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Title of the Project

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

the degree

(Computer Engineering)

Name of student 1 Roll No. 1

Name of student 2 Roll No. 2
Name of student 3 Roll No. 3
Name of student 4 Roll No. 4

(Name of the Project Guide)

Department of Computer Engineering

Ramrao AdikInstituteofTechnology,
(Under the ambit of D.Y.Patil
DeemedtobeUniversity)November 2023

Thisistocertifythat,theMini Project – I entitled

“Project Title”
Is a bonafide workdone by
Name of student 1 Roll No. 1
Name of student 2 Roll No. 2
Name of student 3 Roll No. 3
Name of student 4 Roll No. 4


B. Tech. in ComputerEngineering

(Name of the Project Guide)

Dr. Shamal Salunkhe Dr. A. V. Vidhate Dr. Mukesh Patil

Mini Project Coordinator HeadofDepartmentPrincipal
Mini Project - I Approval
This Mini Project - Ientitled“Title of the Project” by Name of student 1 Roll No. 1,

Name of student 2 Roll No. 2, Name of student 3 Roll No. 3, Name of student 4

Roll No. 4 is approved in the partialfulfillmentoftherequirementforthedegreeof B.

Tech. in ComputerEngineering


(Internal Examiner Name &Sign)

(External Examiner name &Sign)



The software developed for hospitals is an all-in-one solution that effectively manages
various aspects of a hospital's operations. It streamlines processes like prescription
management, patient records, appointment scheduling, billing, medical history
tracking, lab test results, diagnosis, and medicine inventory.

With this software, healthcare professionals can easily generate and manage
prescriptions for patients, ensuring accurate medication information and reducing
errors. Patient information, including demographics, medical history, and lab test
results, can be securely stored and accessed in real-time, facilitating efficient patient
care and decision-making.

The software also offers comprehensive appointment management, allowing hospitals

to efficiently schedule and organize patient visits, reducing wait times and optimizing
resource allocation. Integration with billing systems makes it easy to generate and
track invoices, simplifying the financial aspect of hospital operations.

Additionally, the software enables healthcare professionals to access a patient's

complete medical history, including past diagnoses, treatments, and medications,
enhancing continuity of care. Integration with lab systems ensures seamless retrieval
and management of lab test results, enabling quick and accurate diagnosis.

Overall, this software brings together critical hospital functions into one cohesive
system, improving efficiency, reducing manual errors, and enhancing patient care.

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview

1.2 Motivation

1.3 Problem Statement and Objectives

2 LiteratureSurvey
2.1 Survey of Existing System

2.2 Limitations of Existing System

3 Proposed System

3.1 Problem Statement

3.2 Proposed Methodology / Techniques

3.3 System Design

3.4 Details of Hardware and Software Requirements

4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Implementation Details

4.2 Project Outcomes

5 Conclusion and Future Work

• Weekly Progress Report
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Project Report Specifications

1) Textual contents must be neatly typed in one and half space on A4 size bond paper
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2) The font details to be selected for various textual contents are as follows

Chapter heading  20 pts.

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3) All figures and sketches and diagrams as well as the tables,if any must be properly
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7) All regular students appearing for Mini Project-I exam are required to submit one
copy to the guide for exam work.
The motivation behind developing such software is to enhance the overall efficiency and
effectiveness of hospital operations. Some key motivations include:

1. Improved Patient Care: The software provides healthcare professionals with quick
access to patient information, medical history, medication records, and lab results. This
enables them to make accurate and timely diagnoses, prescribe appropriate treatments, and
deliver personalized care. It minimizes the risk of medication errors, improves
communication among healthcare providers, and ensures continuity of care.

2. Streamlined Workflows: Bringing all hospital functions into one software simplifies and
automates various processes. It eliminates the need for manual paperwork, reduces
administrative burden, and minimizes errors associated with traditional paper-based
systems. Automated appointment scheduling, prescription management, and billing
processes save time and resources, improving overall operational efficiency.

3. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: A centralized software system allows

healthcare professionals to easily share patient information, lab results, and medical
records. This promotes collaboration among different departments and enables healthcare
teams to work together more effectively. It also facilitates better communication with
patients, making it easier to share test results and treatment plans.

4. Comprehensive Data Management and Analytics: The software provides a secure and
centralized repository for storing patient data, medical records, and test results. This allows
hospitals to maintain accurate and up-to-date

Objectives: In conclusion, the software developed for hospitals aims to optimize hospital
operations, improve patient care, streamline workflows, enhance communication and
collaboration, facilitate data management and analytics, and ensure compliance and
security. By bringing various functions together into one comprehensive system, hospitals
can improve efficiency, accuracy, and patient satisfaction.
Literature Survey

There are several problems with the existing software developed for hospitals, including:

1. Lack of integration: Different software applications are used for various purposes, such as
labs, prescriptions, scheduling appointments, and billing. This lack of integration means that
staff members must switch between different systems to perform their tasks, leading to
inefficiencies and potential errors.

2. Inconsistent user experience: Each software application has its own user interface (UI) and
user experience (UX), making it difficult for staff members to become proficient in using
multiple systems. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and decreased productivity.

3. Data silos: With different software applications using separate databases, a centralized
database for all hospital functions is not achieved. This can result in duplicate or inconsistent
data, making it challenging to obtain a comprehensive view of patient information or hospital

4. Data security risks: Multiple databases increase the risk of data breaches or unauthorized
access to sensitive patient information. Each software application may have different security
protocols, making it harder to ensure data protection.

5. Limited interoperability: The lack of standardization and integration between different

software applications makes it difficult to share information or exchange data with external
systems, such as healthcare networks or governmental databases.

6. Customization Limitations: Each hospital has unique workflows and requirements. The
software may not offer enough flexibility for customization to meet specific needs, resulting in
inefficiencies or workarounds.

7. Higher costs: Maintaining and licensing multiple software applications can be costly.
Proposed System
The software allows users to easily generate lab reports, enter prescription details, and
schedule appointments. With a centralized database, all information is stored securely in
one place, making it convenient and easy to access.
The user-friendly UI ensures that staff can navigate the software effortlessly,
enhancing productivity and efficiency. The software also provides a better user experience,
with intuitive features and clear instructions.
Thanks to the Flutter framework, the software is compatible with multiple platforms
such as Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and Web. This means that users can
access the software from any device, ensuring convenience and accessibility.
Moreover, the software ensures consistency across all platforms, providing the same
user interface and user experience regardless of the device used. This eliminates any
confusion or discrepancies that could arise from using different platforms.
In summary, the proposed software covers various purposes such as lab reports,
prescriptions, appointment scheduling, and billing. It offers a user-friendly UI and a better
user experience. With its centralized database and compatibility with multiple platforms, it
provides convenience, accessibility, and consistency.

3.1 Problem Statement

There are several problems with the existing software developed for hospitals, including:

1. Lack of integration: Different software applications are used for various purposes, such as
labs, prescriptions, scheduling appointments, and billing. This lack of integration means that
staff members must switch between different systems to perform their tasks, leading to
inefficiencies and potential errors.

2. Inconsistent user experience: Each software application has its own user interface (UI) and
user experience (UX), making it difficult for staff members to become proficient in using
multiple systems. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and decreased productivity.

3. Data silos: With different software applications using separate databases, a centralized
database for all hospital functions is not achieved. This can result in duplicate or inconsistent
data, making it challenging to obtain a comprehensive view of patient information or hospital

4. Data security risks: Multiple databases increase the risk of data breaches or unauthorized
access to sensitive patient information. Each software application may have different security
protocols, making it harder to ensure data protection.

5. Limited interoperability: The lack of standardization and integration between different

software applications makes it difficult to share information or exchange data with external
systems, such as healthcare networks or governmental databases.

6. Customization Limitations: Each hospital has unique workflows and requirements. The
software may not offer enough flexibility for customization to meet specific needs, resulting in
inefficiencies or workarounds.

7. Higher costs: Maintaining and licensing multiple software applications can be costly

3.2 Proposed methodology / Techniques

All techniques / methods / algorithms which will be using in proposed system, their theory
(technical details) need to be explained in detail and also need to highlight the customization /
modifications done.Highlighting the proposed changes with fine detailed explanation is the very
important part of the whole project as it talks about your proposed changes. It is the value
addition from you to solve this problem.

3.3 System Design

This chapter concentrates on detailed explanation of the approach you follow in solving this
problem. Object based design, all modules, their functioning, techniques / methods / algorithms,
their relations with other modules, interactive parameters between the modules, databases,
database relations, the platforms you propose to use, etc., need to be explained in detail in this
3.4Details of Hardware and Software Requirements

For developing this software, the Flutter framework provides a cross-platform solution that can
run on Android, iOS, and desktop platforms. Here are the hardware and software requirements:

1. Operating Systems: Android version Android Oreo or later
2. RAM: 1 GB or more
3. Disk Space: 95 MB

1. Operating Systems: version Mac OS X Leopard (64-bit) or later
2. Processor: Intel Core i3 or later
3. RAM: 4GB recommended
4. Disk Space: 1.17 GB

Windows :
1. Operating Systems: Windows 10 or later (64-bit), x86-64 based.
2. Processor: Intel Core i3 or later
3. RAM: 4GB recommended
4. Disk Space: 2.5 GB (does not include disk space for IDE/tools).

iOS :
1. Operating Systems: iOS 12 & later
2. Device: iPhone X or later
3. Chipset: Apple A11 Bionic or later
3. RAM: 3GB or more
4. Disk Space: 150 MB
Results and Discussion
In conclusion, having a comprehensive software solution that covers all tasks related to
managing a hospital is crucial in improving overall efficiency and productivity. By providing
features such as appointment scheduling, prescription management, billing, test results, patient
details, medication tracking, diagnosis, and medical history, this software eliminates the need
for multiple separate software applications.

With the ability to seamlessly integrate data and functions across different departments, staff
members can easily access and update information, leading to improved collaboration and
communication within the hospital. This user-friendly software is easily available on all
platforms, ensuring that healthcare professionals can access critical data from anywhere at any

By streamlining processes and automating tasks, this software minimizes errors and reduces
the administrative burden on staff, allowing them to focus more on patient care. It also
improves the management of resources, such as scheduling appointments and allocating
medication, resulting in better utilization and reduced waste.

Furthermore, having a single software solution rather than multiple applications eliminates the
need for staff to switch between different platforms, reducing confusion and making their work
more efficient. It also simplifies training for new employees, as they only need to learn one

Overall, implementing this software in a hospital setting not only enhances the performance of
the staff and management but also greatly improves the overall patient experience. By
centralizing all data and processes, patients can have a seamless experience from scheduling
appointments to receiving test results and prescriptions. It also enables healthcare providers to
have a comprehensive view of a patient's medical history, leading to better diagnosis and
treatment decisions.

In conclusion, a comprehensive software solution for hospitals that covers all tasks related to
managing patient information and workflows is essential for improving efficiency,
productivity, and the overall quality of care. It simplifies processes, enhances communication
and collaboration, and provides a seamless experience for both staff and patients. Investing in
such software is a worthwhile investment for any hospital looking to optimize their operations
and provide the best possible care.
Conclusion and Future Work

In conclusion, having a comprehensive software solution that covers all tasks related to
managing a hospital is crucial in improving overall efficiency and productivity. By providing
features such as appointment scheduling, prescription management, billing, test results, patient
details, medication tracking, diagnosis, and medical history, this software eliminates the need
for multiple separate software applications.

With the ability to seamlessly integrate data and functions across different departments, staff
members can easily access and update information, leading to improved collaboration and
communication within the hospital. This user-friendly software is easily available on all
platforms, ensuring that healthcare professionals can access critical data from anywhere at any

By streamlining processes and automating tasks, this software minimizes errors and reduces
the administrative burden on staff, allowing them to focus more on patient care. It also
improves the management of resources, such as scheduling appointments and allocating
medication, resulting in better utilization and reduced waste.

Furthermore, having a single software solution rather than multiple applications eliminates the
need for staff to switch between different platforms, reducing confusion and making their work
more efficient. It also simplifies training for new employees, as they only need to learn one

Overall, implementing this software in a hospital setting not only enhances the performance of
the staff and management but also greatly improves the overall patient experience. By
centralizing all data and processes, patients can have a seamless experience from scheduling
appointments to receiving test results and prescriptions. It also enables healthcare providers to
have a comprehensive view of a patient's medical history, leading to better diagnosis and
treatment decisions.

In conclusion, a comprehensive software solution for hospitals that covers all tasks related to
managing patient information and workflows is essential for improving efficiency,
productivity, and the overall quality of care. It simplifies processes, enhances communication
and collaboration, and provides a seamless experience for both staff and patients. Investing in
such software is a worthwhile investment for any hospital looking to optimize their operations
and provide the best possible care.
Future Work
This AI model can potentially improve patient care and outcomes by leveraging a vast amount
of medical data and historical records. By analyzing patterns and trends in patient history,
symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatment outcomes, the AI model can provide valuable
insights to doctors.

Some potential future applications of this AI model include:

1. Assisting with diagnosis: The AI model can analyze a patient's symptoms, medical history,
and test results to generate a list of possible diagnoses. This can help doctors in making more
accurate and timely diagnoses, especially in complex or rare cases.

2. Personalized treatment recommendations: Based on the patient's medical history, the AI

model can provide personalized treatment recommendations. It can analyze the effectiveness of
different treatments in similar cases and suggest the most suitable course of action for the

3. Early detection and prevention: By analyzing trends in medical history and test results, the
AI model can identify potential health risks or early warning signs of diseases. This can help
doctors intervene early, initiate preventive measures, and potentially save lives.

4. Prognostic predictions: The AI model can use historical data to predict the likely progression
of diseases and estimate the patient's prognosis. This can help doctors in managing patient
expectations, planning treatment timelines, and optimizing disease management strategies.

5. Rapid response to emergencies: In emergency situations where immediate medical decisions

need to be made, the AI model can quickly analyze critical data such as vital signs, medical
history, and lab results to provide real-time recommendations to healthcare professionals. This
can help optimize emergency response and potentially save lives.

6. Continuity of care: With access to comprehensive patient records, the AI model can ensure
continuity of care by providing doctors with a holistic view of the patient's medical history,
previous treatment plans, and outcomes. This can improve coordination across different
healthcare providers and ensure that patients receive consistent and appropriate care.

It is important to note that while the AI model can provide valuable insights and support to
doctors, it should not replace the expertise and judgment of healthcare professionals. The AI
model should be seen as a tool to augment and enhance the medical decision-making process,
with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes and quality of care.
• List down standard form of all the books, websites, research papers and other resources
that are referred.
• All references for research paper should be in the following form
• All Author names, Title of the Project, Publisher full details, volume, page number
details, year of publication. Highlight the title and the Year.
[1] Amador-Perez and R. A. Rodriguez-Solis, “Analysis of a CPW-fed annular slot ring
antenna using DOE,” in Proc. IEEE Antennas Propag. Soc. Int. Symp., in Slot Ring
Antennas II, vol. 3, 2nd ed., Jul. 2006.
• All references for website should be in the following form

Weekly Progress Report


We take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide
_________________(Name of guide) for his/her exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant
encouragement throughoutthe completion of this report. We are truly grateful to his/her efforts to improve
my understandingtowards various concepts and technical skills required in our project. The blessing, help
andguidance given by her time to time shall carry us a long way in the journey of life on which weare
about to embark.

We take this privilege to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Mukesh D. Patil, Principal, RAIT, D. Y. Patil
deemed to be University for providing the much necessary facilities. We are also thankful to Dr. A. V.
Vidhate, Head of Department of Computer Engineering, Mrs. Smita Bharne, Mini Project Co-ordinator,
for their generous support.

Last but not the least we would also like to thank all those who have directly or indirectly helped us in
completion of this project report.

Name of the student 1

Name of the student 2

Name of the student 3

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