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ite CANOIOATES ARE ADVISED WW THEIR OWN INTEREST TO GO THROUGH THE DETAILED ADVERTISEMENT AVAILABLE AT THE WEBSITE OF MMi) In) TOENGURE THAT THEY FULFIL THE ELIIBILTY CRITERIA AND OTMER REGUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING UP THE ONLINE APPLICATION TSN aw INISTRYOF HOME AF FA { EE ‘SECURITY ASSISTANTIMOTOR TRANSPORT & MULTL-TASKING STAFF ‘EXAMINATION-2023 xr pete tes aan tee a are ome the por Sey eta apr a) aig ers TEC tong Sey enogerc Buea. (Wnty of Home Alas). Comrnent ow ‘Sotaldary lige Rank ‘Vacancies wi esevaton Bre Boreau5t6 UR [ose wey [se sr ews [Toa 7 ‘gerats | San 7 3 i 1 7 . WIsiGen t s z o ° t z “Read san % v 3 ° + cic) x * a 7 ° 3 ‘iw SANT z @ a z ° 3 WTsicen = v o = 1 s © “aaa san —— [=> @ a o 3 z Wrsicen + a o © 4 z cs ‘Bananas ‘ANT 5 z 7 ° 3 ara BTSIGem © = z z a i < Bropar ‘AMT € 7 z + ci L MrsiGe 5 z 7 ° a $ 7 ‘Bhubaneswar ‘SAMT e + 1 + 3 MIsiGen o T v a * ¥ aioa ‘SAMT 5 z 7 © x a MTs c a ° + 7 3 ‘crear {saat 6 Zz f ° z 7 | wisest 2 aeeeee aes o z i Denvadin SAMT = c + o 7 7 TSI 7 T x e a z 7 aA Hae SAM ca zm 7 € = 3 wTsioen % 25 3 7 3 a os araiok san a 1 a Tee a TsIGen = 7 ° i @ ® 7m Savana SANT z tt 7 30 iuTSiGen T o ° a a ° © Wants ‘sant 5 4 7 o 8 T [arse 3 x > i i 1 = phat saat 2 @ os + a > - MIsiGea a + o + + r © Tanai a o Cements eae a 3 7 a a 7 a 7 7. 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Eat (Oy saad 4 98h erste coming for gs iran nhs eatgay mim have be ered erie ne on & om ory | Fretrtes Ou unser trncn (as at hearers athe en oe ceed aetaere) 2 hae retrain f 1 years uper ae tis mest fr Pwd set the cenion tat maxcvum a fe aplcant on th al date ‘ha nt wxened 56 years orn post of MTS (Seon. Sitarpetn th aby ete age concen by we of big a Cantal Goverment emcee, enessen's Nser witbe arisable {trea a person win dabhty or a Cert! Goverment eles wichve more benala t hhe. Naw Tn post SAAT, beng snepersonal pox is notesevedter en sega Note t: The cf mats (oto 10) Ted exam woud be URS, OBC, ati ia nutom ot Pao. Mere, ey NEED NOT apd fob pont GSAT, SC/ST & ESS a Exservcemen wodd be Wate te wm ep We, few na vay sete eae (OH VM BAER) URODC SCTE ecg 0% in) of PD fhe pos of MTSGen. Not Frthe pot of SAM be mart ati be prepared one bal ct eet Nie ne emo ot acancen for OBC, SE ST. EWS, EeSarcaman & Pwo NOW 2 Ft ola SR Oe ss pet tlstote, Note 3: The urbe: of vacances sprovinal nd ble fo Shnge Nate Tw cand con opt fr post of SAMT or MITSIGen or Bon aes canal ol for both he poss ar isthe Essential Cuatfators fx SANIT fe woud penne Tas exam of SAMT ony (jt fo ualhng Tet Texan) However Pe wou beni constered fr epost a Teen, nal sleet epost SAMY, candidate or spout TstGe wos ard cance Noe The cant can opt olf [Sie ana wou, us, be conicred for vcarcles earmarked fr at 5% ‘Applications ctv fr are thn oe 8 rom 3 erate wou be summary ‘nected Note fhe sgh consis reo ap, etaton quan cttategn, Oring Lanes Qo SAMT orf ek wl be deveined en be cing fate. Te cance mtb parser Pestova quntcato)eedr he pet onde he leuk me cton eee closing ate, 1. A102) Noto 3 Fer the post of MTSIGen, the mat st wil be prepared on he basis of ‘romance ner exam sone, proved the cardia quale Tar exam. {© CITY OF EXAMINATION: The candidates may reer to the dete avetsemet Note While ting inte nna appton farm, te appar shoul area decide hour chao of Cy f Examination : Note 2: The carats has to choose fe (5 optionsichoices as Examination Cy trom thelist provided in he detaed advertisement The optionsicholes, once hoven, ol not be changed under any eleumstances Note 3 Candidates cous be aozommadatedn any one ete ve Examination Cis pted by hier for Tet! examination. However, the candiatre of such Candles wl be considered agnns the vacances of opted SI ony dnd hte eat have ben seed succes 2, SeRVCr LABILITY. The pst lobes Al aia Tne abity Therefore, the candi Sere anpaner in india ony teed 19 app. {SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: 5. HOW TO APPLY: 3) Appleton should be submited only through ONLINE registration by ‘Raping onto the website! wwnrmha.govin or wanes. gout. Applications ‘tt NOT be accepted through any other mode. iting to Ter rerptoroEzarinaton [Maeve [SBI /F® |) Tn appcaton poral wale opeatnal rom 1410203 12:112029 15se hour Repstaton done oro 14102029 and oer #2.3.2023 wl “art —| Gio am af Obee tp WED whemet ot 7 ton) | Itnqustons St anc enc bxamnarion FEE: sma gustensf eo || Minn two tn comporans: Earn Fw Ra 59-8 Rectan Peeing 3 Scns te “a Cheyer Ra toca pad ae Se a SGTOERT a2 (esr Fee tobe ald reeerry [ar cnaae ec recang Ces 8) English Language = [Male candidates of General, | Examination Fee in addition to Recruitment eats aig oH ma each bw on 8 east _|Posreng Choose a! =| Note 1: Exceericemen whe have already secured employment in chil side under Te atch va aT Cereal co Gp pot on vega an ster mag bee lesen Taam | series tobe ae cued ay ote Fw te Re Sao sor wen ‘candidates would red to -_ i conte wo oe Resume Posenny Smyer Re Nese nse | 20 | 50 | = | note 2: Te Po cannes aig fe te post of MTSIGen me eempted fom lin canes cote nce SEL fet howe’ hey wave py te Reon rose Chaps 850") ote: Sig tarps apa we bar by Be canst Tee wise smimourcact mar | ~ {:MOoe OF PAYMENT (ONLNEDFFLNE MODE: |__| ator tet eam "| ___| a1 Tre apicaten fons toga wih he pamertgsteway 8 be parent Ter | errant on Engin Lao - pout cn o conpnd by lonny be nutans oetren | a comprtenion aves Payer! can be rade oni wa SB EPAY LITE treagh Debt Cars Stooge vray core {fuPorvca’ Moveromtont). Crest Carn, ene Bog. UPL SS pores sree com, | 80 | 80 [1m | Satan Sms eet care usage, = cue ) Aer samt your pres oie, PLEASE WAT FOR THE WTMATION teu nt me FROM THE SEAVER. DO NOT PRESS BACK OR REFRESH BUTTON Meri exam wil be af quaitying nature ORDER TO AVCHD DOUBLE CHARGE. ih aang mae 2) 6. Toure he sey ye i, pan con he bowser window cs jour ico "Sine Benatar PRATT ARTES SRC ETIERTEGAT | vamacon compe Contd enna @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Je) There is facity to print spplcaton om eortainng fee deals afer payment ofes, Fee onc ald shat nt be refunded under any creumstances, /3), Onine peymens can be ‘made oni hele te of submission of online apseaton om, 1) Payments through ser ‘haan generated on the last coy of closure of cine appleaton forme an be submited in the banka T64t2023 (curing banking hours ony 7. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; Fr all othe iforation in sta such a elgtiy teri, reservation benefits & ‘olmations, —velecton ot ‘Bndatesischeme op one Srelesten, nose ofpeyneet 6 other ‘stuns te Candin ae sed te 1 or eetaing advenacent viabe.on the webete of HA tba goxiy S.cLosmo Dates 42003 (12399 hous ‘WARNING 1 hes been noted that some vnsetupu ements are oud, Invig applicators tor various ‘poole in the Inttigence Bureau Such ements are lee lrg ven isu fake Sppenent eters to same {0 the” candies, ‘The Drospectve canddsteaps ‘aepirats ce, therfore, emuoned nat fa prey to the designs of such unsuspecting soprantay ‘ants fr thei personl tin ‘There have been sever | sevors inthe Soci! Wea, wherein same untnewn ersons ctiming tobe Ex | Oct give tate esurance | © the eoepecve Srdates hat they woul hp them in geting tough {is Exainaion by vite of ther Tong seein win We IB Candies nt wm nee ar avid ot {ofl prey ts tae. Dateless, mitlesding nd ragged eine of hese Persons IB do ot share any. Input regarding the content of queston papers of | any Examination conde by wit anyone Candidates are advice to apply though the website of MMA only is wwnka govin. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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