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©~ ~ ~ ww~m .

7he pr('JX!ra.tJtn o~ 111!Qi-1br of' as,gn pbM oF bui/dr,;ig pbn cf .the
rn feMor des~ n.
Process, Pr09rommirq, Concept- dev<?fcpm:nt d?s~n documentaffCX?, aro
t?Xffutron, C?valuatfcn. I~ scut1 ttut w~ 0 es,gnirtg a · srxu.e
are ~En elerren~ trru you should corv,1d.UI / srxue .from, llne l(ght,

Coloor P'.)ttecn ard tQxl-urO . ,ros week M ().XJ.111 sol c/.et,ur

tuil/1 th? tooin QJ: (O,Llnen tWtlito{JQ ih/-91J'o(t,') to dJxuSs thu.
T el?m?n/,, oP fntei(oY des~n oro how th,,y tl'nfXitt how

a lCCm looks and f'<2els .

-,r,e func hbro.P rriq;.ure/'Ylftl t. of Alv1 c can be

clivlcJ@cl ,nto sevJZncJ· mc:;"or ~1-.oups, r~s 1'cl'2fJ ftdl

. ,
ho;,prtcJ goocl senv1CQ, office atid ffWi mission .

w 025 ~nQ7J must- 1'dent,fy and
reqJ»remeif tram late them o dw, t.
1)~,:-an ~ : the ,ntwbJJ ~,af\.WJ
/n t/-,(S p:>int in the protc:>S'> ' U
'-C/ • r the design intent -
should hov!' o clf'an p,ct-vre or (I
. ptonJ.
Write or> expfan:,111(1') /:o ' help tt,e u5(?71 ()11

th<? desfgn ard ~/ectibn tJvJ: haie 00'2/7 madR

~~: . ·
T,,,ov 10e Ploor p10M , eIevah()'l-1 , pre pee trV (), o.nc1 cb.lWI

dr~wi1 .

'Pf,ovicle r,-n1Sh bcc,,V/2 or book to i//w,troJ-e

co/Dl01 X,hgnQ _

?,OJide Fum.iWre· and occessol\Jly 1-.Pok il/w;t~ate i

-the co/0UJ1 conct2pt-

1 '

,re aduo.9 for()VI reifred by the t)h01 to o ~

the ,te,rr0

11-:e 1h'.ll.l6trtaO ~lo:Zi't1'.j ,s ())hich den.ivOo frorn the

rn1dd le WJ9 l1S h -fbr 1
' lciss 1 ,:s O rr,u,t- of ci wa II [or)

uindow , made o~ giass glazil1j also desm'/:X25 tfie

pro~ssii:na.U 102,·en . G-,la21n9 ,·s cJ,, o
work done by a 9
- to desa·i/:)(J6 t{lQ vJJJlk doJ1Q. hy
1ess commonly
a_ pi-of"ss,Ono.0 ~102i'en 6'/az.11:J r'S ~o /es5 us@d
(rv,1!J7h0n oF ophtalruic leMlio 1hlv NJ eyeiass

{r().JY(} .
(n ardu f-~c-lcmcJ
Common type oF glaz(n~ that e1re used
plco.t- gla 55 /
apph'coJ1'on include c/eo.n and l:r'nt-ecl
tt?frlp<!Tl«i gloss, IonuhcJ-ed gl<1 ss wf' II can b r;,
gb:zed, sln3ly ·06 doub~ or even f--9J'pl9 9/az,'9
'mouiited on the
w1i~ - CJila:ii'no COfl be
fiV> h Co~) o/oo Ji /2h·!J2.
g{)J)face oF o wrndow
In genenaO, lrdw,t,,WJ rooA'ng tenc;v'l /V use Plat
ol" low slope rooF cles 1gn _ Tt'ere OJ7e Ave type ,
o{ 000F1h9 des19 n ·. /hes e rnoJwva} ty p,'ca /ly
used fur thaJ type o(- desl°gn lncluctlng bwlt-
up roofln9 . Cot}.5/sl:5 of rnulhplrl · /o.yQM q
maf0uetls tfcl- are lanv'ruted ~Qflwn .

7he s!'ng/e ply ~ooFiti~, rncxUF11>d- bi'tumc=:n, BW/t

up roof ' mef-o.0 rooA'ng Mphc&t .. shingliv>/ a.:ne
rooA't.g rnQWVC! Is used ,n -the rna.n~fodu.Yu'n8
fncl why f req;uence rakeo o . D&1Hn1 o..bove
b?yound the no1rmcJ wof.(/J) and Gee© 0 fQQlJ

ey(J(?JVQr>CQd by res/ctentroll · pr-op0ff1°~ chervuc~/

Q'lha;..,ds and r17s1d WV> ftorn thQ

rn Q() lt (er cfw.,'1
process can bri>ak olown mD5 f-' · Mjpl½ q
roofnj rno£Qruo2 MOJ1€' . cr;v-''c/c ty Ju5t
sun, wi'nd oncl wea.J-rfh..v,.
3) fs UXlt01
,v..,.,, ~?
\tJD\eY proo~ cetn?nl- 1·s th.q rarne given to 0. rvrt-fa.rd

cement- to wh/ch 0.. ww01 re~/lent _ o~nt f-tlD been

cement obfolred by
Mdec\ . \--\yd:nop hob, 'c 15

grincU nci pM\ond ' c Qrmnf c /, 'n~er iui'th a P, 1m -

forrn.in_g sub5ltlnCJl · such Qh o/eic. aod i'n o:,,dPI fv

tedur~ the rote · or detenm.inaffon

. . WW
. \ proo /ing p r.,,µo.f$) From -IN.
prevents · tl-e
prevenh~ the

corV>+ruchbn and

pcinf- . on OUJJ wa JI, ·and · · ceili"nos From .

,he (,(.X)J1m proof c f!lni2I1k • 12:xtQJIJOJ1 C!XI 1/5 wit/,

hoxJ bJV'ck one oFf:er>

one pcm/- ce:-neJlt,

3 ,7x01t-
5an ol o. 12,,- pm/: h'm{) , while lbr some Job, w,·th
much sort-en /i'rr.eslvrw a compl£1e d.Jf((!T/Q/!j-
etdv ,~ed noJW2 cernant :
rn, x-,n~
'' raJlos 15

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