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Important MCQS

1. Why we boil milk? _________________.

2. Why parents send their children to school? _________________.
3. School of total 1500 students 1300 are present what is the percentage of present students?
4. Different from the rest? Iron, Brass. Silver, copper_________________.
5. Today is Sunday event will be day after tomorrow? _________________.
6. Ali is 4 years old his sister is three times older than Ali what will be the age of Ali when
his sister becomes 12? _________________.
7. My brother sister is your mother what am I to you?_________________.
8. Antonym of cease_________________.
9. Synonym of evident_________________.
10. Name of khalid bin waleed's brother_________________.
11. Which sea is between italy and Greece_________________?
12. Gandhi Jinnah talks fail due to_________________.
13. War of pigs_________________.
14. He is jealous___ him .(of or with) _________________.
15. Bengal partition was annulled in which year ...(1911) _________________.
16. Hazarat hamza was martyred in which hijri_________________.
17. Which Pak mountaineer has the record of summiting 5 out of 4 eight thousand mountains
18. Who mediated Tashkent agreement_________________?
19. Shimla conference between _________________.
20. y= 2x+1 if x=2_________________.
21. J & J in scalar vector_________________.
22. Smallest planet_________________.
23. Smallest country by area._________________.
24. Diagonal matrix is ? _________________.
25. How much time holy prophet spend in Madina?
26. Rani kot fort_________________.
27. 2x-5,x+7,value of x_________________.
28. When Pak join SEATO_________________.
29. Badr literally meaning_________________.
30. Bat can't see snake can’t _________________.
31. 1st constitutional presidential_________________.
32. Earthquake in oceans caused_________________.
33. Beauty last alphabet_________________.
34. Side of presume??Check spelling_________________.
35. A jet cover 320 Km in 50 gallon repeated question_________________.
36. 2+2/2_________________.
37. PEMRA stand for_________________.
38. Members of UNO in1945_________________.
39. What is the 5th Pillar of Islam_________________.
40. Why We Boil Milk_________________.
41. Leaps and bound meaning_________________.
42. Ghandi was the leader of which country_________________.
43. When Pakistan co-host ICC world cup_________________.
44. Quarter of one 10 of 90_________________.
45. Largest river of Afghanistan_________________.
46. Fasihullah title_________________.
47. Lucknow pect_________________.
48. How many month having 31 days_________________.
49. Train is running speed of 90 km/h tell distance in 12 minutes_________________.
50. Boris Johnson is a PM of _________________.
51. Sin X/CosX _________________.
52. Sin 90=_________________.
53. Biggest province of Pak by Area_________________.
54. Abdul Qadir was a famous player of_________________.
55. 90% of 90=_________________.
56. One third of 10% of 90=_________________.
57. 2nd Populous Country of world_________________.
58. Largest Country of world(Area wise) _________________.
59. Biggest fresh water lake of world_________________.
60. 2+2/2=_________________.
61. Arrange YEBATU_________________.
62. Wild opposite_________________.
63. Muslims celebrate Eid ul Azha in which month_________________.
64. Last Islamic month_________________.
65. National tree of Pakistan_________________.
66. Place between rivers is called_________________.
67. Nehru report date_________________.
68. 90% of 90_________________.
69. Ismail as or Ishaq as relation_________________.
70. Pak and India border name_________________.
71. Prophet Muhammad SAW stayed in which cave during hijrat_________________.
72. Animal which can hear from its eyes_________________.
73. When Quaid become president of Muslim league_________________.
74. Zabur book revealed on Prophet_________________.
75. Khulfai Rashedeen_________________.
76. Jinah Gandhi talk cancelled due to_________________.
77. Vienna Austria famous musicians name_________________.
78. Synonym of "laxity"_________________.
79. Where is jab le noon mountain_________________.
80. Reconstruction of religious taught written by_________________.
81. Youm ul furqaan is_________________.
82. Y =3+5y lies between (a) x_axis (b) y_ axis (c) none_________________.
83. Rohats fort is in which city_________________.
84. Teeth of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW martyred in_________________.
85. Smallest Verses in QURAN_________________.
86. Quad e Azam residency is in_________________.
87. "Friends not Masters" written by_________________.
88. Quad 14 points date and were against which_________________.
89. Who wrote Heer Ranjha_________________.
90. 1/3 of one tenth of 120_________________.
91. Aslam walks towards north turns left then walk and turns right, His present direction
92. Ahmed walks towards North and turns left after some time again turns left, His present
93. 500 in a class and 240 are present, what is the percentage of absent_________________.
94. Players in Football _________________.
95. How many Hockey World cups Pakistan won_________________.
96. Profession of Mother Teresa_________________.
97. World’s Highest Plateau_________________.
98. Idea of SAARC given by_________________.
99. Tashkent Treaty_________________.
100. Who is Guarantier in India Water Treaty_________________.
101. Country among 2 continents_________________.
102. Israel is title of _________________.
103. Battle of Badar_________________.
104. Uhud is what_________________.
105. Title of Liaqaut Ali Khan_________________.
106. How many Hajj did Muhammad (SAW) did_________________.
107. When Hajj made obligatory_________________.
108. Pakistan's largest source of energy? (Hydel Power) _________________.
109. Yaum ul furqan kış ghazwa ko kahtay han_________________.
110. Foreign minister of Pak_________________.
111. 2nd pm of Pak_________________.
112. Malaria is caused by_________________.
113. lieutenant of Pak navy rank is equal to Pak Army _________________.
114. Hazrat jibrael (as) title_________________.
115. Relation of Abu Talib & Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) _________________.
116. Meaning of ijtihad_________________.
117. Pak largest freshwater lake_________________.
118. Defer related meaning_________________.
119. Pacific Ocean connects to_________________.
120. Libya currency_________________.
121. Pakistan largest Airport_________________.
122. India Pakistan border_________________.
123. 8 March which day celebrated_________________.
124. 24th February which day celebrated in USA_________________.
125. Hazrat Ibrahim As total sons_________________.
126. X -5=2x+7_________________.
127. If a radius of a circle is one, then the circle is called_________________.
128. Lagged related meaning_________________.
129. 2+2/2_________________.
130. Relation of Hazrat hamza to Hazrat Muhammad SAW_________________.
131. First wife of Hazrat Muhammad SAW_________________.
132. Number of Madni Surahs_________________.
133. War of independence started date_________________.
134. Land of Thousand lakes_________________.
135. Abdul Qadir is the player of_________________.
136. World largest Uranium Producer country_________________.
137. Deepest part of earth_________________.
138. 2016 Olympic in which country_________________.
139. Khilafat deligation goes to England in 1920_________________.
140. Gazwa badar date_________________.
141. Gazwa uhad _________________.
142. Ahsan ul Qasas konsi sura hai_________________.
143. Dawn news founded by_________________.
144. OIC founded in_________________.
145. pacific is_____________then arctic ocean? (preposition) deep, deeper, deepest
146. Hazrat Suffiya relationship to prophet_________________.
147. Son in law of prophet_________________.
148. Campbellpur is old name of_________________.
149. largest province by population_________________.
150. Hazrat Jafffar RA martyred in which battle_________________.
151. Pak steel mill is made by help of which country_________________.
152. Integration of 1 is_________________.
153. Biggest sea of world_________________.
154. Higest battlefield of world_________________.
155. Battle of independence is in_________________.
156. OIC formed in_________________.
157. Tashkent agreement in_________________.
158. Rad ul fasad is did why_________________.
159. 2021 Olympic in which country_________________.
160. Hazrat Maaz RA is made governor by which prophet_________________.
161. City of mosques_________________.
162. 5th pillar of Islam_________________.
163. 2nd governor general of Pakistan_________________.
164. 1st governor general of India_________________.
165. Jallianwala Bagh is situated in which city of India_________________.
166. Agricultural shot konse game me hota hai_________________.
167. Pakistan water system is controlled by (IRSA)_________________.
168. POF Stands for (Pakistan overall forces) _________________.
169. Tripoli is the capital of lybia_________________.
170. USA national bird_________________.
171. Nishter hospital is located in which city_________________.
172. Shimla Deligation leader_________________.
173. Khilafat movement started after which event_________________.
174. Indian new constructed Dam on which river_________________.
175. The game for which there are four walled court_________________.
176. The portion of land which separate pakistan from medal east_________________.
177. Both senate and National assembly collectively called_________________.
178. Zaboor Revealed on_________________.
179. Which Country give Nobel prize_________________.
180. Gilgit captal_________________.
181. Punjab capital_________________.
182. Largest sea_________________.
183. In North of Pakistan_________________.
184. 500 students and 340 are present, what is the % of absent
185. Cost 30 and sold 40, profit %_________________.
186. 1/3 of 1/10 of 120_________________.
187. 1/3 of 1/10 of 90_________________.
188. Why we boil egg_________________.
189. Cholistan Dessert is located in which city_________________.
190. Pak name suggested by_________________.
191. MANGMENT alphabetically 3rd letter_________________.
192. Jumbled Beauty last letter_________________.
193. Wazu means_________________.
194. Largest bird_________________.
195. Kuniyat of LAST PROPHET SAW_________________.
196. Fastest man on earth_________________.
197. How long was the conference for 1973 constitution_________________.
198. highest point of Pakistan from sea level_________________.
199. 66 ,63 ,57,45_________________.
200. 115,55,170,65_________________.
201. Capital of Austria_________________.
202. CM of KPK_________________.
203. First Pakistani to climb Mount Everest_________________.
204. Meaning of Islam_________________.
205. Meaning of Pakistan_________________.
206. Prophet only wife who was daughter of a jew_________________.
207. Pakistan first chief of army_________________.
208. Previous name of Makkah_________________.
209. 622 holy prophet migrated to_________________.
210. Hazrat Maryam was mother of_________________.
211. South America longest river_________________.
212. Currency of Bangladesh_________________.
213. Total Ayat of surah Bakara_________________.
214. Jinnah ka Pakistan book writer_________________.
215. President--Arif Alvi_________________.
216. Speaker(NA) _________________.
217. Deputy Speaker(NA) _________________.
218. Opposition leader(NA) _________________.
219. Leader of the House(NA) _________________.
220. Chairman of Senate_________________.
221. Deputy Chairman of Senate_________________.
222. House Leader(Senate) _________________.
223. Opposition leader(Senate) _________________.
224. Chief justice of Pak_________________.
225. Chief of Army staff_________________.
226. Chief of Naval staff_________________.
227. Chief of Air Staff_________________.
228. Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee(CJCSC) _________________.
229. DG ISPR) _________________.
230. Chairman of NAB_________________.
231. Chairman of FBR_________________.
232. Governor of SBP_________________.
233. Director General of ISI_________________.
234. President/Governor Of AJK_________________.
235. PM/CM Of AJK_________________.
236. Speaker of AJK Assembly_________________.
237. Deputy Speaker of AJK Assembly_________________.
238. Leader of the House_________________.
239. Opposition Leader_________________.
240. CM Gilgit_________________.
241. Governor Gilgit_________________.
242. CM Panjab_________________.
243. Governor Panjab_________________.
244. Speaker of (Punjab assembly) _________________.
245. Deputy Speaker of(Punjab Assembly_________________.
246. CM Sindh_________________.
247. Governor Sindh_________________.
248. Speaker of (Sindh Assembly) _________________.
249. Minister of Narcotics Control Ijaz Shah
250. Railway Azam Khan Swati.
251. Relation of Hazrat Hamza and prophet Muhammad SAW_________________.
252. Lucknow pact was signed between Muslim league and _________________.
253. Upper and lower house jointly call_________________.
254. Chili capital_________________.
255. Bangladesh currency_________________.
256. Non - permanent member of Security council_________________.
257. Which country is in the east of Pak_________________.
258. Where is Pakistan located_________________.
259. How many wajbat e namaz _________________.
260. Zakat is which pillar of islam_________________.
261. Who was the host of hazrat Muhammad when he migrated to
262. When did hazrat Muhammad migrated to Madina_________________.
263. In which battle did hazrat umar RA got martyr_________________.
264. Where is the HQ of UN_________________.
265. When SAARC was formed_________________.
266. Which country helped pakistan to assist Steel mills_________________.
267. What is the strait name BW Russia & America_________________.
268. World's largest train Network is in which city_________________.
269. World's largest underwater railway is in _________________.
270. Quaid e Azam gave his 14 points in response to_________________.
271. Arab Israel war is also called_________________.
272. When did Pak test its nuclear power_________________.
273. Alexander Edison invented_________________.
274. Who opposed britishers in India_________________.
275. Litteral meaning of hadith_________________.
276. The doctor_____ car makes noise is good person_________________.
277. Deepest point of earth _________________.
278. He reminds me____ his teacher
279. He Is accused____ murder
280. Which is the closest meaning of suspect_________________.
281. Meaning of Voyage is_________________.
282. Which country is known as boot shaped_________________.
283. Muslims celebrate Eid ul adha In which month_________________.
284. Which general of Pak army wrote an autobiography_________________.
285. Where lake victoria is located_________________.
286. How many countries participate in world common wealth
287. At which river of pak India constructed a dam_________________.
288. Zhob river is situated in_________________.
289. The word alter means_________________.
290. Namaz e istaqaq is offered for_________________.
291. what is the relationship between Hazrat Muhammad and Abdul
292. Ababeel is surface to surface missile having range of_________________.
293. who recognize Pakistan first_________________.
294. Liaquat Ali Khan tital_________________.
295. Liaquat Ali khan Was killed in_________________.
296. Peace agreement after 1971 war where_________________.
297. 1966 peace agreement where_________________.
298. DAWN new was formed by_________________.
299. Gawader to khsagan motor way length (1500 km ) _________________.
300. Who did 400 in one inning_________________.
301. Asadullah is a title of_________________.
302. Strength of Muslim in Badar_________________.
303. Ruhal-ul-qudas is tital of_________________.
304. Largest producer of Tea_________________.
305. Hazrat Aisha was daughter of _________________.
306. Who is Jami-ul-Quran _________________.
307. I’m mad _at _games _________________.
308. Who was hazrat hafsa_________________.
309. 14 points date_________________.
310. Pak China boarder agreement_________________.
311. Raja gidh writer_________________.
312. Abu jahal was killed in which battle_________________.
313. cos 0(-1) ________________.
314. log=________________.
315. Who martryed Hazrat humza R.a __khabase__
316. Carbon dioxide cause (Global warming)
317. Khyber against __jews__
318. Hazrat jaabir martyred in which ghazwa________________.
319. In which ghazwa abu jahil killed________________.
320. 1mile=__1.6km__
321. He worked here.....last week (from)
322. Bhasha dam on which river________________.
323. Which river separated grece and itly________________.
324. Shah jahan masjid located in________________.
325. 6.2x-5=x+7________________.
326. Marathin race ki length________________.
327. 8.coffi is most grown in which country...or citty________________.
328. First nuclear test________________.
329. tan45 ki value________________.
330. WAPDA stand for________________.
331. 90digree is call________________.
332. Germany capital __Berlin__
333. 2nd martial law administrator __yahya khan 1969__
334. Fateh Makkah __8 ah__
335. Hazrat Hamza died in which battel________________.
336. Pakistan joined OIC in________________.
337. Del Capital was written by________________.
338. Organization made by PAK,IRAN, TURKEY called________________.
339. Harrapa is in city________________.
340. When was state bank established________________.
341. Who is the writer of raja gidh________________.
342. Ghusl ke fraiz Kitne hain ________________.
343. Natural log base is________________.
344. Determinant is found by _ of diagonal elements________________.
345. Khanpur dam is in________________.
346. Most mention prophet in Quran is __Musa A.S__.
347. WHICH Prophet is send to Pighon __Musa A.S__.
348. Total Ruko in Quran __558__.
349. Prophet Muhammad(SAW) ke sath 10 year kon sahbi raha __Hazrat Anas RA__.
350. Nooh AS ke boat toofan kitne month rahe _____________.
351. National highway and gawader total road length _____________.
352. Antonym of wild __tamed__.
353. Pak China border agreement __1963__.
354. Congress found in which city_____________________.
355. Permanent member of UN___________________.
356. 1863 which war fought____________________.
357. Largest airport area wise of world _______________________.
358. Zakat on silver __52.5__.
359. CM of Sindh __Murad Ali Shah__.
360. Who first embrace Islam in men ____Abu Bakr RA____.
361. Kewra mine is in __Jhelum__.
362. Gwadar is in Baluchistan in which district______________________.
363. 2016 Olympic is in __Brazil__.
364. Total Islamic months________________.
365. Belarus capital________________.
366. Stainless steel is the example of ________________.
367. Al Jazeera tv channel of which country________________.
368. Russia currency______________.
369. Malala got Nobel prize in __PEACE__
370. Who wrote Pakistan national anthem __Hafeez Jhalendri__
371. Total Costal line of Pakistan __1046 Km__
372. "My heart is India" book written by __MAHATMA GANDHI__
373. Heart of Quran is __YASEEN__
374. Total surahs of Quran __114__
375. Who broke Afridi's Record for most number of sixs ________________.
376. Largest lake in America________________.
377. Deserts cover how much earth________________.
378. Which city is called Manchester of Pakistan __FAISALABAD__
379. The word Quran means __The book of God__
380. Last Prophet in bani Israel________________.
381. Asian Largest River________________.
382. Ali buy a pen of at 30 and sold at 40, percentage of profit________________.
383. Matrix A is 2 by 1 and. matrix B is 1 by 2 . What is the relation b/w matrix
384. When Circle become half what will be it's radian________________.
385. Football keeper who played 5 world cup________________.
386. RCD produced by________________.
387. 1966 event______________.
388. Bhalgira dam cross which river________________.
389. Row and column matrices as know________________.
390. Daipheria deseas affect on __Lungs__
391. If ant bite then which type injection were use________________.
392. Wazir khan masque in which city________________.
393. Populus district of Pakistan________________.
394. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) daughter________________.
395. CM of Punjab________________.
396. President of Iran________________.
397. Saint of mian mir located in which city________________.
398. Europe longest river________________.
399. Hajj has how many necessaries________________.
400. Waqia karbala ________________.

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