Persons and Family Relations (Syllabus)

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Lyceum of the Philippines University-Intramuros

School Year 2022-2023
Atty. Ma. Louise B. Dadivas

Civil Code
Assigned Cases
Book of choice

I. Introduction

II. Effect and application of laws (NCC Art. 1-18)

A. When law takes effect (NCC 2)
A.1 Revised Administrative Code (RAC) Secs. 18-24
A.2 Exec. Order 200, Sec. 2
A.3 Administrative Code of 1987 (E.O. No. 292), Book VII, Chapter 2, Sec. 3
B. Ignorance of the law (NCC 3)
C. Retroactivity of laws (NCC 4, cf. NCC 2252 – 2269; Revised Penal Code (RPC) 22; Family
Code (FC) 256)
D. Mandatory or Prohibitory laws (NCC Art. 5 with NCC Art. 17 (3))
E. Waiver of Rights (NCC Art. 6NCC Art. 2035)
F. Repeal of laws (NCC 7 cf. 1987 Constitution Art. XVIII Sec. 3; FC 254, 25)
G. Judicial Decisions (NCC 8)
H. Duty to Render Judgment (NCC 9, 10; RPC 5)
I. Presumption and Applicability of Custom (NCC 11 – 12 cf.1987 Constitution Art. XII - Sec. 5;
Rules of Court Rule 129 (2), (3))
J. Legal Periods (NCC 13 cf. Rules of Court (ROC) Rule 22, RAC Sec. 31)
K. Applicability of Penal laws (NCC 14, 17(3); RPC Art. 2)
L. Binding Effect (NCC 15 cf. FC 26 par. 2)

III. Human relations (NCC 19-22)

IV. Persons and Personality

A. The concept of a ‘person’ and ‘personality’ (NCC Arts. 37 – 39)
B. Commencement and termination of personality
B.1. Natural Persons
(a) Birth: NCC Arts. 40 – 41, 1987 Constitution, Art. II Sec 12, P.D. No. 603 [Child
and Youth Welfare Code], Art. 5, FC Art. 164; RPC Arts. 256 – 259
(b) Death: NCC Art. 42, NCC Art. 43, ROC, Rule 131 Sec. 3 (jj)-(kk) (1989 Rev. Rules
on Evidence)
B.2 Juridical Persons (NCC Arts. 44-4Batas Pambansa Blg. 68, Secs. 2, 4, 17; NCC Art.
C. Restrictions on civil capacity
C.1 Presumption of capacity (NCC Art. 37)
C.2 Restrictions on capacity to act (NCC Arts. 38 – 39)
D. Domicile and residence of persons
D.1 Juridical persons (NCC Art. 51)
D.2 Natural persons (NCC Art. 50 ; FC Arts. 68-69 cf. FC Arts. 55, 101, 149, 152, 101)

V. Introduction to the Family Code

A. Effect and Retroactivity (E.O. No. 209, as amended by E.O. No. 227; R.A. No. 6809; R.A
No. 7610; FC Art. 256 cf. FC Art. 36 in relation to 39 FC Arts. 105, 162 & 257)
B. Repeal/Amendment (FC Arts. 254, 255)

VI. Marriage & Personal Relations Between Spouses

A. The concept of “marriage” (FC Art. 1 cf. NCC Art. 52, FC Art. 149, Art II Sec. 12, 1987
Constitution, Art. XV Sec. 2, 1987 Constitution)
B. Agreements prior to marriage
B.1 Stipulations in marriage (FC Art. 1 cf. NCC Art. 221)
B.2 Breach of promise to marry (NCC Arts. 19 - 21; NCC Art. 2176)
C. Requisites of a valid marriage
C.1 Kinds of requisites & effects of non-compliance (FC Arts. 2-5; 35; 45 cf. NCC Art. 53, RPC
Arts. 350-35)
C.2 Essential Requisites
(a) Legal Capacity
(i) Gender (FC Art. 2 (1) cf. FC Art. 148)
(ii) Age (FC Arts. 5; 35 (1; R.A. No. 6809 cf. FC Art. 21 NCC Arts. 54 &
80 (1); RPC Art. 344 cf. DOJ Opinion 145 S.1991 (Oct. 1991))
(iii) Absence of impediment FC Arts. 5 & 35
(b)Parental consent (FC Arts. 14 & 45 (1)
(c) Consent freely given by both spouses
(i) Mistake as to identity (FC Art. 35 (5); NCC Art. 86)
(ii) Effect of insanity (FC Art. 45 (2))
(iii) Effect of fraud (FC Art. 45 (3) & 46)
(iv) Effect of force, intimidation, and undue influence (FC Art. 45 (4); NCC
(v) Effect of physical incapacity/impotence (FC Art. 45 (5))
(vi) Effect of affliction with STD, FC Arts. 45 (6); 46 (3)
C.3 Formal Requisites
(a) Marriage License
(i) Where to apply (FC Arts. 9 – 10)
(ii) Requirements for issuance
a. Application, FC Art. 11
b. proof of capacity, FC Arts. 12-14, 21 cf. NCC Art. 84
cf. DOJ Opinion 50 S. 1991 (April 30, 1991)
DOJ Opinion 146 S. 1991 (Oct. 17, 1991)
c. parental advice, FC Art.15
d. marriage counseling, FC Art.16
e. publication, FC Art. 17
f. investigation of impediments, FC Art. 18
g. payment of fees, FC Art. 19
h. family planning certificate, P.D. No. 965
(iii) Place where valid, FC Art. 20
(iv) Period of validity, FC Art. 20
(v) Marriages exempt from license requirement (FC Arts. 27-34
Cf. NCC Art. 76; P.D. No. 1083)
(b) Authority of the solemnizing officer
(i) Who are authorized (FC Arts. 7, 10, 31 & 32; NCC Arts. 56, 74, 76; R.A.
No. 7160, Secs. 444(b)(1)(xviii))
(ii) Effect of absence of authority (FC Arts. 4, 35 (2); RPC Art. 352)
(iii)Effect of irregularity (FC Arts. 4, 35 (2); RPC Art. 352)
(c) Marriage Ceremony
(i) Form of ceremony, FC Arts. 3 (3); 6 cf. FC Arts. 33; 8
(ii)Place for ceremony, FC Arts. 8; 28-29; 32-33
E. Law governing validity of marriages abroad
E.1 General rule in contracts
(a) As to form, NCC Arts. 17 (1) and (2); NCC Arts. 17 (1) and (2)
(b) As to substantive requirements, NCC Arts. 15 & 17 (3)
NCC Arts. 15 & 17 (3)
E.2 Special rule in marriage
(a) lex loci celebrationis, FC Arts. 26, 21, 1
(b) Exceptions FC Art. 26 in relation to FC Arts. 35(1), 35(4), 35(5-6), 36 to 38
cf. NCC 71 DOJ Opinion No. 11 S. 1990 (Jan. 17, 1990)
F. Void Marriages (General rule, FC Art. 4)
F.1 Kinds of void marriages
(a) Absence of requisites FC Art. 35 cf. FC Art. 234, R.A. No. 6809
(b) Bigamous and polygamous marriages, FC Art. 35(4), 39, 40, 41, 44 RPC
Arts. 344, 349
(c)Subsequent Marriage: Upon reappearance of Absent Spouse FC Art. 41 in
relation to FC Arts. 42-44; NCC Arts. 390-391, FC Art. 55 (9), FC Art. 101
(d) Bad faith of Spouses FC Art. 44
(e) Psychological Incapacity FC Arts. 36, 39, 68-73, R.A. No. 8533
(d) Incestuous marriages FC Art. 37 cf. NCC Arts. 963-967
(e) Marriages Against Public Policy FC Art. 38, compare FC Art. 38(6) with NCC
Art. 80(6); RPC Art. 246; NCC Arts. 80(7), 82; NCC Arts. 963-967
(f) Non-Compliance under FC Art. 53 and 52
F.2 Who can invoke nullity FC Arts. 36, 39-40
F.3 When to file action for declaration of nullity FC Art. 39 in relation to FC Arts. 255,
256; 42, par. 2
F.4 Effects of final judgment declaring nullity
(a) In general, FC Arts. 50-54, 198, 213 but see 147-148
(b) On remarriage, FC Arts. 40, 41
(c) On rights & obligations between the former spouses
(d) On the property regime of the marriage FC Arts. 147-148
(e) On ‘legitimes’ of the common children FC Arts. 50-53, FC Art. 51 in relation
to NCC Arts. 886, 888; FC Art.176; NCC Arts. 908, 1061 Sec. 21, A.M. No.
02-11-10-SC. March 4, 2003, COMPARE TO: FC Art. 147
(f) On the status and custody of children FC Art. 54, 176
(g) On use of surnames, NCC Art. 371
(h) On hereditary rights, FC Arts. 43, 50, 54
(i) Effect of death, FC Arts. 103, 130

H. Voidable Marriages
H.1 Void v. voidable marriages, FC Art. 4 cf. Art. 45
H.2 Grounds for annulment
(a) Absence of parental consent FC Arts. 5(1), 45(1), 47(1) R.A. No. 6809 cf. FC
(b) Insanity FC Arts. 45(2), 47(2), NCC Art. 1149
(c) Fraud FC Arts. 45(3), 46, 47(3)
(d) Force, intimidation, and undue influence FC Arts. 45(4), 47(4), NCC 1335-
1337, RPC 344, last paragraph
(e) Physical incapacity/impotence FC Arts. 45(5), 47(5)
(f) Affliction with STD, FC Art. 45(6), compare with FC Arts. 46(3), 47(5)
(g) Others

H.3 Who can seek annulment FC Art. 47, A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC, March 4, 2003, Section 3
H.4 When to seek annulment FC Art. 47, NCC Art. 1149
H.5 Effects of pendency of action for annulment FC Arts. 49
H.6 Effects of annulment FC Arts. 50-54, 43, 102, 129, 213
(Compare effects with Void marriages)
I. Legal Separation
I.1 Grounds (Art. 55)
I.2 Defenses (Art. 56)
I.3 Prescriptive Period (Art. 57)
I.4 Other requirements
a. Steps towards reconciliation (Art. 58)
b. Safeguards against collusion (Art. 60)
I.5 Consequence of filing of petitions for legal separation
a. Entitlement to live separately (Art. 61)
b. Administration of absolute community/conjugal partnership property (Art. 61)
c. Custody and support (Art. 62 and 49)
I.6 Effects of decree
a. Separate bed and board (Art. 63.1)
b. Dissolution and liquidation of community property (Art. 63.2 and 43.2)
c. Custody (Arts. 63.3 and 213)
d. Effects on succession (Art. 63.4)
e. Revocation of donations/insurance benefit (Art.64)
f. Name and Surname
I.7 Reconciliation

VII. Rights and Obligations Between Husband and Wife

A. Personal obligation of spouses (Art. 68)

B. Fixing of family domicile. (Art. 69)
C. Joint responsibility of Support (Art. 70, compare with Art. 11 of CC; Art. 199-200)
D. Household management. (Art. 71, compare with Art. 115 of CC)
E. Exercise of Profession (Art. 73, compare with Art. 117, CC) (See RA 7192, Women in
Development & Nation-Building Act)
F. Use of Surname (Art. 370, 373, 377, 378, CC) (see RA 9048- Change of Name)
G. Relief (Art. 72)

VIII. Property Relations

A. General Provisions, Marriage Settlements (Art. 74-81)

B. Donations Proper Nuptials (Art. 82-87) (Compare with Ordinary Donations, Art. 752-782,
Title 3, Book 3 of CC)
C. Absolute Community of Property
C.1 General provisions (Art. 88-90)
C.2 Community Property and Exclusions (Arts. 91-92)
C.3 Charges and obligations (Art. 94-95)
C.4 Administration and enjoyment (Art. 96)
C.5 Disposition and Waivers (Art. 89, 77, 97-98)
C.6 Liquidation (Art. 102-104)
D. Conjugal Partnership of Gains
D.1. General provisions (105-108)
D.2 Exclusive property (109-115)
D.3 Conjugal Partnership Property (Arts. 116-120)
D.4 Charges and Obligations (art. 121-123)
D.5 Administration (Art. 124-125)
D.6 Dissolution (Art. 126-128) 7. Liquidation (Art. 129-133)
E. Separation of Property and Administration of Common Property by One Spouse
E.1 Judicial Separation (Art. 134-135)
E.2 Voluntary Separation (Art. 136)
E.3Liquidation and Dissolution of Property (Art. 137 142)
E.4 Sole Administration of other spouse’s property ( Art. 142)
F. Regime of Separate Property (Art. 143-146)
G. Property Regimes of Unions without Marriage (Art147-148)

IX. The Family

A. Members of a Family
A.1 Nature (Art. 149-151; Art. 2035 CC)
A.2 Support (Art. 195-208)
a. Support (Art. 194)
b. Persons obliged to give support (Art.195-196)
. Order of liability (Art.199)
d. Properties liable for support (Art.197)
e. Support pendent lite (Art.198, 203)
f. Division and order in case of joint obligation (Art. 200)
g. Amount, demandability, manner of fulfillment, adjustments (Art. 201-
204, 208)
h. Exemption from attachment, exception to the rules (Art. 205, 208)
i. Support by third persons (Art. 206-207)
B. The Family Home

X. Paternity and Filiation

A. Kinds of filiations. (Art. 163)
B. Legitimate Children. (Art. 146)
B.1. Impugning legitimacy
B.2 How to prove filiations
B.3 Action to claim legitimacy
B.4 Rights to legitimate children
C. Illegitimate Children.
C.1 Proof of filiations (Art. 175)
C.2 Rights of illegitimate children RA 9255, amending Art. 176 RA 8972, Solo Parents
Welfare Act
D. Legitimated Children. (Art. 177-182)

XI. Adoption
A. Domestic Adoption (RA 8552 and its IRR, Procedural Rules on Adoption, AM No. 02-6-
02-SC) (RA 9523, An Act Requiring the Certification of the DSWD to Declare a Child
Legally Available for Adoption as a Pre-requisite for Adoption Proceedings)
A.1. Policies (Sec. 2)
A.2. Definition of terms (Sec. 3)
A.3. Pre-adoption services (Sec. 4, 5, 6)
A.4. Eligibility
a. Who may adopt (Sec. 7)
b. Who may be adopted (Sec. 8)
c. Required consents (Sec. 9)
A.5. Procedures
6. Decree of adoption (Sec. 13, 14)
a. Effect on parental authority (Sec. 16)
b. Legitimacy (Sec. 17)
c. Succession (Sec.18)
A.7. Rescission (Sec. 19, 20)
A.8. Violations and penalties (Sec. 21, 22)
A.9. Miscellaneous (Sec. 1, 23-28)
B. Inter-Country Adoption RA 8043, Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995 and its IRR Hague
Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Inter-Country Adoption

XII. Rights and Duties of Parents

A. General Provisions (Art. 209-215) (See RA 8972 (Solo Parents Welfare Act)
B. Substitute and Special Parental Authority (Art. 216-219)
C. Effects of Parental Authority (Art. 220-226)
D. Suspension or Termination of Parental Authority (Art. 225-235) (See Sec. 5-10, 27-28, 31-
c, RA 7610 Anti-Child Abuse Act)
E. Summary Procedures (Art. 249-252) (See RA 8369 Family Courts Act of 1997)
F. Rights of Parents

XIII. Rights and Duties of Children Arts. 356-364, 375-376, CC Art. 129(a), 211, par. 2, 213,
226, FC Arts. 3 and 4, P.D. 603



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