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Problem statement:

How decision making and behaviour of the person changes with respect to virtual work

environment and its impact in an organizational culture, also what are the challenges in team

dynamics and collaboration while working virtually, how virtual work is different from the

work from home.

Expected outcome:

This project will help in understanding how decisions are influenced by the virtual

environment and will also help in getting insight of how the individual behaviours shifts

while working virtually. Another expected outcome is to make people understand the

difference between work from home culture and virtual work environment.


This project will be of relevance because of the growing importance of virtual work

environments as more and more companies nowadays are trying to collaborate with the

organizations in different parts of the world. Companies are also trying to get as many global

clients as possible to grow worldwide.

This project will also help organization and the employees to adapt to the changing work

culture while helping them in understanding the decision-making process and the way one

should behave and communicate while working will also help in overcoming

virtual collaboration challenges by enabling organization to implement targeted measures

which will help in them in enhancing teamwork, knowledge sharing and creative knowledge.

This project will also help individuals in understanding the difference between virtual work

environment, work from office and work from home.


The fast evolution of the workplace has lead in the new era of work dynamics, is

characterized by the gradual shift towards virtual work environment. Recent global events

have sped up this change, which has major consequences for how people behave, make

decisions, and interact within an organization culture. Virtual work environment sounds very

similar to work from home but in reality it extends way beyond traditional work from home

culture, It introduces a completely unique sets of challenges and opportunities as a

result, it is vitally important to take a look at this new paradigm shift affects the decision-

making process, behavioural patterns, team dynamics, and collaboration within the

organizational culture.

This paper focuses to observe the mixed impact of virtual work environments on an

individuals and in an organizational also aims to discover how the decision making

behaviours of the employees changes when they are faced with the opportunities and

challenges in the virtual work environment. Moreover, the paper also tries to delves into the

challenges that come into view in team dynamics and collaboration, by inspecting how virtual

work environment differs from the traditional established concept of work from home.

By assessing these aspect in detail, this research paper attempts to provide valuable

information and insights which would be help in forming the policies and strategies needed to

promote successfully growing and sustainable work environments within todays

The notion of virtual work environment has grown much more relevant since Covid-19. Prior

to Covid-19, it was not well known, but once Covid-19 occurred and everything was changed

to work from home from the old work from office culture, virtual work environment came

into being.

This paper will also attempt to understand the shift from traditional office culture to virtual

work culture through secondary research, which will include a literature review and case

studies of some organisations where the implementation of virtual work environments has

proven to be a better way and has also helped in making the organisation a better place to


Data collection method:

Primary data collection method:

For the primary data collection, I used a quantitative survey method, I used the GDSM (general

decision-making scale), by scott and bruce in 1995, it was developed by them to evaluate

decision making styles, the scale consist of 25 questions and 5 different styles i.e., rational

style, intuitive style, dependent style, avoidant style, and spontaneous style. Here is the

breakdown of all the five styles:

I (intuitive style): under this style one makes decision based on their intuition, feelings, and

what feels right to them while making decisions. This style prioritizes individuals gut instincts

and emotions.

D(dependent): under this style one prefers to seek advice and input from others before making

an important decision. the people who use this style believes in others opinion and perspective.
R (rational decision making): under this style one makes decision based on logics and

systematic approach of decision making. these people mostly consider facts, data and rational

reasons while making any choices.

S (spontaneous style0: under this style one makes an impulsive or very quick decision. these

people mostly make decision spontaneously instead of analyzing it.

A (procrastination or avoidance): under this style one tries to delay in making any important

decision, they generally tend to procrastinate before making any of the decision especially

when they face pressure or any sort of discomfort.

From the above explained styles the first four styles (rational, intuitive, dependent and

avoidant) were theorized by scott and bruce in 1995 and the fifth style which is spontaneous

was emerged while evaluating the decisions. I came to know about this scale by referring to

Spanish validation of General Decision-Making Style scale: Sex invariance, sex differences

and relationships with personality and coping styles Published online by Cambridge University

Press: 01 January 2023

For my primary data collection, I surveyed various employees from different organizations. I

have circulated the google form to various organization with the help of my parents. The sample

for the data collection was selected using a random technique to ensure that the sample is the

true repre4sentative of the population and it would also help in reducing biases. The survey

consisted of 25 questions, and I got the total of 114 responses.

To ensure the ethical consideration are not violated the people were informed before handed

about the purpose of this study. Names of the participant will not be shared to ensure the

confidentiality and privacy of the participants.

Here is the questionnaire used for the survey:

Five styles

R = Rational

I = Intuitive

D = Dependent

A = Avoidant

S = Spontaneous


1 = Strongly disagree

2 = Disagree

3 = Neutral (neither agree nor disagree)

4 = Agree

5 = Strongly agree

English version Statements

1) When I make decisions, I tend to rely on my intuition (I)

2) I rarely make important decisions without consulting other people (D)

3) When I make a decision, it is more important for me to feel the decision is right than to

have a rational reason for it (I)

4) I double-check my information sources to be sure I have the right facts before making

decisions (R)

5) I use the advice of other people in making my important decisions (D)

6) I put off making decisions because thinking about them makes me uneasy (A)

7) I make decisions in a logical and systematic way (R)

8) When making decisions, I do what feels natural at that moment (S)

9) I generally make snap decisions (S)

10) I like to have someone steer me in the right direction when I am faced with important

decisions (D)

11) My decision-making requires careful thought (R)

12) When making a decision, I trust my inner feelings and reactions (I)

13) When making a decision, I consider various options in terms of a specified goal (R) 1

4) I avoid making important decisions until the pressure is on (A) CHAPTER 6 266

15) I often make impulsive decisions (S) 16) When making decisions, I rely upon my

instincts (I)

17) I generally make decisions that feel right to me (I)

18) I often need the assistance of other people when making important decisions (D)

19) I postpone decision-making whenever possible (A)

20) I often make decisions on the spur of the moment (S)

21) I often put off making important decisions (A)

22) If I have the support of others, it is easier for me to make important decisions (D)

23) I generally make important decisions at the last minute (A)

24) I make quick decisions (S)

25) I explore all of my options before making a decision (R)


there is a significant positive correlation between relying on intuition while making decision

and the importance of feeling that the decision is right, with a correlation coefficient of

0.221which is significant at the 0.05 level.

There is also a positive correlation between trusting your feelings and reactions while making

decisions and relying upon your intuition, with a correlation coefficient of 0.407 which is

significant at 0.01 level.

One more correlation exist which is between relying on instincts when making decision and

making decisions that feel right at the time, with a correlation coefficient of 0.683 which is

significant at the 0.01 level.

Based on the data’s intuition plays a very significant role while making decision. the study

found very positive relation between relying on intuition and importance of feelings that the

decision is right. It suggests that the individual who rely on their intuition are more likely to

give importance to their feeling of being right instead of relying on rational reasons.

It also found a correlation between trusting feelings and relying on the intuition. This suggest

that the person who has higher level of trust in their feelings are more likely to rely on their

intuition. There is one more finding which suggests that individuals who rely more on their

instincts tend to make decision that align with their sense of what feels right.

These insight helps us in better understanding the role of intuition and the subjective

experiences in decision making.

There is a significant positive correlation between double checking the information while

making decision and making decision in a logical and systematic way of 0.643(significant at

0.01 level).

There also exist a correlation between careful thought in decision making and considering

various options in terms of specified goals of 0.729(significant at 0.01 level). another

correlation exists between exploring all options while making decisions and considering

various options in terms of a specified goals of 0.720(significant at 0.01 level).

From the above findings we can conclude that individuals who double check their information

and make decision in a logical and systematic way while carefully considering various options

are more likely to make informed decisions.

There is positive correlation between the need for assistance from others while making

decisions and there is an ease in making decisions when one have the support of others of

0.261(which is significant at the level of 0.005). this shows that the one who need the guidance

from other people while making decision tend to find those decision easier which needs the

support from the others.

The correlation between getting the advice of other people in making decision and the need for

guidance from others is also significant with the correlation of 0.315 which is significant at

0.001. this suggests that the one who tend to rely on others in making important decision are

much more likely to require assistance from other when making those decisions.

Another significant correlation is between having someone steer in the right decision when

making an important decision and using other people advice while making important decision

is 0.385 which is significant at 0. 000.this give us the insight that the one who prefers to have

someone’s assist them in the right direction when faced with making important decision are

more likely to seek and utilize the advice of others in making those decision.

Concisely, the above findings suggests that the individuals who tend to rely on the assistance

and advice of other people while making important decisions find it much easier to make those

decision, focusing on the importance of social support and assistance in the process of decision


From the

above we

can see the

correlation between making decision on the spur of the moment and making an impulsive

decision which is 0.403(which is significant at 0.01).

This shows that the one who makes more of impulsive decision tend to make decisions on the

spur of the moment.

Another significant correlation exists between making snap decision and making decision on

the spur of the moment which is to be found 0.515(significant at 0.01). this suggests that one

who makes snap decision tends to make decision more on the spur of the moment.

There is another correlation between making decision which feels right and natural now and

making snap decision which is 0.474 (significant at the level of 0.01). this indicates that the

one who tend to rely on their natural instincts while making decision are more likely to make

snap decision.

Concisely it shows that impulsivity, snap decision making, and relying on natural instincts

relate to each other in the aspects of decision making. The one who reveal one of these decision-

making styles are more likely to exhibit other as well.

There is a positive correlation between putting off making important decision and avoiding

making an important decision until there pressure is there which is 0.277 (significant at 0.01).

this indicates that one who try to avoid making decision till the time they feel pressurized also

tend to put off making the decisions.

There is another correlation between putting off making an important decision and postponing

decision making whenever possible which is 0.260(significant at 0.01). this suggests that the

individual who postpone decision making also tend to put off decision making whenever


There is one more important correlation between making decision at the last moment and

putting off making an important decision which is 0.302(significant at 0.01). this indicates that

the one who frequently put off making decision more likely to make important decision at the

last moment.

The above findings suggest that there is a tendency of an individual to procrastinate or delay

in making important decision. These also suggests that the one who put off making decisions

also tend to exhibit other behaviors such as avoiding and postponing making decision till the

time it is possible.

These findings can be proved valuable for understanding the decision-making process of an

individual and then it could help organizations in making different strategies which would help

in improving the decision-making process and the efficiency of it.

Secondary data collection: for the secondary data collection I have done a case study of the

organization which has successfully managed and implemented the virtual work environment.

here for this paper, I will be analyzing their approaches, tools and strategies which were

implemented by the organization to make virtual work environment a better place.

Case study: automatic- the success of a fully distributed workforce

Automatic is an exceptional example of a company that has clasp the concept of virtual work

environment. The company is well known for its wide range of products such as

jetpack and many others. The company has achieved remarkable success while operating with

a fully distributed workforce

Background of the company:

It is a web development, content management and technology driven industry founded in 2005

and has workforce distributed across the globe.


The company has faced various challenges before shifting to a virtual work environment

1. Talent attraction and retention: the company wanted to recruit some of the best talent

globally irrespective of their physical work because of which the idea of virtual work

environment came up.

2. Work life balance: with talent attraction it also wanted to promote work life balance

and make sure the well-being of the employees.

3. Scalability: it also needs an organizational structure that could help it in scaling up as

the company was growing rapidly.

Implementation of virtual work environment:

Some of the characteristic of automattics virtual work environment:

1. Fully distributed workforce: all the employees of automattic works remotely and there

is no central office available. Also, the company operates across various time zones and

2. Use of technology: the company uses a range of communication and collaboration tools,

such as slack, zoom, p2 (an internal blog), and other apps to keep its employees

connected with each other.

3. Results-oriented culture: the company assess their employees are based on their

contributions and the outcomes rather than their traditional office hours.

4. Flexibility: the company also provides freedom to their employees of setting their own

schedules and work from wherever they choose.

Success and results:

Automattic has gained some impressive results by shifting to virtual work:

1. Global workforce: by implementing the virtual work environment the company was

able to attract some of the top talents around the world, creating a diverse and highly

skilled workforce.

2. Innovation: virtual work environment also encourages innovation and creativity as

employees have freedom to work according to their preference and time.

3. High employee satisfaction: it has consistently ranked as one of the best companies to

work for, with a great focus on employee’s well-being and work life balance.

4. Cost savings: operating without traditional offices has also resulted in significant cost

savings, which can be used in product development and employee compensation.

Lessons learned:

The company’s success in implementing virtual work environments offers various valuable

lessons for organization:

1. Focus on outcomes: the company emphasize more on outcomes and provides all types

of autonomy to its employees.

2. Effective communication: the company’s idea to invest more in communication and

collaboration has tools to keep its employees in touch with each other also helped in

company’s success.

3. Company culture: it also prioritizes the culture that supports employee’s well-being and

personal development.

Automattics case shows how a virtual work environment can lead to increased productivity,

employee’s satisfaction, and business success when implemented thoughtfully and with the

right tools and company culture.

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