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The story begins on the Manor Farm, a farm where the animals are oppressed and
exploited by their owner, Mr. Jones. Led by Old Major, an old pig, the animals rebel
and chase Jones away from the farm, taking control of it. The principles they
establish to organize their society are called “Animalism”, which is based on equality
and freedom for all animals.
Initially, the animals work together to improve their living conditions, and all the
pigs, especially Snowball and Napoleon, emerge as leaders. However, as time passes,
Napoleon takes control of the farm, chases Snowball away, and establishes a
dictatorship. By manipulating the animals’ minds, he returns the farm to an
oppressive regime similar to the previous one, if not worse.
The pigs, led by Napoleon, increasingly behave like humans, taking privileges and
living in luxury, while the other animals continue to work hard and go hungry.
Napoleon uses propaganda to control and deceive animals, manipulating history and
changing the original commandments of Animalism to suit his purposes.
Oppression and corruption become increasingly evident, and the animals realize that
their hopes for freedom and equality have been betrayed. Eventually, the farm is
renamed “Manor Farm” as it originally was, and the animals can no longer
distinguish the pigs from their old human masters.

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