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Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies

An overview of pipe bending methods and defects produced for the development of
improved pipe bending mechanism
--Manuscript Draft--

Full Title: An overview of pipe bending methods and defects produced for the development of
improved pipe bending mechanism

Manuscript Number: TMPT-2022-0135R1

Article Type: Review Article

Keywords: Defects in pipe bending; percentage ovality; thickness variation

Abstract: The pipe bending process is one of the prominent manufacturing technologies in metal
forming. Bent pipes have been widely used in various industrial products such as
automobiles, aerospace, shipbuilding, furniture, and so on. An extensive literature
review is carried out to learn about various pipe bending methods and the defects
produced therein along the bent portion of the pipe, also to determine the allowable
limits of pipe bending defects such as ovality, thickness variation for the development
of improved pipe bending mechanism which will help in the quality bending process.
The quality, strength, and performance of the pipe, as well as its aesthetic appearance,
are mainly influenced by various defects that occur in the bent portion of the pipe.

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An overview of pipe bending methods and defects produced for the

development of an improved pipe bending mechanism
[For publication in the Special issue of “Journal of Advances in Materials and Processing
Technologies”, Taylor & Francis (SCOPUS, ESCI). Special issue Name: - “The Role of
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems towards smart manufacturing” paper presented in CIMS-
2021, paper Id: - 237]

Abstract: - The pipe bending process is one of the prominent manufacturing technologies in metal
forming. Bent pipes have been widely used in various industrial products such as automobiles, aerospace,
shipbuilding, furniture, and so on. An extensive literature review is carried out to learn about various pipe
bending methods and the defects produced therein along the bent portion of the pipe, also to determine the
allowable limits of pipe bending defects such as ovality, thickness variation for the development of
improved pipe bending mechanism which will help in the quality bending process. The quality, strength,
and performance of the pipe, as well as its aesthetic appearance, are mainly influenced by various defects
that occur in the bent portion of the pipe.

Key Words: Defects in pipe bending, percentage ovality, thickness variation.

I. Introduction

The pipe bending process is one of the prominent manufacturing technologies in metal
forming to bend the metal pipes with the different bending angles, bend radius, materials, shapes,
and sizes. Bending of the metal pipes is widely used in various industries like aerospace,
automobile, shipbuilding, energy, healthcare, and furniture for the manufacturing of different
products. As a result, various techniques for bending the pipes are developed. While bending a
pipe, several defects are produced in it due to plastic deformation of the material along the bent
portion of the pipe. Ovality, thickness variation, spring back, and wrinkling along the bent
portion are major flaws. Reasons behind various defects in the bent portion of metal pipes are
studied through a literature review.
Bending is one of the important forming processes in which bending is carried out mainly
in two ways i.e. cold bending at ambient temperature and hot bending which is to be done at
elevated temperature. The different methods of pie bending which normally practiced in bending
operations are the compression bending, roll bending, rotary draw bending, stretch bending, pure
bending, laser bending for different materials of the pipes like stainless steel alloy, aluminum
alloy, copper alloy, magnesium alloy are used based on its application. Bending can be done for
different cross-sectional shapes of pipes like round, rectangular, and a few irregular sections. The
different processed materials used in the pipe bending are seamless and welded pipe bending.
Large bending, small bending, and easy and difficult bending are the bending type based on their
difficulty levels.
While bending a pipe, several defects are produced in it due to plastic deformation of the
material along the bent portion. While bending the pipes by different bending processes the
uneven stresses are induced as the inner surface of the pipe goes in compression and the outer
surface is in tension which results in various defects in pipes along the bending length. Major
defects identified are ovality and thickness variation which affect the quality and performance of
pipe and cause failure while function. Also, it affects the aesthetic looks whenever it is used in
different products such as furniture and automobile components. To control over such defects in
pipe bending is always an area of research for various researchers. Up till now, many researchers
worked in this area to exercise control over such instabilities/ defects produce in bending so that
bending should be carried out without any defects or minimum defects within permissible limits.
Also, the parametric analysis to optimize the process parameters and tooling was carried out for
the development of bending science using analytical, physical, experimental, and numerical
methods. (Yang et al., 2012) [1]

II. Literature review

Looking towards the current demand from various industries for manufacturing piping
products with low weight, high strength, and high performance in terms of materials structure, it
is critical to bend the metal pipes with specific bending radius, bending angles, and shapes and
sizes without defects. To produce the pipe bend without any defect is a big challenge for the
manufacturer as well as researchers. Following are the major defects as shown in the figure.1are
identified from an exhaustive literature review. (Yang et al., 2012) [1]

Fig.1Major defects in pipe bending (Yang et al., 2012) [1]

Major defects in the pipe bending such as ovality and thickness variation can be
minimized by applying additional loads that are axial force and internal pressure. Ovality and
thickness variation at the bent portion of pipes for different loading conditions was evaluated, by
developing analytical models based on the plastic theories. These models can be used for process
design and tooling for pipe bending. Draw bending process is widely used to minimize various
pipe bending defects such as ovality, thickness variation, spring-back, and wrinkling. Bending
defects like ovality and wrinkling can be reduced by applying fluid pressure to the bent portion
of the pipe. Bending pipes with small thickness and small bent radii by imposing axial force and
internal pressure at the bent portion of the pipe gives effective results.
The problem associated with major pipe bending defects was investigated using the
analytical and numerical method which aims to develop a tool that will overcome the pipe
bending defects under different loading conditions. Based on plastic deformation theory
analytical method was developed, with or without imposing tension and pressure on the bent
portion of the pipe due to which analytical and FEA results can be improved. (Wang & Agarwal,
2006) [2]
In the pipe bending process, plastic deformation of the bent pipe can be investigated by
applying the plastic deformation theory. Some important formulas were developed, which
provide the solution to seven types of problems that mainly occurred in pipe bending. The
phenomenon in pipe bending and their magnitudes to calculate the bending stresses, thickness
variation, ovality, neutral axis deviation, bending moment, flattening and the feed preparation
length of the bend was derived. Based on these formulas some sample calculations to compare
the analytical and experimental results were done for validation. (Tang, 2000) [3]
A. Ovality:
Ovality is one of the major defects found in the pipe bending process which
affects the reliability and performance of bent pipes and also affects the pressure resistance of
bent pipes, due to this defect the flow resistance is influenced, therefore it has to be controlled
mandatorily.Many researchers tried to find out the ways for bringing control over this. Based on
the plastic deformation theory and geometrical characteristics, some mathematical formulas are
derived to solve such similar defects. It was discovered that the possibility of defects like ovality
and thickness variation are more likely to occur in the aluminum alloy rather than in the stainless
steel pipes. The effect of hoop strain cannot be ignored for small bending radii of the aluminum
alloy pipe. (Yang et al., 2012) [1]

While bending the metal pipes by draw bending method, the fixed form die and wiper die
are used for bending the pipe along the neutral axis. Whenever bending takes place, the pipe is
getting flattened as the inner surface of the pipe is acting by compression and the outer surface of
the pipe acting by tension. The outer surface is shifted towards the neutral axis which causes
ovality at the bent portion of the pipe. The degree of ovality at the bent portion of metal pipes is
calculated by dividing the difference between the major axes and minor axes by the nominal
diameter of the pipe. Percentage ovality was calculated by using the following equation.
% Ovality = 𝑋 100 (1)

Earlier research has suggested a new concept that controls the ovality at the bent portion
of the pipe, Based on the experimental investigation carried out on the mechanism for the pipe of
fixed diameter with four different thicknesses and the dimensions are measured at different
positions for different bend angle of the metal pipes. The effect of precompression on pipe
ovality after bending has been discussed. Also, the mathematical model to validate the
experimental results with analytical results was developed and concluded that due to
precompression the ovality at the bent portion of the metal pipes can be reduced and not exceed
8% otherwise without precompression percentage ovality exceeds beyond permissible limit.
(Kale & Thorat, 2009a) [4]
Extrusion is one of the best methods for producing tubular aluminum frame parts for an
automotive application. By using the cold forming process with rigid dies desired shapes can be
obtained by, pressurizing and prestretching. Tension prevents the inner side from buckling due to
which springback can be reduced while unloading. The distorted cross-section is an unintended
byproduct of the process. Optimum forming can be achieved by applying light pressure and also
by choosing the empirical level of tension which helps to reduce this distortion. To optimize the
forming processes experimentation was carried out to create a scientific foundation so that
buckling, distortion, and springback can be minimized also the effect of tension, pressure, and
friction on the tubular aluminum frame was examined.
An experimental investigation of rectangular aluminum alloy tubes was carried out by
using the stretch-bend-pressure forming process to analyze the problems associated with it.
Using an experimental setup with two servohydraulic and one pneumatic closed-loop systems
whose operation is monitored and controlled by a computer and result shows how pressure and
tension affect the cross-section of the tube. By keeping the shape of the pipe and applied load
constant along the length two-dimensional models were explained for the bend stretch pressure
forming process, which results in computational time reduction for corresponding 3-D models.
The model was investigated for its processing and evaluation of various alternative loading
conditions to discuss how springback, cross-sectional distortion, and net elongation are getting
affected by variable pressure and tension. Furthermore, the advantages of variable pressure and
tension after forming were presented. The purpose of carrying out associated experimentation
and simulation is to prepare the base for finding out the order and magnitude of the design
procedure.(Miller, Kyriakides, & Bastard, 2001) [5]
Due to computational efficiency and simplicity, the tube model is more popular. It is also
feasible to carry out the parametric study of forming process during the design stage. Based on
the experimental study the findings were drawn to design the forming process of tubular cross-
sectional parts. Priory does the beam analysis to find out the tension at various cross-sectional
points along the length of the tube, also to find out the tension levels at various points using
beam analysis for simulation by doing 2-D tube analysis. To avoid buckling, initially, tension
needs to be kept minimum and gradually increase the tension to reduce the springback. Based on
the experimental results researcher has concluded that as the tension level increases, sectional
distortion also increases with reduced spring back which majorly affects the center portion of the
bent.(Miller, Kyriakides, & Corona, 2001) [6]

B. Thickness variation:
Thickness variation is also a major defect that affects the quality and performance of bent
metal pipes. In the pipe bending processes, either a compression bending or draw bending
method is mainly used. This pipe bending machine is mainly produced by two major
components: a forming die which is fixed and a movable wiper die for making pipe bend. By the
application of bending force, a wiping die compresses and flattens the pipe of the circular cross-
section concerning a fixed form die. During bending operation pipe is not enveloped along its
periphery, there is some vertical gap present when the pipe is getting clamped in between form
die and wiper die and the pipe is getting deformed due to the available gap present therein causes
to the ovality.
By using a new improved mechanism earlier researcher has carried out experiments to
examine the effect of precompression on thickness at the bent portion of metal pipe for fixed
diameter with four different thicknesses. He has also validated the experimental results with the
analytical results by using a mathematical model and concluded that a new improved method
gives the thickness variation at the bent portion not exceeding 10%. It was also suggested that
greater the pipe thickness results in smaller thickness variation, based on this percentage
thickness variation was calculated by using the following equation. (Kale & Thorat, 2009b) [7]

% Thickness Variation = 𝑋 100 (2)

By using elastic-perfectly plastic materials, the effects of the axial extent and thickness
variation on net-section limit load for pipes under combined pressure and bending have been
investigated. The effect of axial extent on plastic limit loads is found to be less significant for
bending but more significant for internal pressure. Limit load solutions for pipes with local wall
thinning under combined pressure and bending by analytically incorporating hoop stresses due to
internal pressure was provided. It was found that the mentioned limit load solution gives better
results as compared to the FE results. (Oh et al., 2009) [8]
To investigate the deformation characteristics of the oval tubes for the rotary draw
bending operation was performed without using a mandrel. The major parameters investigated
were ovality, thickness variation, the radius of the bend, and the aspect ratio of the pipe. Using
the Coulomb friction model in all the simulations with a friction coefficient of 0.1, all tubes were
bent up to 90 degrees keeping the major axis length as 70.0 mm on the oval section of pipe with
the hard-way bend. In the hydroforming dies to ensure sufficient clearance and proper geometry,
the bent pipe of circular cross-section need to be converted into an oval shape during some pre-
forming operations. In such cases, the pre-forming step can be eliminated by using oval shape
pipes instead of circular shape pipes could be one of the effective ways. The oval tube could be
formed with minimum strain and thickness variation at the extrados of the bend by using a
booster system rather than a mandrel.
Manufacturing costs of oval pipes are comparatively less due to minimum operating and
labor costs. Parametric studies on the oval-shaped pipe bending without using a mandrel for both
oval and circular-shaped pipes were carried out. Deformation characteristics of the oval-shaped
pipe such as ovality, thickness variation, strain, side-bulge, and hoop-buckle, have been
investigated by using the finite element modeling technique. Simulation for various bending
process parameters such as ovality, thickness variation, the radius of bend, and the aspect ratio of
oval-shaped pipes has been done. A hoop-buckle limit diagram was obtained in terms of a non-
dimensionalized shape degradation factor through observations. Based on the proposed concept,
suggestions have been drawn on the acceptability of oval-shaped pipes suitable for hydroforming
applications without using a mandrel or any other pre-forming step. Observations were made
based on the shape degradation factor to calculate the limits of a hoop-buckle diagram. Using a
mandrel for hoop-buckled pipes with an oval shape may enhance the quality of bend whereas the
booster system reduces the strain or thickness variation at the extrados of the bend. A certain
criterion for pipes with oval shape was proposed by reducing the ovality and the side-bulge both.
Even if there is some flattening or side-bulging, acceptable regions are found. Bending operation
not only requires a tight bend with minimum thickness variation but also with minimum ovality
and side-bulge along with wall thinning and strain. (Lee et al., 2005) [9]

C. Springback:

The spring back phenomenon is the factor influencing bending quality, cost of the
product, and the die, and it also affects manufacturing efficiency. Using rotary draw bending,
experimental and theoretical research was carried out by earlier researchers on spring back. The
spring-back angle shows a linear relationship with a larger angle of bending. To optimize the
overall control strategy, a process control method was developed. Based on experimental data
and tube bending theories, the empirical formula was developed for finding spring back
(including angular spring back and radius growth) and stretching. Using an analytical model and
the experimental method, an earlier researcher investigated how spring-back angles are
influenced by forming parameters of thin-walled pipe bending. (Yang et al., 2012) [1]
Rotary draw bending is a CNC tube bending technique that is most commonly practiced
in the industry. As compared to straight bending, a rotary draw bending has a more complex
loading condition. Without the application of external drawing force, the process generates an
axial force other than the bending moment. Analysis of tube bending was done by considering
axial force. Also, stress distribution and wall thinning were computed and found good results
after comparing experimental and numerical results. (Daxin et al., 2010) [10]
Parametric analysis of the aluminum pipes for the cold bending process was carried out
by earlier researchers to study the effect of bending angle, bending radius, and spring back on the
bend portion of aluminum pipes along the deformed cross-section, due to its wide application in
various industries. Observations for the bending radius of 30 mm and 40 mm respectively for the
bending angle ranges of 0o to 180o the springback effect was observed as shown in table no.1 and
also plotted the Springback curve as shown in fig.2, which shows that as springback angle
increases from 45o to 135o degree and then decreases up to 180o and also the springback angles
were obtained for various bend angles. (Anekar et al., 2019) [11].

Table1. Springback for different bend angles (Anekar et al., 2019)[11]

Fig. 2 Springback curve (Anekar et al., 2019)[11]

An experimental study was carried out on springback effect on the bending of metal pipes
with the help of FEM by an earlier researcher. From the study, it was found that the mechanical
properties of the material of metal pipes are quite different from the properties of solid bars
which affect the final results. As a result, it is critical to investigate the mechanical properties of
materials used in metal pipes. It was concluded that the material properties of metal pipe bending
influence spring back. It increases hardening index n as elastic modulus E decreases, and it
decreases as plastic modulus K decreases. The spring-back of the bent pipe is also influenced by
the geometrical dimensions of the pipe. It grows as the relative bending radius grows, and it
shrinks as the relative tube-wall thickness grows. Springback grows as the bending angle grows
nonlinearly. (E et al., 2009) [12]
Tube bending has numerous applications, mainly in the aerospace industry. Earlier pipe
bending was regarded as a craft, based on years of experience most of the pipe bending work was
done by hand. However, the modernization of the pipe bending process required a thorough
understanding of the fundamental mechanics of pipe bending. A simple mathematical model has
been developed for estimating the moment, spring-back, and residual stresses in thin-walled
aluminium tube pure bending.
Different parameters such as internal support to prevent failure in pipes, as well as other
factors, were discussed relevant to these techniques. Analytical results that are used to derive
approximate equations for predicting residual stress distributions and spring-back behavior were
presented by the researcher. Experiments were carried out to determine the spring-back on a
specialized industrial machine using aluminium pipes of varying geometry without changing
their mechanical properties. Experimental and analytical results of spring back were compared
and revealed good agreement. (Al-Qureshi & Russo, 2002) [13]
An earlier researcher has studied and revealed the performance of the Yoshida–Uemori
model based on predictive results comparison of deformed sections, the radius of springback,
angles of springback, residual stress distribution, and tangential stress variation of the three
different hardening models along with their impact. The tension and compression test findings
are drawn from the pipe specimen yield for the hardening parameters of the H96 rectangular
tube. Based on section sag after springback, the Yoshida–Uemori two-surface model outperforms
the mixed hardening and isotropic models. Springback radius can be predicted accurately by
using all three hardening models. It was concluded that as compared to the isotropic and mixed
hardening models, the Yoshida–Uemori model is better suited to determine springback angle
especially for finding large deformation springback angle. (Zhu et al., 2013) [14]
A sensitivity analysis model was developed to investigate the effects of process
parameters on springback and section deformation. The sensitivities of springback and section
deformation to process parameters were analyzed and compared using a sensitivity analysis
model using the springback/section deformation predicted by the finite element model, multi-
parameter, and sensitivity analysis method. It was observed that the increased speed and pressure
of the pressure die are the most critical process conditions for springback angle, and the quantity
of cores is the most sensitive process condition for section deformation. When controlling
section deformation with clamp force, boost speed, and pressure die pressure, the effect of
process parameters on springback should be considered. (Zhu et al., 2012) [15]
Using a three-dimensional (3D) elastic-plastic FE model the effect of the angle of
bending, angle of springback, and some material properties on the NC bending of a TA18 pipe
were investigated. The coupling effects of the material properties and bending angle on the
springback angle were revealed during NC bending using multivariate and stepwise analyses.
The significant springback after numerically controlled (NC) bending of a titanium alloy tube
has a significant impact on the precision of the bent tube's shape and size. The springback was
determined by using the tube's bending angle, the material properties, and most importantly, their
coupling effects. It was found that the springback angle was influenced significantly by young's
modulus, coefficient of strain hardening, yield stress, and the angle of bending thickness
anisotropy exponent, as well as interactions between these parameters. The springback angle is
affected positively by the bending angle, hardening coefficient, and yield stress, and negatively
by Young's modulus, the thickness anisotropy exponent, and the hardening exponent. The
material properties of the titanium alloy have a greater influence as the bending angle increases.
The strain hardening coefficient and exponent, as well as Young's modulus, influenced
significantly the springback angle. The findings are very much useful to predict, compensate and
control over springback in titanium alloy pipes during NC bending. (Jiang et al., 2010) [16]
The springback and time-dependent springback of bending 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel
pipes was investigated. Rotary draw bending tests have been performed, and significant time-
dependent springback was observed. The time-dependent springback responsible for strain
hardening was performed to understand the behavioral changes. The formulae for time-
independent springback, time-dependent springback, and total springback were derived using
this model. Furthermore, the magnitude of springback and the stress distribution was calculated
by using finite element analysis and the results agree very well after comparing them. The
bending test shows that the time-dependent springback of 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel pipes
accounts for a specific part of the total springback. Consideration of results is important to
understand the behavior from an industrial and research point of view. It was found that the time-
dependent springback increases by increases in R/d value. Based on the hypothesis attempted to
understand this behavior, it was observed that the strain hardening causes time-dependent
springback of the pipes. As a result, it was found that additional research, including microscopic
studies, is needed to fully understand the mechanism and their behavior. (Daxin E & Liu, 2010)

D. Wrinkling:
The rotary-draw bending process may result in wrinkling due to selecting
incorrect process parameters for a thin-walled rectangular tube of aluminium alloy, particularly
for thin-walled pipes having a small radius of the bend. A wave function was proposed and a
prediction model was developed for wrinkling to predict this defect quickly and accurately.
Based on the plastic deformation theory associated with the energy method, the bending of pipe
with a minimum radius of bending can be achieved without having any wrinkling issues during
the process. Furthermore, the effects of geometrical parameters and the pipe material properties
on the small bending radius have been investigated. It was found that by increasing the
thickness-to-height (t/h) ratios and thickness-to-width (t/b) wrinkling limit of the tube can be
improved. As the strain-hardening exponent of the pipe increases the minimum radius of bend
decreases, while the strength coefficient decreases as it increases. Furthermore, Young's modulus
has a small influence on the wrinkling limit. These accomplishments will aid in the development
of the bending methods and will be useful for thin-walled rectangular aluminium alloy tubes in
the rotary-draw bending process. (Zhao et al., 2010) [18]

III. Conclusion

An extensive literature review has been carried out, and it was discovered that various
pipe bending techniques are used for bending metal pipes but out of them draw bending
technique is the most commonly used in industries. This pipe bending method results in pipe
bend with flaws. The most significant defects identified are ovality and thickness variation at the
bent portion of pipes, which affect the quality, performance, and aesthetic appearance of the
pipe. Bending is a forming method in which all parallel planes along the axis have equal
intersections with the bent portion, resulting in a tensioned outer surface and a compressed inner
surface. The material should flow within the pipe as the shape of the pipe changes during
bending. The Brazier effect refers to the phenomenon of flattening elastic tubes during the
bending operation of metal pipes at the bent portion.(Kale & Thorat, 2009a) [4]. According to
the ASME B 31.3 code, when the bend is subjected to internal pressure, 8 percent ovality in the
bent portion of the pipe is allowable, and when they bend is subjected to external pressure, 3
percent ovality is allowable.(Kale & Thorat, 2009b) (ASME, 2009) [7,19]. In conventional pipe
bending, the outer wall is thin and the inner wall is thick; however, in engineering design,
thickness variation is not permitted to exceed 12.5 percent, and the bend radius should be greater
than 3.69 times the pipe's mean diameter. (Kale & Thorat, 2009b) (ASME, 2009) [7, 19]
The diameter, thickness, and bending radius of a bend determine its success. Major pipe
bending defects like ovality, thickness variation, and buckling occur at the bend portion by the
elevated value of the diameter-to-thickness ratio and decreased bending radius. As the bending
process is having unique capabilities, the bending process is normally carried out on the
availability of equipment and capabilities of handling the material used in the pipe, pipe
diameter, pipe thickness, and bending radius of it. While bending a pipe, several defects are
produced in the bent portion due to plastic deformation of the material. Major defects identified
through literature review and industrial surveys are ovality and thickness variation in the bent
portion. (ASME, 2009) [19]
IV. References

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PD342, 1–168.
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13 Is there any figure/Table mentioned in the No:
text, but missing from the paper?
Reviewer #4: The goal of this manuscript is to give an overview of pipe bending methods and defects produced for the development
of improved pipe bending mechanism. Therefore, the manuscript theme is within the scope of the JAMPT.

The authors state that "An extensive literature review is carried out to learn about various pipe bending methods and the defects
produced …". This is not carried out in this manuscript, in fact the overall review about pipe bending methods and defects is very
poor, due to the following reasons:
1. The work focus in a small number of research works, evidenced by the use of a small number of references (only 7), which
clearly is not enough to give an accurate review about a complex subject as "pipe bending methods and defects".
2. The state of the art is clearly missing in this work, only 1 of the references have been published in the last 10 years. In fact,
recent advances and future trends are not mentioned in this manuscript.
3. The review focuses on very superficial aspects (introduction to springback or ovality), without an in-depth analysis/discussion of
them. Other types of defects such as those that occur due to the material forming limit or the appearance of wrinkling are not

Due to these reasons, the originality, contribution and significance of this manuscript for the area of "pipe bending methods and
defects" is not significant. Therefore, this paper does not fit the quality expectations of the Journal Advances in Materials and
Processing Technologies.

Note: The text has several orthographic errors and the sentence could be better structured. The figures and table have poor quality.

Response to reviewer comments: Corrections are made in Revised manuscript with due consideration of above mentioned points/
Sr. no Points Reviewer-1 Comments Response to reviewer comments
1 Reviewer 1: Yes
2 Would you be willing to review a revision of Yes
this manuscript?
3 Is the contents of the article within the scope Yes: The Paper is good to publish if the More references are cited
of the JAMPT? author cites more references.
4 Is the English language used satisfactory? Yes: English is good but the author must Made corrections in many
know about articles (the and a/an). In sentences
many sentences, the author does not use
the appropriate articles.
5 Is there any figure/Table mentioned in the No:
text, but missing from the paper?
6 Is there any figure/Table present in the No:
paper but not mentioned in the text of the
article ?
7 Is the title of the article adequately represent Yes: yes the title of the article adequately
the content of the article? represent the content.
8 Are there, an Abstract, List of Key Words Yes: yes, abstract, list of key words and
and Conclusions present in the article? conclusion are present in the article
9 Are the references cited in either Scientific The author did not use the correct References are cited as per
(by number only) or Cambridge style (by referencing. mentioned style
author name and year of publication)? (Both
systems are acceptable but not mixed
10 Is there a list of References and are all the Yes: yes all are the references cited in the
References cited are present in the list? paper
11 If there is any Appendix cited in the text? No
12 If so, is the appendix present at the end of No
the article (after the list of References)?

13 Is there any figure/Table mentioned in the No:

text, but missing from the paper?
Above corrections are made in the revised manuscript as per the reviewer comments.
Reviewer #1: Please add comments you don't mind the author seeing.

Response to reviewer comments: Corrections are made in Revised manuscript with due consideration of above mentioned points/

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