Blog Update 1: Tyler Bilawchuk October.31

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Tyler Bilawchuk Blog Update 1 October.


I have not started my capstone until now. I have not started my capstone due to
me completing my focus on other career assignments which I am up to date with
now and my challenging math cource with after school activities. I have also had
trouble with where to begin but now recently have it planned out. I have approval
on my capstone, and I will be teaching people the basics of guitar through
YouTube online. I have now started my capstone project. I have started by writing
out the topics I will teach on my online YouTube video. I will have about 2-3 pages
of information about each topic I will be covering in each YouTube video. I will
also provide the dates of when I worked on each part and picture evidence later
for my editing process and Ideas. What I tend to accomplish until the next Blog
update is to complete my layout of all the information, I will be teaching on the
topics so I can start getting ready for the video recording process. I will also plan
to make sure I have my notes placed out in order of each topic I will talk about.
The support I will need to complete this is from online research and my
knowledge of the guitar through doing years of lessons at Long & McQuade with
multiple unique learning styles and teachers. I will also try to schedule to the best
of my ability.

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