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Nguyen Van Thuan

Hanoi, Viet Nam | LinkedIn | (+84) 383877854 |

● I have a really passion for programming, especially working with large-scale apps.
● I love to solve problems which I must say is a hard one. I always push myself to find the solution even though it takes weeks or months.
● Over 2 years of experience working analysis and development of software applications.
● Good knowledge of Es5, ES6 and Typescript.
● Good understanding of Single Page Applications and working experience with JavaScript libraries like React, Redux, Redux
Toolkit, Nextjs and Angular,...
● Have experience in CSS frameworks like Ant Design, Material UI, Tailwind and Bootstrap.
● Have experience in web programming using HTML, and advanced CSS such as flex-box, media queries, chart, and pre-processors
such as SASS, LESS and SCSS.
● Have experience working and building REST API using NodeJS frameworks such as Express and NestJs.
● Good understanding of SQL and No SQL databases.
● Good problem-solving skills and data structures and algorithms.
● Fast learner and easy adaptability to new environments.

Evotek Company Limited Hanoi, Viet Nam - Software Engineer July 2022 - Present
● Member of Evotek Global Front-end team, mainly focusing on delivering the best user interface and user experience on the front-end
● Create, maintain, and optimize front-end web components and features using Reactjs, Typescript, and Redux ,Angular.
● Working with customers to analyze and provide solutions for their problems.
● Code reviews for other team members.
● Building front-end code base.

o MB CCQ of MB Capital
▪ Designing a mini-app system integrated with the MBBank supper app. Service users to buy and sell funds certificates conveniently,
quickly and safely on the internet.
▪ Team size: 12
▪ Role: Leader Front-end Developer
▪ Responsibilities: Develop front-end UI and features, Code module test, integrate Map APIs, and back-end APIs.
▪ Technology: Jenkins, Docker, K8s, ReactJs, React-query, Java8, Spring boot, Maven, Postgresql, Chartjs2, React-slick, ts-lint,

o OCR Business Analyst Microfrontend

▪ Allow users to track and manage drivers and packages of products and migrate from CRA to webpack .
▪ Team size: 9
▪ Role: Leader Front-end Developer
▪ Responsibilities: Develop front-end UI and features, integrate Map APIs, back-end APIs and migrate with other website using
▪ Technology: Jenkins, Docker, K8s, ReactJs, React-query, Boootstrap, Python3,FastApi,S3,Vpc Webpack5...

o Logistic Dealpreneur
▪ Allow users to track and manage drivers, transporters, and packages of products. Scheduling for each delivery.
▪ Team size: 8
▪ Role: Developer
▪ Responsibilities:Develop front-end UI and features, and integrate back-end APIs.
▪ Technologies: Reactjs, Typescript, Redux Toolkit, C#.

▪ Design a building management system for MBAMC for building management (electricity, room, water, living …, for each room). Easy
to manage documents (Contract…) . Employee manager...
▪ Team size: 35
▪ Role: Developer
▪ Responsibilities: Develop front-end UI and features, and integrate back-end APIs.
▪ Technologies: Java, JPA, Oracle, MySQL, Angular, Rxjs, Antd. Toastr, pdfMake, Echarts, sonar-scanner….

Vie Software Company Limited Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam - Junior Software Engineer June 2021 - July 2022
● Create, maintain, and optimize front-end web components and features using Reactjs, Typescript, and Redux,Nextjs.
● Working with customers to analyze and provide solutions for their problems.
● Research and apply web3 to a company project.
● Building front-end code base.
o Panda
▪ Website about managing sales staff and selling products to help customers pay online, allowing users to
communicate with store owners.
▪ Team size: 6
▪ Role:Developer
▪ Responsibilities: Develop front-end UI and features, and integrate backend APIs. Using web3 to connect to the crypto wallet,
and optimize the trading rate in different providers and networks.
▪ Technologies: Reactjs, Typescript, Redux Toolkit, Web3, Nestjs. MongoDB, S3, Lambda, D3js ...
o Victory Furniture
▪ System for selling and buying real estate. Project on product sales and management of safe and delivery staff.
Helping companies and application users have the best experience when purchasing, selling and shipping.
▪ Team size: 19
▪ Role: Front-end Developer
▪ Responsibilities: Develop front-end UI and features, and integrate back-end APIs.
▪ Technologies: ReactJs, MongoDB, Nextjs, Nodejs, S3, DynamoDB, Redux-Saga, Websocket,Antd …


Member of Information team participating in the National Excellent Student Competition 2020-2021

Third Prize in Informatics at province level 2021


Skills: Javascript-Typescript, Reactjs, Nodejs, Git, DevOps, Databases.
Interests: Listen to music, watch movies and play chess.

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