1.demag Terminology

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Crane terminology

The name for material handling

Demag Crane Terminology

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Crane terminology is the explanation related to to the cranes

The purpose is to make more understanding about basic crane.

So the people will able to communicate in crane language without
miss perceptions.

What is the hook path?

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Building high

There must be a safety distance between the top edge of the crane
girder/bridge and the first obstacle edge in the building (example -
roof beam, light and pipes)

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling


Span is center to center between runway rails.

Typically distance is approximate 500mm less than the width of
the building. (span is in cross travel direction)

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Run way

Run way

Run way is the rail along long travel direction which the girder
6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07
Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Hook path

Hook path is the distance between hook maximum lifting

with the ground(or to the lowest positions,example tunnel).

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Save Working Load

Save working load (SWL) is the maximum permissible load including

attachment if any (example spreader)

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Basic hoist

End carriage

Crab Rubber

Bottom block

Girder is bridge between 2 run way rail which the crab and basic hoist

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Basic Demag DH hoist

Frame Electrical enclosure

and DGS limit switch
Fan motor
Hoist motor Drum and planetary
Wire rope gear box, inside
Bottom block
Rope guide

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Basic Demag DR hoist

Electrical enclosure Rope guide

Drum(no gearbox
Wheel inside)

Helical gearbox
Cross travel motor

Bottom block

Hoist motor

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Rope reeving
Rope reeving is how to make spooling between rope drum,
bottom sheave (bottom block), return sheave and compensating sheave

There are many kind of rope reeving method. The purpose of rope
reeving is to increase capacity of Save Working Load (SWL)
with the same hoist type.

In another word, SWL will be increased due to more reeving, but the
lifting speed will be decreased.

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Rope reeving
Method of rope reeving

Rope drum Return sheave Bottom sheave

Rope anchorage
6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07
Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Rope reeving
Method of rope reeving

Return sheave are fully rotate,
Compensating sheave only
compensating(a bit movement)

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Crane Duty
To determine crane duty regarding FEM group it is need the
following factors:

1.Load spectrum > Indicate the frequency of maximum and smaller

loading during examined time period.

2.Class of utilization > This is determine according to number of hoisting

cycles during life time of crane

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Crane Duty
Crane duty group are set of classification for defining the use of crane

A crane duty tells which kind of duty crane is for,the range is from light
duty to very heavy duty

It is vital to define the needs and estimated the use because of safety
reasons and for to ensure a long working life for the crane

Demag crane are follow standard FEM group (Federations Europeene

de la Manutention)

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Load spectrum
There are four group of crane load spectrum

1. Light duty

Hoist unit which are usually subject to very small load and in exceptional
cases only to maximum load.

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Load spectrum
There are four group of crane load spectrum

2. Medium duty

Hoist unit which are usually subject to small load but rather often
to maximum load.

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Load spectrum
There are four group of crane load spectrum

3. Heavy duty

Hoist unit which are usually subject to medium loads but frequently
to maximum load

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Load spectrum
There are four group of crane load spectrum

4. Very heavy duty

Hoist unit which are usually subject to maximum or almost to

maximum loads

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Class of utilization
To know the utilization class, we must know the operating time.
The formula for calculate operating time in hour are :

2 x average hook path x no of cycle per hour x working time per day
H= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 x lifting speed

H=Operating time per day in hours

No of cycle per hour= The total number of lifting and lowering per hour
Lifting speed = Maximum speed of hoisting (see manual data)

Average hook path = Average of maximum lifting

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07
Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Class of utilization
Example to calculate operating hours per day

Load spectrum = light

Lifting speed = 8 m/minute
Rope reeving = 2/1
Average hook path = 4 meter
No.of cycle per hour = 20
Working time per day = 8 hours

2 x 4 x 20 x 8
Operating hour per day = ------------------ = 2.66 Hour
60 x 8

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Class of utilization
Regarding the table, operating time 2.66 hour per day is 2 to 4 hours
range in class of utilization for light duty load spectrum.
So,the FEM group is 1Am

Load spectrum operating hour per day .

1.Light up to 2 2-4 4-8 8-16 up to 16
2.Medium up to 1 1-2 2-4 4-8 8-16
3.Heavy up to 0.5 0.5-1 1-2 2-4 4-8
4.Very heavy up to 0.025 0.025-0.5 0.5-1 1.2 2.4 .
Group of mechanism 1Bm 1Am 2M 3M 4M
to FEM

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

FEM group
List of FEM group
Full load FEM ISO
12.500 h 5m M8 For instance : The FEM group is
6.300 h 4m M7 2m, mean the crane must be
3.200 h 3m M6 carried out to general overhaul
1.600 h 2m M5 (GO) after 1600 full load operating hour
800 h 1Am M4
400 h 1Bm M3 The FEM group mostly related to
200 h 1Cm M2 mechanical side.
100 h 1Dm M1

Note : 1Am of FEM group are equal to M4 of ISO group

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Duty type of motor

Most common duty type of motor are divide 4 group.
A.Continues duty

The motor can be operated full time under load

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Duty type of motor

B.Short time duty

The motor can be operated under load only at short time

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Duty type of motor

C.Periodic intermittent duty

The motor can be operated
under load with several idle time
(cooling time). Referring to 10
minutes period

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Duty type of motor

D.Periodic intermittent duty with influence of starting time

The motor can be operated
under load with several idle time
(cooling time). Referring to 10
minutes period.

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Duty type of motor

Example 1

DH 200 with hoisting motor type KMH 100B2/8 have CDF 40% for
full speed(step2),and CDF 20% for slow speed(step1).
Meaning that at full speed the maximum motor run time is 4 minutes at
full load, and permissible to run another 4 minutes after cooling down
for 6 minutes. And for slow speed maximum run is 2 minutes and
need to cooling down 8 minutes before continue running another
2 minute.
6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07
Crane terminology
The name for material handling

Duty type of motor

Example 2

Motor KDF 63A2 has 100%CDF.

Meaning, the motor can be operated/run at any time without cooling time

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

Crane terminology
The name for material handling

6/20/2014 10:29:20 PM Sug MDI March 07

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