potential cost savings before and after the
action. The data will come from a new application (Access application) or
adding functionality to CMMS.

3.7. Work Activity Analysis Category

Track costs at work order level to determine better possible ways to estimate these


 Support planning process.

 Improve estimates.
3.7.1. Work Order Costs – Actual vs. Estimated Costs (out of scope)

Information Requirements

List the total cost of maintenance.

Report selection/parameter options

Selected work order.

Report Types

Display actuals, estimates and variance for all costs and units.

©2007 23 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

Data required

Work Order cost details for both actuals and estimates.

How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


This will not be provided in Iteration 1 of the Asset Management Data Mart
because estimates probably will not be available in CMMS until late Fall 1998.

3.7.2. Maintenance cost/trend averages

Information Requirements

List total man hours to complete.

Report selection/parameter options

 Select Date Range (default 1/1/1999 to current date).

 Select Asset, Activity type, Activity Code, and Actual man hours to complete.
Report Types

Display asset cost and man hours vs. average cost and man hours for the asset

Data required

Work Order average for both units and costs.

How often will this query be run?

Potentially 10-20 times per day.


Can the Data Warehouse report Preventative Maintenance averages and Work
Order Numbers that differ from the average by more than 10% ?

3.8. Performance Metrics (out of scope)

Track management performance metrics such as:

 Work orders Planned, Schedule, Executed.

 Work Orders pending, days pending.
 Work Orders returned with reason code.
 Comparisons with industry benchmarks.

©2007 24 Asset Management Data Warehouse Specifications

 Determine districts maintenance performance.

Information Requirements

To be determined.

4. Target Data Overview

The data mart will include the following data structures and data elements.

©2007 25

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