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(a) A person throws an object vertically upwards.

The speed-time graph shows how the speed of the object varies from the time it is thrown until
reaching its maximum height.

(i) Calculate the acceleration of the object.


acceleration = ........................................................... m / s2

(ii) Calculate the distance the object travels to reach its maximum height.


distance = ........................................................... m

(b) A different object is dropped from rest and begins to fall.

The graph shows how the speed of this object varies with time.
(i) Give the name of the two forces acting on the object as it falls.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(ii) Draw arrows on the diagram to show the forces acting on the object at B.


(iii) Explain the shape of the graph from A to C.

You should use ideas about forces to help your answer.













(Total for question = 15 marks)


The graph shows how the thinking distance and braking distance of a car vary with its initial

(a) A car has an initial speed of 35 m/s.

The brakes are applied and the car comes to a complete stop in the braking distance shown by
the graph.

Calculate the mean braking acceleration of the car.


braking acceleration = ........................................................... m/s2

(b) Evaluate how the thinking distance and the braking distance vary for different values of
initial speed.

Refer to information from the graph in your answer.

















(Total for question = 9 marks)


This question is about momentum.

(a) Which of these is the correct unit for momentum?


A kg / m / s
B kg2 m / s

C kg m / s2

D kg m / s

(b) The diagram shows an object before and after an explosion.

The object breaks into two parts, P and Q.

The parts move away from each other in opposite directions.

(i) State what is meant by the principle of conservation of momentum.




(ii) Calculate the magnitude of the velocity of part P after the explosion.


velocity = ........................................................... m / s

(c) A child drops an egg from a height of 10 cm and the egg lands on the floor.

Explain why the egg is less likely to break if the floor is covered with a thick carpet than if the
floor were covered in hard tiles.










(Total for question = 8 marks)


A student investigates how the support forces acting on a metre rule are affected by the position
of a mass hanger.

He uses this apparatus.

This is the student's method.

suspend a metre rule from its 10 cm and 90 cm marks using two newton meters
place a mass hanger with a weight of 5 N at the 20 cm mark on the metre rule
adjust the heights of the newton meters until the metre rule is horizontal
record the readings on both newton meters

The student repeats the method, moving the mass hanger to a different position on the metre
rule each time.

(a) (i) State the independent variable in the student's investigation.



(ii) State two control variables in the student's investigation.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(iii) Suggest how the student could improve the quality of his data.




(b) The table shows the student's results.

The graph shows the results for newton meter A.

(i) Plot the results for newton meter B.

(ii) Draw the line of best fit for newton meter B.


(iii) Describe the relationships shown by the graph.












(c) Using ideas about moments, explain why the reading on newton meter A decreases as the
mass hanger is moved towards newton meter B.








(Total for question = 13 marks)

This question is about waves.

(a) (i) Which of these waves is longitudinal?


A infrared

B radio

C sound

D ultraviolet

(ii) Draw a straight line linking each electromagnetic wave to its correct hazard.


(b) (i) Which of these is a use for x-rays?


A checking for broken bones

B cooking food

C detecting forged banknotes

D smoke detectors

(ii) Which of these is a use for infrared waves?


A checking for broken bones

B cooking food

C detecting forged banknotes

D sterilising medical instruments

(Total for question = 5 marks)


(a) A student uses an oscilloscope to determine the speed of sound.

The diagram shows the oscilloscope trace produced by the sound wave.

The student uses two microphones and a ruler to determine the wavelength of the sound wave.

He finds that the wavelength is 1.4 m.

(i) State the formula linking the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave.


(ii) Use the oscilloscope trace to calculate the speed of the wave.


speed = ........................................................... m/s

(b) Another student uses this method to determine the speed of sound.

Step 1 The student stands 50 m away from her teacher, measuring the distance with a metre

Step 2 The teacher makes a loud sound and flashes a light at the same time.

Step 3 The student starts the stopwatch when she sees the flash of light.

Step 4 She stops the stopwatch when she hears the loud sound.

The speed of sound is calculated using the formula

Evaluate whether this method could produce an accurate value for the speed of sound in air.

















(Total for question = 11 marks)


A toy produces continuous waves when floating on the surface of a pool of water.

The waves spread out as circular wavefronts.

Diagram 1 shows the wavefronts produced when the toy is not moving, as viewed from above.
Diagram 2 shows the wavefronts produced when the toy is moving across the surface of the pool
of water.

(a) Draw an arrow on diagram 2 to show the direction the toy is moving.


(b) Explain how the frequency of the waves at point A is different to the frequency of the waves
at point B.














(Total for question = 5 marks)


The refractive index, n, of a material can be calculated using this formula.

(a) A student uses this method to determine the refractive index of a material.

draw around a semi-circular block of material

shine a light ray towards the centre of the straight edge of the semi-circular block
use a pencil and a ruler to mark the positions of the incident ray and the refracted ray
remove the block
draw a normal where the ray was incident on the block
measure the angle of incidence and angle of refraction
calculate the refractive index using the formula

Repeat the method for different angles of incidence.

(i) Name the independent variable in this investigation.



(ii) The table shows the student's results for an angle of incidence of 40°.

Calculate the mean value for the angle of refraction.


mean angle = ........................................................... degrees

(iii) Describe how the student could improve their method to get a more accurate value for the
refractive index.





(b) Diagram 1 shows a ray of light refracted by a transparent block of material.

(i) Calculate the refractive index of this material.


refractive index = ...........................................................

(ii) State the formula linking critical angle and refractive index.


(iii) The refractive index of a different material is 1.7

Calculate the critical angle of this material.


critical angle = ........................................................... degrees

(c) Diagram 2 shows a ray of light travelling through an optical fibre.

The optical fibre is made of a material with a refractive index of 1.7

Explain the path of the ray in the optical fibre.







(Total for question = 12 marks)


(a) Describe an experiment to determine the refractive index of a glass block.

In your answer you should include

a labelled diagram
the apparatus needed
the method used



















(b) Give two uses of total internal reflection.


1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(Total for question = 8 marks)


A light bulb used in homes converts electrical energy into light energy.

The input power of the light bulb is 52 W.

The efficiency of the light bulb is 5.0%.

Calculate the amount of light energy output by the lamp in 9.0 hours of use.

light energy output = ........................................................... J

(Total for question = 4 marks)


(a) The boxes give some situations and some energy stores.

Draw one straight line from each situation to the energy store that decreases for that situation.
The first one has been done for you.


(b) Energy is transferred when a filament lamp is connected to a battery.

(i) Which method of energy transfer takes place between the battery and the lamp?


A electrical

B heating

C mechanical

D radiation

(ii) Which method of energy transfer takes place between the lamp and the surroundings?


A electrical

B light radiation

C mechanical

D sound radiation

(Total for question = 6 marks)


A student uses this apparatus to investigate the force needed to pull a block along a ramp.

(a) (i) State the formula linking work done, force and distance moved in the direction of the


(ii) The student pulls the block 0.89 m along the ramp with a force of 26 N.

Show that the work done on the block by the 26 N force is about 23 J.


(iii) The block has a mass of 1.3 kg and moves vertically upwards 0.11 m.

Calculate the increase in the gravitational potential energy (GPE) store of the block between the
bottom and the top of the ramp.


increase in GPE = ........................................................... J

(iv) Explain why the work done to move the block along the ramp is greater than the increase in
the GPE store of the block.








(b) The student suggests it is better to use a less steep ramp to raise the block through the
same vertical height.

Discuss an advantage and a disadvantage of using a less steep ramp.












(Total for question = 12 marks)


The diagram shows a skier of weight 830 N skiing down a very steep slope.

The skier starts from rest at point T.

The force of gravity accelerates him down the slope.

(a) When he reaches point B his kinetic energy is 5.5 × 104 J.

State the gravitational potential energy of the skier at T.

You should assume there is no friction on the slope.


gravitational potential energy = ........................................................... J

(b) The skier stops at point P due to friction.

The distance from B to P is 73 m.

(i) State the relationship between work done, force and distance moved in the direction of the



(ii) Calculate the mean frictional force as the skier moves from B to P.


mean force = ........................................................... N

(Total for question = 5 marks)

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